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1、托福听力习语词汇大全厦门韦博英语分享托福听力习语词汇大全-(厦门韦博英语分享)托福听力习语词汇大全-(厦门韦博英语分享)A a beach person 经常去海滩的人,海滩迷 a collect call 对方付费的电话 a good change of pace 好的调剂 a larger waist 大些的腰身(暗示体重的变化)同义词组:gain some weight a lost cause 徒劳无用的事 a passing grade 及格分 a phone call away 打个电话就能找到我 a rain check 延期,比赛改期时下次仍有效的票根 a second opi

2、nion 其他的意见 a short memory 记性不好 academic calendar 校历 across the street from 在的街对面 act up (疾病)发作,(身体)不适 admission price 门票价格 ahead of time 提前 air conditioning 空调 all along 自始至终,一直 And how! 真是这样,正确 annual checkup 年度体检 answering machine 电话留言机 apartment complex 综合性公寓 apartment manager 公寓管理员 art supply st

3、ore 艺术用品店 as a rule 一般来说,通常来说 as far as I know 据我所知 as it happens 偶然,碰巧 at one time 一度,曾经 at your service 乐意效劳 auto show 车展 B back up 相当于tie up(交通)堵塞 baggage claim area 行李领取处 baggage counter 行礼柜台 bathing suit 游泳衣 be/feel under the weather 相当于feel ill/ sick 感到不适,不舒服 be/run low 快用完了 be allergic to som

4、ething 对过敏 be down 情绪低落 be excused from 免除,免于 be hard on 苛刻,严厉 be in shock 震惊 be off 中断 be off caffeine 戒咖啡因了,不喝咖啡了 be on business 出差 be on edge 激动,急躁 be onto something 有些想法,有点眉目 be out of earshot 超出听力所及范围,听不见 be out of ones mind 疯了,不合情理 be particular about 挑剔,讲究 be proficient on 对精通 be sick of 厌恶,厌

5、倦 be stuck 卡住了,动不了;被困住了,被难住 be supposed to 应该,本应该,有时有“实际情况并非如此”的含义 be through 相当于be done, get through, finish(结束,完成) be through with 结束,完成 be up all night 熬夜,整夜不睡,表示相同意思的短语还有sit up, stay up all night. be up to sth/doing sth 能够,胜任 be way behind in 永远落在后面 be/get tied up 被困住 bear up well 在困境中表现得坚强 bene

6、fit concert 慈善音乐会,同类表达有benefit performance better off 相当于well off ,富裕的,处境好的 beyond the reach 力所不及,不能达到 birth certificate 出生证明 bring sb up to date on sth 告诉某人最新消息 blood test 验血 boil down to 归结为 brown paper 牛皮纸 bump into sb 碰到某人 burn up 相当于angry, furious (生气,燃起怒火) By all means. 当然,一定 by leaps and boun

7、ds 相当于very quickly,飞跃地,极迅速地 C cable television 有线电视 break even 打成平手,得失相抵 call for 预报 call it a day 到此为止 call on sb 拜访某人 cant put sth down 爱不释手 check out 借出,跟饭店结帐 chocolate bar 一块儿巧克力 chop down 砍下来 class president 班长 classical station 古典音乐台 clear up 放晴 come a long way 进步很大 come back 东山再起,再次出山 come in

8、 handy 迟早有用,派得上用场 come into + money/a fortune/a legacy 继承一笔钱、财产等 come undone 接缝开线,鞋带松了 computer division 电脑部 construction crew 建筑队,施工队 cost a fortune 值一大笔钱 cost sb an arm and a leg 花了某人不少钱,非常昂贵 couldnt make heads or tails of sth 搞不清楚,理不出头绪 count on 依靠,指望 course sheet 课程表 cram for 填鸭式地学习,临时抱佛脚 crimin

9、al law 刑法 contact lens 隐形眼镜 curriculum committee 课程委员会 cut off 电话断线 D detective story 侦探小说 die to do sth (热烈地)渴望,盼望做某事 dining car 餐车 dirt cheap 非常便宜 dissertation proposal 论文开题 drag ones feet 拖拖拉拉,磨蹭 do some serious shopping 大采购 do sth on/at short notice 没有警告,没有准备而突然做某事 do the trick 达到目的,奏效 Dont tell

10、 me. 还说呢。 dormitory council 学生宿舍(管理)委员会 down jacket 羽绒服 draw the line 到此为止 drop sb off 让某人下车 dry cleaner 干洗店 E-F electrical storm 雷暴,电暴 every once in a while 时而,不时 every so often 时而,不时 fall back on 求助于 few and far between 稀少,罕见 field hockey 曲棍球,ice hockey 冰球 fill in for sb 代替 fill ones shoes 代替 fill

11、 sb in on 详细告诉某人 fit as a fiddle 身体非常好 fitness center 健身中心 fix a snack 做顿小吃 for the life of me 无论如何,拼了老命 G get around to 有时间做某事 get away with 侥幸成功,逃脱处罚 get backed up 相当于put off 拖拉积累 get by 勉强通过,勉强混过 get moving 相当于hurry,快点儿 get nowhere 相当于not get anywhere,毫无进展 get somewhere 有进展 get off the ground 开始行

12、动,进展 get on ones nerves 使不安,恼火,心烦 get sth under control 对某事加以控制 get to sb 让某人心烦 give sb a ring 给某人打电话 give sth credibility 相信某事 go all out 全力以赴 go down 消肿 go easy on 温和对待 go hiking 去徒步旅行 go off 铃响 go on business 出差 go out of bounds 出界 go out of business 相当于close down,倒闭,停业 go out of ones way for sb

13、不辞辛劳,替别人着想 go to ones head 冲昏了头脑,使人激动 good bargain 价廉物美 grade exams 相当于mark tests 给试卷打分,改试卷 graduation announcement 毕业晚会请柬 grow/become attached to sth 对有依赖,有感情 H-K hand-me-down 传下来的东西 hard feelings 不愉快的情绪 havein common 相象,有共同之处 have had it with sth/doing sth 厌倦做某事 have ones heart on sth 下决心要做某事 have

14、 some voice in sth 在中有一定发言权 help-wanted section 招聘专栏 hit it off 相处得好,合得来 hit the spot 正合心意,太好了 hold over 支撑,支持 hold the grudge 记仇,耿耿于怀 Im beat. 累死我了。 in a row 连续 in ones shoes 处于某人的位置,站在某人的立场 in the long run 从长远看 in the mood for sth 想要,喜欢 in the red 赤字,亏损 instruction manual 说明手册,用户手册 invest (time/mo

15、ney) in 投入时间/金钱 It never fails. 从来都是这样,无一例外 It remains to be seen. 走着瞧。 keep current on 保持联系 keep to oneself 不擅交际,喜独居 keep track of 保持线索,反以为 lose track of L-N laundry detergent 洗衣粉 lay off 裁员 learn the ropes 摸着门道 lift the ban 取消禁令 locker room 衣帽间,更衣室 lose count (of ) 数不过来了,都数忘了 make ends meet 量入为出,使

16、收支相抵,live within ones income make it to sth 赶上,达到目的 make sense 有意义,能理解 make the most of sth. 好好利用,充分利用 manage without sth/sb 没有也可以 marching band 军乐队 measure up to 符合标准,够格 media center 媒体中心 meet each other half way 双方各让一步 might as well 最好还是 Money seems to burn a whole in ones pocket. 财政紧张,手头不宽裕 narro

17、w down 把范围缩小 Not much I dont. 如果说不的话,那是不对的。 Now is as good a time as any. 现在就不错 O - Q on account of 由于,因为 on and off 断断续续 on end 连续的 one day is as good as the next. 任何一天都行 out of it 闷闷不乐 out of print 不印了,停印了 out of shape 身体不行了 out of steam 疲劳,tired out, worn out, run down out of this world 非常好,世上少有

18、out-of-the-way place 畸角旮旯 parking ticket 停车违章罚款单 pass with flying colors 胜利,凯旋,成功 per se 本身,本质上 play it by ear 随机应变 plough through 费力穿过,努力前进 put everything together 把事情一样样做好 push (press, crowd) ones luck 得寸进尺 push over 容易做的事,易征服的人或事 quitting time 下班时间,停止工作的时间 R-S raise the roof 闹翻天,大怒 rave about 过分地

19、说或做 reach the bottom of the barrel 用尽最后一招 real estate 房地产 rub sb the wrong way 让某人感到不舒服 rush hour 上下班的高峰时间 scratch the surface 摸到皮毛 set ones watch 对表 squint at 眯着眼睛看 stay off ones foot 脚不能用力 stay put 待在原处,停留在原处 stock up on sth 备货,囤积 straight As 全科A,全优成绩 study lounge 自习室 stuffed animals 填充动物玩具 T take

20、 it out on sb 冲某人发脾气 talk some sense into sb 和某人讲道理 the odds are against sb 某人做的胜算不大 tide over 度过,克服 touch on sth 涉及,简单谈到 track team 田径队 traffic court 交通法庭 travel agency 旅行社 trial run 试运行,试演 trim the bangs 修剪刘海 turn things around 使情况回转 U-Y up to ones neck (ears, eyes) in work 工作特别忙 warm up 热身 wear and tear 日常磨损 well off 富裕的,处境好的 What a shame! 太遗憾了,太可惜了 which way to turn 该怎么做 wind up 结束,结果 work overtime 加班 wrap up 相当于complete,完成 You are telling me. 还用你说 year book 年报,年鉴,学校毕业班年刊 Your guess is as good as mine. 我和你知道的一样多 托福听力习语词汇大全-(厦门韦博英语分享)

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