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1、新课标导学人教版高一英语必修二学业质量标准检测1Unit 1学业质量标准检测第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What is Toms plan?_A_ATo visit China.BTo finish his study.CTo earn a lot of money.2What is the woman going to do tonight?_B_AWatch a

2、play.BAttend a lecture.CSee a performance.3What is the man doing?_C_AMaking an announcement.BMaking an appointment.CMaking an invitation.4What are the speakers going to do?_C_APlay tennis.BGo swimming.CDo some cleaning.5Why doesnt the man want to go to Highland Mall?_A_AHe has no money.BHe has his l

3、eg broken.CHe finds shopping boring.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What can we learn about the machine?_B_AIt has no things in store.BIt sometimes doesnt work.CIt sends out things wit

4、hout payment.7Why do the speakers plan to put a sign on the machine?_A_ATo prevent others losing money.BTo warn others not to touch it.CTo persuade others not to buy things.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8When does the conversation take place?_B_AAt night.BAbout noon.CIn the early morning.9Why did the man go to be

5、d late?_B_AHe had a pain in the neck.BHe played computer games.CHe was mad at reading.10What advice does the woman give the man?_C_ATo try speaking with others.BTo get up early in the morning.CTo do something important.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What is the probable relationship between the speakers?_B_ASal

6、esperson and customer.BOld school friends.CFellow workers.12What do we know about the woman?_A_AShe is fond of her work.BShe is tired of traveling.CShe is interested in law.13What can we know from the conversation?_B_AThey have ever seen once.BThe woman was really tired of her job.CThe mans job is a

7、 challenging job.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14What will happen to the man after he gets the injection?_C_AHe will fall asleep.BHe will be robbed.CHe will feel no pain.15What do we know about the man?_A_AHe likes to play jokes.BHe is afraid of the woman.CHe doesnt want to go to sleep.16What is the woman going

8、to do?_B_AMake the man fall asleep.BPull out the mans tooth.CShow the man a big mirror.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What did George usually do?_A_AHe waved to everyone.BHe went for a walk alone.CHe drove his car to travel.18Why did Peter go to the country?_B_ATo travel in the country.BTo visit his uncle.CTo

9、go for a ride in a car.19How did the stranger feel when George waved?_C_AFrightened.BDisappointed.CSurprised.20Why did George wave to people who knew him?_A_ATo make them happy.BTo make them like him.CTo make their journey shorter.听力原文Text 1W:I hear youre planning to take a trip for next summer, Tom

10、.M:I hope to tour China if I can finish my degree in time and save enough money.Text 2M:Would you like to go and see the performance with me tonight?W:Id love to, but Im going to the lecture theater. Thank you for asking me,though.M:No regret for missing the performance. You have more important task

11、s.Text 3M:We are going to the movies tomorrow afternoon at two. I wonder if youd like to come with us.W:Id love to,but I cant,Ive got a hospital appointment at 2: 30.Text 4M:So what do you want to do today? Play tennis?W:Em,no,I dont think so.M:How about swimming? Its hot today.W:Lets look at our ho

12、use. We have to clean the house.Text 5W:Jerry, Highland Mall is having a big sale this weekend. You wanna to go?M: Dont feel like it. Im broke.W:Well,we can still do some window shopping,cant we?M:Just look around? Nah,thats boring.W:Ill go myself then.Text 6W:Oh, thats great! I just lost another 50

13、 cents in this stupid vending machine.M: Im not surprised. Its always out of order.W:Yeah. It eats my money relentlessly.M: OK. Let me try. You know what? Whenever things like this dont work,hit it. And itll work.W: You mean, SOMETIMES !M:(Hitting the vending machine hard.)Bang! Bang! Bang! Hmmm. it

14、 usually works.W:Lets put a sign on it so that the same thing doesnt happen to others.Text 7W:You look tired. What time did you get up?M:En. I got up at 11:30 am. I eat brunch now.W:Oh,so late. What time did you go to bed last night?M:2: 00 am.W:Oh,so late. What did you do?M: I played computer games

15、. I have been so absorbed in it that I forgot the time. Im always crazy about playing the game. Its a pain in the neck to cut down playing the game.W: Maybe you should find some important things to do instead. If you were busy in other things, you would have no time to play it.M:En. Good idea! I wil

16、l try it from tomorrow. Thank you very much! Really nice speaking to you!W:You too! See you later.M: See you.Text 8M:Hello. This is Mike.W:Oh,Mike. “This is Amy. My goodness! Ive got hold of you at last.”M:Nice to hear from you again after all these years. What have you been doing?W:Well, Ive tried

17、many things since school. Im now working for a food processing company in charge of sales. So I travel a lot.M:Oh,thats great. You must really enjoy it.W:Oh, I do. Yeah, its interesting, but its quite tiring. But. hmm. What about you,Mike?M:I work in a law firm,practicing business law.W:Oh, thats ch

18、allenging.M:Yeah, but I like my job.Text 9M:Aaaagh !W:But I havent touched you yet. What are you shouting for?M:Youre going to touch me.W:Well,of course I am. I cant give you an injection without touching you. As soon as youve had the injection, your gum will freeze and you wont feel a thing.M:How d

19、o I know what youll do while Im asleep? You might rob me.W:Now lets not be silly. You wont go to sleep. We dont do that nowadays. This will just freeze the area around the tooth so that you cannot feel any pain while Im pulling out the tooth. Thats all. You wont go to sleep. You can watch everything

20、 done in that mirror above you. Come along now.Text 10W:Peters uncle George lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised,and said, “Uncle George, you know

21、 everybody here. Where did you meet them all?”“I dont know all these people,” said his uncle.“Then why do you wave to them?” said Peter.“Well,Peter,” answered his uncle, “when I wave to someone and he knows me,he is pleased. He continues his journey with a happier heart.”“But when I wave to someone

22、and he doesnt know me,he is surprised and says to himself Who is that man? Why did he wave to me? So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy.”第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D

23、)中,选出最佳选项。A(2017山西省太原市外国语学校高一上月考)Treasure hunts(寻宝)have excited peoples imagination for hundreds of years both in real life and in books such as Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island.Kit Williams,a modern writer,had the idea of combining the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues(线索)found i

24、n a book when he wrote a childrens story,Masquerade,in 1979.The book was about a hare,and a month before it came out Williams buried a gold hare in a park in Bedfordshire.The book contained a large number of clues to help readers find the hare,but Williams put in a lot of “red herrings”,or false clu

25、es,to mislead them.Ken Roberts,the man who found the hare,had been looking for it for nearly two years.Although he had been searching in the wrong area most of the time,he found it by logic(逻辑)not by luck.His success came from the fact that he had gained an important clue at the start.He had realize

26、d that the words: “One of Six to Eight” under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to Katherine of Aragon,the first of Henry VIIIs six wives.Even here,however,Williams had succeeded in misleading him.Ken knew that Katherine of Aragon had died at Kimbolton in Cambridgeshire in

27、 1536 and thought that Williams had buried the hare there.He had been digging there for over a year before a new idea occurred to him.He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Ampthill,in Bedfordshire,and thought that he must have buried the hare in a place he knew well,but he stil

28、l could not see the connection with Katherine of Aragon,until one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill Park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773.Even then his search had not come to an end.It was only after he had spent several nights digging around the cross that he

29、decided to write to Kit Williams to find out if he was wasting his time there.Williams encouraged him to continue,and on February 24th 1982,he found the treasure.It was worth 3000 in the beginning,but the excitement it had caused since its burial made it much more valuable.文章大意:本文主要叙述了Ken Roberts寻找现

30、代作家Williams所埋的金兔的故事。21. The underlined word “them”(paragraph1)refers to_D_.Ared herrings Btreasure huntsCHenry VIIIs six wives Dreaders of Masquerade解析:推理判断题。语境表示,这本书(Masquerade)包含大量帮助读者找到金兔的线索,但是Williams写入许多转移注意力的事或错误的线索来误导他们。故them指代“readers of Masquerade”,选D。22What is the most important clue in th

31、e story to help Ken Roberts find the hare?_C_ATwo stone crosses in Ampthill.BStevensons Treasure Island.CKatherine of Aragon.DWilliams hometown解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句话“His success came from the fact that he had gained an important clue at the start.He had realized that the words: One of Six to Eight under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to Katherine of Aragon”可知,

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