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1、教育类论文范文AbstractEnglish is an important and special tool for communication now in China. There has been a trend of teaching children at younger ages throughout the whole nation. Childrens English teaching has become the backbone of elementary education. However, primary school English teaching method

2、s are still under exploration. A common phenomenon is that childrens interest in English is decreasing as time moves on. To cultivate childrens interest has become the most important task in English teaching. This paper is based on theories of game from home and aboard, and game is taken as research

3、 object. This research probes the definition of game, the types, characteristics and advantages of games, together with the importance of games in class teaching,and provides some advice on how to use games in the classroom. This paper guides the teachers in choosing appropriate games to arouse chil

4、drens enthusiasm, and improving the teaching effectiveness.Keywords: children; English; teacher; learning; game摘要英语教育的低龄化成为我国英语教育活动的一种趋势,小学英语作为启蒙教育的基石,越来越成为社会关注的焦点和热点。但是,不容乐观的是目前少儿英语教学领域里存在着种种问题,最为令人担忧的是学生对于英语学习兴趣不足,因此培养学生学习英语的兴趣是英语教学的首要任务。本文主要是在已有的国内外游戏教学理论的基础上,以游戏教学在少儿英语课堂中的应用为研究对象,对少儿英语游戏的优点、类型、特

5、点以及在课堂教学中的重要作用进行了初步的探讨,并对如何在少儿英语课堂教学实践中应用游戏教学提出了建议。指导英语老师如何恰当的将游戏运用到英语课堂中,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,从而达到提高少儿英语教学质量的目的。关键词: 儿童; 英语; 教师; 学习; 游戏Games in English Teaching for Children Chapter IntroductionWith Chinas policy of reform and opening to the outside world, English, as an international language, has become m

6、ore and more important. So people begin to pay due attention to English learning. We all know that children have the ability to learn second languages more easily than adults. For this reason, our government put special emphasis on childrens English teaching. Many new English curriculum standards ha

7、ve adopted by the Ministry of Education, and English has become a compulsory course in all primary schools. Although, the number of English learners has been growing rapidly, the level of English teaching had not been improved. How to teach English well is still a puzzling question. In China, the ty

8、pical teaching model is the teacher-centered class. In this kind of English class, the teachers play the main role and they explain every language points while the students just write down all the words they say. After the class, numbers of exercises is provided to make students commit the new words

9、 and expressions to memory. They think much of students ability of writing and listening but not speaking and reading. So it is common to see that after ten years English learning, a great deal of student still cannot communicate with foreigners.Nowadays, people have realized the negative influence

10、of the teacher-centered class, and ask for educational reform. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has taken out a series of measures to solve this problem, while the situation has not been improved. According to a newspaper survey on childrens attitude to English course, 70 percent of the children

11、 think English class is boring and dont like to have it. Thats just the main reason that blocked childrens progress of English study. So what should we do to change it? After a great number of researches, educators found that one appropriate strategy to encourage language acquisition is using langua

12、ge games. This study focus on the games in childrens English teaching. Though quite a lot of people know the significance of games in childrens English teaching, they still cant figure out best ways to organize them. In order to raise the efficiency of games in the English class, this article introd

13、uces the definitions of games, different types of games, the characteristics of games. Through the right use of games, the author hopes to achieve the goal of childrens interest arousing.Chapter Games in Language Teaching2.1 Definition of GameDifferent people have different definition for game. Spod

14、ek Bernard and Saracho Olivia demonstrated that: games are different kinds of activities; they are highly structured and include specific rules to be followed. Similarly, Jill Hadfield defined games as “an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun.” Brown said “a game could be any activity t

15、hat formulized a technique into units that can be scored in some way.” From above, we can understand that games are structured play activities organized around specific rules.According to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, “game” in language teaching can be defined as a

16、n organized activity that usually has the following properties: a. a particular task or objective, b. a set of rules, c. competition between players, and d. communication between players by spoken or written language. Byrne gave the definition to games as a form of play governed by rules. They shoul

17、d be enjoyed and fun. They are not just a diversion, a break from routine activities, but a way of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the game. 2.2 Types of GamesGame has found an increasingly wide application in language teaching. It can be used to teach children word, vocabul

18、ary, phrase and so on. It can also be used to tap the potential of the childrens ability. According to these reasons, games can be divided into different categories. 2.2.1 Classification by Teaching ContentFirstly, it can be divided into pronunciation games. Pronunciation is the basis of English spe

19、cking. The progress to practice pronunciation is also boring; using games can make the learning of pronunciation full of fun and help children learn them correctly. For example, teach students the pronunciation of , teachers can make the students read a short tongue twister. For instance, its a bear

20、 sitting on a chair, combing its hair and holding a pear.Secondly, it can be divided into vocabulary games. Vocabulary is one of the most important parts in English learning, but to memorize vocabulary is really boring. Games can create a happy situation and make children in this happy atmosphere to

21、 memorize vocabulary.A good method is to divide the students into four groups, and ask the students to list the vocabulary they have learned. Then, game begins. Choose one students in each group and ask one of the four students, for example, whats the antonym of “black”? The key is “white”. If he or

22、 she gives the right answer, his or her group can get one mark. If the answer is wrong, give no mark. Finally, the group which gets the highest mark win, the lost three groups should have a performance, such as sing songs, dancing and so on. Thirdly, it can be divided into number games. In the class

23、 of number teaching, childrens response is very important. Just teach students how to read and how to write will make them tired of number. In the meanwhile, it will also decrease their interest in English. Here is a game that can arouse childrens interest. Have a student say a number, for example:

24、two. Then the next students should use body language to show the other students this number. Fourthly, it can be divided into sentence games. Sentence is difficult to learn. Childrens English teaching is not just enable the children grasp the grammar but let them speak English formally. Through game

25、s to develop childrens ability of creation, stimulate them to use the vocabulary and phrase that they have learned to express their thought. Write down some English sentence on several pieces of paper, and ask student A takes one of them, for example, if the paper says: “eat a banana”, this student

26、should act like that. Then another student B can guess: “Are you eating something?” the student who is acting can just say “Yes” or “No”. Trough these questions he asked, student B tell the other students what the phrase is.2.2.2 Classification by FunctionGames can be used to develop childrens langu

27、age skills. According to their different functions, games can be divided into four aspects.Firstly, it is the memory games. Memory is the foundation of learning. Its necessary to use games to improve childrens memory. So when teachers teach vocabulary and pronunciation, they can organize a game call

28、ed “Whats missing?” Write down a vocabulary on the blackboard, but one letter of it is missing, such as “ap_le”. Then the teacher ask like that “Whats missing?” students will answer “p” is missing. Through this kind of game, childrens memory can be improved a lot.Secondly, it is the response games.

29、When the teacher asks something, children usually have a very quick response. According to this, the scholars designed such kind of games, named response games. For example, a teacher make an instruction, under the teachers instruction, the students should do a right action. For intense, the teacher

30、 makes an order like: “put up your hands.” Then the students put up their hands.Thirdly, it is the observation games. In this kind of game, teachers usually provide two kinds of materials to the students, one is pictures, and another is texts. For the pictures, students should have an observation of

31、 it, and then use their own word to descript it. For the texts, it means in one piece of text, students should find out one word or one sentence that the teacher have said.2.2.3 Classification by NatureIn Elementary Communication Games, Jill Hadfield collected just two kind of games:competitive game

32、s and co-operative gamesCesar Klauer applied four types of games as cooperative games,competitive games, communication games and code-control games,which has been greatly adopted and will be stressed as following:Firstly, it is the cooperative games. In this type of game, the main purpose is to develop a sense of cooperation. Players work together to finish a common task. All the members of the team are involved in this type of game, including the shy students. The typical cooperative game is through the given instructions, the team work together to complete a drawing.Second

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