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1、届高考英语第一轮复习课后复习题2Unit 3Travel journal.单词拼写1Thanks to the modern _ (运输) system, a large number of passengers could return home for the sevenday National Day holiday.2Many people prefer _ (骑自行车) to driving to the work site.3The tight _ (日程表) often keeps him busy all the time.4He is as _ (固执的) as a donk

2、ey.5Whats your _ (态度) towards this problem?6Do you know how much the _ (车费) is?7_ (毕业生) from our school are working all over the country.8Experts have _ (预测) a steady rise in the number of tourists.9His mother works in Pacific _ (保险) Agency.10The manager thought he was a _ (可靠的) person and told him

3、all about the new plan.答案:1.transport2.cycling3.schedule4.stubborn5.attitude6.fare7.Graduates8.forecast9.Insurance10reliable.完成句子1我宁愿一个人溜达着回家也不愿意乘公交车。I_ _ _walk home alone_ _take a bus.2经过长达两个小时的谈话之后,我让他相信了我的诚实。After as long as two hours talking, I managed to_him_my honesty.3汤姆从来没有想到几年以后能有机会去国外。Tom

4、never_ _ _ _a chance for him to go abroad several years later.4他正照顾着年迈的父母。He is_ _his elderly parents.5他两周以前离开家,到现在一直没有他的音信。He left home two weeks ago and we havent heard from him_ _.答案:1.would prefer to; rather than2.persuade; of3dreamed of there being4.caring for5.ever since.单项填空1My parents_me to

5、go to the theatre with my friends. But I didnt go.Asuggested BpersuadedCadvised Dexpected答案:C考查动词辨析。句意:我父母劝我和朋友一块儿去看戏,但是我没有去。advise sb. to do sth. 表示“劝说某人做某事”,不一定成功;persuade sb. to do sth. 表示“说服某人做某事”,劝说成功了。suggest“建议”,后面不能跟不定式作宾补;expect“期待,预料”,不符合语境。2Talking about the future, I prefer_a businessman

6、 _be an official.Abeing; to Bto be; toCto be; rather than Dbeing; more than答案:C考查prefer的用法。prefer to do.rather than do.表示“宁愿做也不愿做”。如:I prefer to stay here on my own rather than go there. 我宁愿自己呆在这里,也不去那里。3Thats a lovely dress. You look good in it.Really? Thank you. My aunt gave it to me for my birthd

7、ay, but I dont_the color.Ago in for Bcare forCcare about Dconcern about答案:B考查短语辨析。go in for“从事,爱好(表示长期的爱好)”;care for“喜欢,介意”;care about“关心,惦念”;concern多为及物动词,在be concerned后才跟介词about, for, with等。从语境看,只有B项合适。4After she found she had lost the necklace, she and her husband_to find it.Amade up their minds

8、Bmade their mindChad made up ther mind Dhad made minds答案:A考查make up ones mind的用法。句意:当她发现她丢失了项链后,她和她丈夫下决心找到它。当主语是复数时,mind后要加s,即make up ones minds。5He was watching her doing it with a_look on his face, as if to say that he would not change his mind.Adetermining BdeterminedCsceptical Dsecure答案:Bdetermi

9、ned意为“果断的,坚毅的”。句意:他看着她的举动,脸上一幅果断的表情,好像说他不会改变主意。sceptical“怀疑的”;secure“安心的,有把握的”。6Please ask the lawyer what his_would be to take the case to court.Afare BchargeCfee Dexpense答案:C考查名词辨析。fare指车船费;charge指应付的费用或索取的代价;expense指消费,支出;fee指付给律师、医生、私人教师或其他脑力劳动者的报酬,以及缴纳给公共团体、学校、图书馆、俱乐部的费用等。从句中的lawyer以及将要出庭等来看,用f

10、ee合适。7You have been reading to me_James went out.Aever than Bever sinceCso far as Dthe moment答案:B考查连词用法。句意:自从詹姆斯出去后你就一直在给我朗读。ever since为连词,主句要用完成时,从句用一般过去时;其中ever是个强化词,放在since前表强调。8He tried his best to solve the problem,_difficult it was.Ahowever Bno matterCwhatever Dalthough答案:A考查连词辨析。howeveradj./a

11、 matter howadj./adv. 引导让步状语从句。句意:不论多么难,他都尽全力解决这个问题。9The old man insisted that I_his wallet and that I_to the police station with him.Ahad taken; go Btake; should goCwould take; had gone Dshould take; go答案:A考查insist接从句的用法。insist作“坚持,主张”讲时,从句用虚拟语气,即“(should)do sth.”;作“坚持认为”,即坚持事实时,为陈述语气,应根据实际情况选用

12、合适的时态。10Our teacher insisted that the key words worth paying attention_before class.Abe underlined Bbeing underlinedCto be underlined Dto being underlined答案:C考查句子的理解和insist的用法。句意:我们老师坚持要求把值得注意的关键词语在课前划出来。句中worth paying attention to是形容词短语作后置定语;insist在此意思是“坚持,坚持认为”,所以所接that从句中应该用“should动词原形”的虚拟语气,此处sh

13、ould被省略,所以用be underlined。11Goodbye! Im going back to my hometown this afternoon._AHave a nice trip. BCongratulations!CTake your time. DI couldnt agree more.答案:A考查交际用语。句意:再见!今天下午我要回家乡看看。旅途愉快。have a nice trip“旅途愉快”。congratulations“恭喜”;take your time“不着急,慢慢来”;I couldnt agree more“我非常同意”。12(2012潍坊期末)Ann

14、a,where_you_with so many things in your hands?To my office. It has been moved to the third floor. A. are;heading B. will; head Chave;headed D. do; head答案:A考查时态。句意:安娜,手里拿着这么多东西,你要去哪儿?去办公室。它已经搬到了三楼上。由句意可知,选现在进行时表将来。13(2012太原调研)What a hard chair!Yes, it is.But in fact, it is very comfortable to_.A.sit

15、B.sit on sat sat on答案:B考查主动表被动。comfortable是形容词,后面的不定式应该用主动表被动,所以排除C、D两项;再由句意可知,介词on不能没有。14(2012泸州一诊)Although Jane agrees with me mostly, there was indeed something she was unwilling to_.Agive in B.give outC.give away D.give off答案:A考查动词短语。句意:虽然简在很大程度上同意我的话,但是事实上在某些方面她绝不会让步。give in“让步,屈服”;gi

16、ve out“分发,耗尽”;give away“捐赠,泄漏”;give off“发出(气味、声音、光等)”。.完形填空When I started riding a bike a couple of years ago, I didnt think my involvement would ever be more serious than the occasional short ride. But as I built strength, my friends_1_me to step up my training and try some longer trips. The first

17、one to come along was a 150mile trip, the MS150, an annual_2_that raises money to fight AIDS.When I registered, the idea seemed fantasticsupport a worthy cause while going for the distance and I trained with_3_. However, as the time for the ride approached, my selfdoubts_4_beyond my endurance(忍耐). I

18、_5_wanted to raise money for the charity, but I didnt really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.The ride began on a beautiful Sunday morning in the Georgia countryside, and for the first few hours I felt_6_. This was just the experience I had_7_, and my spirits were high._8_by the en

19、d of the day, I felt tired out.If the body is_9_to the mind, here was evidence. Every_10_my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs.“I cant handle this”became a leg cramp(抽筋), and“everyone else is a better rider”translated into_11_of breath. I was sure Id have to_12_.As I topped the

20、crest(顶)of a hill, the beautiful sunset kept me going for a few minutes more. Then in the distance, I saw a lone woman riding very slowly_13_the bright red sun. I_14_that the person looked different in some way, but I couldnt tell why. So I pushed myself to_15_. There she was, riding along slowly bu

21、t_16_, with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.My focus changed in that instant. For a whole day Id been_17_my body. But now I knew it wasnt the body, but the_18_that would help me reach my goal.It rained all the second day. I never saw the onelegged biker again, but

22、I pushed on without_19_, knowing she was out there with me somewhere. And at the end of the day, still feeling_20_, I completed the 150mile trip.文章大意:本文作者讲述了自己参加每年一次为抗击爱滋病筹款骑自行车活动的经历。作者平时很少骑车,在朋友的鼓励下决定参加长达150英里的骑自行车活动。刚开始作者感到很好,但是过了几个小时以后,作者坚持不下去了,于是便想放弃。在这时候却发现有一个一条腿的妇女面带微笑也在参加这项活动。作者彻底被感动了,于是坚持骑完了

23、全程。1A.encouraged BforbadeCforced Dwarned答案:A朋友当然是“鼓励”而非“强迫”或“警告”。2A.accident BeventCincident Daffair答案:Ban anual event 每年一次的活动。event“重大事件,赛事”;accident“意外事故”;incident“事端,小事件”;affair“事情,事务”。 BeaseCenthusiasm Ddifficulty答案:C开始作者充满激情训练。enthusiasm“热心,热情”;care“关心,喜欢”;ease“安逸”;difficulty“困难”。4A.achi

24、eved BgainedCprogressed Dadvanced答案:B词义辨析。achieve“完成,达到”;gain“(逐渐)增加,获得”;progress“进步”;advance“前进,进步”。句意:随着时间的临近,我对自己能力的怀疑逐渐增加。5A.still BevenCrather Dthen答案:Astill仍然。6A.nervous BdisappointedCwonderful Drefreshed答案:CI felt wonderful.作者开始感觉很好。后面my spirits were high是提示。7A.suspected BappreciatedCadmired

25、Dimagined答案:D这种经历是作者之前想象的。suspect“怀疑”;appreciate“欣赏”;admire“钦佩”。8A.But BThereforeCMeanwhile DMoreover答案:A根据后面I felt tired out可知这里是转折。9A.opposite BconnectedCexposed Dequal答案:B身体与大脑是有联系的。10A.cause BreasonCexcuse Deffect答案:C由于作者想放弃所以大脑给出各种借口。11A.holding BsavingCcatching Dshortness答案:Dshortness of breat

26、h“呼吸困难;上气不接下气”。12A.quit BcontinueCinsist Dfade答案:A作者在前面说I cant handle this所以这里他认为自己不得不放弃。quit“停止,放弃”;continue“继续”;insist“坚持”;fade“衰退,褪色”。13A.on BagainstCdown Dover答案:Bagainst“以为背景,以作衬托”。如:against the evening sky在夜空的衬托下。作者这里用烈日来衬托暗示这个一条腿妇女的不寻常之处。14A.observed BwatchedCnoticed Doverlooked答案:C作者后面说“说不出为

27、什么”这里只是“注意”到有所不同比较合适。observe表示仔细观察,多用于科学实验等。watch表示用心观看、盯着看,多用于日常生活。overlook“漏看;忽略;俯视”。15A.put up Blook upCcatch up Dtake up答案:C作者说不清什么地方不同所以“赶上去(弄明白)”。catch up“赶上”;put up“搭建,张贴”;look up“抬头看,查看”;take up“从事,占据”。16A.steadily BabruptlyCclosely Dnarrowly答案:Asteadily“平衡地,从容地”。她骑得缓慢但很“稳定”与后面面带轻松坚定的微笑相符。17

28、A.trusting BdoubtingCcheating Dfighting答案:B从前面4空可知作者一直对自己(身体)能否坚持骑下去持怀疑态度,所以这里用一整天都在怀疑最合适。18A.strength BhonestyCwill Dpower答案:C之前一直怀疑自己的身体,但现在从这个残疾女车手身上明白了“意志力”才是实现目标的关键。19A.struggling BarguingCnegotiating Dcomplaining答案:D在受到激励启发过后作者的思想起了很大变化,当然不再“抱怨”。20A.strong B weakChealthy Dspiritless答案:A由于思想上起了

29、变化,作者到最后仍感到浑身有力。.书面表达(2013东城区第二次联考)假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,上周末陪你校的外籍教师 Mr. Brown 游览了长城。请你按照以上四幅图的顺序为校刊英语园地写一篇英文稿件,介绍你陪Mr. Brown游览长城时的所见所闻。注意:1可根据汉语提示和图示适当发挥;2词数不少于60。Last weekend, I took our foreign teacher Mr. Brown to the Great Wall, who came to China for the first time. Having been told about the history of the Great Wall, he was amazed at this world wonder. He was struck by the beauty of the Great Wall. So I took photos for him, which would be a good memory for him. At the top, Mr. Brown was so interested in the activity of protecting the cultural relics that he was eager to join in a

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