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1、word完整版深圳小学四年级下册英语阅读理解练习习题训练三一.阅读理解。(根据对话内容,判断句子的对T错F)A: When do you get up every day?B: At 6:30.A: Oh, so early! What do you do then?B: I put on my clothes, clean my teeth and wash my face. Then, I often read English for 15 minutes. At about 7:15 I go to school. I usually have my breakfast at schoo

2、l. What about you?A: Well, I usually wake up at seven thirty in the morning, and sometimes I even a little later. After getting up, I take a bath. I have my breakfast at eight. Then I go to school. In England, school usually starts at 9:00.B: Youre lucky!( )1. This is a dialogue(对话) between a Chines

3、e child and an English child.( )2. The Chinese child gets up at half past six.( )3. The Chinese child reads English for fifty minutes in the morning.( )4. The English child has breakfast at school.( )5. Classes begin very late in English.二选择正确的答案并填写在横线上1.I go to the school library _ (two/ twice) a d

4、ay.2.How often does Tim _ (wash/ washes) his face?3.Candy_ (brush/ brushes) her teeth once a day.4.Dont _ (be/ is) noisy, Tom.5.Look, Tom is _ (run/ running) in the corridors.习题训练三一根据短文内容,圈出括号里的正确单词。 Do you want to be a model student? You must have good(habits / polite ). You should go to school(ear

5、ly / late ). You( should / shouldnt ) finish your homework every day. You should throw rubbish(on the ground / in the bin ).You shouldnt be ( rude / polite ). You should be (rude / polite ) to everybody. You should (help / stay ) at home and help (yourself / others ).二阅读理解。 Mr Black has two cats. On

6、e is big and the other is smal. He likes them very much. One day his friend Mr Green comes to see him. He is very surprise. He finds there are two holes in the door, a big hole and a small hole. He says, “My dear friend, why are there two holes?” asks his friend, “How can the big cat go through the

7、small hole?” he says.1.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Mr Black has two big cats. ( )2. He doesnt like them.( )3. There are two holes in the door.( )4. Mr Green comes to see the cats.2.在A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。 ( )1. Today Mr Green comes to Mr Blacks house_. A. to see the two holes B. to visit Mr Black C. to have a l

8、ook at the two cats D. to go through the hole ( )2. Mr Black thinks the big hole is for_. A. the big cat B. the small cat C. two cats D. a dog and a cat ( )3. Mr Green is very_to see the two holes. A. happy B. sad C. surprised D. angry ( )4. Mr Blank is very_. A. honest B. careless C. clever D. fool

9、ish四阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。Tom: When do you get up every day, Ann?Ann: At 6:30.Tom: Oh, so early! What do you do then?Ann: I put on my clothes, clean my teeth and wash my face. Then I often read English for 15 minutes. At about 7:15, I go to school. I usually have my breakfast at school. What about you?T

10、om: Well, I usually wake up (醒来) at seven thirty in the morning, and sometimes even a little later. Afterthat, I take a bath. I have my breakfast at eight. Then I go to school. In England, school usually starts at 9:00.Ann: You are lucky. ( )1. Tom is an _boy. A. American B. English C. Australian( )

11、2. Tom gets up_ than (比) Ann. A. earlier (更早) B. later (更晚) C. much earlier (早得多)( )3. Ann usually has breakfast _. A. at home B. at school C. at seven ( )4. School usually starts at _in England. A. 9:00 B. 8:30 C. 9:30( )5. Tom has his breakfast at_. A. 7:30 B. 8:00 C. 7:15习题训练三一阅读理解。 Spring is the

12、 best season of the year. It is from March to May. The weather gets warmer and warmer. Grass and trees turn green. Flowers come out. Chidren fly kites outdoors. Summer comes after spring. It is a hot season in the year. It is from June to August. The days are long and the nights are short. Please al

13、ways go swimming in pools, lakes and rivers. Autumn is the harvest(收获) season. It gets cool. Farmers are busy from September to November. The cold season of the year is winter. It is from about December to February. The days are short and the nights are long. It snows sometimes and that makes childr

14、en happy. They make a snowman and dance around it. They go skating, too.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. Grass and trees turn green_.A. in spring B. in summer C. in autumn( )2. Autumn comes after_.A. spring B. summer C. winter( )3. The days are long and the nights are short_.A. in spring B. in summer C. in winte

15、r( )4. _is from September to November.A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn( )5. Children like to_in winter.A. fly kites outdoors B. go swimming C. make snowmen二写作。 以“My favourite season”为题,写一写你最喜欢的季节,为什么喜欢它?在这个季节里,天气怎样?你可以做什么?_ 习题训练三一阅读理解。 And old man comes to see a doctor. He is very young. “I dont feel w

16、ell, doctor,” he says. “Whats wrong with me?” The young doctor examines him carefully. But he cant find anything wrong with the old man. So he says, “Im sorry, but I cant find anything wrong with you. You are very healthy.” “But, but-“the old man says, “I feel really bad.” “Then come back tomorrow a

17、nd see me again if you dont feel better.,”the young doctor says. Slowly, he stands up and walks out of the hospital. A few seconds later, the doctors nurse runs in. “Doctor! Doctor!” she cries. “That man died outside the door.”The doctor thinks quickly. “Then turn the body around so that people will

18、 think he was coming in.” he says.根据短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F).( )1. The doctor is very young.( )2. The old man is healthy.( )3. The doctor knows what is wrong with the old man.( )4. The doctor tells the old man to come again if he does not feel better.( )5. The old man dies in the hospital.二选择正确的答句。( )6.Ho

19、w often do you have school holidays? _A. Its our summer holiday now.B. We have holidays twice a year.C. Im going to Shanghai for my winter holiday.( )7.Who wants to be a model student? _ A. I can, Miss Lin. B. I am, Miss lin. C. I do, Miss Lin.( )8.How often do you brush your teeth? _A. I brush my t

20、eeth twice a day.B. I brush the inside surface of my teeth.C. I brush my teeth carefully.( )9.What do you do in summmer? _ A. Its hot and dry. B. We like swimming. C. W e often swim in the swimming pool.( )10.D o you feel better today, Xiao Ming? _ A. Yes, I do. Thank you very much. B. Well done. C.

21、 No problem.七阅读理解We have four seasons in a year. They are summer, autumn, winter and spring. But when it is autumn in China, its spring in Australia. When it is winter in Beijing, it is summer in Sydney (悉尼). In Beijing, its spring from March to May. Summer is from June to August. Autumn is Septembe

22、r to November. Winter is from December to February the next year. But, in Sydney, its spring from September to November. Summer is from December to February the next year. Autumn is from March to May. Winter is from June to August.读一读,判断正误。( )1. There are four seasons in Australia.( )2. The spring i

23、n Beijing is from March to May.( )3. When its winter in Beijng, its summer ini Sydney.( )4. There is a same(相同的) season between Beijing and Australia.( )5. The winter in Australia is from June to September.五、阅读理解(A)Today is Tuesday. The children are having a PE class. Tim likes football. He can play

24、 football very well. Look, he is playing with Jack and Peter. Jack is also good at basketball. Bob doesnt like PE classes. He likes science classes. But he doesnt have science class on Tuesday. He has a science class on Wednesday. Koko and Ken like badmiton. They are playing badmiton in the playgrou

25、nd.根据短文内容判断正T误F。( )1. Today is Monday.( )2. Peter is playing football.( )3. Tim is good at basketball.( )4. Bob likes science.( )5. Koko and Ken are playing badmiton.(B)Grandpa doesnt feel very well today. He goes to a clinic. Grandma goes with him. The doctor examines (检查) him and says,”Your blood

26、pressure (血压) is high.” Grandpa asks,”What can I do?” The doctor says,”You need to take some medicine. Dont eat sweet food. Dont eat a lot of meat. Eat more vegetables.” “OK,” says Grandpa. The doctor gives him the medicine. The Grandpa and Grandma go home together.根据短文内容选择填空。( )1. Grandpa goes to t

27、oday. A. the hospital B. a clinic C. a park( )2. goes with Grandpa? A. Grandma B. Dad C. Mum( )3. Grandpa should eat . A. a lot of meat B. sweet food C. a lot of vegetables( )4. After he sees the doctor, Grandpa . A. goes home B. goes to buy some medicnine C. goes to the supermarket三阅读理解,正(T)错(F). M

28、iss Li: When you grow up, what do you want to be? Ben: I want to be a teacher. I will teach English. Miss Li: Very good. What about you, Rose? Rose: I want to be a nurse. I will work in a big hospital. Miss Li: What about Kate? Rose: When she grows up, she wants to be a scientist. She wants to go to

29、 the moon. Miss Li: Who wants to be an engineer? Tony: Ken. He wants to buy a big house for this parents. ( )1. Maybe the dialogue happens between the teacher and the students. ( )2. Ben wants to be a teacher of Chinese. ( )3. Rose wants to be a doctor. ( )4. Kate wants to go to the moon. ( )5. When

30、 Tony grows up, he wants to be an engineer.习题训练三一阅读理解。 Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading newspapers and some are saying goodbye to their friends.Doctor Wang, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking so happy that they dont know the train is going to leave. Then the guard calls loudly, “The train is going to leave. Hurry up, please.” The three men hear the guard and two of them jump onto the train quickly before it moves. One is left behind. It is Doctor Wang. He looks very sad. The guard comes to him and says, “Dont feel sad. The next train will come in ten minutes.” “I

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