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1、疯狂英语中学教材打印 Crazy English 我们的信念: 讲一口流利的英语,顺便考高分! 我知道:强大的决心,意志和热情可以征服一切困难! 我拥有征服英语的无限信念我一定行! 我的签名: 你尊敬老师的签名: 开头篇:I am ChineseIm from the Peoples Republic of China.I love my country. I love my people .Our country has a history of 5ooo years.Im proud of it.Our motherland is going through great change no

2、w.Im part of it.China is growing stronger. Im growing stronger too.China has a bright future. I have a bright future.I want to speak good English.Because English is an international language.English is beautiful, powerful and useful.English is a bridge linking all countries together.The Indians have

3、 to learn English.The Japanese have to learn English.The Koreans have to learn English.The French have to learn English.The German have to learn English.People all over the world are learning English now.We Chinese must learn English too.Because we need a common language to communicate!We need Engli

4、sh to show China to the rest of the World.We need English to absorb knowledge from all over the world.I enjoy learning English!I enjoy speaking English.I enjoy yelling English.I enjoy making mistakes! I enjoy losing face.Of course, I enjoy making progress most of all.Im crazy about speaking English.

5、Im crazy about improving myself.Im crazy about encouraging other people to speaking English.I practice speaking English every day.I practice reading English every day.I practice writing English every day.I can speak excellent English!I can communicate freely in the worlds two most important language

6、Chinese and English.Im an international Chinese!I love the Chinese language, too.It is a beautiful language.It is a unique language.It is a historical language.It is spoken by billions of people in the world.More and more foreigners are starting to learning Chinese every day.So I must study Chinese

7、well.I must become an expert in my mother tongue.This is me.A Chinese citizen!An outstanding Chinese citizen!A fantastic English speaker!This is my dream:To spread English throughout China and Chinese throughout the world.! I want to share this dream with you, my dear friends!Lets conquer English to

8、gether!Lets make miracle together!Lets just do it!Lets speak English crazily!很多人通过这首小诗建立了征服英语的信心。他们通过朗诵这首诗,在班里,在学校里,甚至全省,全国的各类英语比赛中拿到了名次。这首诗里包含了英语里所有的发音,请务必重复1000遍以上。 第一篇: 我爱音标 音标是学习英文的基础,大家要把每一个音都发准哦! 纠音练习 单词:1.i:和i sheet&shit, leave&live, seat&sit, leap&lip,etc2.u:和u fool&full,poll&pull3. happy fa

9、mily nasty cash 4. advice about daughter 5. hot policy knocking holiday hot-dog6.ei gay straight lame pain white wine out of sight pie silent8. u throw away Yogurt yoga cold dish get out right now feel down show me around10.r first skirt earth serve thirsty绕口令:1I will teach you in my verse

10、. Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.2. If the sun in red should set the next day surely will be wet. 3. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at the night. 第二篇 语音突破中国学生之所以英语说得断断续续,基本上都是因为没有连读而导致的,另外,造成听觉障碍的原因除了语速快慢问题,更重要的是诸如连读,失爆,重音,略读等美音中常见的音变问题。所以,为了解决这些问题,我们必须掌握一些语音学基本知识。 (一) 连读(

11、Linking of Sounds)所谓连读,指的是词与词之间交界的两个音会经常连在一起,发音时好像连成一个较长的单词。(1) “辅音+元音”式:即前一个单词结尾的辅音与后一个单词开头的元音连读。Eg. 1. What time is it now? 现在几点?2 Your every wish will be done. 你所有的心愿都会实现。 3 Keep up the good work. 继续努力。 (2) “元音+元音“式:即两个元音有时也可以相连。此时是由一个元音向另一个元音滑动的过程,中间不能停顿,必须一气呵成,具体分成两种情况: 1如果前一个单词的结尾元音是i e ai i ,

12、那么在和后面元音相连的时候,需加入过滤半元音j Eg. be on time 准时 stay up 熬夜 2如果前一个单词的结尾元音是u: u u au, 那么在和后面元音相连的时候,需加入过滤半元音w Eg. go on 继续 flow out 流出(3)“h”被击穿连读:即一个辅音与一个以“h”字母打头的单词结合时,h音被击穿,辅音与“h”后面的音连读。 Eg. tell him ask her let him reach her (4) 其它特殊连读音变:即相邻的两个音互相影响而产生这两个音之外的其他音的现象。常见的有四种: 1t+j=t Its very nice to meet yo

13、u.很高兴见到你。 2. d+j=d Would you please come in?请进。 3. s+j= +j God bless you!上帝保佑! 4. z+j= +j Heres your ticket. 这是您的票。 同学们: 大家一定要把这些规则运用到英语学习中去,在朗读中操练这些规则,良好的语音基础将使你以后的学习事半功倍,相信你们一定能做到的!第三篇 句型突破 经研究发现,日常生活中基本的句型并不多,你只需掌握两三百个句型,即可说一口流利的英语。语言必须讲究“遣词造句”,所谓遣词造句,就是恰当地使用词汇和语法,而其中的奥秘就是句型。1.Are you sure.? 你确定.

14、吗?2.Any idea.? 你知道.吗?3.Allow me to. 允许我.4.All you have to do is. 你只需要.5.By the time. 当.的时候,.6.Could I possibly ask you to.? 我可不可请你.?7.Do you know.? 你知道.的吗?8.Do you have.? 你有.的吗?9.doesnt make sense. .没有意义 10.Feel free to. 随便./欢迎.11.How can you.? 你怎么能.?12.How long have you been.? 你.多久了?13.Have you eve

15、r.? 你曾经.吗? 14.I heard. 我听说.15.In my opinion,. 依我看.16.Im just in the mood for. 我只想./我正想17.Im afraid. 我恐怕.18.I used to. 我过去常常.19.I dont think. 我认为.不.20.I feel like. 我想要.21.I dont really enjoy. 我不是很喜欢.22.Im sort of. 我有点.23.Im dying for/to. 我渴望.24.I cant imagine. 我真难以想象.25.Im crazy about. 我特别喜欢.26.It lo

16、oks like. 看上去好象 fine with me. 我都没问题28.Is it okay for me to. 我.行吗?29.Just let me know if. 如果.,请告诉我30.Sorry to bother you, but. 很抱歉打扰你,可是. For example:1.Are you sure you can make it? 你确定你能赶到吗?2.Any idea what time is it now? 你知道现在几点吗?3.Allow me to introduce my friend Judy. 请允许我介绍一 下我的朋友,朱迪.4.All

17、you have to do is sign your name. 你只需要签年一 下名就可以了. 5.By the time I got to the station, the train had already gone. 当我到达火车站的时候,火车已经走了.6.Could I possibly ask you to take a picture for me? 我可不可请你帮我拍张照?7.Do you know the quickest way to the airport? 你知道最快到达机场的路吗?8.Do you have a couple of minutes? 你有时间吗?9.

18、What you said doesnt make sense. 你所说的没道理. 10.Feel free to call on us whenever you like.欢迎随便到访.11.How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我?12.How long have you been feeling like this? 你有这种感觉多久了?13.Have you ever been to China? 你以前来过中国吗? 14.I heard youve got your visa. 我听说你拿到签证了.15.In my opinion, youre

19、 wrong. 依我看,你错了.16.Im just in the mood for learning English. 我只想学英语.17.Im afraid I dont agree with you. 我恐怕不同意你的看法.18.I used to watch TV a lot. 我过去老看电视.19.I dont think thats a good idea. 我觉得那注意不好.20.I feel like a cup of tea 我想喝杯咖啡.21.I dont really enjoy chatting on the Internet. Its a waste of time.

20、 我不是很喜欢网上聊天,很浪费时间.22.Im sort of tired. 我有点累.23.Im dying for a change. 我渴望改变.24.I cant imagine what he wants from us. 我不知道他到底想要什么.25.Im crazy about English. 我特别喜欢英语.26.It looks like another sunny day! 看来又是一个晴天啊!27.Your choice is fine with me. 我对你的选择没有异议.28.Is it okay for me to call you tonight? 我晚上打你

21、电话行吗?29.Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you. 如果需要什么帮助,请告诉我.30.Sorry to bother you, but I need your help. 多不起,打扰 了,但我需要你帮助. 第四篇 疯狂模仿篇模仿是练习发音最好的方法,大家一定要仔细跟着录音模仿噢!New Beijing 新北京 杨澜申奥陈述1. There are a lot more wonderful and exciting events waiting for you in the new Beijing, a modern

22、metropolis with more than 3,000 years of culture treasures woven into the urban tapestry.2. This is a city of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world.3. They believe that if the 2008 Olympics is held in Beijing, it will help enhance the harmony between our culture a

23、nd diverse other cultures around the world.参考译文1 新北京还有很多精彩纷呈的事情等待着你们的到来。这是一座充满活力的现代化都市,三千年的历史文化与都市的繁荣相互交织。2 这是一个有着数百万友好市民的城市,他们都喜欢结交来自五湖四海的朋友。3 北京人民相信,在北京举办2008年奥运会,将推动中国与世界文化的交流。New Years Speech 新年致辞Ladies and gentlemen, The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my New Years greetin

24、gs to all my guests and wish everybody good health and happiness. The New year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future. I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each passing day this year. I know that this night will be fantastic celebration o

25、f the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year but a lifetime. Have a wonderful evening, everybody, thank you.参考译文女士们,先生们: 新年即将来临之际,我谨向各位来宾致以节日的问候,并祝各位在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意!新年是新的开始,是对未来充满新的憧憬的时候。我祝愿大家在新的一年里一天比一天成功、快乐、富足。我知道今晚我们将为友谊和热情而欢呼庆祝。这种友谊和热情将留存在我们心中,不是一年,而是一辈子。祝大家今晚玩得开心!谢谢!Fami

26、ly Album USA (Episode 1)Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart.对不起,我叫Richard Stewart, Im a photographer. 我是一位摄影师。 May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一张照吗? Whats it for? 是做什么用的? Its for a book. 是为一本书拍的。 Youre writing a book? 你在写一本书吗? Its a book of pictures. 这是一本摄影集。 I call it

27、 Family Album, U.S.A. 我称之为美国写真。 Oh, thats a nice idea. 噢,这想法不错。 Well, its fine if you take our picture. 你想拍我们的照,就请吧。 Im Martha Vann. 我叫Martha Vann。 Thank you. I appreciate your help. 谢谢,很感谢你的帮助。 Im Richard. Whats your name? 我是Richard,你叫什么? Gerald. Gerald。 How old are you, Gerald? Gerald,你今年多大啦? Five

28、. 五岁。 And where do you live? 你们住在哪里? We live in California. 我们住在California 。 Well, welcome to New York. 噢,欢迎你们到纽约来。 OK, just a second. 好了,请稍等一下。 Im almost ready here. 我快要准备就绪了。 Can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗? Oh, please. 噢,太好了。 Hold Geralds hand, please. Great! 请握住Gerald的手。很好! Now point to the buildings. 现在

29、请指着那些建筑物。 Terrific! 好极了! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Gerald,亲一亲妈妈,很好! Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你,Gerald。 And thank you, Mrs. Vann. 谢谢你, Vann太太。 Oh, my pleasure. 噢,不客气。 Well be looking for your book. 我们会去买你的书。 Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。Gerald,再见。 Thanks again. 再次谢谢你。 Oh, youre welcome.

30、 噢,请别客气。 Hey, let me take your picture! 嘿!让我给你拍一张照! Wonderful. Please. 好啊,请。 Are you from New York? 你是从纽约来的吗? No, Im from Greece. 不是,我是从希腊来的。 Im an exchange student. 我是一名交换学生。 When did you come here? 你是什么时候来这里的? Three months ago. 叁个月之前。 Your English is very good. 你的英语说得很好。 Thanks. 谢谢你的夸奖。 I studied English in school. 我是在学校里

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