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1、DesignThinkingforInnovation创新设计思维智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案 DesignThinkingforInnovation创新设计思维2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案 2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案大全 第1章 单元测试 1、Which stage of the design thinking process is about making ideas real, and developing a strategy to introduce them to the marketplace and/or the organization? 答案:Implement

2、ation 2、In “the Age of the Customer” experience design matters greatly, because shoppers have , according to Manish Madhvani. 答案:endless choice 3、Research shows that for people to be regularly and productively creative, they need to let ideas , so as to give their unconscious mind a chance to keep w

3、orking on the problem. 答案:incubate 4、Don Norman believes that the best roach to usability design is _. 答案:Lord Byron 5、A “wow” experience always _, according to Michael Hyatt. A 答案:第一空:6、Creativity is hard work, and that is because it is 85% innate talent. 答案:错 7、People who are curious about other p

4、eople develop this skill: . 答案:emotional intelligence 8、In the research on entrepreneurial innovation, these 3 Cs are linked to the ability to come up with novel and feasible ideas: . 答案:Creativity, Curiosity, Connections 第2章 单元测试 1、“Sometimes you have to walk a mile in someone elses shoes in order

5、to respond creatively.” What process does this describe? 答案:Empathic design. 2、Why did Nespresso do field testing in shopping malls and hair salons? 答案:Goal was to design solution that ealed to women consumers. 3、Coursera online learning and Netflix online media streaming both offer consumers . 答案:d

6、eep personalization 4、When people participate in consumption as cultural custom, for example, buying birthday or wedding presents, this is an expression of their need for . 答案:belonging 5、Today, using empathy to drive innovation gives organizations a competitive advantage, because . 答案:few businesse

7、s are hiring specifically for emotional intelligence skills 6、When developing a new offering, “user perspective taking” involves . 答案:understanding consumer expectations including their unmet needs 7、The jobstobedone innovation framework encourages us to understand exactly why consumers fall in love

8、 with their careers and pursue them for life. 答案:错 8、When an inventor becomes so attached to their idea, to the point of ignoring user feedback, their arrogance will likely result in a failed project. 答案:对 第3章 单元测试 1、We can spot likely future trends by . 答案:paying close attention to todays most popu

9、lar products and services 2、Cultural trends can be triggered by the emergence of a new technology such as virtual reality, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, or artificial intelligence. 答案:对 3、To decide if what you are observing is a trend or just a fad, consider whether . 答案:it is causing people

10、to change their behavior 4、When curators are involved in maintaining a collection of artifacts or ideas, they will _ it. prune 答案:5、“Before you can think out of the box, you have to start with a box,” writes Twyla Tharp. What creative process is she describing? 答案:Curation. 6、“Problem finding does n

11、ot come easily to many people,” advises Min Basadur. Why is this? 答案:We quickly adapt to problems and then fail to notice them. 7、is the first step in problemfinding. 答案:Questioning 8、These are some examples of wicked problems: pollution, poverty, personal wellness. 答案:对 第4章 单元测试 1、When management s

12、eeks to closely control what innovative employees do, which of the following is the likely result? 答案:Experimental and creative thinking will be stifled and stuffed out. 2、is another word for divergent thinking. 答案:Brainstorming 3、When engaging in divergent thinking, it is best practice to seek unus

13、ual ideas the more strange, and wild, the better. 答案:对 4、Mind ming helps design thinkers to . 答案:realize assumptions and spot patterns Affinity diagrams are used to . 、5答案:sort information according to category or theme 6、As the conceptual economy dawns, businesses need to hire people who . 答案:All o

14、f the above. 7、Everyone is capable of “small C creativity” and it can be learned and enhanced with practice. 答案:对 8、Research by Gallup showed that many people are actively disengaged and work and would willingly switch jobs, and even take a pay cut, if they could find a position that allowed them to

15、 . 答案:be more creative 第5章 单元测试 1、When prototyping products, generally a mockup will be of higherfidelity than a wireframe. 答案:对 2、When staging social interactions as part of prototyping services, it is integral that you hire actors or persuade friends to roleplay as service staff. 答案:错 3、Why should

16、 designers never go to a meeting without a prototype? 答案:A prototype encourages people to engage with your idea. 4、As Laura Busche reminds us, the word “prototype” means . 答案:first impression Nine times out of ten, prototyping with paper, 、5scissors, and glue is the way to go if you want people to s

17、upport your idea. 答案:错 6、What is the Wizard of Oz effect? 答案:Simulated functionality of a prototype. 7、As experts at the Nielsen Norman Group explain, there is a risk that a lowfidelity prototype may confuse test users because . 答案:they may not understand what it is, or how it works 8、What is a pret

18、otype? 答案:Low fidelity model used in quick test experiments. 第6章 单元测试 1、Best practice for user testing? Start the testing during the very first week of your project. 答案:对 2、For an impromptu prototype usability test, recruiting 35 users is sufficient to provide actionable feedback. 答案:对 3、Asking a te

19、st user, “Who might want to use this service?” is not advised because it is a leading question. 答案:错 4、What is a remote usability test? 答案:Testing that is conducted online rather than inperson. 5、As Tim Brown of IDEO explains, to a design thinker user behaviors are never right or wrong, but they are

20、 always . 答案:meaningful 6、According to the UX experts at the Nielsen Norman Group, a products success depends on . 答案:user perceptions 7、Guerrilla usability testing always uses . 答案:thinkaloudprotocol 8、If you recruit users for testing via social media platforms, think carefully about the _ of each

21、online channel. 答案:different demographics 第7章 单元测试 1、What is the benefit of a timeboxed roach to innovation, such as a design sprint? 答案:No time to be a perfectionist. 2、Research visualizations such as personas, journey maps, and mockups can do double duty as prototypes to communicate your idea to s

22、takeholders. 答案:对 3、Design sprints are best suited to this economic sector: . 答案:Actually they can, and are used in any sector. 4、The concept of the Design Sprint was popularized by _, with the tagline “5 days from problem to solution!” 答案:Google 5、If you are running out of time on a design sprint, which step is the best one to skip? None of the above. 答案:

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