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最新秋牛津译林版八年级上册《unit8 natural disasters》教案doc.docx

1、最新秋牛津译林版八年级上册unit8 natural disasters教案doc课题序号Unit 8授课班级授课课时1、2课时授课形式授课章节名 称Warming up and Listening in Unit 8.使用教具A tape recorder教学目的Develop students listening ability.教学重点Understanding the general idea and do the tasks correctly.教学难点Catch the key points of the listening materials更新、补充删节内容课外作业教学后记St

2、ep 1. Greetings.Step 2. New words and expressions.* disaster n. 灾难* remove vt. 去掉;除去* physically adv. 身体上的* disabled adj. 残疾的;丧失能力的* spring n. 弹性* design n. 设计* optimistic adj. 乐观的* defective adj. 有缺陷的;有毛病的* insulation n. 绝缘;绝缘材料* lighter n. 打火机;点火器* false adj. 假的* electricity n. 电Step 3. Warming up

3、. . List as many natural disasters as you can. Look them up in the dictionary if necessary. Discuss with your partner the following questions.1. Have you ever experienced any natural disasters?2. What did you do and what should we do to stay safe?Step 4. Task 1 in Listening.Pre-listening. ask studen

4、ts to look at the picture to guess what they will hear. Skim the questions. Listening. Ask students to finish the choice while listening. After-listening. Ask students to discuss the answers and check them by listening again.Step 5 Task 2. Pre-listening. Ask students to read the demands and know wha

5、t to do. Listening. Ask students to make choices while listening. After-listening. Students discuss the answers and check them by listening again. Listening and repetition.Step 6 Some points1. Can you tell me how it happened?* happen e.g. I happened to be there when the car accident happened to him.

6、2. Well, we spent about one hundred hours on the mountain.* spend vt. 常表示: 1) 用(钱),花费 e.g. He spend 500 dollars for / on a new color TV set. 2) 花(时间等);度过;消磨 e.g. He spends more time on sports than on studies.I wish you wouldnt spend so much time (in) watching television.They will spend their vacatio

7、n at the beach.注意:spend出现在定语从句中,先行词是表示时间(如:day, time, week, month, year等)发名词时,关系词常为that 或which: e.g. We will never forget the days that / which we spent in the country.We will never forget the days when / in which we stayed in the country.3. So you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to st

8、ay active. 所以你就失去了双腿,但你还是尽力积极面对生活。* stay link-v. 后接名词、形容词或短语,表状态。 继续是;保持 e.g. Do the public wish the president to stay in power? 人们希望总统继续掌权吗? The government called on the people to stay calm. 政府呼吁人民保持镇静。 stay 还可作vi. 意思是“留下;暂住”e.g. She was staying in the same hotel as I was.* active adj. 活跃的;敏捷的;积极的;

9、勤奋的 e.g. It is important to have an active imagination. 拥有丰富的想象力很重要。Do you take an active part in group work?你积极参加小组活动吗?He took an active interest in observing the sky in his childhood.他童年时代就对观察天空有浓厚的兴趣。How many active boys are there in your class?你们班有多少好动的男孩?4. I realized that no one has to be phys

10、ically disabled. 我意识到谁都可以在生理上不残疾。/我想没有人愿意做生理上的残疾人。* physically disabled 为副词修饰形容词结构,不能用形容词修饰形容词。 e.g. It is really hot. Will you turn on the electric fans? You are completely right.* disabled, wounded, blind, deaf, rich, poor, young, old, sick等形容词前面加定冠词the表示一类人,一类人由多人组成,所以是复数概念,而不能看成一个整体,因此作主语时谓语动词用复

11、数形式。 e.g. The disabled hate being laughed at. The old are eager for their childrens care. The old in that country are taken good care of.5. The spring design means they are much more powerful.这种弹性设计比(登山鞋)更有力。* mean后面可接宾语从句,还可接动名词和不定式,但其意思不同。 e.g. Catching the first bus means getting up at five. (意味着

12、) I mean to get up at five tomorrow morning because I want to catch the first bus. (打算) 到目前为止,我们学过的spring的意思有“春天”、“泉水”和“弹性”。 一词多意: well 好地;身体健康的 bank 银行; 河堤 fall 秋天; 摔倒 life 抬起;电梯6. Although we dont hope so, fires happen from time to time.* from time to time 时常;不时 e.g. He is seen asking teachers que

13、stions in offices from time to time.7. Second, dont use false products when you work on electricity so that you can stop defective insulation. 第二,用电时不用伪劣电器,以便防止绝缘不良(发生短路)。Step 7. Homework. Preview “Speaking”Blackboard designUnit 8 Natural disasters* disaster n. 灾难* remove vt. 去掉;除去* physically adv.

14、身体上的* disabled adj. 残疾的;丧失能力的* spring n. 弹性* design n. 设计* optimistic adj. 乐观的* defective adj. 有缺陷的;有毛病的* insulation n. 绝缘;绝缘材料* lighter n. 打火机;点火器* false adj. 假的* electricity n. 电课题序号Unit 8授课班级授课课时3、4课时授课形式授课章节名 称Speaking in Unit 8.使用教具A tape recorder教学目的1. Learn how to refuse invitations politely.

15、2. Develop students spoken English.教学重点Grasp and use the expressions of giving opinions correctly.教学难点Make up and act out the dialogue according to the given situations.更新、补充删节内容课外作业教学后记Step 1. GreetingsStep 2. New words and expressions.* attend vi. 处理;对付 attend to* lift n. 搭便车;免费搭车 give sb. a lift

16、顺便带乘;给某人帮忙e.g. Can you give me a lift in your car? He gave me many a lift. 他帮了我许多忙。* appointment n. 约会 have an appointment with sb.* unfortunately adv. 不幸地;遗憾的是Step 3. Read the dialogue carefully and try to find out how to refuse invitations politely.Step 4. Read and act out the dialogue.Step 5. Rea

17、d the useful expressions.Step 6. Some points.1. Im afraid I have some business to attend to. 恐怕我还有些事要处理。* attend to: 1) 照料;处理;对付 e.g. One cannot be too patient and careful to attend to a sick person. 照顾病人怎么耐心和细心都不为过 We should be taught how to attend to wounds. 应该有人教我们如何处理伤口。 Do you know how to atten

18、d to a wound if you are hurt? 如果你受伤了,你知道如何处理伤口吗? Ill attend to this problem tomorrow. 明天我处理这问题。 I have some business to attend to. 我有些事要照料一下。 2)专心于;致力于 e.g. You should attend better to your studies than computer games. 你应该更专心于学习,而不是电脑游戏 Attend to that I am saying. 注意听我说。 3)注意;倾听;留神看 e.g. A teacher s

19、hould always attend to his students wants. 教师应该总是注意到学生的需要。 I wish I had attended to your advice. 我后悔没有听从你的劝告。 另外,attend可表示“出席”,“参加(会议);上(大学等)” e.g. attend a wedding 出席婚礼 attend a lecture 听演讲(或讲课) attend a movie 看电影 attend school(college) 上(大)学 attend church 上教堂做礼拜 The meeting was well attended. 出席会议

20、的人很多。2. Would you like me to give you a lift? 你想让我捎你一段吗?* lift: 1) n. (给步行者的)搭便车;免费搭车 e.g. Can you give me a lift in your car? 你的车子可给我搭一搭?He gave her a lift back to Paris that night. She got a lift into town. 她搭便车进城。 电梯(英国英语)= elevator e.g. If youre in a high-rise when an earthquake strikes, do not

21、use lifts. 如果地震发生时你在高楼内,那就别坐电梯。 2) v. 提;抬;举;(尤指向上)移动 e.g. My suitcase is too heavy for you to lift.Step 7. Task 2 . Pair work. Use the given situations to make dialogues with the partner.Step 8. Homework. . Recite the dialogue in Speaking. . Preview Section One in Reading.Blackboard Design* attend v

22、i. 处理;对付 attend to* lift n. 搭便车;免费搭车 give sb. a lift* appointment n. 约会 have an appointment with sb.* unfortunately adv. 不幸地;遗憾的是课题序号Unit 8授课班级授课课时5、6课时授课形式授课章节名 称Section One in Unit 8.使用教具A tape recorder教学目的1. Learn something about natural disasters and how to stay safe.2. Train and develop student

23、s reading ability and skills.教学重点Know the main idea of the passage、the usage of some phrases and can do Tasks correctly.教学难点1. Experts say that the reason why so many people died is that they didnt know what to do when the earthquake started.2. If they had, maybe fewer people would have died.3. So k

24、nowing what to do when there is an earthquake is very important. Here are some tips you can follow when an earthquake strikes.更新、补充删节内容课外作业教学后记Step 1. Greetings.Step 2. New words and expressions.* earthquake n. 地震* strike vi. 袭击* bookcase n. 书橱;书架* ceiling n. 天花板* tile n. 瓦;瓷砖* cover n. 掩护(物);掩蔽(物)*

25、 interior adj. 内部的* neck n. 颈项;脖子* position n. 位置;方位;职位* high-rise n. 高层建筑* outdoors adv. 在室外;在户外* electrical adj. 导电的* wire n. 电线;导线* pole n. 杆;电线杆* sidewalk n. 人行道* duck vi. 躲闪;躲避* doorway n. 出入口;门* exit n. 出口* shelf n. 架子* contain vt. 容纳;包含* stove n. 炉* overhead adj. 在头顶上的;上面的* cupboard n. 碗橱* ca

26、lm adj. 镇静的;不激动的* orderly adj. 有秩序的;守秩序的Step 3. Read the passage then do Task 2,3.Step 4. Some points.1. Experts say that the reason why so many people died is that they didnt know what to do when the earthquake started. 专家们说导致那么多人死亡的原因是他们不知道地震发生时该怎么做。* the reason why is that. 的原因是。Why 引导的是定语从句;that

27、引导的是表语从句,陈述一个表示理由的事实,不能改成有疑问色彩的词:what, if, whether, why, when, where等。注意也不能受汉语影响而说成the reason why .is because.。 The reason why he feels sleepy in class is that he has no interest in this subject. 他上课感到瞌睡的原因是他对该功课没兴趣。注意:that在名词性的从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)中不充当成分,但在定语从句中则充当成分主语、宾语或表语。 The news that Ive g

28、ot from him is that the exam will be put off. 他告诉我的消息是:考试延期举行。 We are all excited at the news that the exam will be put off. 听到考试延期举行的消息,我们大家都很高兴。2. If they had, maybe fewer people would have died. 如果他们知道的话,也许死亡人数会少些。* 此句为虚拟语气,had之后省略了上文内容known what to do when the earthquake started.3. So knowing wh

29、at to do when there is an earthquake is very important. Here are some tips you can follow when an earthquake strikes. 因此,知道地震时该怎么做非常重要。下面几招教你在地震时该怎么做。* knowing what to do when there is an earthquake是动名词短语做主语,表示一件事情,所以谓语动词用单数,因而不能看距离谓语动词最近的那个名词的单复数。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实 Playing computer games is

30、 his only hobby. 玩电脑游戏是他唯一的爱好。4. Stay away from windows, bookcases, tall furniture, heavy mirrors, hanging plants, and other heavy things that could fall. 远离窗户、书橱、高大家具、大镜子、悬挂的植物或其他可能会倒的重物。* hang 1) vi. 悬挂;吊着 Your coat is hanging in the bedroom. 你的外套挂在卧室里。 His raincoat always hangs behind the door of

31、 the bathroom. 他的雨披总挂在浴室的门后。 2) vt. a) 悬挂;吊。过去式、过去分词为hung, hung Will you help me hang the picture on the wall? Have you hung your coat on the hook? The worker is hanging a lamp from the ceiling. b) 吊死;绞死。过去式、过去分词为 hanged, hanged Before liberation a large number of poor people hanged themselves. He was hanged for murder. hangi

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