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1、泰坦尼克号电影中美国社会阶级分析 分类号 单位代码 密 级 学 号 本科毕业论文(设计)题 目An Analysis of Classes in American Society in the Film of Titanic泰坦尼克号电影中美国社会阶级分析作 者院 (系)专业班级学 号指导教师答辩日期年 月 日 西安文理学院毕业论文(设计)诚信责任书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计),是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。毕业论文(设计)中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开发

2、表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人毕业论文(设计)与资料若有不实,愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。 论文作者签名: 年 月 日AbstractIn the background of The “Titanic” in 1912, the Titanic in its virgin sail impacted the iceberg and then finally sank. It describes the two people in different classes - poor painter Jack and aristocrati

3、c girl Rose abandoned the secular prejudices to fall in love, Jack finally gave the living opportunity to Roses touching love story. This paper studies the different social classes in the “Titanic”, analysis the different social classes life quality and the deeply cultural connotation from the level

4、 of the cabin, the allocation of social resources and the cross-class phenomenon, with sociological perspective. Indicating that the Americans vanity on the level issues is not the results of accidental choice but with a profoundly social and cultural roots.Key words: The“Titanic”; love; classes; cu

5、lture摘要窗体顶端泰坦尼克号以1912年泰坦尼克号邮轮在其处女启航时触礁冰山而沉没的事件为背景,描述了处于不同阶层的两个人穷画家杰克和贵族女露丝抛弃世俗的偏见坠入爱河,最终杰克把生命的机会让给了露丝的感人故事。本文通过研究泰坦尼克号中不同的社会阶层,从船舱的等级、社会资源的分配和跨阶级现象等方面,用社会学眼光来分析不同的社会阶层生活品位的深层文化内涵。说明美国人在等级问题上暴露出的虚荣自大并非偶然的选择结果,而是具有深刻的社会文化根源的。关键词:泰坦尼克号;爱情;阶层;文化窗体底端Contents1. Introduction.12. The phenomenon of “Titanic”

6、.13. The class analysis of “Titanic”.3 3.1 Analysis of cabin rank.3 3.2 Unbalanced allocation of social resources.4 3.3 Analysis the American Classes by Dream Ship.5 3.4 Hierarchy and class prejudice.6 3.5 The symbol of the American spirit.74.Conclusion.8References.11Acknowledgement.121.Introduction

7、As the focus mainstream ideology of American film, Titanic is used in the narrator flashback format, with the great imagination reconstructed the life story of the Titanic recalled a tragic love story under the background of the 1912. The story takes place on a luxury cruise ship, including the hero

8、, many people joined the Titanic maiden voyage, shows a period beautiful love story of life and death, love and hate in front of the world. Among them, the heroine Rose was a daughter of the rich, accompanied by his mother and her fiance Carl on the ship. The hero Jack is a dissolute unruly young ar

9、tist, and he won a lower class tickets by gambling at the same time. In the course of the voyage of the ship, Rose was reluctant to marry Carl and was extremely disgusted with the hypocrisy of the upper class, so she had the idea of suicide. When she was going to jump, she was saved by Jack. After t

10、hen Jack led Rose to the lower class party and Jack also painted for Rose. With the contact of the two people, they fell in love gradually. At this time, the Titanic collided with the iceberg. The sudden disaster tested the love between them. After panic and struggle, Jack lifted Rose up with a smal

11、l piece of wood. But he was in the icy waters, and frozen to death. In the film, the love of the hero and the heroine was influenced and restraint of the class. It is difficult to break the cage of morality and freedom. This story contains the conflict between the rich and the poor, class consciousn

12、ess and the danger of falling. The theme of the disaster has secilarized and commercalized to the characterization of the human nature and the class nature. 2.The Phenomenon of the Titanic For Titanic, the hype from the news and the media like wave by wave. Increases the worth of the Titanic rapidly

13、 and formed an unprecedented boom. There are lots of novels, papers, literatures, photos, picture albums, interviews and so on at the same theme. Global Titanic phenomenon pushing a culture of consumer wave in front of us. Disaster and love, life and death, impact the global box office. The income o

14、f the box office of Titanic now beated the Jurassic park, breaking through the $1.2 billion, has a great success in the sense of the business. It should be admitted that the production of the Titanics grand scene, plot tension, rich details, beautiful actors, director of the originality, excellent p

15、hotography is rarely seen in movie history. With the Titanics popularity, there was a titanic phenomenon in the world. Titanic directed by James Cameron who derected theTerminator and the True Lies, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. 86 years ago, sank to the bottom of the oceans Titanic w

16、as onto the screen for many times, losses of love and the helplessness of disaster has been the focus. In the Titanic, the director James Cameron still followed the past ideas, but he gave the film to more romantic, human and social contradictions also have more sharp performance. The film give audi

17、ences lots of inspiration and introspection and also won the tears at the same time. Space-time conversion is a means of expression that many art films specialize in using. There is no doubt that the Titanic also has the past and now two spacetimes. In terms of the past, Titanics sinking of this his

18、torical event itself, has the heartbreak and the tragic effect. On April 15, 1912, the so-called unsinkable sea fortress and dream boat British luxury giant boat Titanics first shipping hit the iceberg in the north Atlantic voyage. Only two hours, it became an “ice wreck”. There are 2228 people on t

19、he ship, but only 705 of the people survived. In terms of “now”, in the film Titanic, director Cameron strives to combine an immortal classical love legend with this painful historical disaster. The scene that thousands of people fell into the water, a grand scene of tragic shipwreck, hundreds of ha

20、nds for help under the lifeboat, there is no doubt that there is a great shock in the sence of visual and audio. Rose and Jacks love story begins on the boat and ended in the ice water, and let the movie get rid of the pattern of record the event simply. It also makes it possible to acquire the arti

21、stic charm of the first seven films of the titanic. In order to strengthen the sense of reality, Cameron imported a treasure hunters real action at the beginning of the film. When the wrecker take out the fictional portraits of Rose by seawater corrosion of the safe box, everything is no longer fals

22、e. And when the old lady was in the real environment to recall the past that was dosent exsit, everything actualization logically. The directors pursuit of the details and accuracy, increased its historical authenticity and credibility. The film use the “heart of the ocean” be a mysterious haunt and

23、 as a clue of the narrative structure skillfully and delicately. It satisfied the audio-visual image strives to the perfect, and it is also a great pleasure for watching. The Titanics success in art is that it is a historical disaster that is different from the fiction. Hollywood movie has always fo

24、cused on the character and put them in the most important position. In the film, the hero and the heroines image of them is very touching. In terms of character image shaping, Titanic is not a very successful one. For example, the three characters Rose Jack and Carls characters are littel vague. Alt

25、hough she admire the modernist painting of Picasso, and discuss about Freud occasionally, but it lack of the behavior of the evidence like Anna hate Karenina(Anna Karenina). Jacks enjoy every day and his artistic talent only complement with each other to show his lovely place. But he is not smart en

26、ough, not resorceful enough in the film. Except Carl framed Jacks money to run away, the film also lack of the description of his emptiness spiritual , vicious humanity and so on. Although the whole plot of the film is fictional, the director also has deficiencies because of the individual horizon,

27、and there are some defects in individual details. But because the details of the Titanic is extremely real, and fully used the contrast approach, so the film was highly praised by the audience. Titanic also combine with a variety of contrast, all kinds of contrast at a heat, received a very good art

28、istic effect. Except the gender comparison, comparison of the first class cabin and the third class cabin , comparison of poverty and wealth, comparison of different classes and the comparison of the emotions in the film, there is also a comparison of the space and time, details and scenes, etc. For

29、 example, For example, the time contrast of centuries, it has the memories of the beginning of the century, and it also has a outlook for the future, greatly enhanced the films heavy sense of the history ; The huge spatial comparison and the comparison of details and scenes, gives auduience a beautiful spectacular impression; The comparison of bliss and exteremly sad, resulting the audiences psychological contrast and emotional agitation.Thus, the two themes of love and the perils of the sea, Titanic is not just t

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