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新人教版高中英语必修1unit3 travel journal 知识要点.docx

1、新人教版高中英语必修1unit3 travel journal 知识要点Unit3TravelJournal知识要点一、词汇详解 1.transport n.&vt. 运送;运输 【典型例句】 Beijing is trying to improve its transport system for the coming 2008 Olympics. 北京为了迎接即将到来的2008奥运会,正在努力改善交通设施。 The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air. 货物将空运到东京。 【相关链接】 (1)transport还可作可数名词,表示“交通工具”

2、。例如: It is easier to travel if you have your own transport. 如果你自己有交通工具,旅行起来就方便多了。 (2)transportation n. 运输;交通。例如: The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage.铁路免费运送一定数量的行李。 (3)构词法: Trans-作为前缀,意为“横过;贯穿;转移”。例如: translate vi.&vt. 翻译 transfer vi.&vi. 转移,调离 transmit vt. 传输;传播完成句

3、子(1)我的汽车正在修理,所以我现在没有代步工具了。 My car is being repaired so Im_at the moment. (2)我出门通常乘坐公共交通工具。 I usually travel by_. 答案: (1)without transport (2)public transport填充(3)Can you_this letter from German into English? (4)The message was_by radio. (5)She has been_to another department. 答案: (3)translate (4)tran

4、smitted (5)transferred2.persuade vt. 说服;劝说;使某人相信 【典型例句】 Thank you for persuading my mother to let me join the army. 谢谢你说服了我的妈妈让我参军。 I persuaded him into doing it. 我说服他去做这件事。 I persuaded Robert that the journey was too dangerous and he didnt go. 我对罗伯特说那个旅行太危险,他被说服了,所以没有去。 I am firmly persuaded that s

5、uch is the fact. 我坚信事实就是这样。 He has persuaded me of its truth. 他使我相信这是真的。 【知识小结】 persuade表示“说服”时。常构成以下搭配: persuade do sth.劝服某人做某事 persuade sb.into doing sth.劝服某人做某事 persuade sb.that.使某人相信,劝服某人 persuade sb.of sth.使某人相信 【相关链接】 (1)persuasion n. 说服;说服力 persuasive adj. 有说服力的,易使人信服的 (2)persuade和advis

6、e的区别: persuade一词常指已说服某人 advise一词则是尝试劝说某人,结果不一定如愿。 例如: I persuaded him to go home.我说服他回家了。 I advised him to go home,but he refused. 我劝他回家,他拒绝了。单项填空(1)Mr Li no longer smokes now because his wife_him to give up smoking last year. A.suggested B.advised C.persuaded D.told 提示:advise do sth.意思是“劝某人做某

7、事”,强调动作,尤其是表达“劝而不服”时多用此结构;persuade do sth.意思是“劝服某人做某事”,强调结果。 答案:C (2)The businessman tried to_me of his honesty and goodwill at first,but he turned out a deceiver. A.adviseB.persuade C.remindD.understand 提示:句意:这个商人起初尽力让我相信他的诚实和善意,但结果证明他是一个骗子。此题用persuade sb.of sth.表示“使某人相信”。 答案:B (3)Much to our

8、 delight,Dr.John was finally_into joining our adventurous travel to the South Pole. A.advisedB.agreed C.admittedD.persuaded 答案:D3.insist vt. 坚持;强调 【典型例句】 I insisted that I hadnt seen the wallet. 我坚持说我没有见过这个钱包。 He insisted on/upon my going with him. 他坚持要我跟他一起去。 He insists she (should) not be invited

9、to our party. 他坚持要邀请她参加我们的聚会。 They insisted that he (should) be present at the ceremony. 他们坚持要他出席这次仪式。 【知识小结】 (1)insist 表示“坚持要做某事”时,宾语从句中的动词形式用“should+动词原形(或省去should)”。如果表示“坚持某个观点或说法”时,后面的从句不用虚拟语气。 (2)insist on/upon (sb./sb.s)doing sth.坚持某人做某事 【相关链接】 (1)insistence n. 坚持 insistent adj. 坚持不懈的 insisten

10、tly adv. 坚决地 (2)insist on和stick to的区别: insist on多用于“坚持”意见、看法、主张,常常与“说”有关系。例如: Naturalists insist on us caring for the wildlife. 自然学家坚决主张我们要关爱野生生命。 stick to多用于“坚持”原则、计划、决定、诺言、意见等。例如: We should always stick to our value of life. 我们总是要坚持我们的生命观。单项填空(1)The study of English he has insisted on_himself with

11、 the international business has now proved fruitful. helpB.helping C.having helpD.will help 提示:空格处不是insisted on的宾语而是目的状语,所以要用不定式。 答案:A (2)Bob insisted that he_nothing wrong and_from work. A.did;wont be fired B.had done;not be fired C.should do;mustnt be fired;shouldnt be fired 提示:第一个空表示说法,

12、要用过去完成时,表示发生的时间比主句的谓语早;第二个空表示坚持做某事,要用虚拟语气。 答案:B (3)The public insisted on the government_ immediate action against corruption. A.must take B.should take take D.taking 提示:insist on sb.doing sth.表示“坚决要求某人做某事”。 答案:D 4.proper adj. 适当的;恰当的 【典型例句】 He wondered whether it would be proper to visit him a

13、t this hour. 我不知道在这个时候拜访他是否合适。 It isnt proper to visit a friend at this late hour. 天这么晚了,去看朋友不合适。 It must be done in the proper way. 这件事必须以恰当的方式来做。 You arent wearing proper clothes for this hot weather. 这么热的天气,你穿的衣服不合适。 【相关链接】 properly adv. 适当地,恰当地;improper adj .不恰当的单项填空The teapot has lost its_lid b

14、ut this one will do instead. A.correctB.exact 提示:correct 意为“正确的”;exact “精确的”;fit“适合的”,这三个词在语意上不适合用在此题中。而proper表示“恰当的,适当的,正好的”,句意: 茶壶(合适的)盖儿不见了,但这个可代替使用。答案 about 关心;在意 【典型例句】 People here are thoughtful of others.They care about each other. 这里的人总为别人考虑,他们都互相关心。 She didnt care abou

15、t anything people might say. 人们说什么她都不在乎。 【知识小结】 care about表示“关心”讲时,用在肯定句中;表示“在意”时,用在疑问句和否定句中。 【相关链接】 (1)care to do sth.表示“愿意做”。例如: I dont care to go out.我不想出去。 (2)care for 也有“关心;照料”之意,与care about相同;但也可表示“喜欢,对有兴趣”,多用于否定句和疑问句中,这有别于care about。例如: He doesnt care much for music. 他不太喜欢音乐。(不可用care about) W

16、ould you care for a walk? 你愿意散一散步吗?(不可用care about) care for 还可表示“照顾”。例如: The children are well cared for in the nurseries. 孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。单项填空(1)Does your wife like tea? Well,she doesnt really_tea;she likes coffee better. about of 提示:句意为“你妻子喜欢茶吗?”“她其实不太喜欢茶,她更喜欢咖啡。”此处应该

17、表示“喜欢”,故要用care for。 答案:A (2)Earth Day is a celebration of life and our planet.It is a reminder that we need to_the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature. about B.think of C.take possession of D.refer to 提示:care about关心,照料;think of 想到;take possession of 拥有;refer

18、to 涉及到,参考。 答案:A6.determine vt. 决定;确定;下定决心 【典型例句】 Demand determines supply.需求决定供给。 They have determined where the new school will be built. 他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。 She determined to go that very afternoon. 她决定就在那天下午走。 My moms encouragement determined me to go on with my study. 我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续我的学业。 He was d

19、etermined to win the game. 他决心要赢得那场比赛。 【知识小结】 determine表示“决心做某事”时,可用sb.determines to do sth.也可用 determined to do sth.。【相关链接】 determined adj. 有决心的;意志坚强的 determination n. 毅力,决心 同义词组:decide,make up one s mind to do sth.决心做某事单项填空_to train his daughter in English,he put an ad like this in the paper,

20、“,an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.” A.Determined;Wanted B.Determined;Wanting C.Determine;Wanted D.Determining;Wanting 提示:句意: 他决心辅导他女儿英语,所以在报纸上登了这样一个广告,“招聘,英语老师,辅导十岁女孩”。如果我们说“某人决心做某事”,要用be determined to do sth.;第二个空用过去分词形式wanted,表示与teacher是被动 关系 。 答案:A7.give in 投降;屈服;让步 【典型例句】 The rebels w

21、ere forced to give in. 叛乱者被迫投降。 Although he was ill,he stuck at his work and refused to give in. 虽然有病,但他仍然坚持工作,不肯示弱。 You cant win the game,so you may as well give in. 你赢不了这场比赛,所以还是认输算了。 Stubborn as he was,he finally gave in. 他虽然很固执,但最后还是让步了。 Both sides argued with reason,and neither would give in. 双

22、方都振振有词地辩论着,可谁也不服谁。 He has given in to my views at last. 他们最后接受了我的意见。 【相关链接】 (1)give in也可作及物动词短语,意为“上交”。例如: Give your examination papers in when you have finished. 做完试卷就交上来。 (2)give构成的短语: give off 发出;放出。例如: The apples give off a very sweet smell. 这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味儿。 give out 分发,发出(气味、热等),用尽,精疲力竭。例如: Plea

23、se help me give out these test papers. 请帮我分发这些试卷。 Our food supply at last gives out. 供给我们的食物终于用完了。 give up 放弃(念头、希望等),停止,抛弃,认输, 把 送交。例如: He gave up teaching only two years ago. 两年前他才离开教学工作的。 He gave the books up to her.他把书给她递上去。 give away 赠送;捐献;分发(奖品等)泄露(秘密等)。例如: The old teacher gave away all his bo

24、oks to the school. 这位老教师把他的全部藏书捐送给了学校。 The headmaster gave away the prizes. 校长分发奖品。 give way让路;倒塌;折断。例如: Give way to cars that come from the left. 给左边开过来的汽车让路。 The ladder gave way and Larry fell to the ground. 梯子断了,拉里摔倒在地上。 give back 归还;恢复。例如: Please give me back the book I lent you. 请将我借给你的书还给我。 gi

25、ve over 停止;交付。例如: I hope the rain will soon give over. 我希望雨不久即停。 We gave him over to the police.我们把他交给了警方。介副词填空(1)This milk must be bad,for it is giving_a nasty smell. (2)Both the man and the horse gave _after the long ride. (3)All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given_and the search stoppe

26、d. (4)You have given_a good chance. (5)The old wall gave_and injured three children. (6)The government gave_food to people out of work. (7)He soon gave_smoking when he heard the medical report. (8)Nobody knows Ive done this,so please dont give me_. (9)There was nothing the doctors could do to give m

27、e_the use of my legs. (10)The keys were given_to our neighbours during our absence. (11)I did want a holiday abroad,but Ive given_the idea. (12)After the boy proved that he could ride a bicycle safely,his father gave_to him and bought him one. 答案: (1)off(2)out(3)up(4)away (5)way (6)out(7)up(8)away (

28、9)back (10)over(11)up(12)in单项填空(13)Defeated by many failures,he finally_ . A.gave out B.gave in C.gave away D.gave off 提示:give in屈服;give out发出,分发;give away 赠送;give off发出。 答案:B (14)Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance,but her trembling voice_. A.gave her in B.gave her out C.gave her away D.gave he

29、r up 提示:句意:简尽量保持一种镇静的外表,但她那颤抖的声音给她揭了底。give 意为“泄了某人的秘密, n. 乐趣;玩笑;有趣的人或事 【典型例句】 Theres no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打扑克牌没有意思。 Have fun at the party tonight. 今晚的晚会上玩得开心。 His uncle is fond of fun.他的叔叔喜欢开玩笑。 Mr.Smith is great fun. 史密斯先生是一个很有趣的人。 【知识小结】 fun指“有趣的人或事”时,

30、要用作不可数名词,前面不加冠词。 【相关链接】 (1)funny adj. 有趣的;好笑的;滑稽的;奇异的;古怪的。例如: I told my little sister a funny story. 我给我的小妹妹讲了一个有趣的故事。 His behaviour was rather funny. 他的举止颇为古怪。 (2)短语归纳: make fun of 开某人的玩笑 for fun 为了娱乐 What fun!多么有趣! Have fun!祝玩得开心! in fun开玩笑,不是认真的 Sth./ fun.某事/某人真有趣。改错(1)Its not many fun going to a party al

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