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电影伴我同行 STAND BY ME 英文剧本.docx

1、电影伴我同行 STAND BY ME 英文剧本STAND BY MEWriter: I was twelve going on thirteen first time I saw a dead human being. It happened in the summer of nineteen-fifty-nine. A long time ago. But only if you measure in terms of years. I was living in a small town in Oregon called Castle Rock. There were only 1281

2、people, but to me it was the whole world. Radio: Hey its the bossman Bob Cormier here. Its a beautiful Friday morning in Portland! Its 90 K.L.A.M degrees and getting hotter! Up the ladder with another platter! Its Bobbie Day with Rocking Robin! Its boss!Chris: Hey, how do you know a Frenchmans been

3、in your backyard?Teddy: Hey, Im french, okay.Chris: Your garbage cans are empty and your dogs pregnant.Teddy: Didnt I just say I was french?Chris: I knock.Teddy: Shit.Chris: Twenty-nine.Teddy: Twenty-two.Gordie: Piss up a rope!Teddy: Gordies out. Oh Gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door!C

4、hris: Come on, man, deal.Writer: Teddy Duchamp was the craziest guy we hung around with. He didnt have much of a chance in life. His dad was given fits of a rage. One time he held Teddys ear to a stove and almost burned it off.Teddy: I knock.Chris: You foureyed pile of shit! Teddy: That pile of shit

5、 has a thousand eyes! What? Whats so funny? Come on, Ive got thirty, what have you got?Chris: Sixteen. Teddy Go ahead, keep laughing. Id turn you right down.Writer: Chris Chambers was the leader of our gang and my best friend. He came from a bad family and everyone just knew, hed turn out bad. Inclu

6、ding Chris.Gordie: Knock the secret knock! Vern: I forget the secret knock, let me in!G,C,T: Vern! Vern: Come on you guys, open up! Oh man, you guys are not gonna believe this. This is so boss. Oh man, waitll you hear this, waitll you hear this. You wont believe it. Its unbelievable. Let me catch my

7、 breath. I ran all the way from my house. G,C,T: I ran all the way home. Just to say Im sorry, sorry oh . cant.Vern: Come on, guys, listen to me. Guys, come on! Okay, forget it. Ill tell you nothing. Chris: Alright, guys, alright. What is it, man? Vern: Okay, great, you wont believe this sincerely.

8、G,C,T: I ran all the way home! Vern: Screw you guys! Chris: What is it?Vern: Can you guys camp out tonight? I mean if you tell your folks, were gonna tent onmy backfield? C,G: Yeah. Chris: I think so. Said my dads kind of on a mean streak. You know, hes been drinking a lot lately. Vern: You got to m

9、an, sincerely! You wont believe this! Can you, Gordie?Gordie: Yeah, probably.Teddy: So what are you pissin and moaning about, Verno? Chris: I knock.Teddy: What! You liar, you aint got no pat-hand. You didnt deal yourself no pat-hand! Chris: Make your draw, shitheap. Vern: You guys wanna go see a dea

10、d body? Well I was under the porch, digging, you know.Writer: We all understood what Vern meant right away. At the beginning of the school-year he had buried a quart-jar of pennies underneath his house. He drew a treasuremap, so he could find them again. A week later his mom cleaned out his room and

11、 threw away the map. Vern had been trying to find those pennies for nine months. Nine months, man. He didnt know whether to laugh or cry.Charley: Jesus Christ, Billy, we gotta do something! Billy: What, who cares?Charley: We saw him. Billy: Saw? He aint naught to us. The kids dead, so it aint naught

12、 to him neither. Who gives a shit, if they ever find him? I dont.Charley: It was the kid they were talking about on the radio. A Braker, a Brower, Flowers, whatever his name is. The train must have had him.Billy: Big fucking deal!Writer: We had all followed the Ray Brower-story very closely because

13、he was a kid our age. Three days before he had gone out to pick blueberries and nobody had seen him since.Charley: I think, we should tell the cops. Billy: You dont go squawking to the cops after you boosted a car, you idiot. They gonna wanna know how the hell we got way on the Back Harlow road. Now

14、 they know, we dont got no car! Its best we just keep our mouths shut, then they cant touch us. Charley: I agree, but we could make an anonymous call. Billy: They trace those calls, stupid. I seen that on Highway Patrol and on Dragnet. Charley: Alright. I just wish we never boosted that goddamn Dodg

15、e. I wish, Ace had been with us. He could tell the cops we was in his car.Billy: Well he wasnt. Charley: Were going to tell him? Billy: We dont gonna tell nobody. Nobody never. You dig me?Teddy: I know the Back Harlow Road! It comes to a dead end by the Royal river. The traintracks are right there!

16、Even my dad used to fish for cossies out there! Chris: Jesus Christ, man. If they would have known you were under the door they would have killed you. Gordie: Could he have gotten all the way from Chamberlain to Harlow? Its really far! Chris: Sure. He must have started walking on the traintracks and

17、 just followed them the whole way. Teddy: Yeah. Yeah, right. And then after dark the train must have come along - Oh smacko!Chris: Yeah. Hey, hey guys! I bet you anything that if we find him well get our pictures in the paper! Teddy: Yeah, wed even be on TV!Chris: Sure!Teddy: Well be heroes! Chris:

18、Yeah! Vern: I dont know. Billy will know how I found out. Gordie: Hes not gonna care. Cos its gonna be us guys who find him. Not Billy and Charley Hogan in a boosted car. They probably pin a medal on you, Vern. Vern: Yeah, you think so? Gordie: Sure! Vern: Whatll we tell our folks? Gordie: Exactly w

19、hat you said. We all tell our folks were tenting out on your backfield. You tell your folks youre sleeping over Teddys. Then well say were going out to the drag-races the next day. . . until dinner tomorrow night. Chris: Thats a plan and a half.Vern: But if we do find the kids body over in South Har

20、low theyll know we didnt go to the drag-races! Well get hided! Teddy: Nobody would care cos everybody is gonna be so jazzed about what we found its not gonna make a difference! Chris: Yeah! My dad would hide me anyway. But hell thats worth a hiding!Teddy: Shit yeah! Chris: Lets do it! What dyou say?

21、 Teddy: Alright.Chris: Gordie? Gordie: Sure. Chris: Vern? Vern: I dont know. Chris: Vern!Teddy: Come on, Verno! Chris: Vern! Teddy: Vern! C/T: Come on, Verno! Vern: Alright.Writer: I wanted to share my friends enthusiasm but I couldnt. That summer at home I had become the invisible boy.Gordie: Mam!

22、You know where my canteen is?! Mam! GFather: Its in Dennis room! Gordie: Oh.Writer: In April my older brother Dennis had been killed in a Jeep accident. Four months had passed but my parents still hadnt been able to put the pieces back together again.Denny: Gordie, I got something for you! This my f

23、riend is for you. Gordie: This is your Yankee-cap. Denny: No, no, this is your Yankee-cap. Its a good-luck cap. You wear that cap, you know how many fish were gonna catch?Gordie: How much? Denny: A zillion. A zillion fish. It looks good on you too, just like that.Gordie: Hey, Im going blind! Denny:

24、Ah, dont start with me porcupine. Come here, come here, give me a hug. Gfather: You found it. Gordie: Huh? Gfather: You found it. Gordie: Yeah.Gfather: Why cant you have friends like Dennis? Gordie: Dad, theyre okay.Gfather: Sure they are. A thief and two feebs. Gordie: Chris isnt a thief.Gfather: H

25、e stole the milk-money at school. Hes a thief in my book.Writer: It was almost noon as we set out to find the body of a dead kid named Ray Brower.Chris: . Gordie: Hey, Chris. Chris: Thanks a lot! Driver: Sure thing!Chris: Gordoe. Gordie: Hey, man. Chris: Dyou wanna see something?Gordie: Sure, what?

26、Chris: Are you okay? Gordie: Yeah, Im fine. Chris: Come on!Gordie: What is it? Chris: You got to see this. Gordie: Come on, man, what is it? Come on, what is it? Chris: You wanna be the Lone Ranger or the Cisco-kid! Gordie: Walking, talking, Jesus! Whered you get this? Chris: Hawked it from my old m

27、ans bureau. Its a .45. Gordie: I can see that. Pchough! You got shells for it? Chris: Yeah. Took all that was left in the box. My dad will think that he used them himself shooting at beercans while he was drunk.Gordie: Pchough! Is it loaded? Chris: Hell, no! What dyou think I am?G,C: Jesus! Gordie?:

28、 Lets get out of here, come on! Chris: Gordie did it, Gordie Lachance, Gordie Lachance! Gordie: Shut up!Woman: Hey, who did that? Whos letting cherrybombs off back here?Chris: Oh man, you should have seen your face! Yeah that was cool! That was really fine! Gordie: You knew it was loaded, you wet en

29、d! Ill be in trouble now that Tupper-babe saw me! Chris: Shit, Gordie, she thought it was firecrackers! Gordie: I dont care. It was a mean trick, Chris. Chris: Hey, Gordie. I didnt know it was loaded. Honest. Gordie: You swear?Chris: Yeah, I swear. Gordie: On your mothers name? Chris: Yeah. Gordie:

30、Even if she goes to hell because you lied? Chris: Yeah, I swear!Gordie: Pinky swear? Chris: Pinky swear. Eyeball: Hey, girls, wherere you goin? Gordie: Hey, come on man, my brother gave me that! Ace: And now you given it to me.Gordie: Give it to me! Come on! Man! Thats mine! Chris: Youre a real assh

31、ole, you know that? Ace: Your brothers not very polite, Eyeball.Eyeball: Now Christopher. I know you didnt mean to insult my friend. Ace: I know he didnt mean to insult me. Thats why I gonna give him the opportunity of taking it back. Chris: Ah, oh shit! Ace: Take it back! Chris: Oh.Gordie: Come on, man, stop it

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