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PEP人教版小学英语五年级下册《Unit3 My school calendar B Read and write》教学设计.docx

1、PEP人教版小学英语五年级下册Unit3 My school calendar B Read and write教学设计PEP人教版小学英语五年级下册Unit3 My school calendar B Read and write教学设计一、教学目标(一)语言能力目标1. 在阅读时,养成案意群阅读的习惯,用目标句型和词汇读懂对复活节的描写。2. 学生能够根据教学内容回答对将要发生的事情的回答,并做恰当的回答,完成句子填写的活动。(二)语言知识目标1. 学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下,养成按照意群阅读的习惯,读懂对复活节的描述,完成对错判断题。2. 理解一般将来时的使用,完成读一读,写一写自己再

2、生日派对上将要做的事情。3. 能够完成听一听圈一圈,将活动、节日和月份对应起来。(三)情感、策略、文化目标 1.感受每个月份的节日的文化含义,并树立合理规划活动的意识。二、教学重、难点(一)重点: 1. 句型:Whatwilldoin?Ill.2. 词汇:Eastereggs,EasterBunny,holiday.(二)难点 1. 学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下,了解生词“EasterBunny”,养成按照意群阅读的习惯,读懂对复活节的描述,完成听、读、写任务。2. 学生能够在学习中,注意书写规范。三、教具:多媒体课件、教材、单词卡片(正面彩图/反面单词)、练习题4、教学步骤 导入PPT播放一

3、段关于复活节的英文段视频,师生共同观看。(设计意图:初步感知西方节日,复活节,为本课的学习做铺垫。)Step 1. Preparation1. Lets enjoy a song.T :I like singing, do you like singing ?Ss: Yes!T:Lets enjoy s song. Listen carefully and find what can you see in the song ?师生共同聆听演唱歌曲。(设计意图:通过歌曲的导入,活跃课堂气氛。让学生在歌曲中找到与本课相关的单词。引入复活节中重要的部分,复活节兔子和复活节彩蛋。)2.教授Easter

4、 bunny 和 Easter eggs。1)T: What can you see in the song ?Who can ? You, please.S: Rabbits.T:You can see some rabbits. Look, this is the rabbit. It has a very cute name “Easter bunny ”.Follow me, bunny.Ss: Bunny.T: Letter u sounds / / ,bunny. Ss: Bunny.T: Easter bunny. Ss: Easter bunny.通过各种形式操练Easter

5、bunny.2)T: What else ? What can you see in the song ?S: Eggs.T: We can see many eggs . Look, I have some colorful eggs.教师手中展示几个五颜六色的鸡蛋。 We called 教师拿出词卡和鸡蛋,指示学生读出 Easter eggs.Ss: Easter eggs.T: Youre so clever .Follow me ,Easter eggs.Ss: Easter eggs.3).T: Easter bunny and Easter eggs are all come fr

6、om Easter. Do you know Easter ? If you know ,you can speak in Chinese.根据学生的反应情况进行下一步的教学。T:Lets see something about Easter.PPT展示复活节的中文介绍,让学生进行粗看,大概了解一下复活节的由来,介绍西方文化。(设计意图:通过复活节兔子和复活节彩蛋的教学以及复活节的介绍再次感受复活节。)4).T:This year Easter is coming.We will have a big party. I want to invite my friends to join the

7、 party ! What should I do . You can speak in Chinese. You ,please.S: .T:We can make a call. Its a good way. Anyone else ? You , please.S:.T: Great ! We can write an email. What else ? You , please.S: .T: Good. ! We can write an invitation. Look, we have many ways to invite our friends. PPT展示不同的方式。 W

8、e can make a call, write an email or write an invitation. Follow me , invitation.Ss: Invitation. T: Invitation. Ss: Invitation.T: Whats the meaning ?展示词卡的背面,了解单词的意思。Ss:邀请函。T:Do you know how to write an invitation ?Ss: No!T:No problem.For this class , I will teach you how to write an invitation.(设计意图

9、:导入invitation,让学生知道本课要学习的是怎样去写一封邀请函。)Step 2. Pre-reading.1.出示文本T:Look, I received an invitation from my friends. Lets listen and answer, Whose invitation ? Whats the invitation about ? Listen carefully.教师同时出现文本,播放录音,让学生听音回答问题。2.听音回答问题1)T:Whose invitation ? You , please!S: Its Robins.2) T: Lets check

10、. Its Robins. Good job ! Thank you , sit down , please.Next one , Whats the invitation about ? You , please.S: Its about Easter party .T: Its about Easter party . PPT同时出现答案,教师同时展示词卡。并张贴词卡。(设计意图:听音回答问题,整体感知本文。)Step 3 In-reading1. 第一遍阅读,默读,回答问题。T: Look, this is Robins invitation about Easter party. No

11、w read quickly and silently, answer my question. When is the party ? Why Robin will have a party ? Where is the party ? PPT同时出示问题,学生快速默读找出答案。1)T:Have you finished ? Lets check the answer. When is the party ?S: April 12th, 7 p.mT: Clever . Sit down , please.T: The party will be on April 12th, 7 p.m.

12、Follow me , 12th.Ss: 12th.T: 12th. Ss: 12th. T: April 12th, 7p.m Ss: April 12th, 7p.mT: Group1 Ss: April 12th, 7p.m.T: Group2 Ss: April 12th, 7p.m.T: Its will be on April 12th , 7p.m.张贴板书。Lets check on your books.Look, the party will be on April 12th,7 p.m. 2) T:So Why Robin will have the party ? Yo

13、u, please.S: Easter holiday. T: Well done. Thank you, sit down , please. Follow me,Easter holiday . Ss:Easter holiday.T:Do you know holiday ? Look, its means . Ss: 假期。 T: Easter holiday .张贴板书Ss: Easter holiday.T:It will be on Easter holiday.Lets check on your books.Look,it will be Easter holiday. 3)

14、.T:Where is the party ? You, please.S: Wu Yifans home.T: Super, It will be at Wu Yifans home。张贴板书(设计意图:通过第一遍快速默读找出Easter party举行的时间,原因,地点。)2. 第二遍整体阅读,快速大声朗读短文。1)T: By now , we know Robin will have a party at Wu Yifans home on April 12th, 7p.m .Do you know what ?What will we do in the party ? Lets re

15、ad again and find. For this time , you should read slowly, carefully and loudly. OKSs: OK.T: Lets do it. 学生大声的朗读短文在短文中找出问题的答案。T:What have you find ? What will we do ? You , please.S: We will play many games.T: Yes, Great! We will play many games. Read after me. Games.Ss: Games.T: Play many games. Ss

16、: Play many games.T:We will play many games. Ss: We will play many games. 。2)T: What else. You, please.S: We will roll Easter eggs. T: Follow me , roll Easter eggs. Ss: Roll Easter eggs.T:Do you know roll ? Look, I have an Easter egg. Use the spoon, and, like this, roll Easter eggs. So , do you know

17、 roll ? Ss: Yes.T: Who want to have a try ? You and you, please. Come here. Everyone, lets say roll Easter eggs.两名学生一边做示范,学生一边一起读出roll Easter eggs.(设计意图:通过游戏的方式,让学生参与复活节的活动,并在活动中了解词的意思。)3)T:Anything else ? What will we do ? You , please.S: We will look for eggs.T: Good, thank you , sit down ,please。

18、Follow me, look forSs: Look for. T: look for eggs.Ss: Look for eggs. T:Lets look for eggs. I need three students. Who wants? You and you , please.And you , please. Come here , turn around. Close your eyes. Everyone, shuu. I hidden some eggs. 老师在教室里藏好鸡蛋,让三名学生找鸡蛋。(设计意图:通过游戏的方式,让学生参与复活节的活动,并在活动中了解词的意思。

19、)4)T:Lets go on What will we do in the party ? You , please.S: We will eat chocolate eggs.T: Look, do you like chocolate ?SS:Yes.T: Follow me , chocolateSs:ChocolateT: Do you like chocolate ?Ss: Yes !T:Me too! I like chocolate very much !PPT出示巧克力的图片,让学生知道chocolate的中文意思。5)T: Anything else ? You, plea

20、se.S: You will meet the Easter bunny.T: You will meet the Easter bunny. 教师做动作。(设计意图:分段学习,让学生在游戏中,充分了解复活节的活动,并对邀请函的内容加以学习。)3. 通过两遍的阅读,解决RSVP1)T:Is it interesting ? Ss: Yes!T: Will you come to the party ?Ss: Yes!T:What will we do , If we want to join the party . Who knows ? Show me your hand. You, ple

21、ase.S: Please send me an email at robin by March 23rd.T:Well down. Read after me。 教学send an email at robin .T:By March 23rd.教学23rd.T: Do you know the meaning of by ?教学by.S: before. T: By March 23rd, we also can say before March 23rd.2)T: How do you know that ? How do you know we should write am emai

22、l ?S: RSVP. T: What is RSVP ? Look , it means “Reply , if you please.” 出示情感教育,不论参加与否,回复是对邀请者的尊重。3)T: We have know something about Easter party. Now take out your book, lets read and tick or cross.(设计意图:通过讲解让学生整体了解一封邀请函的书写格式以及内容,在整体了解前提下,做相应的课本练习。)Step 3. Post-reading1)Listen and imitate .T:Now liste

23、n and imitate. 学生跟着录音一起模仿朗读短文。2)Read by yourself.学生自己朗读短文,再次整天感知短文。3)Retell the invitation. 利用黑板给的提示词进行复述,老师先做示范,然后让学生在组内讨论,然后再找学生上台进行复述。Step 4. Production1)T: Mothers day is coming . We will have a party .Lets write an invitation for your mum.准备好邀请函让学生进行书写,找两组上黑板展示。 T: Our mother wash for us, cook

24、for us. Lets say thank you , mum. Ss:Thank you ,mum!(设计意图:进行情感渗透,感谢母亲为我们的付出。) 2) T: By now we have know how to write an invitation, I need someone to help me to put the words in the right order. You, please.找学生上黑板把关键词张贴在黑板上。3)T: Easter is come from Amercian. Do you know some any other festivels. 让学生说出中国的和美国的一些传统节日。情感渗透,我们不仅要学习西方文化,更要记住民族传统。Step5. Progress.1)Summary. What have you learn today ?(设计意图:小结本节课的单词和句型。)2)Homework.1.Write your invitation for Mothers day.(设计意图:再次巩固本课输出的内容,让学生自己独立写一次邀请函。)2.Share your invitation to your parents.(设计意图:向父母展示自己邀请函,再一次进行情感渗透,感谢母亲。)

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