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新编大学基础英语综合教程4 教案unit6.docx

1、新编大学基础英语综合教程4 教案unit6Lesson 1 DedicationLearning Objectives:1. Describing people and identifying common factors.2. Defining words and discussing the connotations.3. Reading a text about a man with an obsession.4. Discussing body transformations.Speaking 1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discu

2、ss these questions.1) What does each picture show?2) How would you describe the people in the pictures?3) What do you think they might have in common?4) Do you think you are like any of these people? If so, in what way?Vocabulary : Talking about people1. Look at these definitions. Can you guess the

3、words? In what way are the words different? Do they have positive or negative connotations? 2. Can you think of any other similar examples? traditional old-fashioned conventional3. Look at the following words, which are all synonyms of determined. Do the words have positive or negative connotations?

4、 Divide them into two groups, using a dictionary to help you.Positive: resolute, unwavering, dedicatedNegative: stubborn, wilful, obstinate, dogged( single-minded, strong-willed and persistent are dependent on context.)4. Work in small groups and compare your ideas.Use one of the words to describe s

5、omeone you know.My 11-year-old daughter is really obstinate nothing I say can persuade her to read a book, she just watches rubbish on TV all the time.5. Read the short profiles below and decide which word in Exercise 3 best describes the person. More than one word may be appropriate.1) A politician

6、 who always gives her full support to her party leader, even when she does not agree with all the partys policies unwavering2) An employee who works day and night to get a promotion, even though it will probably be given to someone else. dogged/determined/persistent3) A woman who has recovered from

7、cancer three times strong-willed/resolute4) A man who has failed his driving test ten times and is to take his test again next month.determined/persistent5) A child who refuses to wear blue trousers today. stubborn/wilful6) A president defending his club, which refuses membership to women. obstinate

8、7) A girl who devotes all her free time to tennis practice and has no social life as a result. single-minded8) A single-parent father working, studying and bringing up two children. resolute/determinedSpeaking & Reading: Lexical preparation(1) go by sth.: to be guided by sth.; to form an opinion fro

9、m sth. e.g. Thats a good rule to go by.2) lose count (of sth.): to forget the total of sth. before you have finished counting it e.g. She had lost count of the number of times shed told him to be careful.Speaking & Reading1. Work in pairs. Make a list of the different ways that people typically choo

10、se to change their bodies.2. You are going to read an article about a man called Stalking Cat. What changes do you think he has made to his body?3. Read the article and check your ideas.He has had tiger-stripe tattoos on his body, a feline cleft lip, a flattened nose, implants to widen the lower par

11、t of his forehead, elongated ears and attachments pierced through his lip for him to fix whiskers to.4. Read the text again and decide if these statements are true (T) of false (F). If false, explain why.(1) Plastic surgery is still relatively unusual. F It is now commonplace2) Dennis Avner cant rem

12、ember how many changes have been made to his body. T3) It is thought that a psychological illness may be the cause of Stalking Cats behaviour. T4) Because of the changes to his body, Cat is in constant pain. FThe procedures hurt at the time but there is no ongoing pain.5) The procedures Cat has unde

13、rgone have been carried out illegally. FHe has to have the surgery carried out by a body modification artist because it would be illegal for a medical professional to alter appearance to this extent.6) Cat does not suffer any pain during the operations. FHe cannot have anaesthetic because only quali

14、fied doctors can administer it, so the operations are very painful.7) He does not particularly enjoy making the changes to his body. T8) He will probably not make any more changes to his body. FHis goal is to become a perfect cross between a cat and a human, so it is likely he will continue.5. Look

15、again at the adjectives in Vocabulary, Exercise 3. Which would you use to describe Stalking Cat?6. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.1) Think of someone you know who has made changes to his / her body. Was he / she happy with the results? Why? / Why not?2) In what circumstances would you consid

16、er making changes to your body?3) If you could transform yourself into a perfect cross between a human and an animal, which animal would you choose? Why?7. Translate the following sentences into English.1)如果可以依据以往的经验,这个航班会晚点的。(go by)If past experience is anything to go by, the flight will be late.2)

17、失去配偶以后,人们必然要经历一段调整期。(undergo)People inevitably undergo a period of adjustment after the loss of their spouse.3)这是首次向公众展出这幅画。 (display)Its the first time the painting has been displayed to the public.4)这条道路穿过沙漠伸向远方。(stretch)The road stretched (out) across the desert into the distance.5)政府声称战争是必然的,这种说

18、法显然是错误的。 (claim)The governments claim that the war was necessary was clearly mistaken.Lesson 2 Mind the GapLearning Objectives:1. Discussing photos from an exhibition about different cultures.2. Listening to people discussing the exhibition and identifying their opinions.3. Pronunciation: How do you

19、 pronounce it?4. Zoom In: Contrasting uses of so.5. Reading an e-mail from a friend in a different culture.6. Discussing attitudes and opinions.7. Revising and practising be used to / get used to.Speaking & Listening 1. Look at the pictures. They are part of a photographic exhibition by various phot

20、ographers about different world cultures. What does each photo show? Where do you think the photos were taken?2. What is the connection between the pairs of photos (a & b, c & d, etc.)?a & b: Both photos show traditional dancing with a group of people.c & d: Both photos show fashion/clothes.e & f: B

21、oth photos depict weddings.g & h: Both photos show animals being ridden.3. Listen to three friends talking about the exhibition. Which pairs of photos do they talk about? Photographs ab, ef, gh. Do they agree about the exhibitions main purpose? No, the speakers dont agree.4. Listen again and complet

22、e the sentences.1) The three friends went . to see an exhibition. 2) Tanya normally gets tired . after about half an hour or so.3) What impressed Paul was . the fact they seemed to refer to each other that they dealt with similar themes.4) Tanya believes that the exhibition talks about . what is sim

23、ilar between cultures rather than what is different.5) She also thinks that our society is .becoming more international.6) Rashid disagrees with her in that . some differences between cultures are impossible to reconcile.5. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.(1) What aspects of your culture are

24、you most proud of?2) Do you think we should emphasise cultural differences or similarities? Why?3) What kind of photos would you include in a photographic exhibition about your culture? Think about food, music, architecture, art, customs, etc. compare your ideas with other pairs and decide which exh

25、ibition sounds most interesting. Id want to include photos of our most impressive and iconic buildings, like the .Pronunciation: How do you pronounce it?Student A says a word in phonetic script from his / her card. Student B says a word from the right-hand column of his / her card that goes with the

26、 word Student A said.For example: Student A: /a:tIstIk/ B: aspirationsThen it is Bs turn. Write down all of the collocations in the space.Zoom in : So1. The following sentences all use the word so. Match them to the uses below.1) It was so good. 2) I normally get tired after about half an hour or so

27、.3) Theyre there so we can see how similar cultures are.4) A: Is the exhibition on for much longer? B: I dont think so.1) It was so good. very or extremely2) I normally get tired after about half an hour or so. saying that certain facts are imprecise 3) Theyre there so we can see how similar culture

28、s are. expressing purpose 4) A: Is the exhibition on for much longer? B: I dont think so. referring back to something that has been said2. Rewrite the dialogue using so where possible.A: Is John coming to the exhibition?B: Yes, I think that he is.A: Great. Whens he going to arrive?B: Oh, about 7 ocl

29、ock.A: OK, good. I dont know how many people are coming today. We had such a large number of people yesterday that we had to close the doors.B: Its definitely one of our most successful exhibitions. How did you manage to attract this number of people?A: Just adverts in newspapers and magazines. You

30、advertise to inform people and then they come its as simple as that.3. Listen and check. Reading & Speaking1. Work in pairs. You are going to read an e-mail from a British girl who has recently moved to Japan. What aspects of Japanese culture do you think she mentions?2. Read the e-mail and check yo

31、ur ideas. What is Heathers attitude to the cultural aspects she mentions?3. Find examples of the following in the e-mail.abbreviations exclamations colloquial misspellings informal linking words Abbreviations: BTW (by the way), v. (very)Exclamations: slurp!, ugh!, huh?, doh!, no kiddingColloquial misspellings: coz, tho, nInformal linking words: tho (though)Grammatical inaccuracies: Hows things?, Have to admitgrammatical inaccuracies4. Work in pairs. Find statements in the e-mail which tell you that Heather .1) has started to ad

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