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推荐信遇到的挑战word范文模板 16页.docx

1、推荐信遇到的挑战word范文模板 16页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 推荐信,遇到的挑战篇一:推荐信范例(巨经典!)我名字叫林蕊,生于1982年,201X年从上海师范大学(shanghai Normal University)毕业,获得学士学位,专业是英语语言。我想申请你们大学的XXXXX硕士课程。我的祖父母和姑姑都是老师,很小的时候就从他们那里知道了很多世界各地的有趣的事情。诺贝尔是我对瑞典的第一印象,因为诺贝尔奖的存在,让我对遥远的瑞典有了一种崇敬。我读的第一个儿童小说就是Pi

2、ppi,后来才知道,这是瑞典作家Von Astrid Lindgren的作品。随着年龄的增长,我逐渐知道了越来越多关于北欧,关于瑞典的历史和人文知识。从诺贝尔到圣诞老人,从爱立信到宜家(IKEA)。知道得越多,我就越是对瑞典充满了向 往,希望自己有一天能踏上这个美丽的国度。受到祖父母的影响,我考进了上海师范大学,选择了英语专业,因为我觉得这是我了解世界的一个有力的工具。在四年中,我系统的学习了英语语言的知识,听、说、读、写都打下了坚实的基础。在学习中,我知道每门课程都会给我带来收获,都是实现我的梦想的基石。我坚信只要我认真的,努力的去学习,我一定能做到最好。四年中,我连续获得了学校的奖学金,顺

3、利的通过了专业英语考试6级,8级,而且现在已经通过了上海市高级口译的笔试部分,近期我就要参加口试部分,我有十足的把握通过这个测试,获得高级口译证书。当我从上海师范大学毕 业时,我在专业中排名第4,获得了“优秀毕业生”的称号。毕业以后,我进入了一家机械贸易公司。作为经理的助理,我整日要面对大量的英文文档的书写、翻译。除了日常的英语交流以外,我遇到了大量的机械、贸易等等方面的专业词汇,这是对我的挑战,而且我知道,如果战胜了这个挑战,我将会有一个很大的提高。于是我利用所有可以利用的时间翻阅专业字典,跟此行业内的资深人士交流。从开始的磕磕绊绊, 经过努力的学习,我现在已经可以十分自如的应对这些专业知识

4、了。通过多年的学习和工作,我逐渐感到自己还有比较大的提升空间,于是我萌生了的想法。瑞典是一个我最向往的国家,如果能在瑞典学习,我想我不但能进一步提高自己的英语水平,而且可以学习瑞典语,这样我就能更好的去了解瑞典、了解欧洲。随着中国经济的发展,中国跟北欧的文化、经济交流必然会越来越多,涉及的面会越来越广。如果我能获得一个在你们学校XXXXXXX专业的学习机会,我想我必然会在中欧交流的大潮中处于非常有利的位置。我一定会利用自己学到的专业知识,多做一些对中瑞交流有益的事情,将瑞典文化介绍给中国人民,将中国文化介绍给瑞典人民,增进我们的相互了 解,增进我们的友谊。申请人:林蕊201X31Persona

5、l StatementI am Lin Rui, born on April 29, 1982. Majoring in English at Shanghai Normal University, I put across my undergraduate program of English in 201X and obtained a Bachelors Degree of Arts at the same time. In view of myinsufficiency in current acquisition, I am determined to file for XXX of

6、fered byXXX so as to win self-improvement.My grandparents and my aunt are engaged in teaching. In my early years, I got to know a lot of interesting things at every corner of the world from them. My first impression on Sweden was Nobel Prize, because of whose existence, I held a kind of admiration f

7、or remote Sweden. The first childrens novel that I touched was Pippi, which, I latterly knew, was the work of Swedens writer Von Astrid Lindgren. Along with my growth, I gradually acquainted myself with North Europe increasingly, like its history and humanistic knowledge, ranging from Nobel Prize to

8、 Santa Claus and from Errison to IKEA. The more Iunderstood Sweden, the more I yearned for it, hoping that someday I can setfoot on this beautiful land.Influenced by my grandparents, I was matriculated in Shanghai Normal University and chose to study English, for I felt that it was a powerful tool f

9、or meto understand the world.In the four-year study at the university, I systematically acquired knowledge about English language, laying a sound foundation for listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. In study, I realized that every course would bring me a different gain and all the cou

10、rses were the cornerstone for the actualization of my ideal. I firmly hold the belief that so long as I studied earnestly and assiduously, I was bound to do a good job. At the university, consecutively winning scholarships of our university, I smoothly passed TEM 4 and TEM 8 as well as the Written P

11、art of Shanghai Advanced EnglishInterpretation. Recently I will take Oral Part of the test and I have full confidence in passing the test and obtaining Certificate of Shanghai Advanced English Interpretation. When I accomplished my undergraduate courses, I ranked the fourth place in my speciality an

12、d gained the honorable title of Excellent Graduate.After my graduation, I serve my employment in Regloplas (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. As Assistant to General Manger, I have to deal with the writing and translation of a good number of English files. In addition to daily English communication, I come across

13、a wealth of specialized words includingmechanism and trade, which is a challenge for me. And I know that if I conquer the challenge, I will make a great enhancement. Therefore I avail myself of the time that I can use to thumb through specialized dictionaries and exchange my ideas with seniors in th

14、ese fields. From the initial ignorance, under my great endeavor, I am now able to deal with the professional kn推荐信范例大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面:

15、1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2. 必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。最近一些学校出于各种原因,设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容也和推荐信涉及的相同。范例1 计算机教授推荐信At the request of Mr. Xizhen Chen, my former student i

16、n the Department of Computer Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude for your reference. Mr. Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science. I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr. Chen eolled in my c

17、lass on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters course. In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be A according to our grading system. I also found him good at other studies. After the class, he had personal talks wi

18、th me several times. He indicated a great interest in computer hardware, In my opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in Computer Science, which can be further developed.In view of his previous achievements in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr. Chen will make a successful graduate student. Your

19、 favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated. 范例2 商管系教授推荐信It gives me a great pleasure to recommend Mr. Cheng as a transfer to the School of Business Administration of your University in the summer quarter of 1989.During academic year 1980-1984, he was a student in our Depart

20、ment, World College of Journalism. I found him very diligent and intelligent. He often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to community affairs.Though Mr. Cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often. Worthy of mention also is h

21、is personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.I strongly recommend this promising young man and your favorable consideration and assistance to him will be very much appreciated.范例3 法律系教授推荐信I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li, who graduated from this College

22、 with an L.B. degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. Even in such a selective group. Miss Li made herself distinguished. As professor and de

23、an of the College, I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth year study, I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass. So I have known her quite well. Miss Lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 8

24、6 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here, 80 is considered A , the highest level. As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree. I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subj

25、ect and certainly has the ability to undertake the study.I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. 推荐信的份量直接关系到能否,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和专业方向等情况。在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中,有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一,其份量仅次于于本科成绩单和标准化考试

26、(GRE、GMAT、TOEFL)成绩。 多数学校都要求申请人提交两封到三封的推荐信,由教授、系主任或工作主管直接寄给指定的单位。一、选择推荐人推荐信是了解申请人的重要依据,在研究生课程中尤其如此。申请人可以选择现在或以前的老师、教授或雇主。推荐人必须熟悉学生的学习情况,了解学生的学习目的是否明确,在学术上是否有前途,以及学生的适应能力、创造能力、品行和特长。 书写推荐信的最理想的人选是一封由系主任写,一封由专业课教授写,一封由自己的导师写。不过,对方若无规定,则除了自己的亲属之外,任何人皆可为推荐人。推荐人一般应具备高级技术职称,如教授、副教授、研究员、副研究员等。如果推荐人在国内外学术界享有

27、盛誉,或者被申请就读学校聘为客座教授,或者曾经在该校讲过学,那么这样的推荐人写的推荐信就具有很强的效力了。 二、推荐信的内容推荐信一般应包括下列内容:被推荐人的基本情况介绍。侧重于个人的毕业时间、学校、所获学位以及个人的专业经历。推荐人对被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计。若是推荐研究生,推荐人还需进一步说明其深造学习的基础和当前所具 备的研究能力。显然,恰如其分地评价被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,比言过其实的赞誉更令人情服,更具有实际意义。 推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团

28、体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。 如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5,10,或25等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填I dont know,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。 推荐信尾必须有推荐人的亲笔签名,最好直接由推荐人寄给学校招生办官员或申请就读学校的系主任。如果由被推荐人寄送,可将推荐信装入信封内封好后由推荐人在信封口处亲笔签名以示

29、保密。信封正面注明A Letter Of Recommendation,表明这是一封推荐信。 推荐信样例 一(管理)Dear Sir/Madam:In the capacity of the former dean of Dalian Management School of Dalian University of Technology(DUT), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr. Cai to your esteemed university.I got to know him personally when he was taking

30、 the course-Methodology of Management Research (or Methods of Management as stated in his transcripts), a course I taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research. Then he took one of my other courses-Advanced Strategic Management. Mr. Caleb showed

31、great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five. Undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among

32、 the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study. 篇二:工作推荐信格式范文(共6篇)篇一:单位推荐信范文-推荐信单位推荐信范文-推荐信范文一xxx先生/女士:我谨作为蒋龙先生在集团工作四年间的直接领导写此推荐信。 今天的蒋龙与四年前的他相比,已经产生了非常显著的变化。而作为一位独立负责一个公司所有工程事务的管理者来讲,这些变化亦是他个人在管理与领导能力上日趋成熟的真实体现。 对于他这四年来在公司所作出的实际贡献,如完善公司具体行政管理制度、全面提升行政服务品质、连续三年被评为集团6s优异奖等,我不作赘述,因为这些只能代表他的过去。我将从沟通、学习与传播三方面对他作出适当评价,以期您能对他有更全面、更深入的认识。 他首先是一位乐于沟通且善于沟通的管理人员。尽管曾经在工作中因为沟通不足导致工作失误的发生,但他能够直面自己的不足,而主动改善沟通方式,加强与服务对象、与工程部的沟通,从而改变并形成了一种较为民主的工程事务管理模式。这种改变产生了巨大的粘合力,把生产与行政管理紧密结合起来,以行政管理来支持生产,并在生产促进中发

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