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体验一Unit8 passageB.docx

1、体验一Unit8 passageB黑龙江科技大学课 堂 教 案课程名称: 大学英语 1 学 时: 108 教案份数: 授课教师: 那丽 授课班级: 2013级赴加财管4-5班 授课学期: 2013至2014学年 第二学期教材名称: 大学体验英语 教 研 室: 英语教研室 课程名称 课堂教案综述及推荐参考书1.课程综述大学体验英语这套教材编写的理念是以人为本,提倡体验式学习、个性化学习,在培养学生阅读能力、打好语言基础的同时,更侧重培养学生在实际的生活和工作当中应用英语交流的能力。这也正符合国家教委关于全国大学本科公共外语改革的新思路和方向。 在授课过程中,以单元为单位,每个单元又分为三个主要的

2、部分:I. Listen and TalkII. Passage A and excercisesIII. Passage B and excercises因此,每个单元的授课教案也分成三个部分,既保证了课程的完整连续性,又体现了本门课程的针对性和有效性。2推荐参考书1. 大学体验英语教学参考书(第二版)高等教育出版社大学体验英语项目组 编2. 大学体验英语综合教程学习手册中国致公出版社王迈迈 主编 黑 龙 江 科 技 大 学 课堂教案 编号授课时间第 周 -第 周 第 节授课时数2 教学内容 Unit 8 Love and Friendship Passage B教学目标 教学重点难点部分复

3、习提问 课的类型公共课 教学方法 启发式教具 多媒体教学过程设计:I. New words Learning:II. Think about itIII. Related InformationIV. Text analysisV. Language points VI. Excercises 黑 龙 江 科 技 大 学 教学笔记 第 页板书设计教学内容与教学设计备注I New Words Learning:1. astonishment n. 惊奇,惊讶 【例句】 He looked at me in astonishment. 他惊奇地望着我。 【词组】 in with astonishm

4、ent 惊异地;to a persons astonishment 令(某人)感到惊讶的是 2. bless vt. 为祝福,保佑 【例句】 You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue.你倒真会说话! 【词组】 be blessed with幸运地享有(使享有) 【词汇扩展】 blessing n. (神的)祝福,祷告;blessed adj.神圣的,圣洁的;blessedly adv. 幸运地,幸福地;blessedness n. (神的)无上幸福3. bow n. 弓,乐弓;弓形;鞠躬;船首 v. 鞠躬,弯腰 【例句】 I can抰 agree

5、 with you but I bow to your greater experience and knowledge. 虽然我不同意你的意见,但我佩服你经验和知识比我丰富。 【例句】 The guilty man bowed his head in shame. 那个有罪的人羞愧地低下了头。 【词组】 be down by bows 在沉没中;in bows 命令起桨开船;bow(s) on 船头向前;bows under 船头被淹没,困难地行驶4. depart vi. 离开,出发,开出(尤指行车时刻表中) 亡故,逝世 【例句】 The plane had already departe

6、d when I arrived. 我到机场的时候飞机已经起飞了。 【例句】 The family never depart from their customs. 这一家从不背离他们的习俗。 【巧记】 反义词arrive, reach 【词汇扩展】 departure n. 离开,出发5. insert v. 插入,填入,嵌入 【例句】 He inserted the key in the lock but could not open the door. 他把钥匙插入锁中但没能打开门。 【例句】 The book would be improved by inserting another

7、 chapter. 这本书如再加一章将会更完善。6. intense adj. (指性质)强烈,剧烈的,高度的 (指感情等)热烈的,激烈的;(指人)热情的 【例句】 The leaders concerned will make an intense search for causes of the fire. 有关领导将对这次大火的起因进行深入细致的调查。 【例句】 Constant exposure to intense light affects the eyes adversely. 老是暴露在强光之下会给眼睛带来损害。7. loneliness n. being lonely 寂寞

8、【例句】 Her loneliness was never more acute than in a crowded theatre. 在拥挤的剧院里,她感到格外的寂寞。8. occupy v. 占有,占领 占领,占据 使从事,使忙于 【例句】 The insurance company occupies an office block in the city center. 保险公司占用了市中心的一幢办公大楼。 【词组】 be occupied with / in doing sth.忙于做某事9. proceed vi. 进行 继续下去 发生 【例句】 President waited f

9、or the applause to die down and then proceeded with his report. 主席等掌声停下来后,再继续做报告。 【辨析】 proceed与progress proceed 多指继续前进或行进,如:This being done, lets proceed to the next.这项工作已做完了,让我们干下一个。progress 指稳定、经常的进步,常用于抽象事物,如:Our research work is progressing steadily.我们的研究工作正在稳步地取得进展。10. promptly adv. 敏捷地,迅速地 【例句

10、】 After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again. 他把垫子在地板上一放,很快又睡着了。11. provoke v. 对挑衅,煽动 激怒 【例句】 Actions that would have provoked a beating in one era elicit extra loving care in another. 过去可能引起打斗的行为现在可能会引起互相关爱。 【词组】 provoke a riot煽动骚乱;provoke sb. to anger激怒某人;provoke sb.s intere

11、st引起某人兴趣 【辨析】 provoke, excite与stir provoke在方式上最不明确,通常仅仅指明所产生的后果,如:provoke a fight挑起一场战斗。excite特指引起强烈的反应或激烈的情感,如:excite our curiosity激起了我们的好奇心。stir是引起强烈但令人愉快的情感或引起麻烦或骚动,如:be stirred by trouble被烦恼激发。 【巧记】 provoke = pro-(向前)+voke(喊叫);向面前喊叫对挑衅,激怒12. solitude n. 孤独,与外界隔绝,寂寞 【例句】 Since she is a famous pai

12、nter, her solitude is often interrupted by visitors who want to meet her. 由于她是一名著名的画家,所以她的幽静生活常常被要会见她的来访者打扰。 【词组】 in solitude 孤独地;live in solitude 独居13. standing adj. 直立的,停滞的,固定的 常备的 标准的 常设的 n. 站立 身分;名望 持续 v. 站 【例句】 The boy looked at them, big black ugly insects. A few were standing and gazing up at

13、 him with small glittering eyes.小孩注视它们这些大而丑陋的昆虫。几只立着并且用小而发光的眼睛盯着他。14. stem n (植物、树木的)茎,干 【例句】 The ship stemmed on against the current. 这船逆流而行。 【词组】 stem from 起源于;from stem to stem从头到尾(尤指船) 【巧记】 联想记忆: seed种子;leave树叶;flower花;root根;branch树枝15. trim v. 修剪,整饰 装饰 【例句】 She trimmed his hair. 她替他修剪头发。 【词组】 t

14、rim down削减;trim off剪掉,切掉;in good trim处于良好状态;out of trim未准备好;trimmed with由装饰16. unexpectedly adv. 出乎意料地,想不到地 【例句】 As the water was unexpectedly hot, he jerked his hand out. 因为水出乎意料的热,他急抽出他的手。1. cheer sb. up 【例句】 He took her to the ballet to cheer her up. 为了使她高兴起来,他带她去看芭蕾舞。 【例句】 Lets have a bit of mus

15、ic. It抣l cheer us up. 放点音乐吧,这会让我们提起精神来。2. go by (时光)逝去 经过(某地) 【例句】 Time goes by.时光流逝。 【例句】 My parents were away when we went by last week. 上周去看望我的父母,他们不在家。3. in advance 提前,预先 【例句】 His educational ideas were far in advance of his time. 他的教育思想远远超过了他所处的时代。4. in case 免得,以防 【例句】 In case you need somethin

16、g, please don抰 hesitate to ask me. 如果你需要什么东西, 请不要客气。 【例句】 I shall stay in the hotel all day in case there is news of Harry. 我会一整天呆在宾馆里,以防有哈里的消息。5. pass away 去世 【例句】 His grandmother passed away yesterday morning.他的祖母昨天早上去世了。 【例句】 It is a pity that he had passed away before I telephoned. 很遗憾,我还没打电话他就去

17、世了。长难句解析1. With loneliness and solitude, that tragedy has become her fate. (Para. 5) 解析: 她的生活就如一场悲剧:孤独而寂寞。由介词With 引导的部分作状语。2. Why someone would unexpectedly do this to her, provoking such intense pain? (Para. 6) 解析: 什么竟然有人这么做,勾起她无限的忧伤?句中分词provoking引导的部分属非独立性结构,表示伴随动作。3. Here is a standing purchase a

18、nd delivery order that I have on file down here. (Para. 8) 解析: 我这儿有一份长期订单和送货单。句中that引导定语从句,修饰a standing purchase and delivery order。4. When should ever I find out that he is no longer around_ (Para. 9) 解析: 如果哪一年我发现他不在了。should在句中表虚拟语气。IIThink About It1.What kinds of gifts (such as flowers or chocolat

19、es or jewelry) symbolize love best?You may have different answers to this question. (Note: There are cultural difference here, with flowers and jewelry more popular in the West.)2. Can love last after death, as in the song from “Titanic”? Can it last forever?You may have different answers to this qu

20、estion.3. How would you describe the husbands love in the following story? Is it truly affectionate, or is it also cruel and possessive? What other words may describe it?You may have different answers to this question.IIIRelated Information1. Flowers in American Culture The giving of flowers on spec

21、ial occasions is very important in American culture. These flowers are usually given by the male to the female, especially to sweethearts, wives, or mothers. The times during the year when it is most appropriate to give flowers are wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Mothers Day, and especially Valent

22、ines Day. 2. Valentines Day A holiday occurring on February 14th when flowers, gifts, chocolates, cards, and other symbols of love are often exchanged by affectionate persons. 3. Standing Order Instructions given to a merchant or other person to deliver a product or provide a service at regular inte

23、rvals or whenever it is needed. For example, some standing orders are carried out weekly, monthly, or annually.Others, such as an order to shovel snow from a sidewalk or driveway, are only carried whenever they are needed. There are three main kinds of standing orders: a purchase order; a delivery o

24、rder; and a service order. IV Text Analysis1. Read the text as quickly as possible and try to find the answer to the following questions:1) Why did the man give roses to his wife instead of some other kind of flowers?Her name was Rose, and roses often symbolize love.2) How long had the husband been

25、dead when the flower arrived?Over a year.3) Who paid for the flowers? How and when?The husband paid the florist before he died.4) What were the womans feelings as she read her husbands card?She was crying and her fingers were shaking.5) What nice things did the man say about his wife in the card?She

26、 was a prefect wife, ideal companion, lover, and friend.2. StructurePart I(Paras. 14):丈夫去世后妻子又收到一次玫瑰花。为后文做铺垫。Part II(Paras. 4end):妻子再次收到丈夫的玫瑰花,并将一直收到生命的终点。揭示丈夫对妻子的爱连绵不尽。3. Summary: A woman named Rose always received roses from her husband on Valentines Day. When her husband died she did not expect a

27、ny more roses. But a year later the roses arrived as usual anyhow. Not knowing who had sent the roses, she called the florist and learned her husband had ordered them for that year and many future years before he died. As she discovered from the not he had written, he had even told the florist exactly what to do if she too was dead. The loving husband thought he was being considerate, but perhaps he should have also considered his wifes pain.黑 龙 江 科 技 大 学 教学笔记 第 页内容小结备注思考、练习、作业教学后记

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