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2、须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将答卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 (共115分)I. 听力 (共两节, 满分20分)第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,每段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段对话,回答第l-3题。1 Why is Phil worried? AHe failed hi

3、s last exam BHes taking an examination soon CHe cant sleep well2. Why does Phil turn to Sally for advice? AShe is older than he is BShe has a similar experience CShe is a medical student3. What does the university offer to students in Phils condition?AA hotline BA lecture CA course听第二段对话,回答第4-6题。4.

4、How often does the man eat fast food? AEvery day BOn work days COn weekends5. What is the main reason that the man eats fast food? AIts convenient BIt tastes good CIts good for health6. What does the man think of fast food? AIts his favorite BIt needs improving CThere is too much salad听第三段对话,回答第7-9题

5、。7. What did the woman do in Canada? AShe traveled a lot BShe went to a lot of parties CShe helped with cooking8. What have we learned about the research program?AIt will be finished in March BIt was finished before Christmas CPart of it has been finished9. What did the woman eat on Thanksgiving Day

6、?ATurkey BCorn. CApple pie听第四段独白,回答第10-12题。10. When did Einstein get married? AIn 1896 BIn 1919 CIn 190311.What can we learn about Marits?AShe was 5 years older than EinsteinBShe was in the same class with Einstein CShe was killed in the First World War12. How many children did he have? ATwo girls B

7、Three boys CTwo boys听第五段独白,回答第13-15题。13.What can we learn about Captain Stone? AHe was a new captainBHe was strict with his soldiersCHe got on well with his soldiers14.Why did the soldier keep silent at first? AHe was afraid of speaking in public BHe didnt want other people to know his name CHe thou

8、ght Stone wouldnt like his name15.What was the soldiers name? AStone Breaker BStone Baker CStone Break第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为16-20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间,录音读两遍。你将有60秒钟的作答时间。TimeIn 16 ,2003PeopleThe Smiths and their 11-year-old son,TomActivityThey were buying

9、a 17 when Mr. Smith saw a wallet lying on the groundThe life condition of the family18 and without workThe total amount of money in the walletOver $ 19The period of free accommodation(住宿)They were offered by a businessman to live in his house for free for 20 months语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小

10、题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2135各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The eyes are one of the most expressive instruments of body language. Keith,seventeen,from Montclair New Jersey,learned the hard way about one 21 the eyes can make .“I had a teacher who graded heavily on classroom discussion,” Keith say

11、s. “He seemed to have a strong ability to know just when I didnt have the 22. I couldnt figure out how he could be so _23. Then it dawned on(为所明白)me. 24 I didnt know the answer,I would avoid looking at him. When I did know what to say,I always glanced(扫视)straight back at him. From that moment on,I 2

12、5 myself to look at him in the eye, 26 I knew the work or not. That trick has saved me a lot of trouble.”Many people,including some policemen,believe eye contact is a good 27 of honesty. If someone cant look at you directly in the eye,then he or she is not playing 28, they insist. After many experim

13、ents, 29, a number of experts have found out that good liars can make false eye contact.Eye contact,though not a(n)30 sign of honesty,is a clear way to show interest in another person. When a person looks at you and 31 to do so,you know his 32 is placed on you. When he turns his head away,his mind i

14、s probably 33. But there are exceptions. A_34 person may have trouble making and keeping eye contact,no matter how interested he is in the other person. And certain nationalities,such as the British and Germans,are much 35_ oriented(适应)to eyeball to eyeball contact than,say,the French and Arabs. 21.

15、A.letter B.notice C.message 22.A.question B.problem C.excuse D.answer 23.A.slow C.dull D.clever 24.A.Whatever B.Whenever C.However D.Wherever 25.A.helped B.hoped C.taught D.persuaded 26.A.when B.whether C.if 27.A.lesson B.way C.chance D.test28.A.honestly B.quickly C.correctly D.r

16、eally 29.A.therefore B.however C.actually D.especially 30.A.real B.exact C.wonderful D.sure 31.A.stops B.continues C.changes D.hopes 32.A.attention B.spirit C.strength 33.A.anywhere B.nowhere C.elsewhere D.everywhere 34.A.brave B.shy C.stupid D.proud35.A.more B.less C.too D.enough 第二节 语法填空(

17、共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为3645的相应位置上。Although English is not as old as Chinese, 36 is spoken by many people around the world every day. English speakers are always making new words and we should be able to know where most words come from.

18、 Sometimes, 37 , no one may really know where a word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, 38 (especial)when they are not made of ham? About a hundred years ago, some men went to America 39 Europe. They came from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They did not

19、 speak good English, but they ate good food. Some Americans saw them eating round pieces of beef. Never had they seen such 40 strange way. They couldnt help 41 (ask)the Germans what it was. The Germans did not understand the question and answered, “We came from Hamburg. ” One of these Americans owne

20、d a restaurant, and had an idea. He made up 42 mind to do something new. He cooked some round pieces of the beef like 43 the men from Hamburg ate and 44 (sell)it quite a few countries around the world. Whether this story is true or not, it certainly is 45 (interest). . 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每

21、小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA study of a university in Shanghai had found that many of the students there are using a quote(引语)from the Italian poet Dante as a kind of motto. The study of Fudan University, one of Chinas top universities, of 489 students, found that 82 had c

22、hosen Dantes “Follow your own path and dont worry about what others say” as their motto, out of 278 people who said they had a motto. This was followed by “Believe yourself” and “Self-improvement without stop.”Students also expressed a common hope for greater understanding and care and said they wer

23、e always ready to give a hand to those in need.Some researchers think that mottoes can play an important part in childrens growth and they say that a good motto can help children develop a better character.46The study shows _. Awhich university should have mottoes Bwhat poems are popular Chow many s

24、tudents like the motto “Believe yourself.” Dthe majority of the students like to choose their favorite mottoes47Of the students asked, _ students have mottoes. Aabout 78% Babout 57% Cabout 16% Dabout 8%48The motto “Self-improvement without stop” shares the similar meaning with _. Agoing on to improv

25、e rapidly Bgrowing by oneself continuously Cmaking oneself better and perfect continuously Dbecoming better without having a break49The best title for the passage should be _. AMottoes and Character Developing BStudents and Poet CMottoes and Learning DUnderstanding Care50What do we know from the pas

26、sage? AThe students need help and care greatly. BThe students want to be understood and cared and are willing to help. CThe students want to understand themselves deeper with a motto chosen. DThe students believe they understand mottoes better than others.BLast year more than 13 Korean TV series wer

27、e introduced in China. Turn on the TV, and Korean beauties are appearing during peak viewing times(黄金时段). Some of the dramas are being repeated, but audiences continue to watch them. Why are the South Korean TV series loved by so many Chinese people? Cheng Yiting, a student from East China Normal Un

28、iversity, gives us her reasons. She thinks that the good-looking actors with cool clothes and the beautiful sight in the dramas are the selling points for South Korean TV dramas. But what attracted the young audiences most is the pure and moving love stories.And it seems that South Korean TV series

29、have also won the hearts of middle-aged people. They are touched by the morals in the shows. These include the importance of respecting elders and social order. Though some people think South Korean TV series are too slow and too long, most of the Chinese audiences like them. Maybe we are really tir

30、ed of Western TV series. Compared with that, South Korean TV series are not bad.51What does the underlined word moral in the third line mean?A志向 B情节 C道德 D垃圾52Which of the following is not mentioned about South Korean TV?ALove BMorals CSocial order DSelf-respect2,4,653What is the most important reaso

31、n why South Korean TV series are popular with the young audiences?AThe series are slow and long.BThe actors wear cool clothes.CThe stories are pure and moving.DThe actors are good-looking.54What do you know about South Korean TV series from the passage?AThirteen more South Korean TV series will be introduced to China.BYoung audiences like South Korean

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