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1、常用固定搭配常用搭配1、 介词(1)与名词的搭配 absence from 缺席,不在 absence of 缺乏 acquaintance with 相识,了解 access to 接近,进入affection for 喜爱answer to .的答案 appetite for 对.的欲望approach to 类似,办法,通道 attempt at 尝试,企图 attitude to 态度balance between .之间的平衡 barrier to .的障碍 belief in 对.的信仰,相信concern about/over/at 担心,忧虑decision on/about

2、对某事的决定desire for 对某事的渴望dislike of/for 反感entrance to 入口entry to/into入口faith in 信任、信赖guide to 指南hunger for 渴求、渴望increase in/of 增加,增进influence on/over 给的影响interest in (某方面的)兴趣introduction to 介绍key to 答案,关键lack of 缺乏limit to 限量memorial to sb 纪念碑obstacle to障碍opening for 空缺pride in 得意,自豪quality for 有资格做某事

3、reaction to 对.的反应 reason for 理由reference to 提及regard for 对注意或关心relief from 减轻,解除reply to 回答request for要求,请求respect for 尊敬responsibility for 对某事负责shock to sb 震惊signal for 信号skill in/at doing (某方面的)技能,技巧start of 开端stress on sth 强调taste of (某事物的)初次经历taste for 爱好title of 名称,标题voice in 对某事的意见(2)与动词的搭配 ab

4、andon oneself to 沉湎于accuse sb of 指责act on 按照行事adapt to 适应add to 增添adjust to 适应aim at 瞄准,针对allow for考虑到,顾及allow of容许amount to 合计,共计answer for 对负有责任appeal to 诉诸apply for sth 请求;申请approve of 赞成,称许approximate to 近似,接近arise from (由)引起,起源于ask for 请求,要求ask after 询问,问候assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事associa

5、te with 结交,交往attend to 注意, 留心,专注, 照顾attribute to 把归因于avail oneself of 利用ban from 禁止base on 以为基础busy oneself with 忙于bargain for/on 企图廉价获取,(通常和否定词连用)预料,指望believe in 信仰,信任belong to 属于blame on/onto 把归咎于budget for 编预算,作安排charge sb with 指控compare to 将比作compare with/to 比较,对照compensate sb for因为某事向某人赔偿comply

6、 with 遵从,服从concentrate on/upon 专心于condemn sb for sth 谴责某人所做的事conform to/with 遵守,适应,顺从congratulate on/upon 祝贺consent to 准许,赞成consist of 由组成in 存在于contribute to/towards 有助于convince sb of/about 使某人确信、承认cope with (成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理correspond with/to sth 与某事物相符合correspond with sb 和某人通信count on/upon 信赖、依靠、指望c

7、redit to 把归于deal in 经营deal with 处理,涉及decide on/upon 决定,选定depart from 背离,违背depend on/upon 依赖,依靠deprive of 剥夺derive from 起源,衍生descend from 起源于descend on 袭击descend to 沦为despair of 绝望devote to 献身于die for 渴望,切望direct to/at 对准,针对discourage sb from 劝某人不要做某事dream of/about 梦想dream of 考虑emerge from 浮现,出现engag

8、e in 参加,从事于equip with 配备,装备excel at/in 突出,擅长experiment on/at 进行实验,作实验expose to 曝光feed with 向提供feed on 以为食feel for 摸索fish for 搜索focus on 对准forget about 不把放在心上,丢开happen to sb/sth 某人和某物出了事head for 朝行进hear of/about 听说hear from 收到的信hope for 期望hunger for/after 渴求、渴望hunt for 探求identify with 把等同于impress sth

9、 on/upon sb 某事给某人留下深刻印象inform sb of sth 将某事告诉某人interfere with/in 干涉,介入 insist on/upon 坚决主张inspire sth on sb激发inspire sb with sthlead to 导致,通向learn of/about 得知lie in 在于long for 渴望major in 主修,专攻mention sth to sb 对某人提及某事minor in 兼修mistake for 把误认为occur to 想到(某一主意)participate in 参加persist in 坚持不懈press s

10、b into doing sth 迫使某人做某事prevent sb/sth from doing 防止某人、某事物做某事pride oneself on doing 自豪地做profit from/by 从中得益react against 反对,反抗react to 对作出反应react on/upon 影响,起作用react with 起化学反应read about/of 读到reason with sb 说服某人refer to 说及,说到relate to 有关rely on/upon 依靠remark on/upon 评论remind sb of 提醒某人,使某人想起remind s

11、b about 提醒某人某事reply to 答复,回答respond to反应rest on/upon 在于,依赖rest with sb 归于,取决于result in 结果,导致result from 有某事物引起scold sb for 斥责sentence sb to 判决,宣判spend money/time on 将钱、时间花在某事上spy on 监视,窥探stare at 注视,盯住看starve for 渴望得到submit to 服从,忍受succeed in doing 完成,成功suffer from 患某种疾病survive on 依靠某物继续生存suspect sb

12、 of sth 就某事怀疑某人tell one thing from another 区别trust in 相信,信赖tune to 调准urge sth on/upon sb 向某人极力推荐或力陈某事warn sb of/about 警告某人warn sb against doing 告戒某人不要做某事waste in 浪费worry about 担忧,担心(3)与形容词的搭配 be absent from 不在场的,缺少的be absorbed in 全神贯注于be accessible to 可接近的be accustomed to 习惯于be addicted to对有瘾be afra

13、id of害怕be allergic to 对过敏be amazed at 对惊奇be angry with/at sb at/about sth be annoyed with sbat/by/about sth生气be anxious about担忧for 渴望be apparent to 显而易见be appropriate for/to 适当,合适be approximate to 近似,接近be armed with 武装be ashamed of/about 羞耻,惭愧be astonished at/by 使惊讶be attached to 依恋be aware of 意识到be

14、 bare of 几乎没有,缺乏be based on 以为基础be bewildered by/at 迷惑,困惑be bored with/by 厌倦be bound up in 热中于,忙于be bound up with与有密切关系be burdened with/by 肩负be busy with 忙于be capable of 能做某事be careless of 不关心的,淡漠的be central to 首要的,重要的be certain of/about 确信某事be comparable to/with 可比较的,类似的be composed of 由组成be concern

15、ed with/about 担心be consistent with 一致be content with 满意be contrary to 与某事物相反be covered in/with 被某物覆盖be crazy about (对某事)狂热be crowded with 拥挤的be cruel to 对某人残酷的be dependent on/upon 依靠的,依赖的be devoted to 致力于be disappointed in/with sb对某人感到失望be disappointed with/at sth 对某事感到失望be due to由于be due for 应得到be

16、eager for 渴望be empty of 缺少be enthusiastic about 热情的,热心的be equal to相等的,同样的be faced with 面临be fair to 公平的be familiar to sb为某人所熟悉be familiar with sth 熟悉,精通be famous for 以著名be fed up with 对极其厌倦be filled with 充满be fit for 适合be fond of 爱好,喜欢be foreign to 无关的be friends with 与友好be full of 充满be furnished wit

17、h 配有家具的be guilty of有罪的be guilty about 内疚的be hard on 苛刻的be heavy with 充满be hungry for 渴望得到的be ignorant of 不知道的be independent of 不受的支配be interested in 对某事感兴趣be keen on 热衷于某事,喜欢某人be liable to易于的be liable for 有法律责任的be limited to 局限于be loaded with 装着,装满be mad about 入迷be mad at 发怒be made up of 由组成be met w

18、ith 遇到,遭受be mixed up with 与有牵连be noted for 以著称be numb with 因麻木be occupied in/with 忙于be opposed to 反对be optimistic about 对某事乐观be packed with 塞满be particular about 讲究的,苛刻的be patient with 有耐性的be pleased with 满意be poor in 贫乏be popular with 受欢迎be positive about 乐观,积极对待be possessed of具有be previous to 在之前b

19、e prohibited from 被禁止做某事be proud of 以骄傲be quick at 聪敏的be related to 有关be relevant to 有关be relative to 有关be responsible for 负责be rich in/with 富于be rid of 摆脱be rooted in 植根于be safe with 安全的,保密的be satisfied with sth 对某事物感到满足be scared of 害怕的,恐惧的be senior to sb 比某人年长的,资历较深的be sensitive to 对某事敏感的be seriou

20、s about 对某事认真的be shy of 有戒心的be sick of 厌倦be similar to 与某事物相似be struck by/with 遭到某事物的打击be superior to 胜于,比(某人或某事)优越be surprised at/by 对某事感到惊奇be surrounded by 被包围be thick with 充满着be thirsty for 渴望be tired of 对(某事或某人)感到厌倦、厌烦be true to 忠实的,忠诚的be used to sth 习惯于be worried about 担忧,担心be worthy of 值得be wr

21、ong with 有故障,有毛病2、短语介词 according to 按照,根据in accord with与一致,依照,根据in accordance with 与一致;按照on account of 因为,由于in the act of 正做的过程中in addition to除之外ahead of 在前面,先于all but 几乎,除了都all over 到处,遍及along with 和一起in answer to 作为对的回答apart from 除之外(别无),除之外(尚有)as for/to 至于,关于(in) back of 在的后面,在的背后because of 由于,因为

22、become of 使遭遇,发生于on/in behalf of 代表,为了in case of 假如,万一in charge of 管理,负责in comparison with 与比较起来in connection with 关于,与有关in consequence of由于in consideration of考虑到,由于in contrast to/with 与对比起来in control (of) 掌握着,控制着at the cost of 以为代价in the course of 在期间due to 由于,因为in the event of 万一,倘若except for 除了之外

23、,要不是由于in excess of 超过to excess 过度,过分,过量at the expense of 由负费,以为代价in the face of 在面前,尽管,不顾in favour of 支持;赞成for fear of 生怕,以免in front of 在面前on (the) grounds of 根据in the habit of 有的习惯in harmony with (与)协调一致in honour of 为祝贺、纪念、欢迎in league with (与)密谋in (the) light of 由于in line with 与一致in the neighborhoo

24、d of 在附近,大约next to 贴近,几乎at odds with 与不和at one with (与)一致in league with (与)密谋in stead of 代替in the interest(s) of 为了(的利益)by means of 用,凭借in memory of 纪念at the mercy of 任凭的摆布in the middle of 正忙于in the name of 以.的名义none other than 不是别人,正是other than 不同于,除了outside of 在的外面,除以外owing to 由于,因为on the part of

25、在方面in place of 代替on the point of 就要之时prior to 在前in proportion to 与成比例in possession of 占有by reason of 为了,由于某原因with reference to 关于with/in regard to 关于,对于in the region of 接近regardless of 不顾,不惜in/with relation to 有关with respect to 关于,至于in response to 作为对的反应in reply to 答复as a result of 由于in return for 作

26、为对的报答at the risk of 冒某种危险为了起见in search of 寻找in spite of 不顾,不管in step with 观点类似out of step with 跟不上on the strength of 基于,依据in support of 支持,维护in sympathy with 同情某人;与某人一致in terms of 依据,从某一方面来说on top of 除之外in touch with 近在身边;保持联系out of touch with 孤陋寡闻;失去联系in tune with 适合;协调out of tune with 不融洽;格格不入to t

27、he tune of 达之多,共计in view of 鉴于;考虑到with a view to 为了;目的在于by virtue of 由于;借助于in the wake of 紧紧跟随for want of 因缺少某事物,因需要某事物in want of 需要某物by way of意在;为了做某事in the way of 至于说;在某一方面3、介词短语 in the abstract 抽象地,在理论上in abundance 充足,丰富by accident 偶然with one accord 一致地on no account 绝不,绝对不out of action 不(再)起作用,不(

28、再)运转in addition 另外,加之in advance 事先again and again 再三地,反复不止地in the air流传中off the air停播on the air 广播up in the air 悬而未决的on the alert 警戒着above all 首先,尤其是after all 毕竟,终究all in all总的来说at all (用于否定句)丝毫,一点for all 尽管,虽然in all 总共,共计all along 始终,一直by analogy 用类推的方法one after another相继one another互相on approval (商

29、品)供试用的,包退包换的arm in arm臂挽臂on (the/an) average 按平均值,通常right away 立刻,马上 back and forth 来回地,反复地behind ones back 背者某人,暗中in the balance (生命等)在危急状态中,(命运等)未定off balance 不平衡behind bars 在狱中to begin with 首先,第一beyond belief 难以置信at (the) best 最好,充其量for the better 好转in between 在中间,介乎两者之间in brief 简要地说bit by bit 一点一点地in black and white 白纸黑字in cold blood 残忍地in (full) blossom 正开着花out of the blue 出乎意外地,突然across the board包括一切地,全面地above board 光明正大的,公开的on board 在船(飞机)上in the same boat 处境相同by the book 按规定,依照惯例out of breath 喘不过气

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