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牛津译林版高一英语必修二教学设计Unit1 Tales of the unexplainedReading 2 精品.docx

1、牛津译林版高一英语必修二教学设计Unit1 Tales of the unexplainedReading 2 精品牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained板块:Reading 2设计思路:本节课为阅读课的第二课时,重点是学习课文中出现的一些重要词汇和句型等,培养学生的语言运用能力。Teaching aims:In this period, the students will learn some useful words and expressions like missing; puzzled; step up; search; a fift

2、een-year-old boy; white-skinned; strange-looking; go+adj./p.p; show great interest in; due to; sighting; show up; witness; hear/see +sb/sth+do/doing/done; get ready for; put on; according to; frightened; research; rule out the possibility; look into; make up; amazing; take charge of; case; convincin

3、g; progress; disappointed and they will also learn some sentence patterns like 1) Justin Foster, a high school student, went missing last Friday night. 2) Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes. 3) I havent seen Justin since. 4) Mr Foster, who was

4、 working that night, was surprised that 5) notuntilStudents will be encouraged to use what they have learned.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck homework on P4-5设计说明帮助学生复习前一课时所学的部分内容。Step 2 Language points1. Boy missing, police puzzled.男孩失踪, 警察迷惑。P2 Topic = A boy goes/is missing, and the police

5、 are puzzled. go missing=go lost : go 作连系动词, 意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”(PPT4)如:go mad (发疯) go wrong (出故障) go bad (变质)1) His hair went grey after his sons death. 他的头发在他儿子死后都变得花白了。2) 夏天牛奶很容易变质。 In summer, milk can go bad easily. puzzle vt. 使困惑 n. 疑惑,谜,智力游戏puzzled adj. 困惑的(常用于指人,有时可以指人的表情)puzzling adj. 令人困惑

6、的(常用于指物)PPT51) Her illness puzzled all the doctors. 使困惑2) Their reason for doing this is still a puzzle to me.对于他们为什么要做此事我仍然莫名其妙。3) The puzzling problem made me puzzled.这个令人困惑的问题使得我很困惑。4) There is a puzzled look on her face. 困惑的表情5) They are puzzled (about) what to do next. 他们对接下来该做什么感到迷惑不解。PPT6 puz

7、zle, interest, surprise, astonish, shock, upset, excite, disappoint, please, satisfy, frighten, amaze, convince 等意思为“使”的动词都属于同一类,现在分词表主动,可译为“令人的”, 过去分词表被动,表示“(本身)感到的”PPT71) B_ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006 全国卷)A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising

8、2) Tom sounds _A_ very much in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it.(2006年安徽卷)A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedlyPPT83) 这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was exciting and the students were all excited at it.4) His shouting was frightening and the boys felt fri

9、ghtened.他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。PPT92. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missingP2 Lines1-4 police/people(人们)/cattle+ plvThe police have caught the murderer.PPT10 step up 走上前来;加快、加速;提升、提高1) John waited until the teacher had finished speaking to Mary, and then

10、he stepped up. 走上前来2) The factory stepped up the production to meet the increased demand. 加快、加速3) Womens social position in China has been much stepped up in the past 50 years. 提升、提高PPT11 step: take a step forward/ back 向前走/向后走take steps/action/measures to do sth采取步骤、行动、措施做某事mind/ watch your step 小心

11、谨慎,谨慎从事step by step 一步一步、逐渐地、逐步地keep/ be in step with 与保持同步,跟上的步伐follow in ones steps踏着某人的足迹;步某人的后尘; 效法某人的榜样PPT12 search n. vi & vt. 搜索、搜查、搜寻 search sb/sp for sth在某人身上/某处搜查某物 search sb. / sp 搜某人的身或搜查某处 search for sb. / sth. 搜寻某人或某事物 search through 查遍search out 搜(查)出、 探出 in search of / in ones search

12、 for 寻找PPT131)警察在那栋房子里搜寻被偷的珠宝。The police searched the house for the stolen jewelry.2)超市无权对顾客搜身,查找丢失的东西。A supermarket doesnt have the right to search its customers for the lost things.3)All the villagers went out in search of the missing boy. 所有的村民都出去寻找那个失踪的男孩。4)She searched in vain (徒劳)for her passp

13、ort.她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。PPT14 a fifteen-year-old boy复合形容词常见的构成法: N N N adj -N-ed(有) adj -V-ing (主动) adj -V-ed (被动) num. adv advPPT151) N-Nedbaby-faced (娃娃脸的), horse-faced (马脸的)2) adj-Nedgood-mannered (有礼貌的) , narrow-minded (心胸狭窄的), absent-minded (心不在焉的) old-fashioned (过时的), quick-witted(机智的), bare-footed

14、(赤脚的), hot-tempered(急性子的,short-sighted(近视的), simple-minded(头脑简单的)3) num. -Nedfive-sided (五个边的), two-storied (两层楼的),one-sided(单方面的), one-legged(独脚的)PPT16 4) N-Vingbody-building (强身的), peace-loving(爱好和平的),(说英语的)English-speaking, time-saving(省时间的)5) adj-Vingeasy-going (随和的) ,ordinary-looking(相貌平平的),nic

15、e-smelling(闻起来香的) 6) adv-Vinghard-working (工作努力的), fast-moving (快速移动的), far-reaching (影响深远的), ever-lasting(永恒的),best-selling(畅销的)PPT177) N-V-edheart-broken (伤心的), hand-made (手工的), man-caused (人为的), heart-felt(衷心的),air-borne(空载的),home-made(家制的), poverty-stricken(贫困不堪的),flood-stricken areas(受洪水袭击的地区)。

16、 8) adj-V-edplain-spoken (坦白说话的), ready-made (现成的)9) adv-V-edout-spoken (直言的), well-balanced(很平衡的), well-behaved (守规矩的), hard-won(来之不易的), well-written(写得不错的),well-known(著名的),,newly-published(刚出版的)PPT18另外还有:10) adj-n. 如:low-cost(低价的), high-quality(高质量的), fast-food(快餐的)11) n.-n. 如:day-care(白天代人照顾小孩的),

17、 name-brand (名牌的)12) n.-adj. 如:fat-free(低脂的), duty-free(免税的), world-famous(世界有名的)13)num.-n(-adj.): five-minute ; 8-meter-long , one-way (单行的) 注意:复数时,单位名词仍不加S。-PPT19 3. People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lightsP2 Lines 4-7 interest: n.兴趣,爱好;利益;利息 v. 使感兴

18、趣have /find/feel/show/take (an/no) interest in 对有/无兴趣 develop (ones) interest in 培养对的兴趣arouse/stimulate ones interest in 激发对的兴趣lose interest (in) (对)失去兴趣in the interest(s) of sb/sth 为了某人的利益; 为某事的缘故a question of common interest 共同关心的问题the interest rate 利率be/become interested inPPT20 due to 由于,因为(可作状语

19、和表语) 近义短语:because of / owing to /on account of/ thanks to多亏,幸亏/as a result of 的结果(只作状语)due 到期(偿付,举行),定于(某时做某事/某时到达)PPT211) 由于糟糕的天气,运动会不得不被推迟了。As a result of/ Owing to /Because of/Due to/On account of the bad weather, the sport meeting has to be put off. 2) 这次事故是由于司机开车不小心所致。The accident was due to ca

20、reless driving. 3) The book is due to be punished in October. 该书定于十月份出版。4) The rent is due tomorrow. 房租明天到期。PPT22 sight n. 看;看见;视力;视野;情景;景象;pl. 名胜 v. 看见;瞄准sighting n.1) at first sight乍看一下、初看起来;at (the) sight of一看见;in sight可见,看得见;out of sight 看不见;lose ones sight失明;have good/poor sight视力好/差; near/shor

21、t-sighted近视的; catch sight of / come into sight看到,发现; lose ones sight不再看到,忽略;a sad sight一副凄惨的景象; the sights of London伦敦的名胜; 2) After 3 days at sea, we sighted land.3) several reported sightings of the escaped prisoner.据称有几次看到了那个逃犯。PPT23-244. Justin Foster, a high school student, went missing last Fri

22、day night. P2 Lines 10-13同位语:一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰、限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。PPT25 1) He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor. 2) They each have an English-English dictionary.3) He always works hard even if he knows the fact that he is not in good h

23、ealth. 4) His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time.5) Mary, monitor of our class, was invited to the party too.PPT26(用同位语合并下列句子)1) Mr. Smith is our new English teacher. He is very kind to us. Mr. Smith, our new English teacher, is very kind to us.2) Yesterday I met T

24、om. Tom is a friend of my brothers. Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brothers. 3) Mr. James is my English teacher. Yesterday I talked to him.Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr. James. PPT274) We are Chinese people and we are brave and hardworking.We Chinese people are brave and hardwork

25、ing.5) He didnt work hard. He failed in the exam.He failed in the exam due to the fact that he didnt work hard.PPT285. At first, Justins mother, who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache, thought that the teenager was spending the night with a friend. P2 Lines13-20这是一个复杂句,句中who went

26、 to sleep early that evening because of a headache作Justins mother的定语,而that the teenager was spending the night with a friend则是一个宾语从句。PPT29 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空:1) Is this the factory _ you visited the other day?(which/that/不填)2) Is this the factory _ he worked ten years ago? (whereat which )3) He failed

27、in the examination, _ made his father very angry.(which)4) Those _learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed. (who)5) I dont like the way_ you speak to her. (in which/that/不填)6) The woman _ my brother spoke just now is my teacher.(to whom)7) Do you know the reason _ he was late

28、? ( for which/why)PPT30-31 用动词的适当形式填空:1) The great day we looked forward to _ (come) at last. (came)2) The way they thought of _(solve) the problem is not practical. (to solve)3) Mr Smith did all he could _(improve) his familys living standard. (to improve)4) With everything he needed _(buy), he lef

29、t the store happily. ( bought)5) The expression on his face suggested that he _ (be) very angry. (was)PPT326. Mr. Foster , who was working that night, was surprised that his son did not tell everyone that he was staying out late. P2 Lines20-22这是一个含有三个从句的复杂句,who was working that night是定语从句,that his s

30、on did not tell everyone是宾语从句,that he was staying out late也是一个宾语从句。PPT337. show up = appear, turn up; show ones face P2 Line231) Did everyone you invited show up? 到场,出现,到达2) White shows up against a blue background. (使)明显,使显现,显示出来3) His speech showed him up as a selfish man. 揭发,暴露 4) Most small chil

31、dren like to show off in front of visitors. 卖弄,炫耀5) When I am free, I will show you around my school. 带(某人)参观(某地)PPT34 on show/ display/ exhibition 在展览show in 领某人进来; show out 把某人送到门口,送某人出去PPT358. However, police found that Justin did in fact return on Friday night about 11p.m. P 2 Lines27-29 it is.that.强调结构不能强调谓语,如果需要强调谓语,用助动词do、did或does。如:1) Do be careful next time. 下次一定要小心哦!2) He did write to you last week. 他上周确实给你写过信。3)

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