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1、英语外研版八上笔记教师版Modules 7-8(初二上).Useful expressions:Have a try get off get on hear from at first a bit as well introduce sb to the winter palace cant wait to do sth be/get angry with on the other side of shake hands with swimming pool on the left /right taste too strong Its kind of do something wrong on

2、 the corner of the Great Hall of the People opposite the market National Museum of China the Forbidden City the Palace Museum go straight ahead the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall be excited about say hello to sb in the middle of the National Gallery .Grammars1. afraid 害怕,不敢(1) be afraid of sb/sth 害怕某人某物

3、 Im afraid of dogs (2) afraid +从句 Im afraid I may be a little late .(3) be afraid of doing sth 担心害怕做某事 Shes afraid of going out at night .(4) be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事 。Mr Black was afraid to climb the tree ,for he was afraid of falling down from it .(5) Im afraid not 恐怕不是这样。2. be /get excited about

4、 .对.感到兴奋 she was excited about going to Beijing.3. seem ,似乎,好像(1) seem +(to be )+表语(形容词,名词或介词短语)she always seems (to be ) sad (2) seem to do sth He seems to like that book .(3) It seems (seemed )that + 从句 It seems that no one knew what happened .(4) There seem+名词 there seems a man in the room . ther

5、e seemed nothing wrong with his feet .4. be angry with sb 和某人生气 He was angry with himself for breaking the glass .be angry at/about sth 和某事生气 your father is angry about your staying out so late .5. be rude to do sb 对某人无礼 dont be so rude to your father .Its rude of sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是不礼貌的Its rude

6、of you to speak with your mouth full. .6. be proud of sb/sthtake pride in sb /sth 为某人某事感到骄傲 be proud to do sth 对做某事自豪We were proud of our success. We take pride in our motherland . Im proud to be your friend .7. introduce sb /sth to sb 把某人某物介绍给某人 now, Ill introduce something about Europe to you Firs

7、t the chairman introduced the speaker to the audience .8. 数词+kilometers away 远的路程 Its about five kilometers away from the school to your home .9. take the +序数词+turning on the left/right =turn left/right at the +序数词+crossing 在路口左/右转Take the third turning on the right . Turn right at the third crossin

8、g .10. opposite (1) 介词 在的对面,相当于across ,from 常与名词一起构成介词短语。 They live opposite across the bank .(2) 形容词,对面的,常与介词to 连用。 The post office is opposite to the hospital .(3) 名词 相反的人,对立物,常与介词of 连用 Tall is opposite from short .11. as well 副词短语,也,相当于too ,一般放在句末。有时和 and ,but 搭配使用。Hes a worker ,and a poet as wel

9、l. Mr Li can speak English ,but he can speak French as well .As well as 还有,不但.而且介词 A as well as B 的结构中语意重在A不在B。He can speak English as well as Spanish .他不但会说西班牙语,而且还会讲英语。当as well as 用作连词引导比较状语从句,和一样好。12. kind of 口语中表示有点,有几分. This question is kind of difficult . kind 名词 种类 a kind of different kinds o

10、f all kinds of 形容词 友好的 be kind to =be friendly to13. 常用问路句型。(1) can /could you tell me the way to ,please ? can /could you tell me how to get to .,please ?can /could you tell me how I get to ,please ? (2) which is the way to ,please ? (3) where is ? (4) how can I get to ? (5) Is there a near here ?

11、(6) Do you know the way to ,please ? (7) I want to go to , do you know the way ? (8) Im looking for .Can you tell me where it is ?14. 指路句型。 (1) it takes about ten minutes by bus . (2) Its a ten-minute walk= Its a ten minutes walk . (3) Go straight on (until you come to ) (4) turn right /left into (5

12、) turn back/go back (6) Go along . (7) Take the first turning on the left /right . (8) Its opposite/near/next/between and /behind/. (9) Its about metres away . (10) Its about metres along on the right /left .15. middle centre Middle 中间,既可指时间和空间的中间,也可指表示位置的中间,但这里的中间是相对而言,middle 还可以表示程度的中等。Centre 中心,强

13、调一个点,一般不可用来表示时间,习惯上指空间,如圆、球或方形的正中心,另外centre 还可表示重要活动的中心。Dont stand in the middle of the road . We have lunch in the middle of the day .His school is not far from the centre of the city . This is the shopping centre of the town .16. above , over , on Above 在之上,可指斜上方,既不接触也不一定垂直,只是位置高于。The plane is fly

14、ing above the clouds .Over 在之上,常可和above 替换,着重指垂直在上。且不接触。Over 还可以指盖在上面,铺在上面,用作此时不能与above 替换。 The light is the over the table .On 在之上,但它含有和表面接触之意。 The book is on the desk .17. pretty , beautiful , lovely Pretty 漂亮的,标致的,侧重表示女孩子的可爱或某物精致小巧。 Beautiful 美丽的,美好的,用法广泛可指各种形式的美,它修饰人时,多指女性长的美丽动人 Lovely 美丽的,可爱的,通

15、常表达说话人的赞美,赞叹,也可形容天气好。 The girl in red looks pretty . The music sounds really beautiful ,. Lovely weather , isnt it ?18. too , also , either ,as well 都表示也Too 常用于肯定句中,多用于句末,有逗号和前面分开。Also 用于行为动词之前,系动词和助动词之后 Either 用于否定句句尾,有逗号分开,As well 口语用法,与too 用法相同,但不用逗号隔开。19.本某块语法项目是系动词用法,方位表达方式。话题是问路。Modules 910.Us

16、eful expressions: animals in danger take away live in peace on earth live on nature reserve Beijing opera offer to do sth World Wide Fund not especially almost impossible no idea less and less find out for example tell the story of say goodbye to sb Anti-Japanese War Teachers School in Beijing Peopl

17、es Artist Great master of language folk music give sb a wonderful welcome the Sound of Music take place fall in love with sb .Grammars1. in danger 处于危险之中, danger 前不能有the . when the fire broke out ,the boy was in danger .danger 的形容词是dangerous 危险的2Need (1) 做实义动词 需要 当主语是人时,need to do sth ,当主语是物时need do

18、ing sth or need to be done We need to wear warm clothes in winter . Classrooms need cleaning every day . His shoes need to be mended(2) need 用作情态动词时,常用于疑问句和否定句中。需要,必须 Need he sweep the floor ? you neednt hand in your homework today .(3)作名词,需要,必须。 There is a great need to hurry .3. decide (1) decide

19、(not )to do sth 决定(不)做某事 they decided (not) to tell Tom about it .(2) decide on (doing) sth 决定(做)某事 they decied on flying kites .(3) decide +从句 She has decided that she will be a doctor .(4) decide的名词形式是decision, make a decision 做决定 He has made a decision to become a sailor.5.feed feedto;feedon(with

20、);feed on这三个词组都有“喂食”的意思,但使用时须注意区别:(1)feedto中的feed是及物动词,其后接饲料或食物名词作宾语,to为介词,其后一般接动物或小孩等名词表示对象,其词组意思是:把喂给吃。如:Please feed some grass to the cow.请给牛喂点草。She has fed milk to the baby.她已给婴儿喂过奶。(2)feedon 中的feed也是及物动词,其后接人或动物名词作宾语, on后接食物或饲料名词,其词组表示“用喂”。On可与with 替换。如:The child was feeding the monkey on/with

21、a banana.那孩子用香蕉喂猴子。(3)feed on 中的feed为不及物动词,意思是“食、吃”(主要指动物,若指人则为口语或诙谐用语),与介词on连用构成及物动词词组,其词组意思是“以为食,靠为生”,其主语主要用来指动物,也可用于指婴儿,其宾语通常是食物或饲料名词。如:Cattle feed mostly on grass.牛以草为主食。feed on与live on同义,但live on主要用于指人,以人作主语,常以表示食物、工资、钱等的名词作宾语。如:People live on rice.这里的人以大米为主食。She lives on a small salary.她靠微薄的薪水

22、为生。但live on 也可用于指动物,以动物名词作主语。例如:All ants live/feed on liquid food.所有的蚂蚁以液体食物为主。不可数1.(泛指)生命;生物 How did life begin? 2.(泛指)生活;人生;世事; ones way of life 3.活力;生气;活动:There was no sign of life in the empty house.这幢空房子不见有人住的迹象. 可数 pl.lives 1.性命;人命:Many people lost there lives in the traffic accidents./

23、 give ones life for ones country为国捐躯 2.一生;终生;(描述一生的)传记;spend ones life in idleness一生无所事事(虚度年华) 常用单(某种方式的)生活;寿命:live a hard(happy) life过着艰难的(幸福的)生活/These carpets have long life.这些地毯使用寿命长.部分搭配;all ones life一辈子 bring to life 使苏醒 come (back) to life苏醒过来;恢复生气 for life终身;一辈子:be crippled for life腿脚终身残疾 in

24、life 一生中 to the life惟妙惟肖;生动逼真 life assurance=life insurance人寿保险 life story传记lifetime n.单终身;一生a lifetime job毕生的工作7. live on 靠生活,以为食,可用于动物和人,后接食物或生活来源。如:He lives on teaching.他靠教书为生。8.There be +主语+doing sth 某地有某人或某物在做某事 现在分词在句中作定语。There are three children playing under the tree.9. offer 动词,提议,主动给予。 Off

25、er to do sth 主动提出做某事 Her mother offered to help her with English . Offer sth to sb =offer sb sth 向某人提供某物I offered my seat to an old man on the bus .10.see as 把看作.as 为介词,regard ,consider 等动词也可用于该结构。 They see him a lucky person . Most people regard him a fool .11.audience(1). 表示“听众”、“观众”,是集合名词,用作主语时,其

26、谓语可用单数(视为整体时)或复数(视为个体时)。如:The audience is arelistening attentively. 听众都在聚精会神地听着。The audience was were enjoying every minute of the performance. 观众对演出非常欣赏。有时由于语义的需要,分别用单数或复数更合适。The audience was enormous. 观众人很多。The audience are requested to be in their seats by 8:00. 观众要在八点前都入座。(2) 形容听(观)众人数之多或少,通常用 l

27、arge, small, crow等形容词(但是不能用 many)修饰 audience。如:There was a large audience of young people at the pop concert. 流行音乐演奏会上有大 量青年听众。Her lecture had a crowded audience. 她的演讲挤满了听众。The speaker had a small (thin) but attentive audience. 这位演讲者的听众不多(很少),但很专心。要在那么多观众面前唱歌她感到很紧张。正:She felt nervous at having to si

28、ng before so large an audience such a large audience. 误:She felt nervous at having to sing before so many audience.(3). audience 虽为集合名词,但有时可用复数形式。如:The audiences were enormous. 听众特别多。He addressed audiences all over the country. 他向全国各地的听众作地演讲。12.specially , especially specially 和especially尽管都是副词,但是意思

29、差别比较大。(1) especially 相当于in particular,意思是“特别地、异常,显著”Be especially watchful . 要特别警惕 . I dont like bright color, especially red. 我不喜欢鲜艳的颜色, 尤其是红色(2)specially 相当于on purpose,意思是” (表示为了某个目的, 特别地 ,专门地去做某事, 更强调是特地.) 专门地,特意地“。Those shoes were specially made for me. 这双鞋是专门为我做的. I made this specially for your

30、 birthday. 这是我特意为你生日而做的. He came home early specially to see his parents before bedtime.He came home especially early.13.wish , hope (1) wish和hope都表示“想”“希望”,宾语可为to +动词原型,不可是动词的ing形式。 I hope (wish) to visit Guilin . (2)wish +宾+ to +动词原形 表示命令,hope无此用法. I wish you to go意思是我要你去 (3)hope后不能直接跟名词作宾语,可跟for

31、+名词,表示可实现的“希望”,wish虽也跟for +名词,但表示难实现的“愿望”。 I hope for success .我希望成功。 I wish for a car .我很想得到小汽车 (4)hope和wish可跟that从句,但hope + that表示希望 wish + that表示“愿望”,且从句动词用虚拟语气 I hope you”ll be better soon . I wish I were ten years younger . (5)wish可跟双宾语 We wish you a happy New Year14. 本某块语法不定式的用法及双宾语。话题是濒危动物和有关老舍茶馆。Modules1112.Useful expressions:Hey,you lot go shopping you must be joking sounds great not bad better get going we are off to get a move on hang on on the first day of g o to a wedding be different f

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