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1、疯狂口语清晨励志宝典- Page 1- 上海疯狂英语出品 疯狂口语清晨励志宝典 下集 主编:韩宏术 编委:韩宏术 李黎丽 刘安乐 - Page 2- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 编者的话 这是一本免费的电子图书,如果你喜欢,敬请与家人、亲戚、 朋友、同学、同事或网友分享,但在任何情况下,本资料仅 供学习与交流,你不得以任何形式进行变卖。 上海疯狂英语不仅帮助你快速说一口流利的英语,更传授给 你以英语能力闯入上流社会的方法与技巧,免费获取价值连 城的电子书和不为人知的绝密音频和视频资料,请火速登陆 大学生英语网: 1 - Page 3- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 前言 本书

2、共分十章,每章围绕一个成功原则为中心进行训练,一日之计在于晨,每周利用早 晨时光脱口而出每一章。只要你按照我们的计划来操练,坚持三个月之后,你的口语一定会 取得巨大的成功。 请注意我们的书都是用来脱口而出的,而不是用眼睛来看的。因为,看懂是骗人,听懂 是不够的,只有脱口而出才是你自己的。请记住:脱口而出是我们唯一坚定的目标和信念, 学英语如果没有达到脱口而出,一定会后悔终身。很多英语口语的成功者只是精通一本书或 半本书的普通人而已。所以我宁愿花一个星期“吃”掉一篇文章,也不要做一个“读书过万 卷,出口却无言”的匆匆过客。另外一个口语成功关键在于,你一定要随时随地卖弄,你将 获得巨大的成就感,你

3、就会踏上纯正口语的成功之路。 亲爱的朋友们,请你马上疯狂地行动起来,随时随地以最流利的速度、最优美的语音、 最优雅的语调自信地脱口而出句子、小短文或演讲稿,点燃你的英语潜能。 大学生英语网: 2 - Page 4- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 第六章 全神贯注 第一节:超级口语要素 爱上你的美丽英文,在学英语的时候要心无旁骛,请大喊下面的句子十到一百遍直到你 达到忘我、忘时、忘物的超然境界! 1. He has a large income. 他有很高的收入。 2. He looks very healthy. 他看来很健康。 3. He paused for a reply. 他停

4、下来等着回答。(最 典的表 ) 经 达 4. He repaired his house. 他修理了他的房子。 5. He suggested a picnic. 他建议搞一次野餐。 6. Heres a gift for you. 这里有个礼物送给你。 7. How much does it cost? 多少钱? 8. I caught the last bus. 我赶上了最后一班车。 9. I could hardly speak. 我简直说不出话来。 10. Ill have to try that. 我得试试这么做。 11. Im very proud of you. 我为你感到非常骄

5、傲。 12. It doesnt make sense. 这没有意义(不合常理)。 13. Make yourself at home. 请不要拘礼。 14. My car needs washing. 我的车需要洗一洗。 15. None of your business! 与你无关! (最 情的句子) 绝 16. Not a sound was heard. 一点声音也没有。 17. Thats always the case. 习以为常了。 18. The road divides here. 这条路在这里分岔。 19. Those are watermelons. 那些是西瓜。 20.

6、 What a nice day it is! 今天天气真好! 21. Whats wrong with you? 你哪里不对劲? 22. You are a chicken. 你是个胆小鬼。 23. A lovely day,isnt it? 好天气,是吗? 24. He is collecting money. 他在筹集资金。 25. He was born in New York. 他出生在纽约。 大学生英语网: 3 - Page 5- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 26. He was not a bit tired. 他一点也不累。 27. I will be more ca

7、reful. 我会小心一些的, 28. I will never forget it. 我会记着的。 29. It is just what I need. 这正是我所需要的。 30. It rather surprised me. 那事使我颇感惊讶。 31. Just around the comer. 就在附近。 32. Just for entertainment. 只是为了消遣一下。 33. Let bygones be bygones. 过去的,就让它过去吧。 34. Mother doesnt make up. 妈妈不化妆。 35. Oh,you are kidding me. 哦

8、,你别拿我开玩笑了。 36. She has been to school. 她上学去了。 37. Skating is interesting. 滑冰很有趣。 38. Supper is ready at six. 晚餐六点钟就好了。 39. Thats a terrific idea! 真是好主意! 40. What horrible weather! 这鬼天气! 第二节:超级精品句 请用三最法一口气训练法全神贯注地脱口而出下面的商务精品句,快速提升你超级商务 能力,因为成功就在于比别人多做一点点,每天多做一点点就可以成功。 1. Then wed have some ideas of w

9、hat youll be needing. 那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知 道你们需要什么了。 2. I cant say for certain off-hand. 我还不能马上说定。 3. Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking. 有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。 4. Itll be easier for us to get down to facts then. 这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。 5. But wouldnt you like to

10、spend an extra day or two here? 你们不愿意在北京多待一天 吗? 6. Im afraid that wont be possible, much as wed like to.尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不 行了。 7. Weve got to report back to the head office. 我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。 大学生英语网: 4 - Page 6- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 8. Thank you for you cooperation. 谢谢你们的合作。 9. Weve arranged our schedule wi

11、thout any trouble. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排 好了。 10. Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it? 这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下, 好吗? 第三节:超级难句长句 坚持到现在的你应该可以感觉到自己的口语和写作以及阅读能力都有了长足的进步了 吧,这就是难句长句的伟大之处,它让你不知不觉突破阅读和写作,它让你读书破万卷,下 笔如有神。 1. Buyers and seller

12、s should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities. 购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因 为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动。 2. The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter. 电脑储存和由于 电子微

13、处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能。 3. The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments. 人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组 成,住些骨头石油坚韧而相对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起。 4. The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which i

14、t develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives. 珍 珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制约。 5. Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.

15、尽管模仿鸟学 很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖,但人类还是能够依其声音上的线索很快识别它们。 6. Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land. 鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动。 7. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea lev

16、els were responsible. 科学家不知道恐龙为 何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。 大学生英语网: 5 - Page 7- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 8. The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences. 主要目的在于丰富和 优质的农艺学利用了其他科学的知识。 9. Snow aids farme

17、rs by keeping heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing. 雪对农民是一种帮助,因为它保持地层土壤的温度,使种子不致冻死。 10. Even though the precise qualities of hero in literary words may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant. 历代文学作品中的英雄本色 虽各有千秋,但其昭世功力却是恒古

18、不变的。 第四节: 超级短文 正如下面这篇短文描述的一样,成功就在于立刻行动,绝不拖延,拖延是无所作为的代 名词,现在你想到的任何事情都要马上去做,只有行动能够创造奇迹,不过还有什么比把下 面这篇短文脱口而出更重要的呢,开始行动吧? Get it done The more you desire to put off an unpleasant task until later, the more reason you have to do it right away. If its really all that bad, then go ahead and get it over with

19、. The longer you wait, the more unpleasant it will become. The sooner you get it done, the more enjoyment youll get from having it behind you. Consider how lousy you feel that it has to be done, and then imagine how great youll feel to have it behind you. 第五节:超级演讲 下面这篇演讲是领导者庆功时的演讲,请全力操练,全力模仿,当你成功之时,

20、把它优 雅地演绎出来,绝对语惊四座,不同凡响,完美领导者风范。 荣誉归于集体 Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak about myself at this special occasion. I am Stone Lee, executive manger of the sales department of Microsoft Company. During the two years since I took change of the department, the sales of

21、our products have grown dramatically and I am really proud of my department and my staff. Some people sometimes ask me what is the secret of such a tremendous growth, and I always answer:” Harmony in the department.” Harmony in the department seems to emerge as a result of 大学生英语网: 6 - Page 8- 马上点击:三

22、个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 mutual trust and respect between myself and my staff. 女士们,先生们!感谢大家给我机会在这个特别的场合介绍我自己。 我叫李世通,微软公司销售部招待经理。在我负责这个部门的两年中,我们的产品销售 量获得了极大的增长。我为我的部门和员工感到骄傲。有时候,有人问我取得如此惊人的成 绩的秘密是什么,我总是回答说:“部门内部的融洽。”这种融洽来自我和我的员工之间的彼 此信任和尊重。 好了,能和大家说几句我感到非常荣幸,我祝愿这个聚会由始至终充满融洽的气氛。谢 谢你们! 大学生英语网: 7 - Page 9- 马上点击:三个月

23、说一口流利英语的秘诀 第七章 惜时如金 第一节:超级口语要素 要做就做最有生产力的事情,对你而言,最有生产力的事情是什么呢,你一定猜到了, 就是脱口而出下面的句子。 1. Which would you prefer? 你要选哪个? 2. Does she like ice-cream? 她喜欢吃冰淇淋吗? 3. First come first served. 先到先得。(服 常用句) 务业 4. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。 5. He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。(最好拍 屁用 ) 马 语 6. He is acting a

24、n old man. 他正扮演一个老人。 7. He is looking for a job. 他正在找工作。 8. He doesnt care about me. 他并不在乎我。 9. I develop films myself. 我自己冲洗照片。 10. I felt no regret for it. 对这件事我不觉得后悔。 11. I get up at six oclock. 我六点起床。 12. I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。 13. I owe you for my dinner. 我欠你晚餐的钱。 14. I really enjoy

25、ed myself. 我玩得很开心。 15. Im fed up with my work! 我对工作烦死了! 16. Its no use complaining. 发牢骚没什么用。 17. Shes under the weather. 她心情不好。( 品句) 极 18. The child sobbed sadly. 小孩伤心地抽泣着。 19. The rumor had no basis. 那谣言没有根据。 20. They praised him highly. 他们大大地表扬了他。 21. Winter is a cold season. 冬天是一个寒冷的季节。 22. You c

26、an call me any time. 你可以随时打电话给我。 23. 15 divided by3 equals 5. 15 除以3 等于 5。 24. All for one,one for all. 我为人人,人人为我。 25. East, west,home is best.金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。 大学生英语网: 8 - Page 10- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 26. He grasped both my hands. 他紧握住我的双手。 27. He is physically mature. 他身体己发育成熟。 28. I am so sorry about t

27、his. 对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。 29. I cant afford a new car. 我买不起一部新车。 30. I do want to see him now. 我现在确实很想去见他。 31. I have the right to know. 我有权知道。 32. I heard some one laughing. 我听见有人在笑。 33. I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。 34. I walked across the park. 我穿过了公园。 35. Ill just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。 36. Im n

28、ot sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。 37. Im not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。 38. Is the cut still painful? 伤口还在痛吗? 39. Its too good to be true! 好得难以置信。 40. Jean is a blue-eyed girl. 珍是个蓝眼睛的女孩。 第二节:超级精品句 下面是关于学校生活和学习的句子,很容易卖弄出去。只有卖弄出去,才算真的掌握。 1. We should share happiness and sorrow with our friends. 我们应当与朋友同甘

29、共苦。 2. Qualified college students should develop morally,intellectually and physically. 合格的 大学生应当德、智、体全面发展。 3. Reading has added great pleasure to our college life. 阅读增加我们大学生活的乐趣。 4. I tried my best to have finished that assigement ahead of time. 我尽力终于提前完成了 任务。 5. It is no use worrying excessively a

30、bout a single failure, we should draw some useful lessons form it. 过分地担心一次考试的失败是没有用的,我们应当从中听取有用的教 训。 6. The purpose of a test is to show both the teachers and students how they are getting along with their work. 考试的目的是让老师和学生了解他们教与学的情况。 7. I am very sorry that I dont have adequate time for both work and studies. 我非常遗憾 没有充分的时间学习与工作。 大学生英语网: 9 - Page 11- 马上点击:三个月说一口流利英语的秘诀 8. The teacher wrote what she had said on the blackboard so that he could make their students more clearly understood. 为了使学能听得更加明白,老师把它所讲的写在板 上。 9. We should make good use of ou

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