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1、牛津英语上海版高一第一学期期末笔记整理Unit 1 Reading1dress n. / v.给某人、自己穿衣服 (vt.)dress sb / oneself穿着的衣服 (vt. phr.)be dressed in穿着红色的衣服 (vt. phr.)be dressed in red穿着考究 (vi.)dress well2glance n. / vi.朝撇一眼、瞄一眼 (vt. phr.)glance at sth = take / have a glance at sth盯着看 (vt. phr.)stare at sth瞪着眼睛看,怒视 (vt. phr.)glare at sth3

2、senior adj. / n.在方面比高级、级别高、年长be senior to sb at / in sth4sigh n. / v.叹口气 (n.)take a sigh深深地叹口气 (vt.)sigh a deep sigh5prefer vt. preference n.更愿意某物prefer sth宁愿做某事prefer to do sth比起B来更喜欢Aprefer A to B比起做B来更喜欢做Aprefer doing A to doing B宁愿做A而不愿意做Bprefer to do A rather than do B6communicate v. communicat

3、ion n.与某人交流 (vi.)communicate with sb告知某人某事、向某人传达某事 (vt.)communicate sth to sb7express vt. expression n.向某人表达某事express sth to sb向某人解释某事explain sth to sb向某人汇报某事report sth to sb向某人抱怨某事complain about sth to sb8impress vt. impression n.某事给某人留下深刻印象sth impress sb某人用给某人留下深刻印象sb impress sb with sth给某人留下深刻印象的

4、是What impressed sb (most) was让某人铭记某事,让某人明白某事的重要性impress sth on sb9impression n.某事、某人给某人留下好的、深刻的印象sth / sb make / leave a good / deep impression on sb = sth / sb give sb a good / deep impression10assist vt. assistant / assistance n.帮助某人某事assist sb with sth = help sb with sth帮助某人做某事assist sb to do sth

5、 = help sb (to) do sth11hesitate vi. hesitation n.毫不犹豫做某事not hesitate to do sth毫不犹豫地without hesitation12remark n. / vt.某人表达sb remark + that从句 = sb remark, “”对某事作出评价remark on sth = comment on sth13remind vt. reminder n.提醒某人某事remind sb of sth提醒某人做某事remind sb to do sth提醒某人remind sb + that 从句14welcome n

6、. / adj. / vt. (welcome, welcome) / interj.欢迎某人到某地 (v.)welcome sb to sp某人、某物受欢迎的 (adj.)sb / sth be welcome欢迎回家、回来 (v.)welcome home / back受到热烈的欢迎 (n.)get a warm welcome15chance n.有机会做某事have / get a chance to do sth碰巧by chance / accident有可能(The) Chances are that = It is possible16more than超过非常不仅仅17way

7、 n.的方式 / 样子the way + (in which / that) + 定语从句顺便说一下by the way挡道in the way 临近 on the way = around the corner 在去的路上 on the / ones way to sp18improve v. improvement n.取得很大的进步 (n.)make great progress = make great improvements = make great advances19sit v. (sat, sat)熬夜 (vi. phr.)sit up = stay up坐起来 (vi. p

8、hr.)sit up参加考试 (vt.)sit an exam20hold v. (held, held)手里抱着孩子 (vt.)hold a baby in ones arms持有的观点 (vt.)hold the view / opinion that昂着头 (vt.)hold ones head up担任重要职位 (vt.)hold an important position21seem v.好像 (link v.)seem (to be) + adj. / n. = It seems / seemed that某人好像做、做过、在做某事 (vt.)sb seem to do / hav

9、e done / be doing sth22是因为It is because23的原因是The reason (why / for which + 定语从句) is thatUnit 1 More Reading1contact n. / vt.眼神交流 (n.)eye contact接触、联系某人 (vt.)contact sb = make contact with sb与某人保持联系 (n.)be / keep in contact with sb2key n.的关键the key to sth / doing sth的答案、入口、线索、解决方法the answer / entranc

10、e / clue / solution to sth / doing sth3confuse vt. confusion n.某事令某人困惑sth confuse sb某人对感到困惑be confused at / about sth4事实上as a matter of fact = in fact5consider vt. consideration n.认为某人、某物consider sb / sth (as / to be) + n. / adj. consider + that sb be + n. / adj.认为做某事consider it + n. / adj. + to do

11、sth / that 从句考虑做某事consider doing sth6lack n. / v.缺乏某物 (vt. / vi.)lack sth = be lacking in sth = lack of sth (注意这两个lack的词性不同)因为、由于缺少某物 (n.)for lack of sth7close 表示具体意义上的“近地、靠近地”/ closely表示抽象意义上的“密切地、紧密地、仔细地” 站得近stand close与紧密联系be closely linked with8last adj. / adv. / v.倒数第二 (adj.)last but one最后但不是最不

12、重要的 (adv.)last but not least第一个来最后一个走 (n.)the first to come and the last to go够我们吃三天 (v.)last us 3 days我最不愿意见的人 (adj.)the last man I want to see我最不愿意做的事 (adj.)the last thing I want to do9avoid vt. avoidance n.避免做某事avoid doing sth10respect vt. / n.对某人表示尊重 (n.)show respect for sb11authority n.执政的人peop

13、le in authority12concentrate v. concentration n.注意、集中在 (vt. phr.)concentrate on = be centered on把注意力集中于 (vt.)concentrate ones attention on13rude adj.对粗鲁、有礼貌be rude / polite to sb14signal n. / v. 表示友好或敌意、感兴趣或厌烦、理解或困惑 (vt.)signal friendliness or hostility, interest or boredom and understanding or conf

14、usion示意、表示 (vt.)signal + that从句示意某人做某事 (vt.)signal sb to do sth15maintain vt. maintenance n.维护世界和平maintain world peace保持身心健康maintain mental and physical health某人认为sb maintain that维修、保养汽车、房子maintain a car / houseUnit 2 Reading1guarantee n. / v.保证、担保 (vt.)guarantee that.保证做某事 (vt.)guarantee to do sth向

15、某人保证某事 (vt.)guarantee sb sth = guarantee sth to sb保证某物、某人 (vt.)guarantee sb / sth + adj.有三年保修期的冰箱 (n.)a fridge with a 3-year guarantee2top n. / adj. / vt.感到心满意足feel on top of the world在的顶部on the top of sth在之上、是最好的on top of sth / sb3choose v. (chose, chosen) choice n.宁愿做某事 (vt.)choose to do sth(别无选择)

16、不得不做某事have no choice / alternative but to do sth做出选择make a choice4advice n.一条建议a piece of advice5right adj. / adv. / n.对有好处的、合适的be right for = be fit for = be suitable for6hide v. (hid, hidden)向某人隐藏某事、某物 (vt.)hide / conceal sth from sb隐含的意思hidden meaning7suit n. / vt.某物适合某人 (vt.)sth suit sb某物对某人来说大小

17、合适 (vt.)sth fit sb一套衣服 (n.)a suit of clothes8balance n. / vt.保持、扰乱、破坏、恢复自然界的平衡 (n.)keep / upset (disturb) / destroy / restore the balance of nature失去平衡 (n.)lose ones balance平衡A和B (vt.)balance A with B权衡利弊 (vt.)balance the pros and cons9addition n. add vt.此外(副词词组)in addition 除了in addition to = as wel

18、l as10effect n.对有效果have (an) effect on sb / sth有效的、效率高的(能干的)effective / efficient能干的秘书an efficient / capable secretary11apply v. applicant / application n.向某人申请某物 (vi.)apply to sb for sth把应用于、使适用于、把涂 / 敷在上 (vt.)apply sth to sth12damage n. / vt.伤害某人、某物 (vt.)damage sb / sth对有伤害、有好处 (n.)do damage / goo

19、d to sb / sth13cover n. / vt.被覆盖着be covered with占地cover an area of走距离cover a distance of看了页coverpages涉及广泛的领域cover a wide field包括所有的英语习语cover all the English idioms承担来去的费用cover the travel expenses14care n. / v.照顾、喜欢、想要、愿意 (vt. phr.)care for关心、在乎 (vt. phr.)care about保重!(n.)Take care.我不在乎。(vi.)I dont c

20、are.15It is + adj. + for / of sb to do sth某人做某事是16adj. / adv. + enough (not) to do sth足够可以(不)做某事17open adj. / v.在几点开、关 (vi.)open / close at从几点到几点营业 (adj.)be open from to 从开着的窗户进来 (adj.)come in from an open window把某人的文件摊在桌子上 (adj.)leave ones papers lying open on the desk开着窗户睡觉 (adj.)sleep with the wi

21、ndows open自动打开 (vi.)open of itself通往 (vi.)open into sp18keep v. (kept, kept)让某人久等 (vt.)kept sb waiting for so long让我们知晓国内外大事 (vt.)keep us informed of what is happening at home and abroad让我的头发看上去有光泽 (vt.)keep my hair shiny把血压降下来 (vt.)keep sbs blood pressure down火势得到了控制 (vt.)keep the fire under contro

22、l19set v. (set, set)摆碗筷 (vt.)set / lay the table把你的吹风机调在低温档 (vt.)set your hairdryer at a low temperature把我的闹钟调在6点钟 (vt.)set my alarm clock for 6 oclock以为背景的 (vt.)is set in sp从东方升起西方落下 (vi.)rise in the east and set in the west20expert n. / adj.专长于be expert inUnit 2 More Reading1hair n.有一头长发have long

23、hair有几根白发have a couple of white / silver / grey hairs2result n. / v.导致,造成 (vt. phr.)result in = lead to = bring about = give rise to = contribute to = cause由而造成 (vt. phr.)result from 因此 (n.)as a result, as a result of3amount n.大量的(通常修饰不可数名词)large amounts of = a large amount of = a great deal of大量的(通

24、常修饰复数名词)a large number of = a good / great many大量的(既可修饰复数名词又可修饰不可数名词)plenty of = a lot of = lots of4keep v. (kept, kept)阻止某人做某事 (vt.)keep sb from doing sth = stop / prevent sb (from) doing sth让某人一直做某事 (vt.)keep sb doing sth一直做某事 (vt.)keep doing sth一个人难免一生中不犯错误。One can not keep himself from making mi

25、stakes in life.5rob vt. (robbed, robbed)抢某人某物rob sb of sth偷某人某物steal sth from sb告知某人某事inform sb of sth提醒某人某事remind sb of sth警告某人某事warn sb of sth羡慕某人某事envy sb of sth治疗某人某病、某习惯cure sb of sth使某人摆脱某事rid sb of sth剥夺某人某物deprive sb of sth6relax v. relaxing / relaxed adj. relaxation n.使自己、某人放松 (vt.)relax on

26、eself / sb令人轻松的工作a relaxing job感到轻松的feel relaxed7damage n. / vt.伤害某人、某物 damage sb / sth对造成伤害 (n.)do damage to sb / sth8choice n.没有选择不得不做某事have no choice / alternative but to do sth做出选择make a choice9ensure v.确保某事 (vt.)ensure sth确保某人某事 (vt.)ensure sb sth / ensure sb + that从句确保、保证 (vt.)ensure / make su

27、re + that 从句 (通常用一般现在时)10assure vt.向某人保证某事、使某人相信某事assure sb of sth / assure sb + that从句11insure vt. insurance n.为某人、某物投保价值的险insure sb / sth against sth for sm12sure & certain adj.某人对有把握sb be sure / certain of / about sth = sb be sure / certain + that从句某人一定会做某事sb be sure / certain to do sth务必、一定(通常用于

28、祈使句)be sure to do sth是必然的、一定的It is certain that天要下雨了。It is sure to rain. = Im sure / certain that it is going to rain. = It is certain that it is going to rain.13while 当;虽然,尽管;然而 n. / conj.过了一会儿 (n.)after a while偶尔once in a while14look n. / v.看上去最好看 (vt.)look ones best容貌与年龄相符(看得出年龄)(vt.)look ones ag

29、e把某人看作、当作 (vt.)consider / regard / think of / look on sb as sth注视某人 (vt.)look sb in the eye上下打量某人 (vt.)look sb up and down15attend v. attendant / attendance n.上课 做礼拜 出席婚礼 参加智力竞赛节目的录制 (vt.)attend school / class, attend church, attend a wedding ceremony, attend the filming of a TV quiz programme注意某人、某

30、事 (vi.)attend to sb / sth = pay attention to sb / sth照顾某人 (vt. / vi.)attend (to) sb16make (注意VOC的结构,这里的补语可以是n. / adj. / 不定式 / 过去分词 ) v.让、使某人成为 (vt.)make sb / sth + n. (表示职务时用零冠词)让、使某人、某物 (vt.)make sb / sth + adj.让、使某人做某事 (vt.)make / let / have sb do sth使某人、某物被 (vt.)make sb / sth done使得做某事 (vt.)make it + n. / adj. + that从句 / to do sth使某人成为副总统 (vt.)make sb vice presid

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