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1、襄樊市中考英语录音稿材料及答案58襄樊市中考英语录音稿材料及答案(五)第一节1.What are you supposed to do when American people meet for the first time?2. Im going to Hainan for vacation next week.3. Whats your favorite subject at school?4. How can I improve my listening skills, Miss Li?5. What would you do if you had a million dollars?6

2、. How often do you exercise?7. How often does your mother go shopping?8. Does your father go swimming once a week or twice a week?第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题M: Hi, can I help you?W: Yes, please. I want to join the music club.M: Good. May I k

3、now your name?W: Helen.M: Can you sing?W: Yes, a little. And I can dance. I want to learn about music.M: Do you want to be a singer?W: Yes. Its my dream.M: Great. Do you have an email address?W: Yes, its helen12.M: Well, can you write down your phone number?W: Of course.Qs: 9. What club does the gir

4、l want to join?10. Does the girl leave an email address?11. What does the girl want to be?听第二段材料,回答第12至第14小题。M: Kate, wheres Jim?W: Oh, he is in teachers office.M: Whats he doing?W: He is helping the teachers clean the room.M: Is Jack there, too?W: No. he is playing basketball on the playground.M: P

5、lease tell him that its time for him to go home.W: OK!M: Thank you.W: Youre welcome.Questions:12. Where is Jack?13. Who is in the teachers office?14. Whats Jim doing?听第三段材料,回答第15至第17小题。W: Who is your best friend, Jim?M: Peter.W: Why is he a good friend?M: Because he likes to do the same things as I

6、do. Hes popular, too, and hes good at sports.W: Are you good at sports?M: Well, I like sports, but Peter is more athletic than I. were both pretty outgoing.W: What else do you like about Peter?M: He is funnier than I am, and he is wilder. Im a little quieter.Questions: 15. Who is Jims best friend?16

7、. Is Peter good at sports?17. Who is more athletic, Jim or Peter?听第四段材料,回答第18至第20小题。W: Whose book is this?M: It must be Carlas because Mark Twain is her favorite writer.W: How about this doll?M: It must be Kittys, because she was the only kid at the picnic. And the CD must be Marys, because she love

8、s music.W: Oh, look! Someone left here a volleyball.M: Oh, yeah It must belong to Peter. Volleyball is his favorite sport.Qs: 18. What club does the girl want to join?19. Does the girl leave an email address?20. What does the girl want to be?听第五段材料,回答第21至25 小题。More Americans than ever are riding the

9、ir bicycles to work instead of driving . They are doing this because of the gas prices and the pollution of environment . Mister Clark says this is good news for the environment . He says riding a bicycle to work does not burn oil or produce waste . Many people say the air in the city center is beco

10、ming better and better . A survey says in order to save the environment , eleven percent of Americans drive eight kilometers or fewer to work . And thirty-nine percent choose to ride bikes mainly to save money . Short car trips used to be popular in America , but now more people choose to do them by

11、 bike . 襄樊市中考英语答案(五)一、听力部分18:ABBAA CBC 911:BBC 1214:CBA1517:BAC 18-20 ACC 2125:CBABA 二、选择填空2630:BBAAC 3135:ABDDC 3640:BCABD 三、完形填空4145:CADCB 4650:BCDAC 四、阅读理解 5155:CACCB 5660:DDCBA 五、完成句子61: led, to 62: used to be late for school 63: where it was lost 64: when the computer was invented 65: she had n

12、ever seen such a tall building 66:Neither Tom nor his sister is interested 67:how I can get to the airport 六、补全对话6872:GFCBE 七、短文综合填空73. for 74. got 75. took 76. then 77. sang 78 other 79. parents 80. interesting 81. tired 82. each 83. love 八、书面表达One possible version: He Ping does very well in his le

13、ssons at school. He likes watching TV after finishing his lessons everyday. However, his father doesnt agree with him to watch TV any time because he is afraid it will affect his lessons. But He Ping doesnt agree with his father. He thinks that quite a lot of TV programmes are good for students, fro

14、m which they can learn much that can not be learned from textbooks. They can also learn English on TV. So, in his opinion, its good for a student to watch TV after finishing his homework. It can help a student to improve his lessons.襄樊市中考听力录音材料(六)第一节 1. Do you mind if I open the window? 2. Would you

15、 like a cup of coffee? 3. Whats your friend, Mary? 4. Whats wrong with him? 5. Look at the sky. There are many clouds. 6.What day is it today ?7. Would you mind opening the window ?8. Your dress is very beautiful .第二节 听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题A: Its raining again ,John. I really want to go skating today !B:

16、Oh , well . Hey , have you ever been to the space museum ,Tina ?A: Yes . I went there last year . Have you ever been there ?B: No, I havent .A: Id really like to go there again .B: Great ,what bus do we take to get to the museum ?A: We can take the subway . The station is near the museum .9. Could T

17、ina go skating today ?10. Has John ever been to the space museum ?11. How will John and Tina go to the museum in the end ?听第二段材料,回答第12至第14小题 W: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital, please? M: Go down this street, turn right at the third crossing, then walk on until you reach

18、 the end. Its between a post office and a school. W: Oh, it seems far from here. M: Yes. It is about half an hours walk. W: But my baby is ill, I have to take her to see the doctor as soon as possible. M: Then youd better take a taxi. W: Im afraid so. Thank you very much. M: You are welcome.Qs: 12.

19、Where is the nearest hospital?13. How long does it take to go to the hospital on foot?14. Why does the woman want to get to the hospital as soon as possible? 听第三段材料,回答第15至17小题 M: Police station, can I help you? W: Yes, please. It is about my daughter, Sally. She went to school this morning and she h

20、asnt come back yet. M: Take it easy, madam. What does she look like? W: She has short brown hair and blue eyes. M: How tall is she? W: About four feet tall. M: And whats she wearing? W: She is wearing a blue skirt and black shoes. M: Whats your telephone number? W: Its 3868658. M: Dont worry, madam.

21、 Well try to find her. W: Thank you very much.Qs: 15. Who is the man?16. How tall is Sally?17. What color is Sallys skirt? 听第四段材料,回答第18至20小题 M: Hello, Kate. W: Hello, Bill. M: Marys a nice girl. W: Who? Oh, Mary .Yes, she is, isnt she? M: Its her birthday next Sunday. W: I know. April 22nd. M: Were

22、going to have a party. W: Arent you going to the cinema tonight? M: Yes, Mary and I are going to the cinema. W: Next week, on Marys birthday, were going to have a party for her. W: Oh, Good.Qs: 18. When is Marys birthday?19. What is Mary going to do tonight?20. What are they going to do for Marys bi

23、rthday?听第五段材料,回答第21至25小题Joe Smith was a coach of a football team, and he and the children were spending their holiday in a small town. One rainy afternoon, it was impossible for them to go out to do something interesting, so the family decided to go to the towns only cinema, bought tickets and went

24、into the hall. The lights were still on, and there were just six other people there. As Joe entered, some of them saw him and clapped. Joe gave them a smile and turned to his son, Aha, Im getting a warm welcome here, he said, I guess they saw my games on TV. Then they sat down and a young man came b

25、ack and gave out his hand. Thanks a lot, he said to the coach. They would not show the film until at least ten people bought tickets. Qs: 21. What was Joe? 22. Why didnt they go out one day? 23. Where did they go? 24. Did the people in the cinema know Joe Smith? 25. How many people were there in the

26、 hall before Joe Smith entered?参考答案一、 听力1 8 CACCA ABB 9-11 BBA 12-14 BBB 15-17 BCC 18- 20 CAA 21 25 CAABB 二、单选题26-30 DCBAC 31-35 ABCAA 36-40 DACBB三、 完形填空题41-45 CCBDA 46-50 BBCAB四、阅读理解题51-53 CAB 54-56 ADC 57-60 BDAA五、完成句子61. My mother is good at 62. I want to give it up63. it doesnt interest them64.

27、The children had fun65. make friends with them 66. is used for peeling apples 67. It is very important to keep a balanced diet六、补全对话68-72 CEABG七、短文理解73. example 74 But 75. stop 76. happen 77. also 78. play 80. new 81. activities 82. favorite 83. continue八、书面表达(略)襄樊市中考模拟试题七听力原稿: 第一节 情景反应听下面8个

28、句子。从所给的A、B、C选项中选出能准确应答所听句子的选项。1. How many times have you been to Beijing?2. Could you help me, please?3. What are those in English?4. Excuse me. May I use your bike, please?5. Thanks a lot for helping me so much.6. Help yourself to the food.7. How do you like the coffee?8. Oh, its so hot in the room

29、.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题W: Whose book is this?M: It must be Carlas because Mark Twain is her favorite writer.W: How about this doll?M: It must be Kittys, because she was the only kid at the picnic. And the CD must be Marys, because she lo

30、ves music.W: Oh, look! Someone left here a volleyball.M: Oh, yeah It must belong to Peter. Volleyball is his favorite sport.Qs: 9. Whose is this book?10. Why does the man say the doll is Kittys?11. Whats Peters favorite?听第二段材料,回答第12至14小题M: Good morning, Madam. May I help you?W: Yes, Im afraid I left

31、 my handbag on a taxi this morning.M: Whats in your handbag?W: About 8,000 dollars.M: Anything else?W: Yes, my ID card, too.M: What your name?W: Betty Mabel White.M: Just a moment. Is this your handbag?W: Yes, its mine.M: The taxi driver found it and brought it here.W: Oh, thank you so much.M: Thats all right.Q: 12. Where may the dialogue happen? 13. Whats in her handbag? 14. Whats the womans family name?听第三段材料,回答第15至17小题

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