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本文(高考英语四海八荒易错集专题05 介词与介词短语.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语四海八荒易错集专题05 介词与介词短语.docx

1、高考英语四海八荒易错集专题05 介词与介词短语专题05 介词与介词短语1.The university started some new language programs to cater the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.【解析】句意:大学开始开设一些新的语言项目,以迎合中国的丝绸之路经济带。固定表达cater for 迎合,满足所需。【答案】for2. The whole team count Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down. 【解析】句意:整个团队依靠Cristians Ronald

2、o,他很少让他们失望。固定表达count on依靠,指望。【答案】on3. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but Thomas Edison.【解析】句意:如果没有托马斯爱迪生的话,我们现在所受益的许多东西是不会出现的。but for如果没有的话。【答案】for4. Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes animals both on land and sea?【答案】to5. Most people work because its unavoid

3、able. contrast, there are some people who actually enjoy work.【解析】句意:大多数人工作是因为无法避免,相比之下,也有一些人真的喜欢工作。固定表达by contrast相比之下。【答案】By6. We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal our emotions than for straight facts.【解析】句意:我们倾向于对令感官兴奋的或吸引我们情感的东西记忆深刻。固定表达appeal to对有吸引力。【答案】t

4、o7. These comments came in response specific questions often asked by local newsmen.【解析】句意:这些解释是对当地记者经常询问的特定问题的回应。固定表达in response to作为对的回答,作为对的反应。【答案】to8. This meeting room is a nonsmoking area.I would like to warn you advance that if you smoked here you would be fined.【解析】句意:这个会议室是禁烟区。我想提前警告你,如果你吸烟

5、,你会被罚款的。固定表达in advance预先,提前。【答案】in9. Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 the average.【解析】句意:去年是有记录以来最热的一年,比全球平均气温高0.68度。above 高于,在之上,符合句意。【答案】above10. The little pupil took his grandma the arm and walked her across the street.【答案】by易错起源1、介词辨析例1Last year was the war

6、mest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 _ the average.A. below B. on C. at D. above【答案】D 【解析】句意:去年是有纪录以来最热的一年,全球平均气温上升0.68度。With 的宾语global temperature ,宾语补足above the average。 【变式探究】September 30 is the day _ which you must pay your bill.A. by B. for C. with D. in 【答案】A【解析】介词by到时为止;通过;for为了,

7、因为;with和;in在里面;句义:你必须在9月30日这一天之前付账单的。根据句义可知本句中的by表示到时为止。故A正确。 【名师点睛】一、表示时间的介词1in,on,at,over(1)in表示在一段时间之内。通常时间较长,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。如:in the 1950s,in 1989,in summer, in January,in ones thirties,in the morning等。(2)on表示具体的某一天及其早、中、晚。如:on May 1st,on Monday,on a cold night in January, on a

8、fine morning等。(3)at表示在一个时间点上。指某一时刻或较短暂的时间,也泛指圣诞节,复活节等。如:at 3:20,at this time of year,at Christmas,at night,at this moment等。(4)over后面接一段时间,表示“超过”或“在期间”。如:David Crum, the CEO of Geldart Software, announced that the corporation would open three branches in Bangkok over the next several months.(5)在last,

9、next,this,that,some,every等词之前一律不用介词。如:He went to Japan last year.We meet every day.2in,after(1)“in一段时间”表示将来的一段时间之后。如:My mother will come back in three or four days.(2)“after一段时间”表示过去的一段时间之后。如:He arrived after five months.(3)“after具体时间”表示将来或过去的某一时刻之后。如:She will appear after five oclock this afternoon

10、.The rain began to fall after seven.3from,since,for(1)from后接具体时间,说明从什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久。如:I hope to do morning exercises from today.(2)since后接具体过去时间,表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用。如:We have not seen each other since 2010.(3)for后接一段时间,通常与完成时连用。如:I have been in the army for 5 years.【锦囊妙计,战胜自我】二、表示地点方位的介词1a

11、t,in,on,to(1)at表示在小地方或“在附近;在旁边”。如:He arrived at the station at ten.He is sitting at the desk.(2)in表示在大地方或“在范围之内”。如:He arrived in Shanghai yesterday.Shandong lies in the east of China.(3)on表示毗邻或接壤。如:Russia lies on the north of China.(4)to表示“在范围外”,不强调是否接壤。如:Japan is to the east of China.2above,over,on

12、(1)above意为“在上方”,只表示位置高于某物但不强调是否垂直,与below相对。如:The bird is flying above my head.(2)over意为“在之上”,表示垂直高于,与under相对。over强调与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。如:There is a bridge over the river.(3)on意为“在之上”,表示在某物体上面并与之接触。如:He put his watch on the desk.2above,over,on(1)above意为“在上方”,只表示位置高于某物但不强调是否垂直,与below相对。如:The bird is flyin

13、g above my head.(2)over意为“在之上”,表示垂直高于,与under相对。over强调与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。如:There is a bridge over the river.(3)on意为“在之上”,表示在某物体上面并与之接触。如:He put his watch on the desk.易错起源2、考查介词短语辨析例2. These comments came specific questions often asked by local newsmen.A. in memory of B. in response to C. in touch with D

14、. in possession of【答案】B【变式探究】What we expect from you is working hard hardly working.A. less than B. rather thanC. as well as D. as much as【答案】B【解析】介词动词less than少于;rather than而不是;as well as和同也并;as much as多达;句义:我们对你的期待是努力工作而不是几乎不工作。根据句义说明B正确。【锦囊妙计,战胜自我】高考主要考查学生对固定短语的掌握程度、对短语意义的了解以及介词在这些固定搭配中的应用。1名词词组:

15、如on the contrary相反;in turn依次;in ones opinion根据某人的看法;on time准时;out of reach够不着2动词词组:如remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事;rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人的;result from由引起;call at访问(某地)3形容词词组:如be curious about对好奇;be proud of因而自豪;be popular with受到的欢迎4介词短语:如apart from除之外;in addition to除之外(还);because of因为;instead of代替;in fear of

16、为提心吊胆;for fear of以免;in case of防备,万一;thanks to由于;in the middle of在中间according to根据;in front of在前面;in return for作为对的回报;in charge of负责;as a result of作为的结果;in exchange for与交换等。易错起源3、考查介词或介词短语的用法例3、_A common memory they all have their school days is the school uniform.A. of B. on C. to D. with【答案】A【解析】考察

17、介词辨析。A.of表示关于,表示从属关系;B.on表示在之上;C.to表示对于;D.with表示和在一起。该句意思为:他们共有的关于他们学校的记忆是校服。故选A 【变式探究】Check carrots, potatoes, onions and any other vegetables _ and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting.A. in demand B. in store C. on loan D. on sale【答案】B【名师点睛】三、表示运动方向的介词1across,over,through

18、(1)across表示从物体表面穿过,与on有关。如:across the playground/square/desert/river(2)over表示动作是在空中进行的。如:He jumped over the wall.(3)through表示从物体里面穿过,与in有关。也可表示时间,指“开始到结束)经历了”。如:through the pipe/forest/doorWe work hard all through the year.2in,into(1)in通常表示静态,意为“在里面”。如:We walked in the park.我们在公园里走着。(2)into通常表示动态,意为

19、“进入到里面”。如:We walked into the park.我们走进了公园。【锦囊妙计,战胜自我】四、表示原因的介词1for表示原因时,常与sorry,famous,punish,praise,thank,blame等词连用。如:I am sorry for what I said to you.2at表示引起某种情感变化的原因,常与表示看、听或喜、怒、吃惊的词连用,意为“因听到或看到而”。如:He was surprised at the news.3from常接抽象名词表示自然、间接或外在的原因,如受伤、车祸等。如:He died from the wound.4of多用于表示自身

20、或内在的原因,如病、饿等。如:The old man died of hunger.5with指生理上或情感上由外界到内心的原因。如:Hearing the news, he jumped with joy.He was shaking with anger.6by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。如:She took your umbrella by mistake.她错拿了你的雨伞。7over一般用于cry,weep,laugh等带有感情色彩的动词后,表示所发生的事情的原因。如:She wept over the death of her daughter.We laug

21、hed over the victory.8because of表示引起结果的直接原因。如:He retired last month because of his illness.9thanks to表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常意为“幸亏,多亏”。如:Thanks to John, we won the game.1. Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered.She found some good quality pipes sale.【解析】考查介词搭配。她发现一些优质的烟斗在出售中。固定短语on sale出售,廉价出售。

22、【答案】on2.But Mr.Fox hopes his new invention will offer a solution these villages without a local shop.【解析】考查介词搭配。福克斯先生希望这个新的发明能给没有商店的村子提供一个解决的方法。固定表达offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物。【答案】to3. When Jane got home,with her small but wellchosen present in her bag,her parents were already table having supper.【答案】at

23、4.He was very tired doing this for a whole day.【解析】考查介词。“他感到累”应是“在辛辛苦苦干了一整天之后”,表示“在之后”要用介词after。另外,表示“因做某事而累”也可用be tired from/with doing来表示,故也可填from/with。【答案】after/from/with5. Going to college helps build a strong mind,which leads greater success in ones life.【解析】考查介词搭配。这能够导致人生中更大的成功。固定短语lead to导致。【

24、答案】to6.Respect is very important home,at school,and everywhere you go.【解析】考查固定搭配。at home在家。【答案】at7. First,some of us are upset their body styles and looks.【解析】考查固定搭配。我们中的一些人对自己的体型和长相感到非常失望。be upset about对感到沮丧/难过。【答案】about8. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice and bind it throwing it into t

25、he river.【解析】考查介词。“将它裹好、绑好”应是在“将粽子扔进河里”之前。【答案】before9. the first college graduate out of a remote village,my success set an example for my folks.【解析】考查介词。作为第一个从山村里走出来的大学生,我的成功给我的同胞树立了榜样。as作为。【答案】As10.Brianna said that every day she would walk into kindergarten and see a smile my face.【答案】on11. Accor

26、ding to Jack,there are eight boys in his class who failed, (include) himself and Scott.【解析】考查介词。根据杰克的话,班里有八个男生不及格,包括他自己和斯科特。including包括,包含。【答案】including 12. Some chopsticks are decorated colored pictures.【解析】考查固定搭配。一些筷子用彩色的图画装饰。be decorated with由装饰。【答案】with13. We are going to travel on camels the Sa

27、hara Desert.【解析】考查介词。我们将骑骆驼穿过撒哈拉沙漠。through通过。【答案】through14.I turned the guides for help,but they were impatient.【解析】考查固定搭配。turn to sb.for help向某人寻求帮助。【答案】to15. I had no idea you were coming,but I am certainly glad to see you.I was feeling very nervous about going there friends.【解析】考查介词。没有朋友一起去,我会很紧张

28、的。without没有。【答案】without16.They expect answers to get them back their feet again.【解析】考查介词搭配。on ones feet站立,get sb back on ones feet跌倒后再爬起来。【答案】on17. That is true for me,but I know that my husband listens to the radio while he is working home.【解析】考查介词搭配。我丈夫在家工作时听收音机。at home在家。【答案】at18. “Thank you,sir.

29、And God bless you.”the grateful child said to him and then pushed his brother down the sidewalk their home.【解析】考查介词。这个感激的男孩感谢了他,然后推着他的哥哥朝家里走去。表示“向,朝”要用介词toward(s)。【答案】toward(s)19. James Watt would not have made the steam engine his curiosity about the rising of the kettle lid.【解析】考查介词。没有对烧水时被顶起来的壶盖的好奇心,詹姆斯瓦特也就不会发明蒸汽机。without没有或but for要不是。【答案】without/but for20. I will go to Liverpool business tomorrow morning.【答案】on

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