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17人教新目标九年级复习Units 910.docx

1、17人教新目标九年级复习Units 9102017人教新目标九年级复习Units 910 高频词汇1.prefer(v.)更喜欢2Australian(n.&adj.)澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的3suppose(v.)推断4smooth(adj.)平滑的;悦耳的5spare(adj.)空闲的6war(n.)战争7reflect(v.)反映8perform(v.)表演9.praise(v.&n.)表扬10wound(n.)伤,伤口11kiss(v.&n.)亲吻;接吻12capital(n.)首都13passport(n.)护照14empty(adj.)空的15knock(v.)敲;击16except

2、(prep.)除之外形式拓展1.direct导演director2pain(形容词)painful3value(形容词)valuable4.north(形容词)northern5suggest(名词)suggestion6behave(名词)behavior短语积累1.既然那样in that case2坚持stick to3大量plenty of4关闭shut off5偶尔地once in a while6查字典,抬头看look up7总共in total8.顺便访问drop by9毕竟after all10把擦掉clean off11脱下(衣服)take off12特地go out of o

3、nes way13使(某人)感到宾至如归makefeel at home14习惯于get used to重点句型1.I likemusic that I can dance to.我喜欢我能跳舞的音乐。2Dramas like Titanic make me feel_ even _sadder像“泰坦尼克”这样的歌剧使我感到伤心得多。3It was one ofthe most moving pieces of musicthat Ive everheard那是我所听到过最感动人的音乐之一。4Im too scared to watch themalone.我感到太恐怖不敢一人去看。5.Yo

4、uresupposed to shake hands.你应该握手。6We often justwalk around the town center,seeing as many of our friends as we can.我们通常在市中心闲逛,尽可能多地看我的朋友。7Imake an effort to beon time when I meet my friends.当我去见我的朋友,我努力准时。 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示补全下列单词。1My mother prefers(更喜欢) the program about women.2The road to my school i

5、snt smooth(平滑的)3I often play basketball in my spare(空闲的)time.4Would you mind shutting the door?Its too cold outside.5Who is knocking at the door?Go and see who it is.6Look at the blackboardWhat can you see on it?7There are four seasons in a year.8The book is worth reading.I hope that you can read it

6、.9His brother is an exchange student in US.10Everyone is here except Peter because he is sick.二、根据汉语完成下列句子。11我特地来拜访你了。I went out of my way to visit you.12吉姆使我感到宾至如归。Jimmade me feel at home13我能感受到强烈伤痛。I sensed a strong sadness and pain14你能告诉我一些基本礼仪吗?Can you tell me somebasic manners?15请在字典里把它们查出来。Ple

7、aselook them up in the dictionary.一、I prefer music that has great lyrice.我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。【考点精讲】prefer的用法prefer为动词,意为“更喜欢”,相当于like better。eg:I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.我更喜欢演奏轻柔音乐的组合。I prefer to stay at home rather than go outside in summer.I prefer staying at home to going outside i

8、n summer.在夏天,我宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。【注意】prefer的过去式、过去分词及现在分词均要双写r。Im sleepy.I prefer_at home to going out for a walk.Asleeping Bto sleep Cslept Dsleep【解析】A。句意:我很困。我更喜欢待在家里不想出去散步。prefer doing to doing意为“更喜欢做某事”,故选A。【即时演练】.单项选择。1What a heavy rain!So it is.I prefer_B_rather than_on such a rainy day.Ato go out;st

9、ay at homeBto stay at home;go outCgoing out;stay at homeDstaying at home;go out2Many old men prefer_A_in a peaceful countryside.Ato live Bliveing Clive Dlived3Some parents prefer_D_the wall blue for their children_them a feeling of harmony.Ato paint;to giving Bpainting;givingCto paint;giving Dpainti

10、ng;to give4I prefer sports_C_soap operas.What about you?Me,too.Aat Bthan Cto Dof.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。5他宁愿读书也不愿看电视。Hepreferred to readrather than watch TV.6我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。I prefer swimming to skating.二、Youre supposed to shake hands.你应该握手。【考点精讲】suppose作为动词,其意思是“猜想,设想,认为,假设”,其常见用法为:(1)be supposed to do sth.意思是“被期

11、望做某事;应该做某事”,相当于should。eg:He is supposed to arrive on time.他应该准时到达。(2)在口语中,常用否定结构“be not supposed to do sth.”意思是“不允许做某事;不应该做某事”,相当于shouldnt。eg:You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.You shouldnt smoke on the bus.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。(3)supposedthat从句,当变为否定句时,否定词应该前移。类似的词还有think,believe等。eg:I dont supposed

12、that he will tell you about it.我认为他不会告诉你这件事。You are_to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.Asuggested BsupportedCtaught Dsupposed【解析】D。句意:当你上QQ彼此聊天时,你应该快点打字,因此对方才不会感到厌倦。be supposed to do sth.意为“应该做某事,被期待做某事”,故选D。【即时演练】.单项选择。1In France you_B_put bread on

13、 the table.Youre not supposed to put it on the plate.Ashouldnt Bare supposed toCwould like to Dwill2You were_C_to close the windows.Why were you so careless?Aallowed BbelievedCsupposed Dcaused3All the students in Beijing_C_to wear school uniforms at school.Asuppose Bdont supposeCare supposed Dhope4W

14、here are you?You are_C_to arrive here at 9 oclock.Sorry.The traffic is really busy today.Asorry BwelcomeCsupposed Dplanned.按要求完成句子。5She should arrive here at 7:00.(改为同义句)She is supposed to arrive here at 7:00.6You are supposed to help him out.(改为否定句)You are not supposed to help him out.7They are sup

15、posed to invite Mike to the birthday party next_Sunday(对画线部分提问)When are they supposed to invite Mike to the birthday party?三、after all【考点精讲】after all意为“毕竟;终究;究竟”。用于句首时,意为“不管怎么说”,“毕竟”,带有“we mustnt forget”之意。用于句尾时,含有“虽然有前面说过的话”或“与预料中的情况相反”之意。eg:Mary didnt pass the exam,but after all she had done her b

16、est.玛丽考试没有及格,但她毕竟尽力了。I thought I was going to fail the exam,but I passed it after all.我原以为我考试不会及格,然而我还是及格了。Dont ask him to study too late into the night._,he is only a small child.AAs a result BAfter allCBest of all DFor example【解析】B。句意:别要求他学习到深夜。毕竟,他只是个孩子。after all意为“毕竟,终究”,故选B。【即时演练】.单项选择。1_C_,the

17、 Internet was only used by the government.But now its widely used in every field.AAs usual BAt firstCAfter all DSo far2David suddenly felt nervous._B_,it was his first time to go on stage.AAt least BAfter allCAt once DAt all3Why is he not allowed to stay here?_A_its his home.AAfter all BFirst of all

18、CIn all DAt all.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。4你不应该和他争吵。毕竟他是你朋友。You shouldnt quarrel with him.Hes your friendafter all5她不懂。毕竟她只是个孩子。She doesnt understand.After all,she is only a child. 四、【辨析】bring/take/carry/fetch【考点精讲】bring表示“带来,拿来”,指把某物(人)从别处带到说话人处。eg:Dont forget to bring your books with you.别忘了把书带来。take与bring方向相

19、反,表示“带走,拿走”,把某物(人)从说话处带到别处。eg:Youd better take her to hospital.你最好赶快带她去医院。carry只表示“携带,搬,扛”,没有方向性。eg:carry the box搬箱子fetch指到别处把某物(人)再带来,口语中常用get。eg:The inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water.居民得走一英里路去取水。这四个词的动作方向如下图所示:Ive left my keys in the meeting room.Please _ them for me.All right. Abuy B

20、paint Cwash Dfetch【解析】D。考查动词辨析。由上文“Ive left my keys in the meeting room”可知,说话者把钥匙忘在了会议室里,请听话者帮忙去取一下。fetch意为“去取(某物)”符合语境。故选D。【即时演练】.单项选择。1Sam,my iphone is in my bedroom.Could you _B_ it for me?No problem.Abring Bfetch Ctake Dcarry五、【辨析】relax/relaxed/relaxing【考点精讲】relax既可以作不及物动词,也可以用作及物动词,意为“放松,使放松”。e

21、g:I need a cup of tea to relax myself.我需要喝杯茶使自己轻松一下。Now I want to rest and relax.现在我得休息一下,放松放松。relaxed用作形容词,意为“某人感到轻松、放松、不受拘束的”。在句子中可作表语和定语,主要是描述人的感受。eg:He is feeling relaxed.他感到轻松。The song can make me relaxed.这首歌能使我放松。relaxing也是形容词,指“某事是令人轻松的”。eg:The song is relaxing.这首歌真使人轻松。You can listen to rela

22、xing music in the bath.你可以边洗澡边听(令人)轻松的音乐。I like cooking.I think it is a good way to_(使放松)myself.【解析】relax。句意:我喜欢烹饪。我认为这是放松自己的一个好办法。relax在句中是动词。【即时演练】.单项选择。1Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination.Why not_A_music?It can make you_.Alisten to;relaxed Bto listen t

23、o;relaxedClisten to;relax Dto listen to;to relax2Its_C_to listen to light music when you feel tired.Adangerous BscaryCrelaxing Ddifficult3What sweet music!So it is.Soft music usually makes us_B_Aupset Brelaxed Cnervous.用relax,relaxing或relaxed填空。4They arerelaxed when they see the movie.5The TV show i

24、s veryrelaxingAll of us like watching it.6She often relaxes her mind by listening to music.写作专题环保话题一、要点分析话题作文通常规定了要表达的中心内容。写作时,一般采用三段式:首先点题,提纲挈领;然后论述,围绕话题展开具体论述;最后发表自己对这个话题的看法或展望。 二、例题近来,“光盘行动(Clean Plate Campaign)”已成共识。请你根据下列表格中的信息,用英语为某英语报社写一篇短文,谈谈作为一名中学生,在日常生活中应该如何勤俭节约、反对浪费,并作简要评论。What to doWhat

25、not to doturn off the lightsave as much paper as possiblenot use oneoffchopsticks(一次性筷子)not spend money buying unnecessary things【思路点拨】本文属于给材料的话题作文。从所给的短文开头可知,接下来应表述为实施“光盘行动”,我们在日常生活中应该做和不应该做的事情。写作时,可用firstly,secondly,thirdly等词语以使行文连贯,可用不同的句式,如We can,It is (not) do等,以增强文章的可读性。最后可重申勤俭节约的重要性。【写作模版】Rec

26、ently,the“Clean Plate Campaign”Our government isIts important toLets【满分范文】Lets start with the things around us!Recently,the_“Clean_Plate_Campaign”has_been_very_popular_with_many_people.Our_government_is_doing_its_best_to_build_an_economized_society.As_a_middle_school_student,I_think we should join i

27、n the campaign.We can start with the things around us.Firstly,make sure that the lights are turned off when we finish our work and leave the room.Secondly,we can save as much paper as possible.Thirdly,it is important for us to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used.Whats more,we should not spend money buying unnecessary things.When we eat,wed better not use oneoff chopsticks and we mustnt waste food.In a word,saving energy is very important.Lets work together from now on

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