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1、英语教学法教程复习提纲王蔷Unit 1 Language and Learning1. Language:” Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.” It can be understood in the following six aspects:Language as system; Language as symbolic;Language as arbitrary;Language as vocal;Language as human;Language as commu

2、nication2. Structural view: The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentences.3. The functional view: The functional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Most

3、 of our day-to-day language use involves functional activities: greetings; offering, suggesting, advising, apologizing, etc.4. The interactional view:The interactional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.5. The l

4、anguage learning theory underlying an approach or method usually answers two questions: 1) What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning? 2) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated?6. Although these two q

5、uestions have never been satisfactorily answered, a vast amount of research has been done from all aspects, which can be broadly divided into process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories. 1) Process-oriented theories are concerned with how the mind processes new information, such as hab

6、it formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization. 2) Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, what kind of input learners receive, and the learning atmosp

7、here.7. Two theories:Some researchers attempt to formulate teaching approaches directly from these theories.1) The behaviorist theory( Skinner)- a stimulus-response theory of psychologyThe key point of the theory of conditioning is that you can train an animal to do anything (within reason) if you f

8、ollow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement 2) Cognitive theory( Noam Chomsky):The term cognitive is to describe loosely methods in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat. 8. A variety of elements that contribute to the qualities

9、 of a good language teacher: 1) ethic devotion,道德素质2) professional qualities专业技能 3) personal styles个人修养 Adjectives which describe further qualitiesEthic devotionProfessional qualitiespersonal styles warm -hearted creative Flexible灵活的 hardworking Resourceful知识渊博的 Dynamics有动力的enthusiastic authoritativ

10、e patient Caring well-informed见多识广的 Attentive专心的 kind accurateIntuitive有洞察力的 well-prepared准备充分的 speaking clearly humorous disciplined Personally-trained经过专业训练的9. How can one become a good language teacher? Wallaces(1991)Reflective model to demonstrate the development of professional competence(两种测试法

11、:叙述/填表) Wallaces(1991)Reflective model Stage 1 Stage 2 GoalFrom the above model, we can see the development of professional competence for a language teacher involves Stage 1, Stage 2, and Goal. The first stage is language training. All English teachers are supposed to have a sound command of Englis

12、h. Of course, language is always changing so language training can never come to an end.The second stage seems to be more complicated because it involves three sub-stages: learning, practice, and reflection. The learning stage is actually the specific preparation(that a language teacher should make

13、before they go to practice.)This preparation can be:1). learn from others experience (empirical knowledge来自经验的知识)2). learn received knowledge (such as language theories, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, educational psychology, language teaching methodology, etc.)3). learn from ones own experienc

14、e Both experiential knowledge (others and ones own) and received knowledge are useful when the teachers go to practice. This is the combination of craft and applied science. The learning stage is followed by practice. The term practice can be used in two senses. In one sense, it is a short period of

15、 time assigned for student teachers to do teaching practice as part of their education, usually under the supervision监督 of their instructors. This practice is also called pseudo practice. The other sense of practice is the real work that the teacher undertakes when he finishes his education. Unit 2

16、Communicative Principles and Activities10. The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable the students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary. 11. The goal of CLTThe goal of CLT is to develop students communicative competence, 12. Communicative competence: Competence

17、 simply means knowledge of the language system: grammatical knowledge in other words. 13. Hymes (1979), communicative competence includes four aspects:1) knowing whether something is formally possible (grammatically acceptable), which is roughly equivalent to Chomskys linguistic competence交流内容是否规范2)

18、 knowing whether something is understandable to human beings;3) knowing whether something is in line with与、有关 social norms;4) knowing whether something is in fact done: Do people actually use language this way? 14. Based on the concept of communicative competence and aiming at developing such compet

19、ence, communicative language teaching has the following features:1) It stresses the need to allow students opportunities for authentic and creative use of the language.2) It focuses on meaning rather than form.3) It suggests that learning should be relevant to the needs of the students.4) It advocat

20、es提倡 task-based language teaching. Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.5) It emphasizes a functional approach to language learning (i.e. what people do with language,such as inviting, apologizing, greeting and introducing, etc.). 15. Richards and Rodgers(1

21、986:72)three principles of Communicative language teaching 1) Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning. 2) Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task promote learning.3) Meaningfulness principle: Language that is

22、meaningful to the learner supports he learning process.16. Littlewoods (1981) classification of communicative activities:1). Functional communicative activities: 2). Social interaction activities: (1). Functional communicative activities: Identifying pictures Discovering identical pairs Discovering

23、sequences or locations Discovering missing information Discovering missing features Discovering secretsCommunicating patterns and pictures Communicative models Discovering differences Following directions Reconstructing story-sequences Pooling information to solve a problem(2). Social interaction ac

24、tivities: Role-playing through cued dialoguesRole-playing through cues and informationRole-playing through situation and goals-Role-playing through debate or discussion Large-scale simulation activities Improvisation17. Ellis (1990) has listed six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom acti

25、vities:1). Communicative purpose: 2). Communicative desire: 3). Content, not form: 4). Variety of language: 5). No teacher intervention: Unit 3 Lesson Planning18. Lesson planningLesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the clas

26、s.19. Why is lesson planning necessary?Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice/beginner and experienced teachers. 20. Benefit from lesson planning in a number of ways 1). A clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.2). It also helps the tea

27、cher to distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them so that the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.3). The teacher can also think about how the students can be fully engaged in the lesson. 4). when planning the lesson, the teacher also becomes

28、aware of the teaching aids that are needed.5). Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them. 6). The teacher soon learn to judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracy.7). Plans are also an aid to continuin

29、g improvement. 8). After the lesson, the teacher can add an evaluation to the plan, identifying those parts which went well and those which were less successful. 21. There are four major principles behind good lesson planning:1) variety, 2) flexibility,3) learnability, 4) linkage.23. Definitions of

30、variety, flexibility, learnability, and linkage.Variety means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.Flexibility means plannin

31、g to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of cou

32、rse, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below the students coping ability will diminish their motivation (Schumann, 1999).Linkage means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling a

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