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Unit 3 What color is it.docx

1、Unit 3 What color is itUnit 3 What color is it? 主讲:胡兰芹 学年:六年级 参加人:英语组全体教师 时间:第三周教材分析:本单元的中心话题是谈论物体的颜色,整个单元的内容是围绕颜色及S-Z八个字母展开听、说、读、写等各种教学活动的。通过本单元的学习,学生能够熟练地掌握和运用26个字母及其分类,尤其是五个元音字母;能够熟练的谈论各种物体的颜色;同时教师鼓励学生细心观察周围物体的颜色,培养学生发现美、创造美的意识。一、Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 能够用英语询问颜色,并能够做出相应的问答。2. 能够说出一些日常用品的名称。3. 能够正

2、确掌握字母SZ的正确读音和书写。4. 能够熟记元音字母以及字母的发音归类。二、Language points (语言点)=Key Points (教学重点)1. 掌握字母:Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz2. 掌握词汇:名词兼动词:color名词兼形容词:red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown动词:see, can, say冠词:the副词:now代词:my3. 掌握句型:Whats this/that? Its V.What color is it? Its red.三、Difficulties (教学难点)1

3、. What color开头的特殊疑问句。疑问词What修饰color,因此两个词要放在一起,不能分开,回答时一定要落实到颜色上。2. Its red. 和Its a red V中不定冠词的基本用法。3. 字母的读音归类和准确而熟练地描述物体的颜色四、课时安排 1Unit 6 Id like some noodles. 主讲:程桂芬 学年:七年级 参加人:英语组全体教师 时间:第六周Period 1 Language goal: In this unit students learn to order food. Learn to ask for and give personal infor

4、mation. Teaching aims: 1. Learn the new vocabulary words: 2. Target language: What kind of noodles would you like? Id like beef and potato noodles, please. What size bowl of noodles would he like? Hed like a large/medium/small bowl of noodles. 3. Be able to make the countable and uncountable nouns c

5、lear. 4. Learn to order your favorite noodles. Teaching procedures: Step 1.Warm-up Talk about the food. “Do you like apples?” “Yes, I do.” 2 “Do you like tomatoes?” “No, I dont.” I like I dont like Step 2. Learn the new vocabulary words 1. Prepare some pictures of“ noodles, beef, cabbage, potatoes,

6、mutton”. Show them to the students. Ask and answer. Learn the new words “noodles, beef, mutton, cabbage, potatoes, would like, bowl, size, special”. 2. Practice reading the new words: (A) Get a student to read the new words. (B) Ask the class to repeat the new words after the teacher. (C) Then read

7、them together/in parts/one by one. 3. Remember the new words. 4. Explain some opposite words: Countable nouns: cabbage; potato; special; tomato; apple; egg Uncountable nouns: beef; mutton; broccoli Step3. Presentation 1. Showa picture of noodles. Ask “What kind of noodles would you like? Would you l

8、ike beef noodles?” Students may answer “Id like; Yes, Id like. / NO, I wouldnt like.” 2. Ask some students to answer the questions. The teacher writes the answers on the blackboard. “What kind of noodles would you like? “Id like mutton noodles.” Practice asking and answering the conversation. 3. Mak

9、e a new conversation with your classmates. Step 4. 1a Look and match 1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students. Look at the pictures first. Then get the students to complete it by themselves. 2. Check up the answers. Step 5. 1b Listening practice 1. The teacher reads the instructions to

10、the students. 2. Get the students to look at three specials in the picture in 1a. 3. Play the recording for the first time, students only listen. 4. Play the recording again, try to check by themselves. And check up the answers. 5. Play the recording, let the students repeat after the recording. The

11、n practice reading the conversation. Step 6. 1cPair work 1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. 2. The students practice reading the conversation below in 1c. 3. Make their own conversations. Ask “What kind of noodles would you Like? ”Then work it in class. Step7. 2a Listening pra

12、ctice 1.The teacher explains the instructions to the students. 2. Get students to read the words and look at the pictures in 2a. 3. Play the recording for the first time, students only listen. 4. Play the recording again, students listen and try to check the words you hear. 5. Check up the answers.

13、Step 8. 2b Listening practice 1. Students read the sentences in 2b. 2. Play the recording. Listen and try to fill in the blanks. 3. Check up the answers. 4. Play the recording again. Get the students to repeat after the recording. Step 9. 2cPair work 1. The teacher explains the instructions to the s

14、tudents. Then students look at the pictures in 2a. Read the example to the students. 2. Try to make the conversation by on their own. 3. Check up the conversations in class. A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: Id like beef and tomato noodles. Step 10.Grammar focus The students read the senten

15、ces. And find if there are some questions. If have, explain them. Countable nouns; Uncountable nouns; Countable and uncountable nouns Step 11. Summary 1. The new vocabulary words. 2. The new target language. Step 12.Homework 1. Revise the vocabulary words. 2. Write a passage about the favorite noodl

16、es in your family. 主讲:刘欢 学年:八年级 参加人:英语组全体教师 时间:第四周课题Unit Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?主备:刘艳敏 学年:九年级 参加人:英语组全体教师 时间:第五周科任教师 LiuYanmin教学目标1.Language goals:Key words and phrases:restroom, shampoo, drugstore, caf, department store, escalator, magic,fresh, block, oak, uncrowned, safe

17、, waterslide, clown, staff,organized, dress up, market.Target language:Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?Sure. Theres a bookstore on the River Road.2. Ability goals:Students can ask for information politely by asking “Could you please tell me-?” “Can you tell me-?”“Do you know wh

18、ere I can-?”重难点Teaching important and difficult points Could you please tell me -?Can you tell me -? Do you know where I can -?教学过程Step1: Greeting and reportSay hello to the Ss and one student give a duty report.Step2: lead-inSs look at the picture. Ask: Where can you guess is it? Introduce Watertow

19、n, water slides. Ask Ss to find out the Places in the picture, such as Caf, Sports Museum, Science Museum and so on.Ask one student to read the passage aloud. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student are providing a good model for the rest of the class.Ask Ss to complete the work in

20、dividually. Then review the task. Ask a few students to tell the class about the answers in the chart.Step3: ReadingLet Ss look back at 2a and 2b.Say, Use this information to help you complete the guide to Sun Ville.Ask Ss to complete the Writing .As they work, move around the room offering help and

21、 answering questions as needed.Ask a student to read the completed article to the class.Step4: 3c PracticeAsk Ss to say the names of some of the places they might write about. Write a list of the places on the board.Ss work individually. Tell them that they can use what they wrote for 3b as a guide.

22、Step5: PerformanceRead the instruction to the class. Ask Ss to look back the guides they wrote in 3c.Have different Ss take the role of the booth worker and the different tourists. Be sure every student has a chance to participate.Ask one or two groups to present their conversations,Homework:Practic

23、e the article in 3a and try to retell it. Blackboard DesignWatertown water slidesKids Teenagers ParentsEat Clown City Caf Uncle Bobs Farmers MarketHave fun organized games water slides dance lessons Clowns rock band Learn Science Museum Sports Museum History MuseumUnit 9 Ive broken my arm主讲:刘艳敏 学年:九

24、年级 参加人:英语组全体教师 时间:第十周一教材分析和学情分析 本课是新目标英语九年级第9单元的内容,教材以身体各部位受伤害为中心话题,复习身体各部位的名称,谈论日常生活中的创伤与急救,谈论日常生活中的健康问题以及治疗方案, 熟练的运用一般过去时态和现在完成时态。 初四学生已经在练习中接触过这两种时态,对其构成也有所了解,现在也能够熟练掌握一般过去时和现在完成时。所以本课语言目标对学生来说难度不大,较易掌握。 二、教学目标 1、知识与技能 (1) 谈论意外事故和健康问题。 (2) 谈论伤害和治疗问题。 (3) Review the past tense and present perfect

25、tense and use them freely. (4) Learn to face accidents and health problems。Improve the awareness of health and form healthy living habits. 2、过程与方法 采用任务型教学方法,让学生通过听、说、读、写围绕各种任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨,相互交流,从而获得知识、发展能力。 3、情感、态度与价值观 (1)学会应对日常生活中的意外和健康问题,提高卫生保健意识,养成健康的生活习惯。 (2)珍爱健康,珍爱生命。 三、教学资源 多媒体、录音机、网络等资源综合运用。

26、四、教学设计思路 本节课主要是对Unit9词汇、语法、话题等进行全面复习。创设学生喜爱的情景引入教学,充分调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生的参与意识,将被动学习变成主动学习。通过小组探究、情景表演、小组竞赛等活动对本课的语言知识进行梳理,通过创设真实的语言情景使学生对本课的语言知识和目标语言及话题进行实践练习并加以拓展深化。在梳理本单元重难点的过程中学生既复习了整个单元,又将重要的语言知识落实到笔头,把传授的知识融入能激发兴趣的教学活动中,充分发挥语言的交际功能,将本单元的目标语言尽可能的与学生的实际生活相联系。学生通过合作探究大量使用目标语言,全面系统的掌握本单元的语言知识,让学生在用中学,学

27、了就用。 五、实施过程 教学程序教师活动学生活动教学反思创设情景多媒体出示下列单词练习题。 根据句意及首字母完成单词 Complete each word according to the first letter and the meaning of the sentence. 1.-Whats the m_ with you ? _ I have hurt my head because of my carelessness. 2. The Great Wall is very famous in the world and we are p_ of it. 3. During the f

28、lood , the children and the women were the first to be carried to s_ by the PLA . 4. Please take the patients t_ to see if he has a fever. 开动脑筋,认真观察,复习Unit9单词。抢答单词数量最多的小队获胜。 通过练习巩固,掌握常用词的拼写及用法。 传统的英语教学复习单词都是让学生把单词背一遍,再进行默写,在英语学习过程中少有快乐的体验。因为无趣就更多地消极对待。用学生喜爱的活动引入教学,背单词已不是教师的要求,而变成了学生的积极行为。由于教师把传授的知识融

29、入能激发兴趣的教学方法中去,通过调动学生,将被动学习变成主动掌握的过程。学生可以更多地从主动学习中得到快乐的感受。 梳理 知 识点多媒体出示模拟Clinic Record of WestWood MiddleSchool,给学生充分的时间,梳理本单元的课文以及对话,完成表格,表中部分信息作为范例已经给出,表格见附1。 四个人一个学习组共同复习本单元,合作探究找出相关信息填充表格。这是一个学生为完成任务自觉梳理本单元重难点的过程,这个任务有相当真实的语境,能够调动学生的积极性,学生既复习了整个单元,又将重要的语言知识落实到笔头,体现了学生的主体地位,表格中的treatments一栏有些是书上找不

30、到的,学生共同探究,发展了学生的创造思维,对于有创意的回答,教师给予表扬鼓励。实 践 运 用多媒体展示语言结构: -Whats the matter with you ? -I have . -When did it happen? -. -How did you do that? -. -First. Let me . then . I think you should . 要求学生针对表格真实模拟事发当天校医给学生诊病情况。两人一组分别扮演校医和受伤学生,针对表格任选两种状况,作情景问答并展示。这部分操练重在通过真实的语境复习巩固本单元语法项目,并区别现在完成时态与一般过去时态的不同用法,

31、同时让重点句式和语段上口。拓 展 深 化 多媒体展示本校On going health problems 调查记录表,引领学生观察表格,提出两个发散性问题。 1What does the result show ? 2.If you were the headmaster,whatwould you do? 观察表格四人一小组讨论后,派代表口头回答教师提出的问题。 这是对SectionA中3a的拓展,学生可参考对照3a的conclusion回答第一问,同时让他们对近在身边的迫切需要解决的健康问题谈自己的建议和想法,学生乐于参与,有效调节了课堂气氛,达到了学有所用。 .学生听录音,填入所缺信息。这一环节采用最热门的奥运报道作为听力材料,与学生生活经验密切相关,学生乐于听。既锻炼了学生的听力,同时寓思想教育于其中,鼓励学生学习运动员的意

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