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1、高三基础知识天天练英语课时作业15人教版高三基础知识天天练-英语课时作业15人教版(必修三Unit 5).单项填空1One of the viewers says he was deeply _ by the White Cloud and Black Earth series performed by Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan.Amotivated BimpressedCexpressed Dinspired答案与解析:B考查动词辨析。句意:其中的一个观众说他被赵本山和宋丹丹表演的白云和黑土系列剧所感动。be impressed by意为“被所感动”,符合句意

2、。2In your opinion,who is the best basketball player in the world?Yao Ming.I think he has a(n)_ for basketball.Apresent BlimitCinterest Dgift答案与解析:D考查固定搭配。句意:“在你看来,谁是世界上最好的篮球运动员?”“姚明,我认为他在篮球上很有天赋。”have a gift for.“对有天赋”。3The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from

3、a _ of 60 miles.Alength BdistanceCway Dspace答案与解析:B考查名词辨析。句意:从60英里远的地方就能看到拉什莫尔山上四位著名的美国总统的面庞。from a distance of.“隔着远的距离”。4Its getting dark.Wed better find a hotel and _.Aset out Bsettle downCmake out Dmove down答案与解析:B本题考查短语辨析。句意:天渐渐黑了,我们最好找个宾馆住下来。settle down“安定下来”,在此指“住下来”。5As a successful businessm

4、an,he was so _ that he never cared how much money he spent.Ahappy BrudeCwealthy Dhealthy答案与解析:C句意:作为一个成功的商人,他是如此富有以至于从不在乎花多少钱。wealthy“富有的”。6Would you care for a drink?No,thanks.I _.Awould rather not Bwouldnt like toCwould like to Dprefer to have one答案与解析:A句意:“你想喝点什么吗?”“不,谢谢。我宁愿不喝”。would rather do st

5、h.表示“宁可做某事”,其否定式为would rather not do sth.。7Its the protection for the trees _ really matters,_ how many trees are planted each year.Awhat; other than Bwhich; or ratherCthat; rather than Das; more than答案与解析:C考查强调句。句意为“至关重要的是树木的保护,而不是每年种植了多少树”。强调物,只能用that。rather than是“而不是”的意思。other than意为“除了”;or rathe

6、r意为“确切的说”;more than意为“不仅仅”。8Exports have risen by 30%,a sign _ the economy is improving.Awhich BwhereCthat Dwith which答案与解析:C从意思上看,选项后面的句子和sign是同位语,那么,只有that才能引导一个陈述语气的同位语从句。9_ by people who admire him,he looks happy and satisfied.ARounded BSurroundedCRounding DSurrounding答案与解析:B题意表示“被围绕”,用surrounde

7、d作状语。round意为“绕过”。10Are you worried about her safety?Just _.She isnt alone.Aentirely BgraduallyCgenerally Dslightly答案与解析:D由答语后半句“She isnt alone”可知不是太担心,故用slightly。11Actually,_ works hard can be _ they want to be,whether it is a pilot,an engineer or a manager.Aanyone; anyone Bwhoever; whateverCwhoever

8、; whoever Dno matter who; whoever答案与解析:B第一空缺少主语从句的主语,只能用whoever;第二空缺少表语从句的表语,表示“无论干什么的人”用whatever表示职业身份。no matter who/what只能用来引导让步状语从句。12After working abroad for several years,Gill wants to_ to a permanent job in Britain.Asettle up Bsettle downCsettle in Dsettle out答案与解析:B题意:在国外工作了几年后,Gill想在英国找份工作安定

9、下来。settle down“定居;平静下来”。13You can see the ancient tower _ a distance of 20 miles.Ain BatCby Dto答案与解析:Bat a distance of“在远的地方”为固定短语。in the distance“在远方”,不接度量单位;distance不与by和to搭配。14Seeing the _ sight,the girl was nearly _ to death.Aterrifying; terrified Bterrifying; terrifyingCterrified; terrified Dte

10、rrified; terrifying答案与解析:A题意:这个小女孩差点被那恐怖的场景吓死。terrifying“可怕的;令人恐怖的”,用于修饰物;terrified“感到惊恐的”用于修饰人。15This little stream _ into the river just outside the town.Aflows BunitesCmeets Dcontributes答案与解析:Aflow意为“流动”,常与介词into连用。unite和meet常与介词with连用;contribute常与介词to连用。.完形填空When I was in primary school,I got in

11、to a major argument with a boy in my class.I cant _1_ what it was about,but I have never forgotten the _2_ I learned that day.I was _3_ that I was right and he was wrongand he was sure that I was wrong and he was right.The _4_ decided to teach us a very important lesson.She _5_ both of us up to the

12、_6_ of the class and _7_ him on one side of her desk and me on _8_.In the middle of her desk was a large,round object.I could _9_ see that it was black.She asked the boy what _10_ the object was.“White,”he answered.I couldnt believe he said the object was white,_11_ it was obviously black!Another _1

13、2_ started between my classmate and me,this _13_ about the color of the object.The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been.We changed _14_,and now she asked me what the color of the object was.I _15_ answer,“White.”It was an object with two

14、_16_ colored sides,and from his side it was white._17_ from my side was it black.My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day:You must _18_ in the other persons shoes and look at the _19_ through their eyes in order to _20_ understand their view.1A.think BsupposeCremind Dremember2A.lesson B

15、lectureCclass Dtext3A.told BwishedCconvinced Dallowed4A.officer BteacherCdoctor Dparent5A.told BcameCbrought Dwoke6A.back BfrontCmiddle Dside7A.planted BplacedChad Dfixed8A.the other BanotherCother Dothers9A.happily BfortunatelyCclearly Dnearly10A.width BshapeCcolor Dsize11A.when BunlessCuntil Dif12

16、A.fight BargumentCconversation Dgame13A.time ByearCmonth Dday14A.places BseatsCattitudes Dglasses15A.needed to Bwas able toChoped to Dhad to16A.similarly BdifferentlyCbeautifully Dsurprisingly17A.Still BSinceCOnly BstandClie Dput19A.situation BmovementCcondition Dbehaviour20A.unexpecte

17、dly BsuddenlyCquietly Dtruly答案与解析:文章通过判断一个物体的颜色的事例告诉我们:有时我们需要站在别人的角度思考问题。1D从下文的but I have never forgotten可推知,“我”记不清为何争吵。2A最后一段点明主旨“My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day.”,与第一段相呼应,这是“我”多年前得到的一个教训。3C从下文可知,当时“我”相信自己是正确的。be convinced that意为“确信,深信”。4B下文多次提到my teacher,所以应选B项。5Cbring指“带到某处”

18、。其他选项不符合文意。6B从下文的her desk可知,老师把我们带到讲桌边,讲桌应在教室前面,故B项最佳。7B根据下文,老师把我们安置在讲桌的两边。place意为“放置,安放,安置”。8A从上文“on one side of her desk”可推知“我”站到那个同学对面,即讲桌的另一边,应是the other side。9C从下段第11空后的“.it was obviously black”可知,从“我”这边,很清晰地看到那个物体是黑色的,故选择clearly。10C从black和white可知,老师在问我们物体的颜色。11Awhen在此相当于considering that,意思是“考虑

19、到”。本句的意思是“考虑到它明显是黑色的,我无法相信他所说的物体是白色的。”12B由两人回答的颜色不同可知他们的意见不统一,所以又一次争吵起来。13Athis time“这一次”,与文章开头提到的一次争吵呼应。14A由上句两个where可知,我们交换了地点。15D根据上下文,我们两人互相交换了地点,“我”看到了事物的另一面,不得不承认是白色的,(即“我”的同学刚才看到的颜色)。16B由下文“from his side it was white”和“from my side was it black”可知,物体的两面颜色不同,故differently正确。17C通过上句,从他那面看,物体是白色,

20、可是只有从“我”这面看是黑色。由句子使用了倒装was it black可知,只有only符合文意。18B(be)in sb.s shoes“处于某人的境地”。不及物动词stand代替了be在此表示动作,说明你看问题要站在对方的角度(换位思考)。19A学会换位思考,通过对方的眼睛来看事情的situation“局面,情况,局势”。movement“运动”,condition“状况”,behaviour“行为”。20D通过上文可知,只有你自己处在别人的境况下,才能“真正”理解别人,故D项。.阅读理解Teens lives hit by economySome teenagers are crossi

21、ng their dream colleges off their lists.Others are thinking of skipping their senior trips or reducing prom(毕业舞会)costs.Many are finding their work hours cut while their expenses rise. So,who exactly is punishing them?Is it their parents,teachers or employers?No,its the economy. If you are like most

22、teenagers,you probably dont understand what“recession”,“negative economic growth”and“subprime mortgage crisis(次贷危机)”actually mean.And you probably dont spend your days watching the ups and downs of the stock market. Its safe to say that most teens dont know much about the economy except for one thin

23、g:its bad.But just how exactly is the economy affecting teens?“The single largest thing I have noticed is the recessions ability to affect my college choice,”said Heather Richars from Downey High School in California,US.“With the economic situation the way it is,I have thought less about going to a

24、private or outofstate university,and more about public schools in California,mainly because of the price of tuition,”said Richars.“I had been a fan of attending a private school up until this year.” The economy cuts into other areas of teenagers lives,too. Joey Camarda,a student at Modesto High Scho

25、ol in California,who works at an ice cream store,said,“Probably due to the economy,I have been getting less hours at my job,and because of that,I am not getting enough money to help pay for college.” Tara Mooney,a senior at Beyer High School,has also begun to notice that money is tight.“Things are g

26、etting expensive,”she said.“When it comes to applying for colleges and wanting to go on senior trips,I have to pick and choose instead of doing it all.”1The purpose of writing the passage is mainly to tell us _.Athe economic recession has had a big impact on teens work,life and studyBteenagers are n

27、ow having difficulty in deciding which colleges to apply forCteenagers dont know much about the economic recessionDteenagers are considering giving up their senior trips to save money答案与解析:A主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是青少年的学习和工作、生活受到了美国经济衰退的重大影响,并举例加以说明。2Because of the bad economic situation,Heather Richars will m

28、ost probably _.Ago to a private universityBattend an outofstate collegeCattend a public college in CaliforniaDfind a good university as he planned答案与解析:C细节推理判断题。根据文章第六段可推知此题答案。3How has Joey Camarda found the recession affects him?AHe has to find more parttime jobs.BHe has to help his mother do more

29、chores.CHe has found that he had more time to study.DHis plan to pay for college will be hard to realize.答案与解析:D细节理解题。根据本文倒数第三段Joey Camarda的话,可知他的工作时间缩短了,因此不能挣够用来上大学的钱。所以D正确。其他三个选项文章都没有提到。4What can we conclude from the passage?AParents punish their teens by giving them less money.BMost teens understand what negative economic growth means.CTeenagers are finding it harder to do what they want than before.DTeenagers have realized the importance of managing their own money.答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据全文可知:由于受到经济衰退的影响,青少年的许多心愿和想法都不能像过去一样实现了,故答案C是正确的。

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