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1、16秋华师综合英语4在线作业奥鹏17春16秋华师综合英语(4)在线作业一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)1. The senior librarian at the circulation desk promised to get the book for me _ she could remember who last borrowed it.A. ever sinceB. much asC. even thoughD. if only正确答案:2. Under these circumstances it _ be best to group those gifted ath

2、letes in our university.A. shouldB. mightC. seemedD. could正确答案:3. If anyone can _ the clue to this puzzle, he can win a prize.A. unbindB. untangleC. unwind D. unravel正确答案:4. In a television-oriented family, children cannot expect to have much time to _ to games, familiar songs and shared activities.

3、A. devoteB. concentrateC. spareD. spend正确答案:5. He is never free on Saturday evenings as he has a (n) _ arrangement to go to the concert with his friend as a change of atmosphere.A. long-livedB. long-rangeC. ever-lastingD. long-standing正确答案:6. Before the conference begins, lets take an _ of the prese

4、nt situation.A. overallB. overviewC. overtureD. oversight正确答案:7. The doorway of the Eskimo igloo was so low that we had to _ down to enter.A. inclineB. bendC. dropD. bow正确答案:8. The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each _ one major point in contrast with the other.A. ma

5、kesB. madeC. is to makeD. making正确答案:9. At the memorial service, our director paid _ to the professors outstanding contribution to the educational cause.A. attributeB. recognitionC. tributeD. acknowledgement正确答案:10. Observations were made _ the children at the beginning and at the end of pre-school

6、and first grade.A. towardsB. ofC. onD. with正确答案:11. At the memorial service, our director paid _ to the professors outstanding contribution to the educational cause.A. attributeB. recognitionC. tributeD. acknowledgement正确答案:12. We were asked to _ from smoking until the plane was airborne.A. resistB.

7、 restrainC. restrictD. refrain正确答案:13. By the end of the month our only hopes of success _ in recruiting more extra help.A. layB. consistC. stoodD. arose正确答案:14. As a rule, Dad is generous, but as a businessman, he usually drives a hard _.A. negotiationB. dealC. bargainD. agreement正确答案:15. Hydrogen

8、is the fundamental element of the universe _ it provides him building blocs from which the other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. in thatD. provided that正确答案:16. My woolen sweater used to be bigger than this. It has _ in the wash.A. shortenedB. shrunkC. reducedD. lessened正确答案:17. In a t

9、elevision-oriented family, children cannot expect to have much time to _ to games, familiar songs and shared activities.A. devoteB. concentrateC. spareD. spend正确答案:18. Observations were made _ the children at the beginning and at the end of pre-school and first grade.A. towardsB. ofC. onD. with正确答案:

10、19. _ all my efforts, I am unable to make those slow students do the same amount of work that most of the other students do.A. DespiteB. No matterC. MakingD. Considering正确答案:20. Jim was completely _ by most of the essay questions, so he must have failed.A. baffledB. enchantedC. stunnedD. stultified正

11、确答案:21. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, _ the atmosphere.A. as it isB. the same asC. so isD. and so is正确答案:22. The police suspected that the fire must have broken _ after the workers had left the factory.A. offB. throughC. outD. in正确答案:23. The number of registered participants in this years

12、 marathon was half _.A. of last yearsB. those of last yearsC. of those of last yearD. that of last years正确答案:24. So long as we have Jim, a man with exceptional ability in management, things will be working well even if we come _ unexpected difficulties.A. up withB. up againstC. round toD. in on正确答案:

13、25. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style _ in a personal one.A. rather thanB. other thanC. better thanD. less than正确答案:26. Tourists are _ to beware of pickpockets in the bus.A. commandedB. notifiedC. informedD. advised正确答案:27. He is never free on Saturday evenings

14、 as he has a (n) _ arrangement to go to the concert with his friend as a change of atmosphere.A. long-livedB. long-rangeC. ever-lastingD. long-standing正确答案:28. For there _ successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.A. isB. to beC. wi

15、ll beD. being正确答案:29. Production of the new handbags has been _ up to meet the increasing demand.A. pulledB. playedC. turnedD. stepped正确答案:30. If anyone can _ the clue to this puzzle, he can win a prize.A. unbindB. untangleC. unwindD. unravel正确答案:31. Bad office planning will _ both the employer and

16、the employee and affect the performance of their duties.A. defeatB. disappointC. frustrateD. hinder正确答案:32. As the boat bound for Nanjing leaves only on _ days, we had no choice but to stay in the hotel overnight.A. alternativeB. separateC. successiveD. alternate正确答案:33. The doorway of the Eskimo ig

17、loo was so low that we had to _ down to enter.A. inclineB. bendC. dropD. bow正确答案:34. As the medicine took _, the nervous patient became quieter.A. actionB. forceC. effectD. influence正确答案:35. Under these circumstances it _ be best to group those gifted athletes in our university.A. shouldB. mightC. s

18、eemedD. could正确答案:36. The purpose of the survey was to _ the parents with the changes television has made in family life.A. acquaintB. informC. tellD. notify正确答案:37. The lure of something for nothing as an ideal in gambling has _ criticism from the upright, honest people of the society.A. evokedB. s

19、tirredC. spreadD. enhanced正确答案:38. My pain _apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: Are you feeling all right?A. must beB. hadC. must have beenD. had to be正确答案:39. For there _ successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in

20、the discussion itself by all present.A. isB. to beC. will beD. being正确答案:40. It is believed that todays pop music can serve as a creative force _ stimulating the thinking of its listeners.A. byB. withC. atD. on正确答案:41. Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were

21、 portrayed _.A. had producedB. have been producedC. would have producedD. had been produced正确答案:42. Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed _.A. had producedB. have been producedC. would have producedD. had been produced正确答案:43. Bad office planning

22、 will _ both the employer and the employee and affect the performance of their duties.A. defeatB. disappointC. frustrateD. hinder正确答案:44. The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds _ his argument in favor of the new theory.A. which to base onB. on which to baseC. to base on whichD. which to be

23、 based on正确答案:45. My pain _apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: Are you feeling all right?A. must beB. hadC. must have beenD. had to be正确答案:46. His irresponsible behavior put the lives of the workers in _.A. riskB. alarmC. hazardD. jeopardy正确答案:4

24、7. We could have provided that manual laborer with almost any object of his desire upon his retirement, but he _ asked for an oil painting by Winston Churchill.A. mainlyB. solelyC. specificallyD. decidedly正确答案:48. The senior librarian at the circulation desk promised to get the book for me _ she cou

25、ld remember who last borrowed it.A. ever sinceB. much asC. even though D. if only正确答案:49. As the boat bound for Nanjing leaves only on _ days, we had no choice but to stay in the hotel overnight.A. alternativeB. separateC. successiveD. alternate正确答案:50. These mountaineers will have to _ severe cold and terrible winds.A. surviveB. endureC. attainD. go through正确答案:

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