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学年高中英语译林版必修三教学案Unit 1 Se.docx

1、学年高中英语译林版必修三教学案Unit 1 Se.单词拼写1He glanced (瞥一眼) briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition.2As the great moment approached (临近), she grew more and more nervous.3I am extremely grateful (感激) to all the teachers for their help.4Mrs Coxen was aided (帮助) in looking after the children by her

2、 niece.5She raised her finger to her lips as a sign (标志) of silence.6I grasped (抓住) door handle and pulled, but the door wouldnt open.7He stared (凝视) blankly, as if unaware of what they were doing.8Theres nowhere (无处) else I really want to go to.9He watched with relief (宽慰) as the girl nodded.10Some

3、one forecasts (预测) that the economy will grow by 2% this year.拓展词汇11confuse vt.使糊涂,使迷惑confused adj.感到困惑的confusing adj.令人困惑的confusion n困惑12foggy adj.有雾的,雾茫茫的fog n雾13observe vt.观察;注意到;评论observer n观察者observation n观察;注意14darkness n黑暗dark adj.黑暗的15hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决hesitation n犹豫,迟疑16anxious adj.焦虑,忧虑an

4、xiety n焦虑不安17firmly adv.牢牢地,坚定地firm adj.坚定的,牢牢的巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨confuseconfusion动词去eion构成名词fogfoggy名词gy构成形容词darkdarkness形容词ness构成名词.补全短语1in sight 看得到,在视力范围之内2wish for 盼望,企盼3reach out 伸出(手)4stare up at 抬头凝视5watch out for 留心,密切注意6come to ones aid 来帮助某人7in relief 轻松地,宽慰地8pay back 偿还;报答9in the future 将来10g

5、et across (使)越过,(使)横穿马路;(使)被了解1教材原句Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.一到街上,她就急匆匆地走向她以往乘车的站点。句型点拨状语从句的省略。佳句赏析Once in bed, the children usually stay there.这些孩子一旦上了床,一般就不下来了。2教材原句Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that f

6、ar .“对不起,小姐,”那人回答说,“实际情况是雾太大了,公交车去不了那么远”句型点拨too . to .“太以至于不能”。佳句赏析This text is too difficult for me to recite.这篇课文太难,我背不下来。3教材原句Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.外面,无论她往哪儿看,大雾就像一片浓密的灰云笼罩着。句型点拨wherever引导的让步状语从句。佳句赏析Wherever you work, you must serve the people wholehea

7、rtedly.不论你在哪里工作, 你都必须全心全意为人民服务。4教材原句Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。句型点拨“find复合宾语”结构。佳句赏析I found myself following the crowd moving forward.我不知不觉地跟着人群向前移动。1(教材P1)However, even if we have good senses, they can still confuse us.但是,即使我们有很好的感官,它

8、们仍然可能迷惑我们。 confuse vt.使糊涂,使迷惑The road signs confused the driver.公路上的几个路标把司机弄糊涂了。(1)confuse A with/and B 把A和B混淆(2)confused adj. 糊涂的,感到迷惑的get confused 感到糊涂feel/be confused about 对感到迷惑、困惑(3)confusing adj. 令人迷惑的(4)confusion n. 困惑,混淆;困窘I always confuse John with his brother; they are very much alike.我总是分

9、不清约翰和他的哥哥, 他们长得太像了。The teacher is explaining what we were confused about.老师正在讲解我们原来混淆不清的问题。His answers to my questions have only added to my confusion (confuse)他对我的问题的回答只是使我更加困惑不解。联想发散你学过哪些类似confuseconfusedconfusing的词?surprisefrightenannoyamaze2(教材P2)As Polly observed the passengers on the train, sh

10、e had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.当波莉打量地铁车厢里的乘客时,她感觉到有一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人一直在注视着她。 observe vt.观察;注意到;评论;遵守;庆祝(节日)We should observe the traffic regulation.我们应该遵守交通规则。People of many American countries observe the Christmas Day.许多美洲国家的人都过圣诞节。observe sb. do sth.注意到某人做

11、某事(强调事情发生的全过程)observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事(强调动作正在进行)They didnt observe her come (come) in and go (go) upstairs.他们没有注意到她进屋上楼。They were observed walking (walk) towards the supermarket.有人发现他们正朝超市走去。名师点津observe“观察,注意到”是感官动词,在主动语态中,其后的宾语补足语可用不带to的不定式充当,但变为被动语态后,省略的to需加上。例句变为被动句为:She wasnt observed t

12、o come in and go upstairs.3(教材P2)While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.当其他乘客陆续下车的时候,波莉扫视了一下周围的面孔。 glance vi & n瞥一眼,匆匆看,扫视His glance got me to understand that he agreed with me.他这一瞥,使我懂得他同意了我的意思。(1)glance at 看一下;浏览glance over/through 浏览(2)at a glance 看

13、一眼就at first glance 乍一看give/take a glance (at) (朝)一瞥He glanced over my report and said that it was seemed to be all right.他粗略地看了我的报告,说这报告似乎可行。He glanced_at the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.他瞥了一眼那个信封,认出了他叔父的笔迹。At_first_glance,_the courses are simple and seem to be easy.乍一看, 这些课程很简单,似

14、乎很容易的。辨析比较glance“瞥,扫视,浏览”,指匆匆忙忙地看一眼stare“盯着,凝视”,指目光长时间地对着一个物体或人glare“怒视,瞪着”,指人生气地看选择上述单词填空The little child stared at the toys in the shop window.He didnt shout, and he just glared at me silently.Once or twice the young lady glanced at me over her shoulder.4(教材P2)The tall man was nowhere to be seen.高

15、个子男人不见了。 nowhere adv.无处,到处都不n.不知道的地方,无处This animal is found in Australia, and nowhere else.这种动物生长在澳大利亚,别处没有。nowhere to be seen/found/heard 哪儿也看/找/听不到get/go nowhere 毫无进展;一无所获The new book you need is nowhere_to_be_found.你需要的那本新书什么地方都找不到。The proposal went_nowhere at the meeting.该提议在会议上毫无结果。名师点津nowhere含

16、有否定意义,置于句首时,句子要用倒装语序。Nowhere else could_we_find the missing wallet.我们在其他任何地方都找不到丢失的钱包。联想发散不定代词与where构成的合成词还有:anywhere任何地方,无论何处everywhere 到处,处处somewhere 某处,在某处5(教材P2)There was no one in sight.什么人也看不见。 in sight看得到,在视力范围之内Keep it up! Final victory is in sight.坚持下去!最后胜利已经在望了。When we travelled on the tra

17、in from Xining to Lhasa, we were lucky to have Tibetan antelopes in sight.当我们乘坐西宁到拉萨的列车旅行时,有幸看到了藏羚羊。at (the) sight of一见到就catch sight of 发现,突然见到come into sight 出现,进入视野lose sight of 看不见out of sight 看不见,在视野外at first sight 乍一看We ran to the bus stop when the bus came_into_sight.当看见公共汽车开来时,我们向车站跑去。Out_of_

18、sight,_out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。Judge not of men and things at_first_sight.谚评人论事,莫靠初见。6(教材P2)As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.当她沿着那条狭窄的街道走着时,听到脚步声在靠近,但当她走到街道拐角处时,脚步声消失了。 appro

19、ach vt.靠近,接近;着手处理n.靠近;方法;路径;通道As autumn approached, the colours in the garden changed.秋天临近,花园中的颜色发生了变化。The bank has approached the issue in a practical way.银行已经实际地解决了这个问题。make approaches to sb. 与某人打交道an approach to (doing) sth. (做)某事的方法/途径at the approach of 在快到的时候I am unwilling to make approaches to

20、 a person like him.我不想和像他那样的人打交道。We must take a scientific approach to the problem.我们必须用科学方法研究这一问题。The snow melted away at_the_approach_of noon.快到中午时,雪融掉了。名师点津approach指做事的方法、途径时,其后通常接介词to。当表示某人或某物来临时,其后通常接介词of。7(教材P2)Polly hesitated.波莉犹豫了。 hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决She hesitated before replying.她犹豫了一下才回答。

21、(1)hesitate about/over (doing) sth. 对(做)犹豫不决hesitate to do sth. 对做某事有顾虑(2)hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫have no hesitation in doing 毫不犹豫地做without hesitation 毫不犹豫地,立即The boss hesitated about whether he should raise my pay.老板对是否给我增加工资有些犹豫不决。Dont hesitate to_tell (tell) us if you have a problem.你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。Whe

22、never his friends have some troubles, he will help them without hesitation (hesitate)每当朋友遇到困难时, 他都会毫不犹豫地给予帮助。8(教材P3)A few seconds later, a hand reached out and grasped her arm.几秒钟后,一只手伸出来抓住了她的胳膊。 reach out伸出(手)They wanted to reach out and help those who needed them.他们想伸出援手帮助那些需要帮助的人。(1)reach into 将手

23、伸进reach (out) (ones hand) for sth. 伸手拿东西(2)beyond/out of sb.s reach beyond/out of the reach of sb.某人够不到的地方;在某人能力所及范围之外within sb.s reach within the reach of sb.某人够得到的地方;在某人能力所及范围之内He reached_into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.他把手伸进口袋,拿出他的手机。She put the medicine on the top shelf beyond/out_

24、of_the_reach_of_her_son.她把药放在了儿子够不着的最上面的架子上。Knives should not be left within_the_reach_of small children.刀子不可放在幼儿伸手可及的范围内。9(教材P3)You really shouldnt feel anxious.你真的不该感到担心。 anxious adj.焦虑的,忧虑的;急切的His mother watched him with an anxious expression on her face.母亲看着他,脸上带着焦虑的表情。(1)be anxious for/about为担心

25、be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事be anxious that . 渴望(2)anxiety n. 忧虑,渴望with anxiety 焦急地There is no reason to be anxious about the result.不必为这次的结果而担心。People all over the world were anxious to_have (have) peace.全世界人民都渴望和平。We waited with_anxiety for the news of her safe arrival.我们焦急地等待她平安到达的消息。辨析比较anxious指热

26、切地希望实现愿望,并因担心愿望落空而心情不安,强调焦虑和担心eager指以巨大的热情渴望实现或达到目的,含有积极向上的意义选择上述单词填空The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody.Your mother must be anxious to know about what happened yesterday.We are eager to get together again this November.10(教材P3)Thank you so much for coming to my aid, said

27、Polly in relief.“非常感谢您来帮助我,”波莉如释重负地说道。 aid n& vt.帮助,援助Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.有些人通过练瑜伽来帮助放松。(1)first aid 急救come to sb.s aid 来援助某人with the aid of 在的帮助下in aid of . 为了帮助帮助某人做某事aid sth. 在某方面帮助某人The old woman walks with_the_aid_of a stick.那老妇人拄着拐杖走路。Our professor encouraged

28、and aided us in our scientific research work.我们教授鼓励和帮助我们进行科学研究。Neighbours aided_him_with_money when he almost lost everything in the fire.当他在火灾中几乎失去一切的时候,邻居们用钱来帮助他。联想发散你还学过哪些表示“帮某人做某事”的表达?help sb. with/do sth.give a hand to do sth.assist sb.with/in sth. relief n轻松,宽慰It is a great relief to hav

29、e passed all the subjects.通过所有科目的考试是件令人宽慰的事。(1)find relief from从中摆脱出来give a sigh of relief 宽慰地舒了一口气to ones (great) relief 使某人(大为)欣慰的是in/with relief 轻松地,欣慰地What a relief! (口语)谢天谢地!(2)relieve v. (疼痛、问题)减轻,缓解relieve sb.of . 解除某人的负担She gave a small sigh of relief when they came back safe.当他们安全返回时,她宽慰地舒了

30、一口气。To_our_great_relief,_the accident caused little damage.使我们大感宽慰的是, 事故造成的损失很少。If this view is correct, we are_relieved (relive) of the greater part of our difficulty.如果这种看法是正确的, 我们就可以减轻大部分的困难。11Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.一到街上,她就急匆匆地走向她以往乘车的站点。用法分析Once out in the street属于状语从句的省略,其完整形式为:Onc

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