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高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题16 素质教育话题指导.docx

1、高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题16 素质教育话题指导2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题16 素质教育话题指导实例指导1规范高中补习办学但是,如果不注意把握话题,缩小写作的口子,就会“下笔千言,离题万里”。因此,不管所给的话题多么宽泛,要选择一个小小的切入点,如一件事、千个人、一样物品、一种感受、一点看法等,集中笔力加以突破,把你所选择的话题角度写细写深写透,做到“以小见大”。同时,写出特色、写出新意是十分重要的。开放性作文可以从多个角度来写。我们在写作时,要善于在立意上有独特的感悟,不人云亦云;构思上要独具匠心,多用高级词汇与句型来增加亮点;以自己深厚的语言功底征服阅卷老师,不平铺直

2、叙、泛泛而谈。 本文要求围绕山东省教育厅出台的规范高考补习学校办学行为的通知即要求复读生晚间、双休日不得上课,学生每天睡眠时间不能少于8个小时这一话题来写,我们可以分三部分来写。第一部分: 引出话题。这部分考生容易犯的错误是把写作背景当写作要点来写。所以,在写作时一定要注意。第二部分: 谈谈出台这项政策的意义。我们可从以下几方面来考虑(1)减轻了学生的学习压力,增强了学生的自信心; (2)有利于学生的成长与身心健康;(3)为每一位考生提供了发展自己的平台。第三部分:谈谈自己的看法。 写作时要注意条理清楚和上下文的衔接,恰当地运用高级词汇和重点句型,为文章增添亮点。【学生习作】 At prese

3、nt, return students in Shandong Province are not required to stay at school at night andweekends. They have two days off per week and spend enough time to sleep every day. As a matter of fact, its of great benefit to all the students. For one thing, its good for students to build stronger and health

4、ier bodies because its very import for teenagers to grow up. For another, it helps studeents reduce pressure on study, which is benefit to their health and self-confidence. Last but not least, all students have the same schedule, which provides them equal opportunity of study. In other words, the co

5、mpetititon among students that they are admited to universities will be fair. 1 hold the view that this regulation is good for students as well as teachers, 实例指导2-高考分数“隐私化”【写作任务】 山东省高考分数查询时要输入身份证号码等验证码才能进入电话和网站的查询系统。早在分数公布之前,山东就发布禁令,要求高考分数只能提供给考生个人,禁止各地表彰奖励高考升学率,禁止有关高考录取数量的考核、奖励与公布。请你针对山东高考分数“隐私化这一做

6、法谈谈此做法的意义及自己的看法。用英语写一篇120-150词的短文。 2、确定主题,写出提纲。根据审题得来的信息和内容要点,确定文章的主题,然后外出提纲。同时要注意认真回顾题目要求,保证提纲是紧紧围绕题目要求所写。根据本写作任务的要求,考生可很容易地了解到如下信息:(1)谈高考分数隐私化这一做法的意义 ,本部分从以下几个角度来写实行高考分数“隐私化”是破解高中应试教育难题的一个措施打破各地、各学校之间排名的基础,釜底抽薪,治理应试之风把对高中教育、学生成长产生重大意义的高中教师从追求升学率的压力中解脱出来,学校也敢于吸引特长生来学习,有利于各所高中形成百花齐放的教学特色。(2)谈谈对这一做法的

7、看法。 3、组织语言,展开写作。根据所列提纲按一定顺序进行写作。写作时要注意以下几方面:运用熟悉的英语词汇、句型等。注意长短句结合,简单句与复合勾结合。对于没有把握的地方要变换说法,或另辟蹊径。灵活地运用英语思维,避免汉语式的思维。语言要准确,要符合英语习惯。衔接紧凑,过渡自然。符合要求,注意书写。认真检查,查缺补漏。 【学生习作】 【教师点评】 本文作者思路清晰,整篇短文结构合理,针对题目要求,作者开篇点题,然后从高考分数隐私化的意义和自己的看法两方面来写。语言简洁流畅,高级词汇及短语和被动语态的应用说明作者对基础知识理解还是不错的。例如:词汇及短语be regarded as,be of+

8、抽象名词,put into practice,at ease,to some degree等;句型如:This rule protects students and teachersprivacy from being offended,非限制性定语从句以及only+状语放在句首句子部分倒装等。文章条理清楚,内容充实,上下文过渡衔接自然,如:列举高考分数隐私化的意义时运用了firstly, secondly , last but not 1east等,另外还有,besides,therefore等。从整体上看,作者基本完成了写作任务和要求。 但文章也存在不足之处,例如:文章开头把写作背景和写作

9、要求当作写作要点了,应把students have to put in their number of identincation card when they want to know their scores这句话去掉。另外,Great changes have taken place since then中的then指代不明。 实例指导3 Studying Abroad 【写作任务】 面对当前中学生“出国热”,请你以Studying Abroad为题,谈谈中学生出国留学的利与弊。(可以从以下几方面考虑,但不一定要面面俱到:年龄、生活经验、自理能力、生活学习费用、语言学习环境、传播民族文化

10、、学习同外先进科学技术)。词数:150左右。 【写作指导】 该写作题日要求写篇叙述文,叙述中学生出国留学的利与弊,并说明原因。文章可采取分段写作的方式。首先,总体概括当前学生“出同热”的现象和理由,然后讲述出国的“利”和理由,接着叙述出国的“弊”和理由,最后总结“利与弊”。短文叙述当前中学生的出国情况,因而应使用一般现在时。此文所涉及的词汇和句型有:1 delighted 2On one hand on the other hand.3. acquire 4communicate with5. have a great advantage over6approve of7remind8disa

11、ppointed9. concentrate On10 depend on111ack12aa a result13in a word14rely on组词成句 组句成篇组句成篇时要注意句子之间的衔接和文章的连贯性。如用in recent years引出话题;用on one hand和on the other hand引出中学生出国的“利与弊”并叙述其理由;最后用in a word进行总结并表达自己的看法。 【参考范文】 In recent years,more and more students are studying abroadThey are delighted to leave t

12、heir own country and go abroad for their education . On one hand, they say that they can use advanced facihties and acquire modem teaching methods in foreign schools. And spending a lot of time with foreign students is a very useful experience. By the time they come home, they are supposed to have a

13、 great advantage over the students here in many ways. I quite approve of 5. However, if our parents can afford to send us abroad, we should put our studies in the first place.6. Some students believe there are many good effects.7. As the saying goes , every coin has two sides. 实例指导4 How to Reduce th

14、e Stress【写作任务】目前越来越多的高中生在学校总感到有压力。请你根据提示,用英语为你班的墙报写一篇约130词的英语短文,向同学们们介绍减压的方法。 1无论在学习中遇到什么困难,保持良好的心态;相信自己通过努力能够学好各门课程;欣赏自己的微小进步。 2充分分利用自己的兴趣抵消压力。假如擅长数学的话,当记忆英语单词感到紧张时,改做有趣的数学题。 3户外做体育锻炼直到感到疲劳,或躺下来听轻音乐,有助于缓解压力。【写作指导】本文应属于说明文,主要说明如何减轻学习中的压力。由于次数限制,只介绍减轻压力的方法,不需要探讨压力的起因。全文可以分成两个大部分:1。提出问题 2。介绍三种方法。选词造句:

15、1. We often talk about how to reduce the senior students stress in their studies.2. Ill give them some advice.3. They must keep in a good mood and never be nervous or worded when they meet difficulties in their studies.4 They must keep themselves in a good mood whatever difficulties they meet in the

16、ir studies.5. They must believe they can learn all subjects well by studying hard.6. They must enjoy their progress even if there is a little.【教师点评】1How to reduce the senior students stress in their studies is what we are often talking about.本句的特点是采用了“特殊疑问词how+不定式短语”形式作主语和由what引导的名词性从句作表语,使与式结构复杂化,更

17、富有表达力,直接点击了短文所涉及的话题。2 Here is some advice for students . “Here is”为表示“存在”的句型,用来表示提出建议,就像把这些建议直接呈现在读者眼前一样,富有吸引力。 3 Firstly , They must keep in a good mood and never be nervous or worded when they meet difficulties in their studies. 本句用whatever引导让步状语从句,whatever作difficulties的定语,表示所遇到的冬种各样的困难,包括意想不到的困难。

18、 4It is imprtant to believe that they can learn all subjects well by studying hard and enjoy their progress even if there is a little. 本句主要句型是“It is+形容词+ that从句”,通过形容词important 强调相信自己的重要性。 5. Secondly, they should take advantage of their best interest. 本句中的“take advantage of”意为“利用”,有“利用某种优势”的含义,用在本文

19、中,表示利用个人的学科兴趣优势。 6. For example, if they are good at math. they can do a few interesting math exercises when they begin to feel it difficult to remember English words.本句结构较复杂,含有if引导的条件状语从句中和when引导的时间状语从句。句首加“for example”,表示举例说明问题。 7. Thirdly, they will forget all stressful things after they take par

20、t in physical exercise outdoors till tired or he down and listen to pieces of light music.本句结构较复杂,含有由after 引导的的时间状语从句和till引导的时间状语从实例指导5高三学生是否应该上体育课【写作任务】目前,由于高考的原因,很多学校不再为高三学生开设体育课。请根据下表提示,以“高三学生是否应该上体育课”为话题,写一篇英语短文发表你的看法。赞同反对1高三学生压力大,上体育课可以使学生劳逸结合,提高学习效率。2 做运动不但可以强身健体,还可以增进友谊。1高三学生时间紧迫,没有时间上体育课。2 上

21、完课后学生很兴奋,很难迅速地进入学习状态,对学习有不利影响。你的看法:【写作指导】1词语搜索: heated; discussion; majority; PE class; devoteto , relax; effectively; build sb up; character; deepen; friendship ; a waste of time; calm down; have an effect on. ;be good for ;consider; necessary; important; take into consideration2 句型搜索:We are for (我

22、们赞同); We are against/object to. (我们反对); As is known to all. (众所周知) ; It is. for sb to do. (某人作甚么怎么样); It takes time for sb to do. (某人花费时间做)1) Last. week, our class had a heated discussion on whether Senior 3 students Should have PE classes.2) Some of us think that Senior 3 students should have PE cl

23、asses.3)As is known to all, we Senior 3 students devote all our time to our study, so we should have some time to relax. Having PE classes is a good way f9r us to relax.4) Besides, taking exercise can not only build up our bodies but also build our characters:5) it will take us a long time to calm d

24、own after having PE classes, which has a bad effect on our study.6) Personally, it is necessary as well as important for us to have PE classes. It is good for both our tudy and our health.【参考范文】 Last week, our class had a heated discussion on whether we Senior 3 students should have PE classes. The

25、results are as follows. The majority of us think we should have PE classes. As is known to all, we Senior 3 students devote all our time to our study, so we should have some time to relax. Having PE classes is a good way f9r us to relax. If we have PE classes, we can study more effectively. Besides,

26、 taking exercise can not only build up our bodies but also build our characters. Whats more, it can deepen our friendship. However, some are against it. They think we should be busy with our study and it is a waste of time having PE classes. Meanwhile, it will take us a long time to calm down after

27、having PE classes, which has a bad effect on our study. Personally, it is necessary as well as important for us to have PE classes. It is good for both our tudy and our health. 实战演练假若一个新西兰教育参观团要到你校访问 , 他们想了解中国教育的基本情况,请根据以下图表和所给提示,用英语写一篇 120 字左右的短文,为来客介绍当今中国教育的基本情况。Education System in China TodayEduc

28、ation in China today has been developing rapidly. Most children start school by the age of six. They spend five or six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school, which are compulsory education.After that, some can attend professional school for two to three years before work. S

29、ome attend senior middle school for three years. Students have to pass a series of examinations before entering a college or university. The college or university life Dear Editor,I am writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether teachers should accept presents from their stude

30、nts.There appear two opinions in the discussion. 40% of the students are against teachers accepting presents. In their opinion, the teacher will probably favor those students who have given presents to them while they may hold a cold attitude towards those who havent.On the other hand, 60% think tha

31、t teachers may accept some certain presents from students, such as inexpensive, self-made or presents which intend no interest given by the teacher. They think so because present giving can show their respect to their teachers and strengthen friendship between teachers and students.山东省教育厅最近公布的山东省普通中

32、小学管理基本规范规定,中小学生家庭作业要实行总量控制,其中一二年级小学生不得留书面家庭作业。其他年级书面作业每天不超过小时;初中书面作业总量不超过1.5小时;高中布置作业要涵盖所有学习领域且总量不超过2小时。请谈谈你对该规定的看法。 Recently, a new regulation on students homework is released in Shandong province, which says that pupils in Grade1 and 2 in primary school will have no after-class homework. The homework in higher grades will be not more than

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