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1、整理动感英语笔记251300 Action English第251期 1.MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典刘玉玲 Lucy Liu2.AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语They even spin the weather.spin:编(故事)e.g. Its amazing the way some reporters spin storiesin order to make them more interesting. Politician often spin stories to get elected.3.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白.Have I ev

2、er stiffed you ?stiff sb.:亏待某人e.g. The last customer stiffed me. He didnt give me a tip.I gave my word to someone.give ones word to someone:许诺e.g. I gave her my word that I would not leave without her. Duran gave Evelyn his word that he would help her get over her ex-boyfriend.4.MOVIE TUNES 原声碟“Whis

3、tle While You Work”选自白雪公主key words: whistle: 口哨声 tidy up : 整理 hum a merry tune: 哼曲调 Action English第252期 1.Movie dictionary 电影词典Catherine Zeta Jones 凯瑟琳.泽塔.琼斯主要作品:美国甜心天地大反扑高度忠诚将计就计蒙面侠左罗轰天奇兵蓝色汁液郎兄鼠弟鬼入侵The Discovery Sheherazade2.American slang 美国俚语come out of the woodwork突然冒出很多人例:On Sundays,old people

4、seem to come out of the woodwork whereas during the week,no one sees them at all. Its amazing have so many people can seemingly come out of the woodwork for one big sports event or concert.3.Classic film clips 经典对白(1)The face would rings a bell.(片中)ring a bell 看起来很熟悉例:I didnt remember his name, but

5、his face rings a bell. I didnt see the movie, but the story rings a bell.(2)After I dropped ten grand on you . (片中)to drop amount of money 花钱大手大脚例:Evelyn dropped$200 on a pair of sunglasses but she lost them the next day . I dropped a hundred grands on the movie and luckily it did well in theaters.4

6、.Movie Tunes 原声碟“For Your Eyes Only” 歌曲选自007系列For your eyes only, can see me through the night.For your eyes only, I never need to hide.You can see so much in me, so much in me thats new.I never felt until I looked at you. Action English第253期 1.MOVIEDICTIONARY 电影词典The English Patient 英国病人2.AMERICAN

7、SLANG美国俚语I hope you can keep this between us ! (片中)keep something between us你知我知就可以了,千万不要和任何人说例:Ill tell you what happened , but you have to keep it between us , ok ? 我跟你讲发生什么事,但是你千万不要跟别人说 例:What we learn in this room must be kept only between us .今天在这看到的事不要跟别人说3.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS经典对白I just receive

8、d word secretary Charles Evars Kirkland is died . (片中)receive word收到消息,得到消息,听到风声例:Evelyn received word that her company was preparing for layoffs so she started to look for a new job .Evelyn,得到消息,她的公司要裁员,所以她马上开始找工作例:I just received word that my boss plane is about to land, so I am gonna pick him up

9、.我刚得知,我的老板乘坐的航班就要抵达,我要去接机Extend my deepest sympathies(片中)extend ones sympathy深表同情例:After the death of my father, my friend and co-workers all extended their deepest sympathies to me and my family .我的父亲过世后,我的朋友和同事们所有人对我和我的家人深表同情例:David just dropped by to extend his sympathies for the loss of your job

10、.David顺便路过时说,对于我丢掉工作他深表同情4.MOVIE TUNES 原声碟The Living Day LightsSave the darkness留住这片黑暗 fade away消失,变弱,逐渐消失 Action English第254期 1.MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典The Silence of The Lambs 沉默的羔羊2.AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 You dont abandon the whole system, because of a few bugs .(片中)a bug 小毛病,小问题例:There seems to be a bu

11、g in the new accounting system. 这个新会计系统好像有点小问是题例: There were a few bugs in the new computer program, but were worked them out and its now ready to be sold . 这个新电脑程序编出来了有些问题,但我们已经解决了,现在真的可以卖了 3.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS经典对白Pirates put phony lighthouses.(片中)phony假的例:Every month the magazine includes a phony

12、advertisement and the person who finds it wins a prize.每个月这家杂志会刊登一个假广告,如果你找到了就有奖金例:Some markets in BeiJing are filled with phony name brand items like purses and watches. 在北京有个市场专卖一些假的名牌货,如:钱包或手表then, everybody go out and rob them blind.(片中)rob somebody blind轻而易举地把给偷掉例:Sleeping on a bus or a train i

13、s a good way to be robbed blind . 到汽车或火车上倒头就睡就能被轻易地偷窃例:The thieves were disguised as repairmen and were able to rob the rich man blind.那些小偷装扮成修理工,这样的说他们就轻而易举地反父老的东西偷掉4.MOVIE TUNES 原声碟Cell Block Tango He had it coming 他自找的 he had it coming He only had himself to blame Action English第255期 1.VIE DICTIO

14、NARY 电影词典Sharon Stone 莎朗.斯通2.AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 选自影片火线勇气You got it. (降调)马上照办You got it?(升调)懂了吗?例:A:Can youmake a copy of this document ? B:Sure, you got it .3.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 Nobodys gonna hang you out to dry . (片中) hang sb out to dry 把.晾在一边; abandon sb例:Ill never hang you out to dry , I wi

15、ll always help you with anything you need. 我决对不会把你晾在一边,什么时候你需要帮助我都会帮你 I perfer to think of it as a second chance , Nat .(片中)a second chance再有一次机会例:I cant believe I missed that goal,I hope I get a second chance soon. 我不敢相信我尽然会射偏,我希望呆会再有一次机会例:You should try to do your best on this exam, you wont get a

16、 second chance . 这次考试你要全力以赴,你不再有下一次机会了4.MOVIES TUNES原声碟 Satellites Your love constricts 收缩、 压缩、挤压 my chest As I look up at the sky today well Action English第256期 1.Movie dictionary电影词典Gary Cooper 加利.库伯 代表作为正午、悲怆等2.American slang美国俚语no picnic 不是什么轻松的事情例:Having two jobs is no picnic .3.Classic film cl

17、ips经典对白(1)wreck身体,精神受到重创例:Joe was a wreck after Sally broke up with him , He didnt leave his house for weeks.(2)go down 发生(交易,犯罪)例:The burglary went down in my apartment building in the middle of the night .4.MovieTunes 原声碟“Moonlight Mile”赏析:歌曲选自月光旅程/Moonlight Mile Action English第257期 Action English

18、第258期 1.Moviedictionary 电影词典Joan Crawford 琼.克劳馥2.American Slang 美国俚语heat 责任,重担例:Andrew is getting a lot heat from his parents to get into a good university . I took a lot of heat for crashing Evelyns car .3.Classic filmclips 经典对白(1)be in the loop 在一个圈子/ out of the loop 脱离了一个圈子例:Ive been out of the l

19、oop since I moved to Shanghai .I didnt know Evelyn had a new bf.(2)be pissed /pissed off气急败坏例:Dasha is pissed at me because I forgot her birthday .4.Movie Tunes 原声碟“Razor Face”歌曲选自月光旅程Moonlight MileHas anybody here seen Razor Face I heard hes back looking for a place to lay downMust be getting on Ne

20、eds a man whos young to walk him round Action English第259期 1.Movie dictionary 电影词典Ingrid Berman英格里.褒曼蜚声影坛的名片有插曲、化身博士、卡萨布兰卡、战地钟声、煤气灯下、真假公主等2.American slang 美国俚语It doesnt count.(片中)not count 不计算的,表示不重要的例:The first two exams do not count toward your final score for the class.My opinion never counts bec

21、ause im the youngest in my family.3.Classic film clips 经典对白(1)A little touch of electricity.(片中)a touch of一点点例:I put a touch of spice to the vegetables to make them taste better. You are so intelligent,with just a touch of ambition,you will do well in life.(2)oh boy!(片中)oh boy (感叹词)天啊例:oh boy!youre

22、really in trouble now! oh boy!Im so excited to go on this trip.4.Movie Tunes 原声碟“when the world was new” 歌曲选自大力士/HerculesDown on its luck Gigantic brutes Titans ran amok chaos reignedand earthquakes and volcanoes never slept Action English第260期 1.Moviedictionary 电影词典Marlon Brando 马兰.白兰度2.American sl

23、ang 美国俚语You have a lot of nerve to show your face around here .(片中)have a lot of nerve doing有胆量.(贬义)例: You have a lot of nerve asking for more money when you never repaid your first loan. He had a lot of nerve returning to the restaurant after he was asked to leave .3.Classic flim clips 经典对白from “飞天

24、法宝”(1)What do you say , we take her for a ride . (片中)what do you say 你觉得怎么样(征求意见)例:What do you say we go shopping today ?(2)Maybe shes gonna change her tune . (片中)change ones tune改变.想法例:I bet hell change his tune about this project once he sees the detailed proposal. Maybe theyll change their tune a

25、bout moving ,if we all tell them how much well miss them.4.Movie Tunes 原声碟“Deck The Halls” 歌曲“装饰大厅”选自老鼠神探装饰Boughs of holly 小树枝,绿色植物 Tis the season to be jolly Troll the ancient 唱 yuletide carol圣诞节,歌曲 Follow me in merry快乐=happy measure Action English第261期 1.MOVIEDICTIONARY 电影词典Harry Potter 哈利.波特2.AME

26、RICAN SLANG美国俚语Ill do it right under Wilson Crofts nose.(片中)right under someones nose 就在某人眼皮底下,却没有看到例:I couldt find my book but it was right under my nose the whole time. 我找不到我的书,其实它一直就在我的眼皮底下例:The solution to the problem was right under his nose but he didnt realize it. 解决这个问题的方法就在他眼前,但是他却没意识到3.CLA

27、SSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白Why the long face?(片中)a long face 愁眉苦脸、闷闷不乐例:He walked around with a long face for three days after losing the football game. 输球赛后,他愁眉苦脸地晃悠了三天例:She wore a long face after hearing the sad news.听完这个消息后,她就愁眉苦脸的Im absent-minded because Im selfish or crazy.(片中)absent-minded 心不在焉的, 糊里糊

28、涂的例:The professor is very intelligent,but hes a bit absent-minded forgeting when class is. 这个教授非常的聪明,但他有个毛病就是总是糊里糊涂地忘记什么时候上课4.MOVIETUNES 原声碟Look out for Mr. Stork 选自小飞象The persevering chap 指人很刻苦 Drop a bundle in your lap 包裹 hell find you at county court Action English第262期 1.MOVIEDICTIONARY 电影词典Bett

29、e Davis 贝蒂戴维丝 2.AMERICAN SLANG美国俚语 飞天法宝Theres a lot of money in your discovery.(片中)a lot of money in sth 某样东西很值钱例:Amanda wants to work for the company J.P.Morgan because theres a lot of money in investment banking. Amanda想为J.P.Morgan公司工作,因为投资业有很多利润可图例:If he can work out the details there will be a lot of money the invention. 如果他能把这些细节工作全部都搞定,

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