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1、中考情景交际专题复习中考情景交际-专题复习情景交际在宜宾中考中每年1题,话题贴近学生日常生活,分类有:1.问候祝愿A:Have a good day/ time! Have a good journey/trip! ,Good luck! Enjoy yourself!Best wishes to you! Happy New Year!Merry Christmas ! Happy Birthday!Congratulations! Well done!B:Thank you. You, too. The same to you.即学即用(例题+练题)1.-I wish you a happ

2、y National Day!-The same to you.2.-Im going to Marys birthday party.-Have fun, David !3.-Im going to Shanghai Disneyland next month.-_.There are a lot of nice, interesting and wonderful things.A.Thats all right B.Have a good timeC.Good luck4.-I came first in the long jump.-Im so proud of you.A Good

3、luck B. Have fun C. Well done5.-The Art Festival is comingWere going to watch the play Twelfth Night-_ A.Thats all right BNever mindCYoure welcome D. Enjoy your time2.劝告与建议A:Youd better/ should/need (to) .What/ How about doing. ?Why dont you/ not. ?Shall we. ?Lets.196B:OK./Allright./Sure./Certainly.

4、Thatsagoodidea./Goodidea.Soundsgood/great.即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-Shall we go to see the documentary Amazing China or stay at hone?-Either is OK. Its up to you.2.-Dont smoke here, please.-Sorry, I wont.3.-Its nearly lunch time.How about having noodlesanddumplings?-_.A.YourewelcomeB.Thats right.C.Thatsoundsgo

5、od4.-Dont throw rubbish on the floor. -_.Illpickitup.A.ThankyouB.Leave me alone. C.Sorry,Iwontdoitagain5.-Maybe you can catch the last bus-_If not,Ill have to walk homeA.Good job BJust so-so CNot at all DI hope so3请求与允许A:Couldyouplease.?Wouldyoumind(if).?Doyouthink.?B:肯定答语:Yes./Sure./Certainly./Yes,

6、(do)pleaseOf course( you may/ can/ could).I think/ hope so.否定回答:Of course not. No, please dont.No, you mustnt /cant. Im sorry, you cant.Im afraid not. I dont think so.No, not at all. Youd better not.Sorry, Ill do it right now.即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-I havedifficultyinworking out theproblem bymyself.Couldyou

7、help me?-Withpleasure.2. -Mom, no one can play with me. Can I have a pet?-_.Our apartment is too small.A. Certainly B. I hope soC. Im afraid not3.- Would you mind my using your car?-_Here is the key. A. Of course B. Not at allC. Certainly4 问候A: Good morning/afternoon/evening.Howareyou?Howisitgoing?P

8、lease say hello to your parents.PleasegivemybestwishestoLucy.B:Good morning/afternoon/evening.Prettygood.ImOK.Fine,thanks.Andyou?Verywell.Thankyou.即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-Ithasbeenalongtimesincewe met last year, Alice. How are yougoing?-_.Manythanks.A.Prettygood B.ThesametoyouC.Itdoesntmatter2.-Dontforgettog

9、ivemybest wishestoyourparents.-_.A.OK,Iwill,thankyouB.Fine.ThanksC.Goodmorning5.邀请A:Would you like to go for a walk?You must come to dinner with us.May I invite you to dinner?What/How about swimming?B:同意OK.Thankyou.Yes,Idloveto.Thatwouldbeverynice.不同意No,thankyou.Its very nice of you,but my motheris

10、ill.Id love to,but Im afraid Ihavenotime.Im sorry,I cant.What about anothertime?即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-Could you please help me carry the box? Its too heavy. - _.A. Sorry, I have no time B. Its my pleasure C. With pleasure2.-Could you go swimming with me thisafternoon,Jane?-_.butIhavetodothechoresfirst. A.I

11、dliketo B.OfcoursenotC.Idontmind3.-Would youpleasecometothedancingpartywith metonight?-_.I supposewe shallhaveawonderful night!A.Never mind B.HaveagoodtimeC.Withpleasure4. Would you please help me with my drawing skills? _. You can come to my studio everySaturday. A. Thats all right B. No problem C.

12、 No, thanks D. Quite well5. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? _. Ill have to help my parents. ASorry, I cant BYes, Id love to CLets go DNo, I dont think so 6. Will you be able to come and help us clean the room? _, but Im doing my homework. A. Id love to B. I hope not C. I do care D. I

13、m afraid not情景交际专项复习26.观点看法A:Whatdoyouthinkof.Howdo youlike.Whatsyouropinionofmakingfriendsonline?B:Itswonderful.Ithinkso./Idontthinkso.即学即用:1.-Only those who have a lot in common can get along well with each other. -_.Opposites sometimes attract.A.I hope so B.I think so C.I dont think so2.-Lucy, wh

14、at do you think of the movie-Amazing China? -_. A. Good idea B.Its wonderful C. Mary likes it7.赞美与鼓励A:Youlooksobeautifulinredskirt.I think you can do it very well.Youresogreat.B:Thankyou(verymuch).Comeon!即学即用:1.-We failed in the dancing competition. -_.Better times are waiting for you. A.Good luck B

15、.Best wishes C.Cheer up2.-Im afraid I cant do well in the game. -_.Its just for fun.A.Sounds good B. What a pity C.take it easy8.打电话A:Hello! Could/May I speak to John?Is John in?Is that John speaking?Id like to speak to John.B:Hello! This is Lucy speaking.Yes, speaking please. Whos that speaking?Is

16、that John speaking?Hold on ( a moment), please.Hold the line, please.A moment, please.Sorry, he ( she) is not in.Can I take a message for you?Would you like to leave a message?即学即用:1.-Hello! May I speak to David, please? -Hello! Whos that? A. Here is David B. This is David speaking C. I am David 2.-

17、Hello! May I speak to Jeff, please? -_.He is watching TV in the living room now.A.Come on B. Look outC. Hold on,please3.-Hello!_? -Sorry, she is not in. Can I take a message for you? A. May I speak to Lucy, please B. Where are you C. When does she come back9.就餐A:Would you like something to eat drink

18、?What would you like(to have)?Can I have some more soup?May I take your order?Im full, thankyou.B:肯定:Yes, Id like a drink.Id like rice and chicken.Just a little, please.Yes, Id like beef, rice and potatoes.否定:No. Thank you.Ive had enough.Im full,thank you.即学即用:1.-What would you like, tea or coffee?

19、-_. A. A cup of tea, please B. Its so delicious. Thank you C. Help yourself to some fish2.-May I take your order? -_. A. Thank you the same B. My pleasure C. Some chicken, please10. 看病就医A:Whats wrong with you?What seems to be the trouble?Do you have a fever?How long have you felt like this?B:I have

20、a headache/ cough/ fever.I feel terrible/ bad/horrible/ awful.It hurts here.I cant sleep well.I didnt sleep well last night.即学即用:1.-You dont look well. _with you? -I have a fever and cant stop coughing. A. Whats happening B. What is it C. Whats the matter2.-Goodafternoon, sir. Whats wrongwith you? -

21、_.Maybe I have a cold. A.Im afraid not B.Sounds great C.Im not feeling well 11.询问日期A:What day is it today?When is your birthday?Whats the date today?B:Its Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/ Thursday Friday/Saturday/ Sunday.My birthday is on March 15th.Its January/February MarchApril/ May June July/August Sep

22、tember/ October/ November/ December 1st.即学即用:1.一What day is it today, Lucy? -_.Whatsup? A. Its Friday B. Its sunny C. Its Teachers Day综合巩固练习:一、单项选择1.-MrsBlack,Im afraid that Ill fail the exam-_,dear!Take it easyIm sure youllpass it ASorry to hear that BCome on CAll right DGood job2.-Excuse me,can I

23、sit here? -_The old man who sat here will be back soon AYoure welcome BYes,pleaseCYoud better not. DNo problem3.-The box is heavyCould you please help me carry it? -_! AWith pleasure BYou are kiddingCGood idea 4-Would you mind my opening the window? -_Its so hot in the room AOf course not BCertainly

24、 CBetter not 5.-Would you like to join us in the card games? -_,for I have something important to do AI will BId love toCIm afraid not 6.-Im feeling terrible!I have a bad cold -_Youd better see a doctor at onceA.Im afraid not BSorry to hear thatCSounds great DYou are right7.- Would you like me to ta

25、ke you to the new shopping centre? - _, I ve been there once. A. No, thanks B. No problem C. Yes, I think so D. Thats very king of you.8. Would you mind my taking this seat? _.A. Sorry, I cant B. No, not at all C. Its a pleasure 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 Everything happens for the best, my mother said whe

26、never things werent going my way. Dont worry, one day your luck will change. Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education. I had decided to try for a job in radio. One day, I wanted to host(主持)a sports program. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station

27、. But I got turned down every time. In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadnt got enough experience. Get some work with a small station and work your way up, she said. I went back home. I couldnt get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didnt get the job. I felt really down. Your luck will change, mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Iowa. But the owner, a nice man, to

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