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1、雅思核心观点精简版一、教育教育的作用1.主:教会理论知识,能帮助人们成为某行业的专业人士(professional),这能实现个人价值(V realize personal value/ N personal fulfillment)进而对社会做出贡献。举例:在医学院(school of medicine),一个合格的(qualified)医生要经历至少5年专业知识(specialized knowledge)的教育并进行严格的测试( rigorous tests)。2.帮助孩子养成良好的性格(如 乐观 optimism 积极 being positive 善于交流being good at

2、communication )。解释: 性格决定了人们面对confront困难时的态度和他们与人交流的方式。举例:一个拥有这些品质的人,不但在面临困难时能够坚持下去stick to it,也能获得朋友的帮助和鼓励encouragement。除此之外,他还能因广泛的社会关系网social network 获得信息,想法和帮助。扣题:这有利于人们间融洽关系Harmonious relationship的建立,也使一个人更容易获得get access to成功。3. 教育应该让人获得一些重要的美德virtue(诚实honesty 正直Integrity 无私selfless)道德morality也是

3、评判assess/judge一个人,甚至一个社会的重要因素人们之间可以相互信任,相互合作,在实现自我理想ideal和推动社会发展中找到平衡strike a balance 。(人们with 高尚的道德观 who可以相互信任,相互合作,。)4. 音乐-音乐是一种通用的语言,可以缩短人们距离,促进不同人群的交流。例:在音乐课上,孩子们可以在合作演奏乐曲(instrumental ensemble)的过程中学会与别人配合默契(tacit cooperation)。2. 谁来为学费买单? 1穷孩子负担不起,Some individuals ,especially the poverty-stricke

4、n ones , can hardly bear the financial burden .剥夺他们的教育权。 their right to education have a higher likelihood to be deprived . 家庭条件不好low socio-economic status的人在将来的职业发展上会吃亏at a disadvantage这拉大了贫富差距。给社会带来不稳定因素Widen the gap between rich and poor /Add uncertainty to 2经济压力大,学习只在乎知识不在乎道德Under great economic

5、 pressure 学生专注于如何找到好工作赚到更多钱,而忽略了个人价值的实现personal fulfillment和对于社会的贡献 contribution of society 这会导致人们更加自私自利selfish缺乏团队合作精神team-spirit,社会道德水平 ethical standards会随之下滑3. 孩子们要不要参加社会实践? 好处:了解社会,为学习指明方向,避免脱离实际Expose students to the principle and discipline of the whole society Show direction to students study

6、 Avoid divorcing from facts 锻炼独立生活能力cultivate students ability to live independently 缺点:就是容易受到社会恶习的影响,培养出不好的道德价值观,可能走上犯罪道路Be vulnerable to social evils Be instilled of false moral values Propel sb towards a life of crime 没有足够经验,容易受骗,不安全Be likely to be deceived or robbed Their personal safety may not

7、 be guaranteed 受到到诱惑,放弃学业Cannot resist the temptation of a life without any restrain Abandon their studies 工作生活与意识形态1.老年人的作用老年人的传统思维和生活方式有助于年轻人形成良好的道德观念和生活习惯。The traditional way of thinkingthoughts and lifestyle are advantageous beneficial to the young people to form good virtue and habits. As a cas

8、e in point, the old people tend to do exercise in the morning, which may do a favor to health. 老年人的生活经验能够提高我们对于现代社会的了解、避免走弯路。The experience of the older can provide us a better understanding of modern society. For instance, the rich experience of the old people may pave a way lay a foundation for th

9、e young people, help them avoidescape from the same mistake, promoteimproveenhance the work efficiency. 科技科技类考题的考点主要集中在科技发展对生活的影响和人们生活方式的改变上积极影响:电脑和自动化automation设备equipment使得生产效率更高the production efficiency is enhanced greatly by the popularity of computerization and automation equipment 促进了经济发展和推动了社

10、会的进步给人们的日常生活带来极大的便利,提高了人们的生活水平could bring great convenience to our daily lives and promote the standard of living. 通过网络可以做很多事情,比如购物和处理个人财务,不用浪费时间在交通上People can do numerous of affairs viabythrough network/Internet, as a case in point, shopping and dealing with the financial affairs. Namely, people co

11、uld spend less time on commuting. 联系方便easy contact 获得信息更加容易 the science and technology make it easier to obtain information. 负面效应:因为竞争激烈,人们需要接受职业培训和教育.随着生活节奏加快,压力增大,和家人朋友相聚的时间减少Because of the fierce competition, people have to receive on-the-job training and further education. Along with the fast pa

12、ce of modern life and the increase of pressure, it is hard for the mass to take family reunion. 网络交流让人们不愿意外出inactiveimmobile lifestyle (在家宅着),和外界的联系减少,性格变得孤僻Internet communication make a large amounttremendous of people live an inactive life (keep a lifestyle ). Owning to By reason of the decrease o

13、f outside touchconnection, their personalities may become isolatedsolitary 人们在享受着网络娱乐和其他媒体所带来的娱乐时容易忽视和家人的交流Along with the leisure lives have been enriched which brought by the Internet amusemententertainment and other media, people are tending to neglectoverlook the communications with family member

14、s. 生产效率提高,工业化程度的加强,导致劳动力的需求减少,许多企业不得不裁员Along with the enhancementboostelevationimprovement of efficiency and the reinforcement of industrialization, the requirement of labor force is decreasing, thereby many corporations have to reduce the staff. 快节奏的生活会引起疾病The fast pace life can increase the possib

15、ility of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, stroke, diabetes, heart disease and so forth. 科技可能会产生新的污染 环境与动物保护1. 动物需要保护吗?母题:Now many people think that we are spending too much money and time on protecting wild animals. The money should be better spent on human population. Do you agree or disagree?

16、应该花在动物身上:1 生物多样性对生态平衡很重要,确保可持续发展,如果动物灭绝,人的生存环境也会受到威胁。Biodiversity is an indispensable part of ecological balance . Consistent with 符合;满足the principle of sustainable developmentIf a large number of species died out/ extinction/ be extinct , humans living environment would be threatened .2 景点-赚钱Wildli

17、fe protection habitat can also serve as an scenic spots / a place of interest 这不但能够收回投资(recoup the investment )而且能让它自给自足(self-sufficient)This not only recoup the investment, but also make it self-sufficient In the long run / in the long term Rewarding The budget is rewarding 也应该花在人类身上:1 一些发展中国家的人们急需

18、财政援助 financial assistance/ financial budget财政预算 在受到贫困poverty、疾病illness / disease 折磨torture n.的这些国家对于一些救灾物资relief materials有极高的需求high demanding,尤其是食物,医疗和药品drugs/ medical services,帐篷tent,避难所shelter / Some developing countries, which are suffering the torture of poverty and illness, have a high demandi

19、ng for relief materials, especially tent, shelter, food, drugs or other medical services. The living quality of the victims should be ensured, then the budget can be allocated into the protection of animals. 只有先保证了这些国家的灾民victim的生活质量,才能把更多的资金投入allocate in / invest in在动物保护上。2. 环境保护谁来负责?母题:Environmenta

20、l problem is too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 不同意个人:细节中做起。节约资源,少开车减少废气,少使用一次性用品。1. Indivi

21、duals could take effective measures in their daily routine of lives in order to save resources ,such as reducing the use of private cars to decrease emissions and refusing to carry goods with plastic bags Everyone could endeavor to the collection and disposal of daily litterThe accumulation 积累of ind

22、ividuals efforts can be combined and have a great impact on the society. 2.Compared with the government and firms, individuals are flexible in adopting measures and force the government and firms to make a change. Individuals can only purchase the environmental friendly materials, which will force t

23、he companies to change their production arrangement. Furthermore, by collecting the experience of individuals and NGO, the government can legislate more precise laws and rules. 政府:立法,宣传环保理念Legislate立法 against反对 Environmental pollution activities Disseminate宣传 Protection ConceptsImpose tax on / levy

24、tax on Punish those violators Guide / designate a guideline for the behaviors / short-sighted Tax / allocate budge to address the issues企业:开发新技术减少资源消耗resource consumption减少废气废物排放 exhaust emissions使用循环材料,污水处理后排放Disposal materials Research new technology to reduce resource consumptions and emission of

25、 waste gas and water Utilize recycled materials Discharge water after sewage污水 treatment 媒体孩子是否应该看电视,玩电脑Pros 1. Through watching television and playing computer, children can absorb in some useful information and broaden their own horizon.可以更好的与人交流,获得更多的信息,拓宽知识面2. The knowledge, especially the compu

26、ter knowledge, obtained from television and computers can be applied in the daily life. Children can master some basic computer technique, which will hone their competitive ability in the future. 掌握一些办公软件的应用和其他计算机操作是社会发展的需要,为孩子的职业发展奠定基础Cons1. If the children stay a long time in front of the screens,

27、 great damage could be caused to the eyesight and impair their health.过多待在屏幕前会影响身体健康,破坏视力2. Most of the children cannot distinguish right from wrong; they may receive negative influence from the media, such as violence and drugs.孩子的分辨力较差,一些暴力色情内容的信息不适合儿童,对他们的行为产生负面影响。3. It may make the children live

28、 a sedentary lifestyle久坐不动的生活方式 and do not want to do outdoor exercise. They will get accustomed to indoor environment.室内环境让孩子不愿意外出和运动4. If children have excessive reliance on computer use, it will cause them to become lazy and indolent. 可能会导致儿童思维能力下降 ,变得懒惰媒体是否应该展现犯罪的细节同意:1. 媒体报道的犯罪情节可能给潜在的罪犯提供犯罪方法和

29、手段。The crime episode may provide methods and ways to the potential criminals, thereby it may cause imitation模仿. 2. 对于普通观众:暴力导致观众对犯罪失去敏感性,从而认为犯罪是普遍的,无可避免的Media violence may make the audiences lose sensitivity to the crimes, so it may leave a negative impression to the audiences that crime is unavoida

30、ble and irresistible 不同意:1. 警示作用:社会暴力的主要原因是一些社会原因,而媒体可以起到提醒观众暴力行为可能导致法律制裁的作用The main factors that contribute to the social violence are tending to be complex, however media can shoulder the responsibility to remind the audience being aware of the violent behaviors. 2. 对媒体暴力的看法因人而异,很多人觉得这只是一种娱乐Reacti

31、on or views toward violence differ from individual to individual, a majority of people just view it as entertainment recreationamusement 广告是否有益,是否应该被禁止应该被禁止:1. 很多广告都有虚假和欺骗性 the purpose of the advertisements tend to tempt and allure people to buy the commodities and goods. To some extent, they may ex

32、aggerate the advantage of the goods, and even they may be fake. 特别是针对孩子的广告 children lack adequate ability to distinguish right from wrong, so the advertisement aiming at children should be forbidden. 2. 可能会增加商品的成本 increase the cost of the goods3. 使孩子养成了奢侈浪费的习惯,与同龄人做比较 it will cultivate childrens bad habits, for example, they may waste and squander money. They may compare their toys and snacks with t

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