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1、听力第二册UNIT15Unit 15Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent ML: It depends. IfI have money, I travel; ill dont have money, I stay at home and I read a book or do something like that. I like to . to take photos. I like to do that. But, if I have money .to travel.

2、 MB: Ah, yes. ML: You too? MB: Me too, yes, I like exploring things I dont know yet, yes . travel or do long walks, I mean, what I used to do in Scotland, for weeks and weeks ._ I pass over the hills on foot, without seeing hardly anybody or in the Orkney Islands and so on. I like walking and travel

3、ling and reading an awful lot.TF: Well, when the weather is beautiful, I like to go, uh, to the golf course and play golf.MB: Oh, yes.TF: Im not a very good golfer, but I like it very much. Almost every Saturday, I go to golf course.MB: Oh, yes, unh huh.TF: But not on the rainy days, or winter. And

4、I like to travel too.ExerciseMaryTravellingMariaTravelling and exploring new thingsToruPlaying golf, travellingPart 2 Prediction and Inference1. Man. Your cousins just called. Theyre stranded at the beach. Woman: So they didnt managed to get a lift after all.2. Woman: Im really looking forward to th

5、e picnic tomorrow. Man: If were luck, well have some sun this year for a change.3. Man: Can you go over my notes with me? Ill never understand all these chemistry experiments. Woman: You know, review sessions are being held every night this week. Theyre supposed to be good.Exercise:1. From the woman

6、s tone of voice we can have the feeling that she had thought her cousin could get a lift.2. They always had bad weather for picnic.3. The man wants the woman to go over the notes with him. However, the woman says the review sessions are being held every night this week. Theyre supposed to be good. S

7、o probably the man will go to these review sessions.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 How Do you Do It?Brian: Urn, Theresa, I wonder if you could help me. Er, Gillian has had to rush off to see her mother, (T: Yes.) and, Ive been left to cook the childrens meal. (T: Um.)

8、Now, weve recently bought this microwave. Now, Ive looked everywhere for the book of instructions, and I cant find it anywhere. (T: Oh dear.) Erm, I . could you give me a little bit of information, how to work it?Theresa: Well first of all, if you look at your microwave, face it (B: Yeah.), and on t

9、he right theres a control pad. Okay. (B: Er .) Can you see it from where you are?Brian: Er, on the right . oh yes, yes. (T: Control pad.) Yes.Theresa: Er, well, first of all you open the door (B: Yeah.) um, and you put the food in, or the food in its container, (B: Ye-es.) onto the revolving* tray (

10、B: Ye-e-es.). All fight? Brian: Yes, yes. Theresa: Then you shut the door. (B: Uh-huh.) ff the door isnt shut properly, the oven wont start, okay? Brian: Ah, fight. Theresa: Right, and then youve got to set the oven control. Brian: Yes. How do I go about that? Theresa: Um, what did Gillian say, urn,

11、 the power level should be? (B: Aa-a-h.) Did she give you any number? Brian: Oh she muttered something about, er, level 7, an . and (T: Level 7.) hang on, and she said something about 20 minutes. Does that mean anything to you? Theresa: Yes, thats all right. (B: Uh-huh.) Well what you do next is, yo

12、u touch the power level pad* (B: Ye-ah.) which, urn, is on the left of the pads, ail fight? Brian: Y-yes, got that. Theresa: And then touch number 7 (B: yeah.), cos thats what you said isnt it, 7? Brian: Yes, thats what Gillian said, yes. Theresa: Then you want to touch the time pad, which is on the

13、 right of the power level pad. (B: Aah.) Thats the next pad along. (B: Yes.) Urn, then youve got to feed in the amount of minutes, so - how many minutes was it? Brian: Er, I think she said 20, yes. Theresa: 20, so you touch . Brian: So 2 and zero. Theresa: . 2 and zero. Brian: Right. Theresa: Thats

14、fight. And then youve got to touch the, um, start pad, which is the bottom right- hand pad. Brian: And thats ail? Theresa: Thats it! Brian: Oh, thats fairly straightforward. Theresa: Yes. Quite simple really. Brian: Mmmm. Bit of a palaver* just for baked beans though, isnt it? (T: LAUGHS) Anyway, th

15、ank you very much Theresa. Theresa: Thats okay. Brian: Bye-bye.Theresa: Bye.ExerciseInstruction ManualOperation:1. Open the door.2. Put the food in its container onto the revolving tray.3.Shut the door4. Touch the power level pad (1 10 for different purposes)5. Touch the time pad (feed in the amount

16、 of minutes)6. Touch the start pad.Dialogue 2 A Step Ahead?Interviewer: Its a well known science fiction plot to freeze a body and bring it back to life years later. However, this may no longer be so far from the truth. Joining us from our Cardiff studio is Professor Andrew Morgan, whos been doing s

17、ome research into this subject. Professor Morgan.Professor Morgan: Yes, well, Ive been looking into the . er . the ability of certain animals to freeze themselves for a certain amount of time, and then to come back to life when the circumstances around them change. And, what Ive been working on over

18、 the past two years is the particular process that enables them to do this.Interviewer: What have you actually discovered?Professor Morgan: I think its a particular chemical in the animals bodies which begins to work under certain circumstances. And Im now experimenting with this chemical to see if

19、I can get other animals who wouldnt normally be able to freeze themselves to be able to do this.Interviewer: Have you had any success?Professor Morgan: I have so far its been going very well. And Im reasonably confident that erm . well, perhaps within ten years from now Ill be able to freeze human b

20、eings for as long or as short a time as I would like to, and then bring them back to life again in exactly the same state that they were in before they were frozen . just as you can do with animals. Interviewer: And whats the main application of your research? Professor Morgan: I think the main appl

21、ication of this for human beings would be to . for people with terminal* illnesses, people who have got illnesses that cannot be cured at the moment. We could freeze them, find a cure for the illness and then bring them back 1o life again and administer the cure. Interviewer: I see. Erm . these peop

22、le could actually choose to prolong their lives and therefore not suffer . Professor Morgan: Yes, I think so. Somebody suffering from, say, multiple sclerosis*, certain types of cancer, of course, AIDS would be another particular disease . People would be able to choose to have their lives, er . fro

23、zen at that particular moment and then brought back to life when a cure appeared. Interviewer: Well, this obviously is going to create great . er great debate I would think as to the fights and wrongs of whether we should be actually doing this. Exercise:Freezing a Body and Bringing It Back to Life

24、Years LaterI. Past researchA subject: the ability of certain animals to freeze themselves for a certain amount oftime and then to come back to life when the circumstances around them chanceB. Discovery :its a particular chemical in the animals bodies which begins to work under certain circumstances.

25、II. Present experimentA. Experimenting other animals with this chemical.B. Purpose; to see if other animals who wouldnt normally be able to freeze themselveswill be able to do thisIII. ApplicationsA People with terminal illnesses would be able to choose to have their lives frozen at thatparticular m

26、oment and then brought back to life when a cure appeared.Part 2 PassagesPassage 1 The Burning of the Globe Shortly after 2 oclock on a Monday afternoon in June, 1613, an eager crowd filled the Globe theater for the first production of a new Shakespeare play, Henry VIII. Near the end of the first act

27、, the actor playing the king made his entrance, announced by the thunder of a cannon* fired from a cupola* over the theaters thatched* roof. No one seemed to notice or care that sparks from the cannon landed on the thatch. The sparks smouldered*, smoked, flamed and in moments spectators were rushing

28、 for the two exits. Some lost their hats, and some their swords, said a ballad on sale the next day in St. Pauls. The fire blazed wildly and although everybody escaped unscathed* - one man doused* his burning britches* with a bottle of ale* - the Globe was done for. It burned to the ground in two ho

29、urs, the finest fire London had seen since St. Pauls steeple* burned up in 1561. The Globe had been built in 1599 with the lumber from another theater, Londons first, which had been torn down because the man who owned the land on which it stood refused to renew the lease. The theaters owners boated

30、the lumber across the Thames. With money raised by selling shares to a group of actors, they rebuilt the theater and named it the Globe.The new theater was located in a disreputable borough*, officially named the Clink, famed for its profusion of brothels*, tenements, theaters and prisons. The Clink

31、 was chosen because it was outside the jurisdiction* of the London Council. The Council, composed of businessmen, politicians and Puritans, had railed* against the Globe and other theaters as vile* breeding places of seditious* matters, and many other corruptions of youth. The Clink, however, was ru

32、led directly by Queen Elizabeth, who had little patience with the councils puritanical* views. Though the Globe was completely destroyed by the 1613 fire, it had made its owners -including Shakespeare - so prosperous that they rebuilt it within the year in a fairer manner than before.Exercise A:London has over 100 theatres, including fringe and

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