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模拟卷02 新疆中考英语最新题型冲刺卷解析版.docx

1、模拟卷02 新疆中考英语最新题型冲刺卷解析版新疆维吾尔自治区新疆生产建设兵团 2020年初中学业水平考试模拟试卷英语试题卷考生须知:1. 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷两部分,试题卷共 页,答题卷共 页。 2. 满分150分(含听力30分)。考试时间120分钟。第卷 (选择题,满分100分)第一部分 听力测试(共4大题,满分30分)I听力(共计30分)A.听句子选图画(共1小题,每小题5分,共计5分)看图听句子,选出与句子意思一致的图画,每个句子读一遍。 A B C D E1_2_3_4_5_B.听句子选答语(共5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语,每个句子读两遍。6AW

2、elldoneBImnotsureCSeeyou7AYesIdbegladtoBNo, thanksCYoureright8AOnlyonceBTwoyearsagoCInamonth9AImsorryBIthinksoCIhopenot10AThesametoyouBItdoesntmatterCGoodideaC.对话理解(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共计10分)根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项,每段对话读两遍,请听第一段对话,回答下列小题。11.Howlongwillthesportsmeetinglast?AForonedayBFortwodaysCForthreed

3、ays12.WhywontMiketakepartinthehighjump?ABecauseheisntgoodatitBBecausehehasabadcoldCBecausehehurthisleg请听第二段对话, 回答下列小题13.whatdoesthemanneed?AAtoothbrushBAknifeCApencil14.Whatsthemansroomnumber?A6804B8406C860415.Whereistheteahouse?AOnthefirstfloorBOnthesecondfloorCNearthesportscenterD.短文理解(共5小题, 每小题2分

4、, 共计10分)根据你所听到的短文内容, 选出最佳选项短文读两遍16.Marys _senthersomechickensasabirthdaypresentAFatherBmotherCuncle17.Theboxofchickensarrived_AbeforeherbirthdayBonherbirthdayCafterherbirthday18.Marydroppedtheboxbecause_AtheboxwassoheavyBshewantedtoopenitCthechickenswentout19.IttookMaryhoursto _thatmorningAfeedthech

5、ickensBfindthechickensCcarrythechickens20.Marygot _MOREchickensatlastAfourBsixCtenIA.1-5 BCAED B.6-10 CAABC C.11-15 BCACB D.16-20 CBABA第二部分 语言知识运用(满分70分) . 从B栏中选出与A栏中相匹配的答语(本题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共计10分) A B21. Why does Gina like history?( ) A Its nineteen dollars22. Whos he?( ) B Yes, they are23. How much i

6、s the sweater?( ) C Because its interesting24. Does she like tomatoes?( ) D Hes my brother25. Are those her pens? ( ) E No, she doesnt【解析】细节推理题(21)C 根据题干 Why does Gina like history?为什么Gina喜欢历史? 可知答语可能有字眼 Because因为 C选项Because its interesting因为它有趣 符合, 故选:C(22)D 根据题干Whos he?他是谁? 综合各选项, D选项Hes my brothe

7、r他是我哥哥符合, 故选:D(23)A根据题干How much is the sweater? 这件毛衣多少钱? 可知此空有数字词, A选项Its nineteen dollars19美元 符合, 故选:A(24)E根据题干Does she like tomatoes?她喜欢西红柿吗? 此句为一般疑问句, 答语为肯定/否定形式, E选项No, she doesnt她不喜欢 符合, 故选:E(25)B 根据题干Are those her pens?那些是她的笔吗? 此句为一般疑问句, 答语为肯定/否定形式, B选项Yes, they are是的 符合, 故选:B. 单项选择(本题共10小题, 每

8、小题1分, 共计10分)26Mr. Wang lives in Fourth Street and he keeps a flower shop there()Athe Ba Can D/【解析】a, an, the三者都是冠词, a, an 是不定冠词 , 放在单数可数名词前面 , 表示某类人或事物中的一个 , 一名, 表泛指, a用于以辅音音素开头单词或字母前, an用于以元音音素开头的单词或字母前the 是定冠词, 表特指, 为这、那、这些、那些放在可数名词和不可数名词前因Fourth Street是专有名词, 前不加任何成分由题干Mr Wang lives in Fourth Stre

9、et and he keeps a flower shop there王先生住在第四大街, 他在那儿开了一家花店可知, 空格不填 , 因此答案应是/故选:D27 mothers work in the same hospital()ATims and Peters BTims and Peter CTim and Peters DTim and Peter【解析】Tims and Peters 蒂姆的和皮特的, 后面的名词所表示的物分别属于两个人的;Tims and Peter表达错误; Tim and Peters 蒂姆和皮特的, 后面的名词所表示的物是属于两个人所共有的;Tim and P

10、eter蒂姆和皮特, 没有构成名词所有格根据句意, 空处表示的, 应用名词所有格, 即在名词后加s, 故排除D项;若表示几个人共有一样东西, 只需在最后一个人的名词后加s;若表示各自所有, 则需在各自名字后加s, 所以B项表达错误, 故排除;而句子的名词mothers是复数形式, 可知是蒂姆的妈妈和皮特的妈妈, 即名词是分别属于两个人的, 故排除C项故选:A28Yancheng citizens find faster to travel to Beijing with the development of highspeed railway()Ait Bthis Cthat Done【解析】

11、A it 它;B this 这个;C that 那个;D one 一个固定句式:find it adj to do sth发现做某事是此处it作形式宾语, 真正的宾语是不定式故选:A29The story is and all of us are in it()Ainterest; interesting Binteresting; interest Cinteresting; interested Dinterested; interested【解析】interested, 修饰人, 表示感兴趣的;interesting, 修饰物, 表示令人感兴趣的第一个空格是修饰the story, 指物

12、, 所以第一个空格填interesting第二个空格是修饰all of us, 指人, 所以第二个空格填interested故选:C30-Tom, can you pick the children up at the school?-Sorry, dearIm at work now()Agiven out Btied up Cbroken out Dbrought up【解析】A given out 分发;B tied up 忙得不可开交;C broken out 爆发;D brought up 培养根据Sorry, dear, 可知, 现在工作很忙无法去接孩子, 所以空格处填tied u

13、p故选:B31Jane works as as Mike in order to catch up with him()Aharder Bhardly Chard Dmore hardly【解析】可以看出句子当中包含asas短语, 它的中间应该接形容词或副词的原级, 意思是和一样就本题看, 这里应该用副词来修饰动词works, 所以应该选择hard, 努力地, hardly虽然也是副词, 但它的意思是几乎不特别注意Hardly不是hard的副词形式,两者知识形似,并没有任何关系,hard本身既可作形容词也可做副词。故选:C32-Is there a No.2 bus stop near her

14、e?-Yes, there is at the traffic lights, and you will find it()ATurning left BTurn left CTo turn left DTurns left【解析】根据题干可知在交通灯左转, 你就会看到它, 其中turn left表示左转, 该句型是祈使句, and/or陈述句, 则划线处填写turn left即可故选:B33-Shes never been to Hong Kong, ?- She went there last month for the first time()Ahas she; Yes, she has

15、 Bhas she; No, she hasnt Chasnt she; Yes, she has Dhasnt she; No, she hasnt【解析】Shes never been to Hong Kong是陈述句, 后面有逗号和问号, 可以后面考查的是反意疑问句反意疑问句的构成是前面陈述句变一般疑问句时的前两部分构成的前面是否定句(never), 后面就用肯定形式, 故此处用has she反意疑问句的回答要根据实际情况回答根据She went there last month for the first time可知她去过香港, 所以用yes回答故选:A34-Would you li

16、ke some more beef?-Im full ()AThanks all the same BYes; please CDont trouble me DNot at all【解析】AThanks all the same仍然要感谢你;BYes; please 是的;CDont trouble me不要麻烦我;DNot at all一点也不根据Im full可知应说仍然要感谢你故选:A35Im not a child! I should what to do!()Anot be told Bbe told Ctell Dtelling【解析】tell sb to do sth让某人做某

17、事, 主语I是动词tell的承受者, 含有情态动词should, 所以用情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+be+过去分词, 结合Im not a child!可知这里用否定故选:A.完形填空(本题共10小题, 每小题1分, 共计10分)What do people do with their old, outofdate but still useful computers?Most people dont know what to do with them Many old computers(36) at homesMany more are simply thrown out with th

18、e rubbishSome companies are thinking of ways to bring down(37) .number of old computersSony has agreed(38) recycle old Sony products Dell, HewlettPackard and other companies now also take back some old computers In some countries, laws are being passed, (39) Computer companies will have to collect a

19、nd recycle their used productsAnd 70% of computer waste must be recycledThe idea(40) the laws is that computer companies themselves should pay the costThat will encourage them to make computers that are(41) and cheaper to repair and upgrade Yet while many people are throwing away good computers, (42

20、) cannot afford them at all(43) of organizations are working to solve this problemThey collect and repair old computers. Some also teach others(44) to repair computers The computers then go to schools, charities and people who need themGiving a used computer to one of these organizations(45) turn on

21、e persons rubbish into someone elses useful things and cut down on waste, too( )A put awayB puts awayC is put awayD are put away( )A /B aC anD the( )A helpB helpedC to helpD helping( )A tooB alsoC eitherD neither( )A overB aboveC behindD beside( )A easyB easilyC easierD more easily( )A otherB others

22、C the otherD another( )A HundredB HundredsC HundredthD Hundredths( )A whyB howC whenD where( )A canB mustC needD should【解析】36D 考查词组及语境理解, 根据上文What do people do with their old, outofdate but still useful computers, 可知此处是讲:许多旧电脑被收在家里, 此处表被动, 用be put away, 主语是复数, 用are put away, 故选D37D 考查词组及语境理解, 根据语境,

23、可知此处讲一些公司正在想办法减少旧电脑的数量, a number of是大量的;the number of的数量, 故选D38C 考查动词及语境理解, 根据 Sony has agreed, 可知是讲索尼已经同意帮助回收旧的索尼产品, agree to do同意做某事, 故选C39A 考查副词及语境理解, 根据In some countries, laws are being passed, 可知此处是讲:在一些国家, 法律也正在通过, also在句中的位置要紧靠动词; too在句中的位置比较灵活, 有时插入句中, 前后用逗号分开, 有时放在句末, 故选A40C 考查介词及语境理解, 根据 c

24、omputer companies themselves should pay the cost电脑公司自己承担费用, 可知是讲这些法律背后的理念是电脑公司自己应该承担成本, 故选C41C 考查形容词及语境理解, 根据下句话 cheaper to repair and upgrade, 可知此处需要用比较级, 是讲这将鼓励他们制造更容易、更便宜的电脑来维修和升级, easier更容易, 故选C42B 考查副词及语境理解, 根据上文Yet while many people are throwing away good computers然而, 当许多人扔掉好电脑时, 可知此处讲其他人却根本买不

25、起, other其他的, others其他人, the other两者之一, another另一个, 故选B43B 考查词组及语境理解, 根据下文are working to solve this problem, 可知此处讲数百个组织正在努力解决这个问题, Hundreds of数以百计的, 固定搭配, 故选B44B 考查副词及语境理解, 根据下文repair computers, 可知此处讲有些人还教别人修电脑, how to如何, 符合语境, 故选B45A 考查动词及语境理解, 根据turn one persons rubbish into someone elses useful th

26、ings and cut down on waste, 可知此处是讲:把一台用过的电脑给这些组织之一可以把一个人的垃圾变成别人的有用的东西, 也可以减少浪费, can可以, 符合语境, 故选A阅读理解(本题共20小题, 每小题2分, 共计40分)AMore than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big dog called Gelert One day , the Prince wanted to go hunting He told his dog to stay at home and look after

27、 his baby son The baby was in a wooden cradle (摇篮) When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his masterHe wagged his tailThen the Prince saw the blood on Gelerts mouth and head What have you done? the Prince said He rushed into his house and looked for his baby sonThe cradle was

28、 lying on its side on the floor and there was blood on the babys clothes So you have killed my son? the Prince said angrilyHe took out his sword and killed the dogJust as Gelert was dying, he tried to bark Then the Prince heard a baby crying outside The Prince ran out of the house and saw his son ly

29、ing on the ground Near him was a dead wolf Then the Prince knew that Gelert had saved the baby and killed the wolf The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late Gelert was dead The Prince was very sadTears ran down his face when he realized that he had killed his faithful (忠诚的) friendThe Prince carried the body of his dog to the top of a mountain and buried (埋葬) him there After this, the Prince never smiled again46. Where did the story happen?

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