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1、版本的寒假口语书过关计划武进区庙桥初级中学2015-2016学年度第一学期英语寒假作业姓名: 班级:初 三( )班中考英语复习方法和技巧分享一、听力:多收听英语节目对于第一部分的听力,同学们不必特别担心。因为中考听力相对平时的听力练习而言语速更慢,吐字更清晰。但是,最重要的还是要多听。这里的多听,并非仅听录音磁带,而是指英语广播及英语节目。因为中考是用收音机听广播,现场会发生很多不确定因素。考场内英语广播不仅有其他频率声音的干扰,而且遇到高音量时就会“滋滋”作响。因此,平时练习收听英语广播节目时,音量可以略微放大,但必须用心去听,把自己置身于一个纯英语的环境中,以加强对英语的“感觉”。建议每天

2、听力时间保持在3060分钟,中考临近可适当减量,但一定要持之以恒。另外,英语听力考试时,开始听之前会有一段时间,同学们一定要充分利用这片刻,先将听力部分快速浏览一遍。听的时候要学会找关键信息。二、语法:准备一个错题集对于语法,平时可以准备一本语法记录本,由于课堂上的笔记多而杂,所以课后可将老师讲的语言点、词组一一记录于本上,以后复习既简洁又方便。这本子同样可以用来记录自己在第二部分中的错误,并且要加上错因和相关语法,考试前再将这些错题看一遍,力求不犯类似的错误。在考试时,可以划下一些关键词句,以提醒自己注意。粗心的同学不妨试一下这个方法。例如,Jane _ her Children likes

3、 playing basketball.这道题,就可以划下likes这个词,提醒自己这里只能用“as well as”.划一条线仅仅是几秒时间,却避免了1分的丢失。三、阅读:多啃习题集近年来,阅读在整张考卷中的分量已经越来越重,难度也逐渐加深,所以,阅读是比听力更需要积累的东西。它考的内容不仅是同学们的阅读能力,同时,也在考察考生的主观判断力和逻辑思维能力。所以,多做阅读分析,才能形成这样一套思维体系。找对了“路”,阅读的分数自然也就提高了。建议同学们购买习题集不仅要有完整的答案,更要有分析原因。虽然是只字片语,但在对答案时却十分管用,先前提到的习题集就是集答案和原因两部分,可以令你受益匪浅。

4、在做阅读分析和完型填空时,就如同做语文的现代文阅读。要理解作者所要表达的思想才能做题。阅读短文的选择题常会考你一些对文章的看法,你把握作者思想,答案文中找。四、写作:平时多写英语日记写作文的练习主要可多写英语日记,可以用简单的语句记录下一天发生的事。如果在中考时,作文内加一些从句,会给阅卷老师产生好感。总的来说,英语是需要多练的,语感是靠平时练出来的,还要注意做题的速度。只要平日认真听课,在勤记语言点的基础上多听,多练,多积累,中考的英语成绩一定会令你满意。我的英语中考复习计划中考目标: 英语学习现状分析:(请从英语学习听说读写、你基础知识掌握情况、你现有的学习态度等等方面进行分析,既要分析不

5、足,也要发现自己的优势。)英语中考复习计划你希望得到的帮助1月22日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P1 一、二A P2-3 一、二、三 7A Unit 1口语书熟练朗读短文1,2并完成以下填空练习1Halloween is on October 31st. People celebrate it_. Children_ and masks on Halloween. Many children _ trick or treat. They _ their neighbours doors and _. Their neighbours usually _ them some candy _. If

6、 the children do not get any candy, they can _ their neighbours. Some people also _ lantern _ big orange pumpkins. They _ the eyes, the nose and sharp teeth. They _ them so the light _ the eyes, the nose and the teeth.2Dear Millie Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I can _. You said you oft

7、en _ to finish all your homework. _. _ all the homework you have. Then _how much time you need to finish it all. This will _ how much _ you have. You also said that you do not _ your hobbies. _ choosing your hobby according to the time you have. I hope you think my advice _.Best wishes,Helen背诵并默写话题1

8、例一:例二:写 作请用英语写一篇关于你的朋友的短文,要求包括他/她的外貌、性格、爱好、特长以及你能从他/她那里学到什么。至少写15个句子。完成及批改情况: 家长检查签名: 1月23日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P4 一、二A P5-6 一、二、三7A Unit 2口语书熟练朗读短文3,4并完成以下填空练习3_ starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. I love sports and computers, so we _ every day. The classes are quite small. There are about 20 students

9、_. There is a big dining hall, where we can eat and _ our friends. There is a park _ and a shopping mall _. We have a big library. We also have _ and _. There are lots of clubs and _. Every month, we _ a museum or a theater.4Zhalong Nature Reserve is in north-east China. It is _the worlds most impor

10、tant wetlands. The area _ food and cover _ a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Some people want to _ the wetlands _ _ have more space for farms and buildings. This will _ _ space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has _ protect Zhalong. Wetlands are important because

11、they provide food and shelter for wildlife, _ some endangered birds, and they also _ floods. We must _ plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.背诵并默写话题2例一:例二:写 作请用英语描写你的校园生活,要求包括自我介绍、学校作息时间、所学功课、课后活动、家庭作业和你的感受。至少写15个句子。C 完成及批改情况: 家长检查签名: 1月24日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P7 一、二A P8-9 一、二、三7A Unit 3口语书熟练朗读短文5,6并完成以下填空练习5De

12、ar classmates,Have you ever had any problems? Are you wondering who you can _ If so, you can _ Mr Sigmund Friend.You may _ who he is. He is a youth worker. Do you know what a youth worker does? Mr Friend says that youth workers help young people _. They are doing great jobs. Some of my friends wrote

13、 to Mr Friend and asked how they could _. Soon they got his_. Now they know what they should do.Best wishesMillie 6All around the world, people _. But tea does not _ to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea.In China people like to have tea _ their frien

14、ds. They drink tea _ the day. They put only _ in their cups. They prefer tea _ in it.Tea is also popular in Japan. People have tea every day. But _ it is different from _ in China. In the USA people drink tea _ or _. They usually use tea bags to make their tea.背诵并默写话题3例一:例二:写 作请根据备考手册P7第三部分书面表达的要求,用

15、英语写一篇介绍你校开展的“世界水日”活动的文章,以呼吁人们保护水资源。至少写15个句子。完成及批改情况: 家长检查签名: 1月25日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P10 一、二A P11-12 一、二、三7A Unit 4口语书熟练朗读短文7,8并完成以下填空练习7Dear Sir I would like to _ Daniel _ this years Young Star Award. Daniel is a clever boy. He _. He always _ when he works. He _. Daniel is really kind. Last week, a _ boy

16、 _ and was crying in the street. Daniel saw him and _the police station. He _ the boy and played with him for two hours before the boys parents came. All the members of the helping hands club think that Daniel should _. We _ you soon. Yours faithfullySandy8Our environment is changing for the worse,

17、so it is time for us to go green. Here are some simple steps to take at home.We can save water by taking shorter showers and turning off the tap when we _. _ save power, we should_the lights when we leave a room.Some other good habits can help_ too. We should not use plastic bags when _. Recycling i

18、s also a good way to help reduce pollution. We should separate waste into different groups so that it can be recycled.Follow these small steps, and you can make_ to the Earth.背诵并默写话题4例一:例二:写 作请根据备考手册P10第三部分书面表达的要求,用英语写一篇倡导营养早餐的文章。至少写15个句子。完成及批改情况: 家长检查签名: 1月26日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P13 一、二A P14-15 一、二、三7A Un

19、it 5口语书熟练朗读短文9,10并完成以下填空练习9New York, London, Paris and many other cities are _. There are lots of interesting things _. But there are _ in big cities too. It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people. Every year many people _ the cities to find work, _ good schools and _ medical care

20、. But sometimes these people cant find work or _. Also it is hard to keep big cities safe and clean. So, before people move to a big city, they should _ the problems _ to _ there.10This weekend, I visited my aunt. She lives_in the countryside. She keeps horses and teaches people_. First, she_me_ the

21、 farm. Its very big! Then she took me to see the horse. It was time for lunch, so she gave them some food. After that, my aunt taught me how to ride a horse. Them we rode the horses across the fields! It was so _! When we _ the farm,we cleaned the horses stables before we had dinner. I really hope I

22、 can visit my aunt again soon. I love horses.背诵并默写话题5例一:例二:写 作请根据备考手册P13第三部分书面表达的要求,用英语写一篇关于“网购”优缺点的文章。至少写15个句子。完成及批改情况: 家长检查签名: 1月27日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P16 一、二A P17-18 一、二、三7A Unit 6口语书熟练朗读短文11,12并完成以下填空练习11Dinosaurs _ a long time ago. We now know that the first dinosaurs _ about 230 million years ago. T

23、here were _ dinosaurs, but they didnt live _. Some dinosaurs were really small. One of the smallest dinosaurs was about _ and _ three kilograms. Others were really big. Some very large ones weighed over 100,000 kilograms and some were about 40 meters long.Some dinosaurs _ and others _, but they didn

24、t _. All dinosaurs had four legs and _.12We are going to _ on good table manners this afternoon. The _ is to teach students rules for eating.There will be a lot of advice on table manners. Above all, when you are sitting at the table, you should not start eating until everyone is _, and it is _ to m

25、ake too much _ while you are eating or drinking. You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth. Before you leave the table, wait for everyone to finish.These rules are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are _ at the table.背诵并默写话题6例一:例二:写 作请根据备考

26、手册P16第三部分书面表达的要求,给你的笔友Millie用英语写一封信介绍你校组织的义卖捐款活动。至少写15个句子。完成及批改情况: 家长检查签名: 1月28日 项 目内 容订正备考手册P19 一、二A P20-21 一、二、三、四7B Unit 1口语书熟练朗读短文13,14并完成以下填空练习13Today,we are going to make potato stamps. Potato stamps are very to make. First, you should get a large potato. Dont use a small one, as itll be too difficult to hold. Next,wash it. You want to be _ to get it really c

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