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1、英语测试学学年论文学号:20115061420学年论文学 院 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 英 语 年 级 2 0 1 1 级 姓 名 汪 亚 男 论文题目 English listening test of common psychological obstacles and countermeasures 指导教师 Li Xiaojing 职称 Instructor 成 绩 2014年1月6日ContentsAbstract 3Key Words 3摘 要 3关键词 31. Introduction 42. Psychological obstacle survey 53. Analysis

2、 of the causes of psychological obstacles 5 3.1Temporary amnesia 6 3.2 Be distracted 6 3.3 Tension 74. Eliminate the psychological barriers 8 4.1 Syntax consciousness 9 4.2 Schema consciousness 9 4.3 Discourse knowedge 10 4.4 Pragmatic principle 105. Conclusion 11Bibliography 12English listening tes

3、t of common psychological obstacles and countermeasures Name: Wang Yanan No. : 20115061420 English Major School of Foreign Languages Supervisor: Li Xiaojing Title: InstructorAbstract: the factors influencing listening comprehension can be divided into four categories: linguistic factors, the content

4、 factors of listening, listening material factors and psychological obstacle factors. This paper attempts to clear the common psychological obstacles of college students in English listening test process, then carry out analysis of the causes of cognitive view on these psychological barriers, and th

5、e relevant syntactic, discourse schemata, pragmatic, and memory in the process of listening comprehension in the utility method is put forward to overcome these psychological disorder.Key Words: mental disorders; memory; syntax; discourse; pragmatic schema;摘 要:影响听力理解的因素大致分为四类:语言知识因素,听力内容因素,听力材料因素以及心

6、理障碍因素。文章试图明确大学生在英语听力测试过程中常见的心理障碍,然后就这些心理障碍开展认知心理纬度的成因分析,并就有关句法、语篇、图式、语用及记忆在听力理解过程中的效用提出克服这些心理障碍的方法。关键词:心理障碍;记忆;句法;语篇;图式;语用English listening test of common psychological obstacles and Countermeasures1. Introduction The university English four, six level of test start will continue to use new question

7、s from 2006 to January, which heard the question improve the proportion of from 20% to 35%. In CET4 and CET6,the examinees listening performance compared with other parts of the score is generally low, with a rise in the proportion of the hearing, it will increase the students psychological pressure

8、. Listening comprehension is one of the most common form of language understanding.According to the use of different languages, listening comprehension, listening comprehension and language can be divided into the mother tongue; according to the means of communication is different, can be divided in

9、to interactive listening comprehension and listening comprehension. The foreign research of speech comprehension theory mostly interactive native language as the background, and the scholars of our country because of objective reason mainly is the study of communication type of foreign language list

10、ening comprehension process. Many of them study discusses various factors influencing listening comprehension, generally speaking, these factors affecting listening comprehension can be divided into four categories: linguistic factors, the content factors of listening, listening material factors and

11、 psychological obstacle factors. Common mental disorders of the paper tries to clear the students demonstrated in English listening test process, and then carry out the analysis of the causes of cognitive view on these psychological barriers, and the relevant syntactic, discourse and pragmatic schem

12、a, and memory in the method in the process of listening comprehension effectively overcome these psychological obstacles using the proposed.2. Psychological obstacle surveyUnderstanding the psychological barriers in English listening test and finding solutions to these problems will improvef listeni

13、ng comprehension of mental state, improve the students ability of taking. Im in a final exam in English listening class, conducted a study aimed at understanding the students psychological barriers in English listening test investigation. A survey carried out in two steps, the first step, the author

14、 takes his teaching two classes of 60 students as the subjects, let them alone to think and write down the effect of the test scores to play psychological barrier, in the past the English listening test results show that: in the process of in these by students to enumerate psychological barriers the

15、re are three types of high, are temporary amnesia, distracted and psychological tension. Common to further test these psychological barriers in listening ability of the students in the process of test, the author carried out the second step is to survey, surveyed the three mental disorder students l

16、isted as the test content, let these same subjects gave them a five point scale evaluation. The results showed that: 52 people have forgotten phenomenon in different degree in the test, 42 people have to be distracted to some extent, 56 people have the psychological tension in some extent, it has ef

17、fectively demonstrated the results.3. Analysis of the causes of psychological obstaclesCognitive psychology and psycholinguistics to explain a lot of theoretical model of language perception, but they are in essence are divided into two categories. A class of the listening process as a process of fr

18、om bottom to top, does not take into account the word effect and high level cognitive function, another kind of thought in the process of speech perception in a wide variety of information sources (including the bottom-up and top-down information) combined action, constitute a the interactive proces

19、s (GUI, Dong Yanping: 2000). In recent years the psychology experiments support these interactive theory, they can be used to explain the psychological obstacles of students demonstrated in in English listening test.3.1Temporary amnesiaThe so-called temporary amnesia, is the examinee in English list

20、ening test, face the test questions about the listening content extraction and temporary psychological phenomenon of failure, it is called temporary amnesia, due to some of the information in the wake of the intentional or unintentional extraction can obtain success. English listening comprehension

21、psychological process to say, with the information processing model of Gagne can vividly explained. From this model it can be seen, the environment is broadcast speech and written materials, the receiver that the ears and eyes, the effector is used to answer our hand, other sectors are our brain fun

22、ction. Although listening and reading are regarded as receptive skills, listening comprehension is far more difficult than reading comprehension, the reason is that the listener could not repeat testing has received information. No doubt, God will lead to partial or even distracted away a lot of inf

23、ormation leakage listening, memory is very important. Extraction of failure reasons, one may be due to distraction or distraction didnt listen to the information to be extracted, i.e. no sensory register; another possibility is that the amount of information relative to the listeners listening abili

24、ty to accept too large, a short period of time to wait some information processing in the brain, leaving no trace, cannot extract; another possibility is that the amount of information, listening to too large, even after processing but was information interfere with subsequent off, into long memory

25、but temporarily unable to take. In this way, information extraction does not come out, the formation of the so-called temporarily forget.,3.2 Be distractedEnglish listening test is not the listening comprehension, in fact also inspected the fast reading comprehension, and their coordination degree.

26、This is because, in the reading test is alternative answers and listen to the dialogue or essays content, that is to say in response to a question about the listening material problems before the examinee should be not only after material, but is to read the complete answer. Explain the psychologica

27、l phenomena with the concept of working memory would be better. BaddeIey and Hitch proposed the concept of short-term storage should be replaced by working memory. The working memory system includes the following three parts: (1) a not by sensory tract effects are similar to the attention of centraI

28、 executive. (2) a to keep the information in voice form of phonoIogicaI Ioop. (3) a special visual and / or spatial code visuaI - spatiaI scratched.The key components of working memory is the central executive system. It is of limited capacity but can participate in any cognitive activity. The phono

29、logical loop and the visuo spatial image processor belongs to the central executive system and for the specific purpose of service. Voice storage ring of word order of presentation, and visual image processor is used for storing and processing of visual and spatial information. Every components of w

30、orking memory are energy limited, independent of any other component and work. According to this theory, working memory is used to understand the process of information storage and processing. Storage and processing of human energy is very high, and the working memory capacity is extremely limited.

31、So language processing during the storage requirements need to be kept at a certain level. Such looking, listening test is actually on the phonological loop and the visuo spatial image processor collaborative processing language information central executive system. Therefore, any system problems in

32、 working memory, namely the person of a visual or auditory information processing process with its own limited processing capacity between the contradictions, human psychological activity is prone to distraction distraction for the phenomenon, sometimes manifested distraction distraction phenomenon has nothing to do with the theme of information to attract the attention of the parties, cause the theme activities can not smoothly, but rare in the listening test.3.3 TensionEmotional psychologists Lazarus, thought, emotion is the individual to

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