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1、新版冀教版小学四年级下册英语教案四年级下册英语教案Lesson 1 : How are you ?一、 教学目标:1.能听说读写How are you ? Fine,thanks. 2.说出并且听懂Nice to meet you.二、 教学重难点:1、How are you? Fine, thanks.以及How are you 的其它回答方式。 2、You can call me.三、教具、学具:Mr.Wood的图片,收音机四、教学过程: Warming up 1、Greeting T:Hello, boysandgirls.S:Hello, Miss Yun.T: Whats your

2、name?S: My name isT: Lets learn English!2、Sing a song“How are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫 New concepts先教单词fine. 教师先把nine写在黑板上让学生拼读,然后出示fine让学生试读,反复带读fine一词并检查学生的发音。2.教师指着自己对学生说:Im fine,today. 用表情来表示出自己今天很好(指身体).并把fine一词写在黑板上,可向学生用汉语解释fine一词意思是身体好。 3. 教师和一个学生打招呼:Hello,How are you ?然后指着黑板上fine 一词,启发学生回答:Fine, than

3、ks或 Im fine, thanks.4. 教师再和另一位学生重复刚才的会话.5. 让一个学生向老师打招呼并问候,如:S: Hello, Miss Yun. How are you?T: Fine ,thanks.教师接着问候学生How are you启发学生回答,同时教Im fine, thanks. Very well. Thank you.6. 教师把very well.写在黑板上.解释very well意思是身体非常好. 7. 教师带读very well ,并检查学生发音. 8. 师生之间进行打招呼问候,如 T: Morning ,boys and girls. Ss: Mornin

4、g, Miss Yun. How are you? T: Fine, thanks . How are you? Ss : Very well, thank you. 9. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习. 10.听会话录音N1,模仿语音语调.11.出示Mr. wood的图片,向学生自我介绍“Hello! Im your new teacher! You can call me Mr. Wood. Nice to meet you. ”告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说You can call me,先生用Mr.女士用Miss。让学生用这个句型自我介绍。12.让学生听会话录音N2两次,第二次跟读

5、,模仿语音语调。13三人一组作对话,上教室前面表演。14.Do Activity book N2Homework 课下以小组为单位编一个对话,用上“How are you ? Fine, thanks.Very well,thank you. Nice to meet you!”五、板书设计:Lesson 1: How are you?nine fineHow are you?Im fine, thanks.Very well, thank you.六、习题(听音,填空) Hello, Danny! ? ,.Lesson 2:Is this your pencil?教学目标:1:掌握单词bla

6、ckboard chalk 2:了解名词所有格形式:Stevens _3:听懂,会回答一般疑问句 Is this your_?教学重点:1:单词 blackboard chalk2: 名词所有格形式:Stevens _教学难点:1:一般疑问句 Is this your_?2:this is these are 教具使用:图片、录音机教学过程:一、 greeting 1、 Teacher: How are you ?Students: Fine , thank you. How are you?Teacher : Fine ,thanks.二、 Review1、 练习介绍自己的同学。3名学生在教

7、师的指令下在教室内前进,教师说停时,学生介绍离自己最近的同学。如:This is _. She is a girl . She is my friend.2、 问答练习Teacher : Whats s pencil.Lesson 3: Where Are They?一 教学目标1复习 Where is ?句型。方位词和人称、物主代词2学习重点单词 classroom,gym,library3.在具体的语境中,理解动词-ing形式的意思。二教学重、难点1教学重点:词汇classroom,library,gym以及方位词。2教学难点:代词和物主代词的使用三教具、学具。1实物:钢笔、铅笔、书、纸2

8、卡片:classroom,gym,library,Jenny,Danny,Steven.四教学过程(一)问候(二)复习并引入新课1用歌曲复习Where is ?句型以及方位词。T:(用两只老虎的调唱)This is a pencil,2 Where is it?2(边唱边把铅笔放在桌子上)S:Its on the desk.T:( 把钢笔放在书下面,接着唱) This is a pen.2 Where is it? 2S:Under the book.然后用橡皮、铅笔盒练习in the pencil case用纸和黑板练习 on the blackboard 后边两组练习全班一起唱边问,找个学

9、生回答。(三)教授新概念classroom,gym,library1T:(叫一名同学起立,继续唱问全班)He is .2Where is the classroom(边说边把教师的卡片贴到黑板上)Say it ,please.3.T:Where is Steven? Do you know?(出示体育馆的图片)T:yes, the gym.Say it ,please. Gym(贴卡片)T:The boys ask,and the girls answer.(指着图)B:Where is steven?G:He is in the gym.(变换卡片上的人物来练习)4搭配练习在黑板上贴出卡片

10、book,blackboard,ball用Where is it 的句型让学生连线理解动词+ing的句子T:指着book卡片说,Lets go to the全班:libraryT:Yes,very good.指着 ball,Lets go to the全班:gym.T:(指着blackboard) I want to write on the blackboard.全班:Lets go to the classroom.T:(拿出伍德老师的卡片)Look!Mr Wood is in the classroomHe is writing on the blackboard.(板书 writing

11、)利用卡片和动作展示动词drawing,reading,playing putting并板书。练习:1.听录音(第五课第一部分)连线classroom Jenny drawing Danny readinggym kim playing steven puttinglibrary Mr.wood writing2.拓展练习:(准备一张张贴画)谈论这幅图画,可以用上的下句型和词汇。where is ?Hesheit is ingfly,jump,swim,run,draw,write结束课堂教学:听录音,唱歌曲(第5课第2部分)家庭作业:活动手册第1题,第3题板书:Lesson 3: Where

12、 Are They?Lesson : Again,please!(第一单元)一、教学目标:a、知识目标:(1)全面复习本单元所学词汇和句型 (2)利用活动手册进行测试b、技能目标。 使学生牢固掌握和较熟练运用本单元所学知识 。c、情感态度。 通过探究、体验、合作等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。二、教学重点:本单元知识的运用学生能读、写、说、准确的理解: 名词(教室用语): blackboard, chalk, eraser, paper, pencil 物主代词:_()2.选择填空()1.How _ is that colourful dress?A.many B.muchC.nice()2

13、._spellit?Yes,Ican.A.CanB.AreyouC.Canyou()3.Whatsyourname?_.A. Her name is JiangHong.B.ThisisJiangHong.C.My name isJiangHong.Lesson 7: Months of the Year教学目标:(一) 能力目标:能够听、说、读、写表示十二个月份的词,并能够运用Whats the date?(今天几号?)Its _.(今天是_.)进行对话练习。(二) 情感目标:根据小学生的特点,引导他们在宽松和谐的气氛中学习英语,调动他们学习的积极性、主动性,发挥创造性。二、 教学重、难点:

14、(一) 单词:January 一月 February 二月 March 三月April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 (二) 重点句型:Whats the date? 今天几号?Its _. 今天_.三、 教学教具:1 12月份的单词卡片,一个英文日历,录音机四、 教学过程:.Greeting: Free talk.A: Hello! My name is _. Whats your name?B: My name is _. How are you?A

15、: Fine, thanks. How are you?B: Fine,too.A: Nice to meet you!B: Nice to meet you, too.A: How do you feel?B: I feel _.A: Can you sing a song?B: Yes, I can.A: Can you say twelve months?B: OK!.New concepts1. Learning:The teacher take out word cards show them to class.2. Ask one student to choose one car

16、d. Then tell others this month the blackboard. Ask students observe these words. Talk about “whats” feature .1. Its big letter of begin.2. January looks like February.3. Hows the weather in different seasons.Its cold and snowy in _, _, _.4. Play a game.One class take a season card. The other class g

17、uess which month it is.5. Part two:Teacher asks : Which month is it now?Student answers: Feburary.T: Do you know whats the date? (as ask as take out a cacendar)Point to date of today.Lets student write: Its Feburary 22 on the blackboard. Lead the class read this sentence. Practice.Use your English c

18、alendar to practice it.五、 板书Lesson 9 Months of the YearsJanuary FebruaryMary April. Whats the date?Its _ _.Lesson 8 :First,Second,Third 一教学目标:1.知识目标:学生能听、说、读、写序数词,及标准用语:What day is it? Its _.2.能力目标: 使学生掌握本课所学序数词,并能用序数词进行实际运用。3.情感、态度、价值观:关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中

19、不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。二教学重、难点:单词的读音及序数词的实际运用。三教具、学具: 十二生肖的动物图片 四教学过程:(一)Class Opening and Review: 1Greeting: T:Hello,everyone. How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you.How are you? T: Im fine ,thanks. Nice to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you again. 2. Review: Lets count from one to one is the

20、fifth. Snake is the sixth. Horse is the seventh. Sheep is the eighth. Monkey is the ninth. Cock is the tenth. Dog is the eleventh. Pig is the twelfth. 教师边说边板书十二个序数词,讲解读音后领读。 2让学生听录音练说序数词。 3教师说:Sunday is the first day of the week。 (让学生模仿此句说Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,Firday, Saturday, Sunday)

21、4让学生看序数词并总结:(先让学生说,然后教师小结) (1,2,3 变体,th从4起。8加h,9去e。拿来f代ve,ty变成tie。) 5教师问一学生:T:What day is it ? Ss: Its Friday.教师接着补说March , twelfth .教师边说边板书问句及答语,让学生观察答语,并找出答语的顺序(先说星期 月份 几号)教师说几个日期,让学生用英语说(五月1号星期二,十月3号星期四) 6放录音,学生看书跟读: 7让学生练习读This is a race.Li Ming is the first.The girl is the second 8.放录音,学生休息并唱歌曲

22、:(Old MacDonald 10 :First,Second,ThirdFirst second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfthWhat day is it?Its _.Lesson 9:When Is It?教学目标:1 复习序数词,以及英语中日期的表示方法。2 学习掌握句式When is _ ? _ .3 学习并掌握生词 yesterday , today , tomorrow 4 了解怎样用英语表示新年、春节、国际劳动节、教师节、儿童节、国庆节等节日。教学重点: 学习掌握句式Wh

23、en is _ ? _ . 以及生词 yesterday , today , tomorrow。教学难点:正确使用句式 When is _ ? _ .进行问答。教学准备:日历、单词卡片、节日图片、录音机、磁带等。教学过程:一、 Class Opening and Review1Greeting .教师先用How are you?等用语问好,并和学生谈论一下天气,为下一课的学习做铺垫。2Review教师拿出日历提问:What day is it? 重点复习first , second , third, fifth , ninth , twelfth 。二、 New Concepts1教授“Whe

24、n is _ ? _ .”利用日历演示:When is it ? 指着今天的日期,引导学生进行对话。教师:What day is it ?学生:_ .教师:Today is _ . When is _ ? Today . When is _ ? Say it please , class .学生:When is _ ?教师:When is _ ? Today . When is _ ?学生:Today .教师:When is breakfastlunchsupper ? In the _ .学生:_ morningafternoonevening .学生模仿练习2介绍节日教师指着6月1日向学生

25、提问,引出儿童节 Childrens Day,然后合上日历提问学生:When is Childrens Day?引导学生回答:It is June first.然后教师拿出节日图片,用条件的话也可以放相关的影像资料,学生说出节日的汉语名称,教师向学生介绍英语表示方法。如新年 New Years Day ,春节 Spring Festival ,劳动节 International Workers Day ,儿童节 Childrens Day ,教师节 Teachers Day ,国庆节 National Day 。在教一些比较长的单词的时候,可采用倒推火车的方法,如valtivalFestiva

26、l。Practice:教师提问:When is _ (节日名称)?学生用英语回答出日期。小组练习。3教授“yesterday , today , tomorrow”教师利用日历,指着今天的日期问学生:What day is today? 学生回答:Today is_.然后分别指着昨天和明天的日期问:What day was yesterday is tomorrow?向学生介绍重点单词yesterday , today , tomorrow ,学生跟读。4利用课本和录音带学生跟录音带看书读。5 练习学生分组练习,编对话。对话中要用到When is _ ? yesterday , today ,

27、tomorrow 等新知识,也要用到前面学过的旧知识。6 表演学生将他们编的对话当众表演出来。三、 Class Closing :完成手册上的练习。附:板书 Lesson 11When Is It?课后反思:本课的教学重点比较多,教学环节的安排上就要注意由浅入深,环环相扣,节日的教学应和句型教学结合起来,并要注意新旧知识之间的联系。Lesson10: Rain and sun教学目标: 学生可以读、写、说出并听懂下列词汇:描叙天气状况的形容词: cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy 以及句子How is the weather today? Its _.II 教

28、学重点:能用所学单词和句型描叙天气。III 教具、学具:卡片;录音机。IV Main Activities for teaching and learning.一 Greeting and reviewing.1 Say “, snow, cloud, rain, wind.2 教单词sun,教师提问what colour is it? Is the sun far from do you like?3 教cloud, TPR教学,结合所学介词来造句。4 教rain, TPR教学,教师提问:Do you like raining? 出示卡片教师再提问:what is the cloud? Wh

29、ere is rain?5 教授单词wind, TPR教学,用卡片巧妙的教授课本句型:The wind is blowing the trees leaves.6 教授单词:snow, TPR教学。7 教师教读课文。8 Play “point to “ game.9 教师说单词,同学们做动作; 教师做动作,同学们说单词。10 Play “ what are missing”game.11 Play “ guessing game”.12Listen and draw.13Try to describe the weather.(二) song.1 让同学们对歌曲中不懂的部分提问。2 指着课本的图向学生提问,并教读学生歌词。3 Let the students listen to the radio, and sing after the tape.板书设计 sunny snowy cloudy rainy windy _ sun snow cloud rain wind Lesson:11: Hows the Weather Today?(教学设计)教学目标:Enable the students master the vocabulary abo

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