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高二英语 Unit 7 Live with disease 知识精讲教案.docx

1、高二英语 Unit 7 Live with disease 知识精讲教案高二英语 Unit 7 Live with disease 知识精讲教案 高二英语 Unit 7 Live ith disease 知识精讲教案一 本周教学内容Unit 7 Live ith disease二 教学目标1 aster se diffiult phrases and sentene patterns2 Subuntive d3 Pratise supprting and hanllenging an pinin三 教学重点与难点Subuntive d四 具体内容Bagrund Infratin1 The Se

2、ven Deadl Diseases:Nuber 1 is heart disease ne in t persns has this disease nNuber 2 is aner Thugh there is a lt f researh n dealing ith aner, there still be 80 perent f thse ith aner ill die Nuber 3 is ste, ainl referring t ardivasular disease A stre is the sae basi disease as heart disease ith a h

3、eart atta it is the bld vessles ging t ur heart usles; ith a stre it is the bld vessels ging t ur brainNuber 4 is diabetes It has inreased abut 0% in the last deade It is ver diet relatedNuber is steprsisNuber 6 is arthritisNuber 7 is Alzheiers disease2 AIDS (1)hat is AIDS?AIDS stands fr Aquired Iun

4、e Defiien Sndre It results fr infetin ith a virus alled HIV, ith stands fr Huan Iundefiien Virus This virus infets e ells in the huan bd hih are part f the bds iune sste, hih fights infetins and varius aners HIV is transitted thrugh bld and ther bd liquids and spreads thrugh unprteted sex, infeted b

5、ld transfusins and thrugh birth edial studies sh that the AIDS virus an nt be transitted via the flling rutes: ups, glasses, tilet seats, siing pl, squites, ther insets There is n ure fr AIDS n, but edial treatent an sl dn the rate at hih HIV eaens the iune sste Fe peple survive five ears fr the tie

6、 the are diagnsed ith AIDS Five peple rldide die f AIDS ever inute f ever da HIV has hit ever rner f the glbe, infeting re than 42 illin en, en and hildren, illin f the last ear alneThis disease is spreading fast in areas here there is a la f prper health are, preventin and eduatin(2)Sething abut rl

7、d AIDS DaIf it is the nl thing u d fr rld AIDS Da, ear the Red Ribbn n 1st Deeber It is the internatinal sbl f HIV and AIDS aareness B earing it, u are shing ur supprt fr ver 42 illin peple arss the rld h are living ith the disease e ust learn t treat the prperl and ae their life re diffiult Languag

8、e Pints1 infet 传染;感染;传播病菌于be infeted ith 感染上e are ften infeted ith flu in springIts dangerus t bee infeted ith bird flu2 b ding 通过做某事(介词短语作方式状语)She taught herself t pla the vilin b pratising in her spare tieFisheren ae a living b fishingnl b ring hard ill be able t in suess3 get tested 接受检查 get arri

9、ed; get inured; get hurt; get drun; get bren; get engaged t; get burnt; get et; get si; get angr; get exited; get aught in the rain; get lst; get unded; get destred; get started; get ld; get ld; get ar4 need(1)need 用于肯定句时,属行为动词,后接动词不定式做宾语。(2)need 做情态动词时,多用于否定疑问句中。(3)need / require / ant ding 表示被动。(4

10、)need 做名词用。Se dtrs ere sent t the frnt here edial rers ere _A in great need fB in great need needed greatD in need fu ill never _ abut hiAneed rringBneed t rrneed t rriedDneednt rr_ fr u have e s earlAIts n needBThere is n neessarThere is n needDIt is nt needhat _is t ae life easier fr peple ith dis

11、abilitiesAneeds t dBneed dingneeds dDneeds t be dne via (1)b eans f b airail = via airail(2)b a fIll send a essage t u via a friendThe ent t Beiing via Zhengzhu 6 have a nledge f: understand A bab has n nledge f gd and evil7 explain sth t sb ; explain t sb sthPlease explain this prble t ePlease expl

12、ain t e hat this eans8 persuade 劝说;说服; 使某人相信persuade sb t d sth = persuade sb int ding sth 劝说某人做某事persuade sb f sth 使某人相信某事H an I persuade u f sinerit?persuade sb int / ut f ding sthan u persuade her ut f her flish plan?tr t persuade 劝而不服I tr t persuade hi t adpt idea, but the didnt listen t e9 ith

13、: beause f ; ing tsilent ith shaetrebling ith fearshaing ith ld be absent ith illness10 brea dnvt 毁坏:A grup f naught hildren bre the ind dn分解:Sugar and starh are bren dn in the stahevi 出故障;坏了:The ahine bre dn hile e ere perating it 身体出毛病:His ind has bren dn fr verr11 brea a prise 违背诺言brea aa fr 放弃;背

14、离brea int 破门而入brea ff 中断brea up 拆散;解散brea thrugh 突围;突破 brea a rerd brea prisn brea the la12 anage(1)anage + n 经营;管理anage a firanage a shl(2)anage t d 设法做成某事(3)与an/ uld/ be able 连用, 表示“对付;吃”an u anage anther slie f bread?13 be available fr 可利用的;有用的 There are three sall bats available fr hire This ser

15、vie is available t all f us14 disurage(1)使沮丧Dnt be disuraged at the nes(2)打消劝阻Her parents tried t disurage her fr being her fring being a singer1 hse(1)hse fr 从挑选These saples are fr u t hse fr(2)hse sb sth 为某人挑选某物He hse her a nie present= He hse a nie present fr her(3)hse sb +( as / fr )+n 选某人作e hse

16、 hi as ur nitr(4)hse t d sth 宁愿/愿意做某事irb hse t sta at he rather than g fishing()hse that从句 决定He hse that e shuld hange ur plan(6)annt hse but + d 只好He annt hse but give in16 diedie aa 减弱die dn 渐平息die ff 先后死去die ut 绝种die f 死于17 heer sb up 使某人充满欢喜、希望ur visit has heered up the si an18 ntuntila didnt un

17、derstand h she as angr ith hi until her ther tld hi everthing 倒装句Nt until her ther tld hi everthing that a understd h she as angr ith hi强调句19 be free fr 摆脱, 没有The sentene is free fr istaesbe free fThis blet is free f harge20 appreiateHe appreiated ur genius f Fran 欣赏I appreiate ur reasns fr beting t

18、 the prpsal 理解I appreiate hat u have dne fr e 感激I appreiate ur alling n e 感激21 n the ntrar 相反的u are nthing t d n, I suppsen the ntrar, I have piles f r22 tae hane 利用机会;碰碰运气e ill tae hane n the eather and have ur part utsideDnt tae hane b driving t fastb hane 偶然的n the hane f ding sth 希望能够做某事;指望【典型例题分

19、析】例1 uld peple bee infeted _ HIV b siing in a pl r sitting in a bath?A ithB f intD t例2 Runners fr the lpi Gaes have t _ befre and after the raeA get test B get testing get testedD get t test例3 ur ftball tea ill pete against the apanese tea this evening Lets g and _ , shall e?A heer the up B in the u

20、p add the up D pi the up 例4 I uld lie t b a r fr tnightSrr, sir, but e dnt have an rs _ at the ent A availableB usable suitableD frtable例 Nes reprts sa peae tals beteen the t untries _ ith n agreeent reahedA have bren dnB have bren ut have bren inD have bren up例6 Generall it is _ bad anners t bl ur

21、nse at _ table r spit(吐痰)in _ publi plaesA ; the ; the B the ; a ; ; ; D the ; ; 例7 The exa as eas , asnt it?es, but I dnt thin _ uld pass itA sebd B anbd nbd D everbd例8 uld u please give e a hand and arr the base upstairs? _A ith pleasure B pleasure G ahead D It desnt atter例9 At present, the hinese

22、 gvernent is _ a great an experts h have astered the rules f the T A alling n B alling fr alling at D alling up例10 In Britain tda, en _ 44% f the rfre, and nearl half the thers ith hildren are in paid rA tae up B ae up pi up D give up例11 It is said that in Australia, there is re land than the gverne

23、nt ns _ A h t d ith it B hat t d ith hat t d ith it D h t d ith例12 as it beause it rained heavil last night _ u didnt e?A that B h s D hat例13 u didnt hear e until n? N I ust _ sundl(沉)hen u ae in A have slept B be sleeping sleep D have been sleeping例14 uve agreed t g S h arent u getting read right n

24、? But I _ that u uld lie e t start at neA dnt realize B havent realized didnt realize D hadnt realized例1 The experient turned ut t be a plete failure, _ asnt _the antedA it ; hat B as ; that hih ; hat D that ; hat例16 hen did u g t Shanghai? I reeber _ there hen I as a b f ten A t be taen B being tae

25、n t tae D having taen例17 Rbert is said _ abrad, but I dnt n hat untr he studied inAt have studied B t be studing t stud D t have been studing例18 I seld ath TV, but I listen t the radi a lt _ A S d I B Neither d I The sae t e D S it is ith e例19 In hina, all the students r hard at shl _ ging t univers

26、it fr higher eduatin in the future A in the habit f B in the hpe f in searh f D in hnur f例20 Havent I tld u that the puter ants _? Srr, I frgt _ it fixed Ill send it fr repairs right aaA repairing; t have B t repair; t have repairing; having D t be repaired ; having例题答案:1 AAAA 610 DABB 111 AD 1620 B

27、ADBA【模拟试题】(A)The faus diretr f a big and expensive vie planned t fil a beautiful sunset ver the ean(海洋)s that the audienes(r peple h ath the fil)uld see his her and herine in frnt f it at the end f the fil as the said gdbe t eah ther fr ever He sent his aera re(摄制组)ut ne evening t fil the sunset fr

28、hi The next rning he said t the en, “ Have u prvided e ith that sunset ? ”“ N, sir” the en anseredThe diretr as angr “h nt?” he ased“ ell, sir, ” ne f the en ansered “ ere n the east ast here, and the sun sets in the est e an get u a sunrise ver the sea if neessar, but nt a sunset”“But I ant a sunse

29、t!” the diretr shuted “G t the airprt, tae the next flight t the est ast, and get ne”But then a ung seretar had an idea “h dnt u phtgraph a sunrise,” she suggested, “and then pla it baards? Then itll l lie a sunset”The aera re ent ut earl the next rning and filed a bright sunrise ver the beah in the

30、 iddle f a beautiful ba(海湾) Then at nine l the t it t the diretr “Here it is, sir!” the said, and gave it t hi He as ver pleasedThe all ent int the studi “All right,” the diretr explained “ n ur her and herine are ging t sa gd-be Run the fil baards s that e an see the sunset behind the ”The “sunset ” began, but after a quarter f a inute, the diretr suddenl put his fae in his hands and shuted t the aera re t stpThe birds in the fil ere fling baards and the aves n the sea ere ging aa fr the beah(海滩)1 ne evening, the diretr sent his aera re u

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