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1、届高考英语二轮复习专题八特殊句式分层训练特殊句式专题八 分层训练知能双升高考回顾考点一倒装句1This is not my story, nor _ it the whole story. My story plays out differently.解析:句意:这不是我的故事,也不是一个完整的故事,我的故事是不一样的。nor置于句首时,句子需用部分倒装。根据时态暗示,本句为一般现在时。答案:is2Never before _ he seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.解析:句意:他从未见过有人打网球打得像Robert一样好。n

2、ever before为否定副词短语,置于句首时,主句需用部分倒装。答案:has3The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor _ he even give it a thought.解析:句意:校长不会允许课程变化,他甚至也不会去考虑。nor放在句首,所以句子需要部分倒装。答案:will4Little _ she care what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance.解析:句意:她不在乎自己的外表,她在乎的是自己的工作业绩。表否定意义

3、的little位于句首,后面的句子要用部分倒装。答案:does5Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _ he consider having a holiday abroad.解析:句意:直到三年前从教育行业退休以后他才考虑到国外度假。考查倒装句型。not until位于句首,主句用部分倒装。答案:did6Only _ he apologizes for his rudeness will I speak to him again.解析:句意:只有在他为自己的无礼道歉时,我才会再理他。只有“only状语从句”位于句首时,主句才需

4、用部分倒装。答案:when/if7Not once _ it occur to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.解析:句意:迈克尔不止一次想过有朝一日他会成为班里的优等生。表否定的not once置于句首,后面句子的主语和谓语需采用部分倒装形式。答案:did8“Never for a second,” the boy says, “_ I doubt that my father would come to my rescue.”解析:句意:那个男孩说:“我一秒钟都没有怀疑过我父亲会来救我。”表示否

5、定意义的词never位于句首时,后面的句子要用部分倒装,再根据would come可知,这里说的是过去的事情,故用did。答案:did9Not until he went through real hardship _ he realize the love we have for our families is important.解析:句意:直到经历了真正的困难,他才意识到我们对家人的爱是多么重要。“Not until.”置于句首,主句需要部分倒装,故用助动词did来帮助构成部分倒装结构。答案:did10_ by increasing the number of doctors by 50

6、 percent can the patients be treated properly in this hospital.解析:句意:只有将医生的人数增加50%,病人才能在这家医院得到恰当的治疗。“only状语”置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。其正常语序是:The patients can be treated properly in this hospital only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent.答案:Only考点二强调句1It is not what we do once in a while _ shapes ou

7、r lives, but what we do consistently.解析:句意:影响我们生活的不是我们偶尔做了什么,而是我们一贯做什么。考查强调句。强调not what we do once in a while。答案:that2It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _ benefits our work fast.解析:句意:能给我们工作快速带来收益的不是我们做了多少而是我们对于我们所做的事情付出了多少爱。本句被强调部分为not how much we do but how much love

8、 we put into what we do。答案:that3Was it on a lonely island _ he was saved one month after the boat went down?解析:句意:他是不是在船沉了一个月之后在一个孤岛上被人救出来的?结合句意可知,这里是It was.that.强调句型的一般疑问句形式,被强调的是地点状语on a lonely island。答案:that4It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _ Zheng He had sailed to

9、 East Africa.解析:句意:郑和早于Christopher Columbus横跨大西洋80年到达东非。考查强调句。答案:that5It was with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climber was rescued.解析:句意:正是在当地导游的帮助下,这个登山者才被营救了。被强调部分为with the help of the local guide,将本句还原为普通句式为:With the help of the local guide,the mountain climber was rescued.判断强调句型的方法

10、:把It is/was和that去掉后,剩余的部分仍是一个完整的句子。答案:that6It was not until near the end of the letter _ she mentioned her own plan.解析:句意:直到在书信快结束的时候,她才提到她自己的计划。本题考查“not.until.”的强调句形式,即“It is/was not until.that.”。答案:that考点三主谓一致1The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _(be) saved for othe

11、r purposes.解析:句意:工厂用掉了65%的原材料,其余的留作他用。考查主谓一致。which指代the raw materials,为复数,所以填be的复数形式;又由used可知用were。答案:were2Onethird of the country _(be) covered with trees and the majority of the citizens are black people.解析:句意:这个国家的三分之一被森林所覆盖,大多数的国民是黑人。“分数名词”作主语时,谓语动词与名词的单复数保持一致。本句所填词前的主语(country)为单数形式,由后面的分句可知时态应

12、用一般现在时。答案:is3The basketball coach, as well as his team, _(interview) shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. 解析:句意:这位篮球教练和他的球队因为出色的表现在比赛一结束就接受了采访。本句的主语是the basketball coach,故谓语动词应用单数形式;根据语境可知时态应为一般过去时。答案:was interviewed4All the scientific evidence shows that increasing use of chem

13、icals in farming _(be) damaging our health.解析:句意:所有的科学证据都表明,化学制品在农业上使用得越来越多,而这正在危害我们的健康。that引导的从句为宾语从句,且从句的主语是use,为不可数名词,故谓语动词用单数形式;本句说的是客观事实,故时态应用现在时。答案:is5The university estimates that living expenses for international students _(be) around $8 450 a year, which is a burden for some of them.解析:句意:这

14、所大学估计留学生一年的生活费用大约是8 450美元,这对于他们中的一些人来说是个负担。宾语从句的主语是living expenses,是复数,所以谓语动词要用复数形式are。答案:are6Generally, students inner motivation with high expectations from others _(be) essential to their development.解析:句意:一般来说,学生们的内在动机及来自他人的高期望对他们的发展是重要的。由with连接的两个成分作主语,即A with B,谓语动词的单复数应该和A保持一致,所以本句谓语动词应该和stud

15、ents inner motivation保持一致,用单数。本句说的是一般情况,所以用一般现在时态。答案:is考点四其他特殊句式1Find ways to praise your children often, _ youll find they will open their hearts to you.解析:句意:常常想办法表扬你的孩子,这样你就会发现他们会向你敞开心扉了。根据句意可知前后分句之间为顺承关系,故填and。答案:and2Bring the flowers into a warm room _ theyll soon open.解析:句意:如果把那些花搬进一间暖房,它们很快就会

16、开花。考查“祈使句and陈述句”句型。答案:and3Before you quit your job, _(consider) how your family would feel about your decision.解析:句意:你在辞掉工作之前,要考虑你家人对你决定的感受。考查祈使句。答案:consider4_(knock) at the door before you enter my room, please.解析:句意:进我的房间前请先敲门。考查祈使句。注意Knock的第一个字母大写。答案:Knock5Every day _(read) a proverb aloud severa

17、l times until you have it memorized.解析:句意:每天大声朗读一条谚语,朗读几遍直到记住为止。考查祈使句。答案:read6The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _(not)解析:句意:这个司机想把车停在路边,但被警察告知不要这么做。考查省略。空格处补全为not to park his car the roadside。答案:not to专题模拟考点一倒装句1My daughter would like to have her photos

18、taken where _ (lie) a lake.解析:句意:我女儿想要在有湖泊的地方照相。考查地点where在前的完全倒装。正常语序为a lake lies where。答案:lies2Only then _ she realize how serious the situation had been.解析:句意:只在那时她才意识到形势有多严峻。考查倒装。根据“Only副词”放在句首要使用部分倒装和时态暗示,可知填did。答案:did3Never before _ I seen such a wonderful park,where Id like to pay a visit agai

19、n.解析:句意:我从没见过这么美丽的公园,我想再来参观一次。否定副词短语放在句首,句子要用部分倒装形式,never before常与现在完成时连用。答案:have4For a moment nothing happened; then _(come) cheers from the excited audience.解析:句意:片刻间什么也没发生,然后从兴奋的观众那里传来了欢呼声。考查then位于句首的完全倒装。根据语境,填过去式。答案:came5Not only _Hunan TVs reality show Dad, Where Are We Going received high pra

20、ise, but also it has made the stars and their lovely kids more popular.解析:句意:湖南卫视真人秀节目爸爸去哪儿不但受到高度的赞扬,而且也让这些明星和他们可爱的孩子们更受欢迎了。在not only.but also结构中,not only引导的句子要用部分倒装结构;根据题干中的has made及received可知此处应该是现在完成时,故填助动词has。答案:has6Only when he apologizes for his rudeness _ I speak to him again.解析:句意:只有在他向我为自己的

21、粗鲁道歉后我才会再和他说话。当“Only状语从句”置于句首时,句子应该用部分倒装结构,再根据语境和时间状语从句中的apologizes可知此处表达的是将来会做某事,所以填will。答案:will7. John has not yet passed the driving test, and neither _ Henry.解析:句意:约翰还没有通过驾照考试,亨利也没有通过。否定副词neither置于句首,后面的主谓语需“部分倒装”,根据上一分句中的谓语动词has.passed(现在完成时)和该分句的主语Henry,可推知设空处答案为has。答案:has8.Its nice. _ before

22、have I had such a special drink!Im glad you like it.解析:句意:太棒了。我从来没喝过这么特别的饮料!很高兴你喜欢。由空格后的before、句子的部分倒装结构及时态可知填Never。答案:Never9. Absurd _ it might sound, everyone present was amused by his adventure story in Africa.解析:句意:虽然那听起来很荒诞,但是在场的每个人都被他在非洲的历险故事逗笑了。“形容词as/though主语谓语”相当于although/though引导的让步状语从句。答案

23、:as/though10.I like this dress better than that one._ do I, but it costs almost twice as much.解析:句意:与那条连衣裙相比,我更喜欢这条。我也是,但这条连衣裙的价格几乎是那条的两倍。此题考查部分倒装。“so助动词/情态动词/be动词主语”,表示“也”。答案:So11. On the top of the hill _(stand) a temple where the old man once lived.解析:句意:山顶上有座庙,这位老人曾经在那里住过。此题考查完全倒装。表示地点的介词短语置于句首,

24、且主语为名词时,该句的主谓部分需完全倒装。本句的主语为a temple(第三人称单数),故设空处为stands。答案:stands12. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to cancel the football match.解析:句意:万一明天下雨,我们就得取消这场足球赛。“_ it rain tomorrow”为省略了if的虚拟条件句,如果补上if则应为:If it _ rain tomorrow。根据后面的would have to可知设空处与将来事实相反,if从句谓语动词应为:过去式、“should动词原形”或“were to动词原形”,结合题干的

25、句子结构可知填Should。答案:Should考点二强调句1It is attitude _ matters much in daily work.解析:句意:在日常工作中重要的是态度。此句为强调句式,故填that。答案:that2I have no idea why it is _ he will go there with her.解析:句意:我不知道他为什么要跟她去那里。考查强调句。同位语从句为强调句型。答案:that3. As is known to us, it was 100 years ago _ Tsinghua University was founded.解析:句意:众所周

26、知,清华大学是在一百年前建校的。考查强调句型,故用that。被强调部分为100 years ago。答案:that4. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, but their education _ cause misunderstanding.解析:句意:在这两代人之间,引起误会的常常不是年龄而是教育。此处为强调句型“it is/was.that.”。被强调部分为:not their age, but their education,故答案为that。答案:that5. Was it in 1969 _ the Am

27、erican astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon?解析:句意:美国宇航员是在1969年成功登陆月球的吗?考查强调句型的一般疑问句形式,即Is/Was it被强调部分that其他成分。答案:that6. It was only when I watched Inception a second time _ I had a better understanding of what it was talking about.解析:句意:只有在我再次观看盗梦空间时我才对它在讲什么有了一个更好的理解。本题考查强调句型。被强调部分为only when I

28、 watched Inception a second time。答案:that7. _ is it that he is not so friendly as he used to be?解析:句意:他怎么/为什么不如过去友好了呢?考查特殊疑问句的强调句型。其形式为:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat其他成分。本句改为普通句型后为“_ is he not so friendly as he used to be?”答案:How/Why8. Where do you think it is _ we can buy that bestseller?解析:句意:你认为在哪里我们可以买到那个畅销品

29、?考查强调句。本句为强调句型的特殊疑问句形式“Where is it that.”,但因为强调句在从句中作think的宾语,所以要用陈述句语序。答案:that9. It was not until 7:30 _ he got home yesterday, so his parents were very worried.解析:句意:昨天直到7:30他才到家,所以他的父母很担心。考查强调句。本题是含有not until的强调句式“It was not until.that.”。答案:that10. How time flies! Its in two months _ well say goo

30、dbye to our high school life.解析:句意:时间过得真快!两个月之后我们就要对我们的高中生活说再见了。考查强调句。因为去掉Its,that之后,剩余的部分可构成一个完整的句子,所以是强调句。答案:that考点三主谓一致1. The truth is that the passersby, rather than the driver, _(blame) for the terrible accident.解析:句意:事实真相是过路人而不是司机对事故负责。题干中的主语是passersby“过路人”,为复数形式;尽管后面加了rather than短语,句子谓语的数应与最前面的主语一致。be to blame是个习惯用法,主动形式表示被动含义。答案:are to blame2. Moments of failure _

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