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1、常用电力市场英语常用电力市场英语作者:日期:输电容量ALM Active Load Management 有功负荷管理Active Power Market 有功市场AS An ciliary service 辅助服务Ancillary service charges 辅助服务费ASM Ancillary Service Market 辅助服务市场AS Ancillary Service Provider 辅助服务供应商Annual peak load curve年最大负荷曲线Arbitrage 套利ACE Area control error 区域控制误差Area price分区电价AR A

2、rea Regulation 区域管制Auction拍卖、竞价Auction market扌白卖市场Auction Price拍卖价格AMP Automated Mitigation Procedures 自动市场势力消除程序AGC Automatic gen eration con trol 自动发电控制ADP Availability Declaration Period 可用容量申报期Available capacity可用发电容量ATC Available transfer capability 可用传输容量BTOB企业对企业BTOC企业对客户Bain index贝恩指数BSC Bal

3、ancing and settlement code 平衡与结算规则BME Balancing Market Evaluation 平衡市场计算Bid竞价BS Bid Sufficiecy申报充足率Bidbased基于竞价的Bidder s duration of validity 报价员有效期Bidding Price竞标价格BPS Biddi ng Processi ng System 报价处理系统Bidding un让报价机组Bids报价Bilateral contract 双边合同Bilateral market双边交易市场Bilateral Transaction双边交易(即大用户直

4、购电)Billing and Accounting结算和结帐biomass生物质能Block con tracts 分段合同Boundary Flow界面潮流CBM Capacity Ben efit Margin 容量效益裕度Capacity factor容量系数/容量因子Capacity payment 容量电价Capacity requirement market 容量需求市场Capacity Reservation Tariff 容量预定价格Cap-and-trade 限额交易Cleari ng 清算Clearing energy 出清电量Cogeneration热电联产Competi

5、tive Electricity Market 竞 争性电力市场Congestion 阻塞Congestion Cost 阻塞成本Congestion management 阻塞管理Congestion surplus 阻塞节余Congestion uplift阻塞上抬费用CUSC Co nn ection and use of system code 并网与网络使用规 则 Connection charge 并网费Consumer Surplus消费者剩余CFD Con tract for Differe nee 差价合同CMS Contract Management System 合同管理

6、系统Con tract price 合同电量CfDs Con tracts for differe nces 差价和约CMS Contrat Management Subsystem 合同管理子系统Cooperative game 合作博弈Cost of service regulation 服务成本管制Cost of unit start-up机组启动费用CSP Curtailment Service Provider 缩减负荷提供者Customer baseline load 用户基线负荷day-ahead 日前Decen tralized tradi ng model 分散交易模型Def

7、ault provider默认服务提供商Dema nd Curve需求曲线DTC Dema nd for Tran smissio n Cap acity 输电容量需求DSM Demand-side management 需求侧管理 deregulation 市场 化dispatch 调度DPF Dispatcher Power Flow 调度员潮流DTS Dispatcher Training Simulator 调度员培训模拟Distribution 配电D Distribution Service Provide 配电商Economic Dispatch 经济调度Electric loa

8、d management 电力负荷管理EDC Electrical Distribution Company 电力配电公司EFA Electricity Forward Agreement 电能远期合同EMOS Electricity Market Operatio n System 电力市场运营系统NETA electricity tradi ng arran geme nt 电力交易协议Eligible customer 合格用户Spot market现货市场Futures Market期货交易市场EMC节能服务公司EMS Energy Man ageme nt System 能量管理系统

9、EMOS Electricity market operation system 电力市场运营系统RES Re newable sources of energy 可再生能源Energy Spot Market电能现货市场ERP En terprise Resource Pla nning 企业资源计划Equilibrium Price 均衡价格ESCO能源服务公司ETC Existing Transmission Commit- ments 现存输送协议Ex-post price事后结算价格Federal Energy Regulatory Commissi on 联邦能源管理委员会 fee

10、d-in systems 馈入系统Final closing price最终收盘价格FTR Finan cial Tran smissio n Right 金融输电权FTR Firm transmission right 固定输电权FD Fixed dema nd 固定需求FGR Flow-based Tran smissio n Right 基于潮流的输电权Flowgate关口输电权(潮流关口)FGR Flowgate Right关口金融输电权Forced outage强迫停机Forward Market远期合同市场Fossil Fuel Levy矿物燃料税Frequency Control

11、 Ancillary Service 频率控制辅助服务Future Market期货市场Generation 发电量GBS gen eration biddi ng system 发电报价系统Gen eratio n market 发电市场G Generator 发电商Gree n certificate market 绿证市场GC Grid code输电网技术规范GC Grid Compa ny电网拥有者GMC Grid Management Charge 电网管理费Hedging套利保值High and low match ing method 高低匹配法 hour-ahead 时前Hou

12、rly con tracts 小时合同川egal speculation非法投机行为IMO In depe ndent Market Operator 独立市场运营机构IPP Independent Power Producer 独立发电商ISO Independent System Operator 独 立系统操作员In flexible units不可调度机组ICAP In stalled capacity 装机容量in stalled gen erati on capacity 装机容量In stalled Reserve Margin 装机备用余量in teg rate resourc

13、e pla rming 综合资源规戈 UIn tegrated trad ing model 体化交易模型Intelligent price caps 智能价格上限Interchange price 可中断电价Inter-change Schedule 交易计戈 UIn terruptible service 可中断的服务Load characteristics 负荷特性LF Load Forecast ing 负荷预测LFC Load Freque ncy Control 负荷频率控制Load profiling负荷拟合曲线LSE Load Servi ng En tity 负荷服务企业LB

14、MP Marginal Price节点边际电价Location Price 区域价格LMP Locational marginal price 分区边际电价LOLP Loss of Load Probility 电力不足概率losses网损LVAC Low Voltage Access charge 低压连网费MCP Marginal Clearing Price 市场出清价格Marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价Marginal costs 边际成本Marginal Price 边际电价market Architecture 市场设计MCP Market Clearing

15、Price 市场出清价格Market entry certificati on system 市场;隹入制J度Market Equilibrium 市场均衡Market failure 市场失灵MMU Market mon itori ng unit 市场监察机构Market participant市场参与者/市场成员/市场主体Market power 市场力MSO Market Service Organization 市场管理机构Merit order优先顺序Merit order price最优顺序价格Meteri ng Data Acquisiti on System 电能量采集系统M

16、A AC Mid-Atlantic Area Council大西洋中部地区委员会Mi nimum daily load 日最小负荷Model of Transmission Right 输 电权模型Mono poly 垄断MSS Multi-Settlement System 多结算系统Multi-part biddi ng 多部投标MW Daily MW 日报NE Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡n etwork con gesti on 网络阻塞NETA New Electricity Trading Arrangements 新电力交易规则RORC Rate of Respo

17、nse Complia nee 负荷响应率Reactive Power Market 无功市场real time market 实时市场real-time bala ncing market 实时平衡市场Real-time prices 实时电价Reference bid参考投标/报价RTO Regi onal Tran smissi on orga ni zati on 地区输电组织RMCP Regulation Market Clearing Price 调频市场出清价格RAA Reliability Assuranee Agreement 可靠性协议RMR Reliability Mus

18、t Run由于可靠性原因必须运行机组Renewable geothermal 地热能RPS Renewable portfolio standard可再生能源份额制标准RSI Residual Supply In dex 供给剩余系统Retail access零售准入Retail market电力零售市场R Retail Service Provider 零售商SC Schedule Coordi nators 计划协调员SCD Security Con strai ned Dispatch 安全约束经济调度SCUC Security-Constrained Unit Commitment 带

19、安全约束机组组合 settlement 结算SBS settlement and billing system 结算系统Settlement Day 结算日Shadow price影子价格SFT Simulta neous Feasibility Test 可行性测试single buyer 单一买方solar photovoltaics 光电子能solar thermal 太阳能SM Spot Market现货市场Spot price现货价格Standard Market标准电力市场State Estimation 状态估计Stranded costs 搁浅成本Strategic bid报价

20、策略SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition 数据采集和监视系统Supply Curve供给曲线SMP System margi nal price 系统边际价格SMV system marginal value 系统边际价值System operator系统调度机构System price系统电价Tariff目录电价VLL the Value of Loss of Load 失负荷电价Top-down pricing自上而下的定价方法TTC Total transfer capability 最大输电能力Trading arrangemen

21、t 交易规贝 UTransmission and Ancillary Services Market 输电与辅助服务市场Transmission Congestion 输电阻塞TCCs Tran smissio n Con gestion Co ntracts 输电阻塞合同TCR Tran smissio n Con gestion Right 输电阻塞权TLR Tran smissio n Loadi ng Relief 输电负荷切除Tran smissi on n etwork or tran smissi on system 输电网络或输电系统TO Transmission owner

22、输电业者TRM Transmission Reliability Margin 输电可靠性裕度TMS交易管理系统TRR Tran smissi on Revenue Requireme nt 输电收入要求Transmission Right 输电权Unconstrained Schedule 无约束计戈 UUC un it commitme nt 机组组合UDS Un it Dispatch System 机组调度系统Uplift上浮电价VLL Value of Lost Load负荷停电损失Virtual bidding虚拟投标/报价WSA Weather Sensitive Adjustm

23、ent 天气一敏感性调整WSCC Wester n Systems Coordi nat ing Cou ncil 西部电力协调委员会Wheeli ng tradi ng model 过网模式Wholesale market电力批发市场Zonal pricing区域定价actual load curve实际负荷曲线actual active power output curve 实际有功出力曲线actual reactive power output curve 实际无功出力曲线accounting cost 会计成本bid curve报价曲线biding energy竞价空间bi direc

24、t ional contract for differe nee 双向差价合同bilateral contact for differe nee 双边差价合同black start service 黑启动服务block bidi ng 分段竞价 buying long 买空 compes nati on regulati on 补偿调节 competiti on en ergy 竞争电量 constrained trading schedule 有约束交易计戈 U contract path method 合同路径法 daily load factor 日负荷率 day 一 ahead tra

25、ding日前交易DATS day- ahead trade subsystem 日前交易子系统 dispatch interval 调度时段 dispatch price 调度价格 distributio n price 酉己电电价DMIS dispatch ing man ageme nt in formati on system 调度管理信息系统 efficiency market 有效市场 electricity fee 电费 electricity market model 电力市 场模式electricity matket regulati on 电力市场监管 eleme ntary

26、 an ciliary services 基本辅助月艮务 embedded cost pricing 会计成本 定价 emergency reserve 事故备用 energy price 电量电价 exclusive service tariff专项服务价格feasible capacity可调出力feasible hours可调小时finan cial power tradi ng 电力金融交易 fixed cost 固定成本 floody seas on-dry seas on price 丰枯电价 frequency curve 频率曲线 future con tract 期货合同 f

27、uture tradi ng期货交易gen erati on competitio n发电竞争模式 generation re-scheduling 发电再计戈 U gen erati on right transfer tradi ng 发 电权转让交易gen eration unit availability 发电机组可用率 generation rated capacity 发电机额 定容量 high-reliability price 高可靠性电价 imperfect competitive market 不完 全竞争市场in ter-c onnection tariff 联网价 IR

28、R in ternal rate of return 内部收益率 lincense system for electric power bus in ess 电力业务许可证制度 load coincidenee factor负荷同时率load factor负荷因数load fluctuati on负荷波动long-run marginal cost prici ng 长期边际成本定价 loss allocation 网损分摊 loss conversion 网损折算 loss factor 网损系数 LTS Ion g-term trade subsystem 长 期交易子系统marginal

29、 revenue边际收益margi nal utility边际效用market i nterve nti on 市场干预 market mechanism 市场机制 MAS market analysis subsystem 市场分析子系统 multiblock biddi ng 多段报价 multilateral tradi ng 多边交易mustrun unit强制运行机组nonlinear pricing非线性定价offgrid energy下网电量orvgrid energy上网电量orvgrid price上网电价one-part price 单一制电价 opport unity c

30、ost 机会成本 peak-valley price 峰谷电 价 perfect competitive market 完全竞争市场physical power trad ing 电力实物交易 postage stamp method 由 E 票法 power flow traci ng method 潮流跟踪法 power regulatory age ncy 电力监管机构 power retailer 电力零售商 prin ciple of margin ality 边际原贝 U reserve capacity备用容量reserve service备用服务retail competiti

31、 on零售竞争模式 retail price 销售电价 RTS real-time trade subsystem 实时交易子系统 scheduled outage 计戈M亭运 seas onal price 季节电价 sequential bidding 分次 竞价 single-block bidding 单段报价 single-buyer 单一购买者模式 time sharing bidding 分时竞价 TMR tele-meter reading system 电能量计量系统 two-part price 两部制电价 un i-directi onal contract for differe nee 单项差价合同 valid grid assets 电网有效资产 variable cost 变动成本 verticallty in teg rated mono poly 垂直垄断模式whole energy competiti on 批发竞争模式 Active regulation 主动监管 Annual contract on

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