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1、介词课件介词介词是一种用来表示词与词之间、词与句之间的关系的词。介词为虚词,它不能单独担任句子成分,必须与名词或代词或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句构成介词短语,才能担任句子成分。介词的种类和介词短语的用法一、介词的种类分为三大类:简单介词:in,on,after, off, about, of, under, past, before, etc.合成介词: into, onto, outside, inside, without, etc.短语介词: out of,in front of,because of,instead of, according to, etc.二、用法:一、表示所

2、处方位的介词1. 意思相近的几组介词above(在上方) below(在下方) over (在上方) under(在下方) on (在上) off(离开) in (在内) out of (在外)outside(在里边) outside(在外边) up(向上) down(向下)in front of(在前面) behind(在后面)2. at和in:表示在某地时,at后接小地方,in后接大地方如:She arrived in Shanghai yesterday. He arrived at the bus stop at 8 oclock.3. between和among:between表示在

3、两者之间,among表示在三者或三者以上之间。如:The match is between boys and girls. There is a post office between market and hospital. The village lies among hills.4. above、over和on:1) above “在之上;高于” 表示相对高度,不一定是在正上方。它的反义词是belowThe plane flew above the clouds. 飞机在云层上面飞行。2) over “在之上;在正上方” 表示垂直正上方,其反义词是underThere is a new

4、bridge over the river.There is a boat under the bridge.3) on “在上面” 表示与物体有表面接触There is a book on the desk.5. by、near和beside: “在附近”by表示“就在旁边”,较near 更近;near表示“在.附近”,距离不远,反义词是far; beside表示“近旁;紧靠”,相当于next toHe sit near the window.The children are planting trees by the river.He lives in a town beside the

5、sea.6. across和through: “穿过;通过” across表示从物体表面“穿过;通过”,through表示从物体内部“穿过;通过”He swam across the river.They walked through the forest.7. in和into: “进入内” in表示“在之内”,into表示“进入内”He works in a hospital.The tiger jumped into the river.8. on和onto: on表示“在上”,onto表示“到上”He lives on the fifth floor.The monkey jumped

6、onto the crocodiles back.9. in front of 表示“在前面”,in the front of表示“在前部”There is a big tree in front of the house. 房子前有一棵大树There is a new desk in the front of the classroom. 课室里的前面有一张新的桌子二、 表示时间的介词表示时间上一点的介词有at, on, fromto, till/until, by, since, before, after, etc.1. at用于表示钟点,“在某一时刻,某一时点”,夜里,中午及某些词组中

7、。 at lunch在午饭时 at breakfast早餐时 at noon正午时 at that time那时 at night在夜间 at the moment此刻,目前 at present目前 at nine(oclock)在九点钟 at first开始的时候,起初 at last最后 at times偶尔,有时 at the end of 1999在1999年末 at this time of(the)year在一年中的这个时候 We usually have lunch at noon/ at twelve.我们通常中午吃午饭(十二点吃午饭)注意:表示时间的名词前有this,las

8、t,next,every等修饰时,其前面不加介词。this morning今天早上;last Monday上周一;every week每周2. on用于确定的时间,“在具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上或一般节日” on Monday在周一 on Tuesday morning在周二早上on June 6th 在6月6日 on May 4,1996在1996年5月4日on a cold night在一个寒冷的夜晚 on that day在那天on Christmas Day在圣诞节那天 on time准时on Monday evening在周一晚上on the night of July(

9、the)first在七月一日的夜晚We didnt listen to the lecture on Wednesday afternoon.周三下午我们没去听演讲。3. in用于表示“在某月、季节、年、世纪”以及泛指的上午、下午、晚上。(指在一段时间内)in 2007 在2007年 in March,2007 在2007年3月 in spring/ summer / autumn / winter 在春/夏/秋/冬天 in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在上午/下午/晚上 in the week在这周 in the holiday在假期中The plane

10、took off on time.飞机准时起飞了。People go skating in winter.人们冬天去滑冰。Do they work in the day time or at night?他们是白天工作还是夜里工作?4. since和from1) since接时间点,常与完成时连用 如:He has worked here since 2001. The school has been there since 2000.2) from从起(时间)表示“从开始”时,一般都是用词组fromto,而单纯表示确切的“从几点开始”时用at。The meeting will be held

11、 from eight to ten.这个会议将从8点开到10点。The meeting will be held at eight.会议将从八点钟开始。5. after和in:after表示“在之后”,可用于多种时态,是before的反义词。in表示“在时间内”或“在时间后”,一般表示以现在为起点的以后,常与将来时态连用,后接一段时间。如:Jim will be back in two hours.He left home after two days. 6. before,after(注:两个既可以作介词又可以作连词)A before在之前Wash your hands before di

12、nner.(before作介词)吃饭前请洗手。He will call me before he leaves here/before ten oclock.(前一个before作连词;后一个before作介词)他离开这儿之前/十点之前,将给我打电话。B after在之后Lets sing some songs after school.(after作介词)放学后咱们唱歌吧!Please close the door after you leave the room.(after作连词)离开房间后请关门。7. by,until/tillA. by 在前(时间);截止(到)How many En

13、glish books had you read by the end of last year?到去年年底以前你看过多少本英文书?She had left by the time I arrived. 我到时(之前)她已经走了。例:by the end of在底(之前) by then 到那时 by the time+从句 在之前 B. until/till知道为止(时间)We didnt begin to watch TV until/till nine oclock.一直到九点,我们才开始看电视。(begin是点动词,所以用否定式)I will wait for him until he

14、 comes here.我将在这儿一直等到他来。 8. during,throughA. during在期间They are going to have a good rest during the summer holidays.暑假中他们打算好好休息一下。B. through一直(从开始到结束)They played the cards through the night.他们打了一整夜的牌。He stayed in London through the winter.他整个冬天都待在伦敦。Cfor 达之久(表示经过了多少时间)可以和一般现在时、过去时、将来时连用,但经常和完成时连用。He

15、 has lived here for 20 years.他在这儿已经住了二十年了。We will stay in the city for two days.我们要在这座城市呆两天。*比较:for和during。for之后大多跟表示时间、具体天数等的数字名词。而during后决不能跟表数字的名词。9. within不超过的范围within 3 hours 3小时之内; within a week一周之内I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫。*比较:within和in。within强调“在时间之内”,

16、没有时态的限制。in是以现在为基础,in an hour是指从现在起一小时之后,所以in一般只用于将来时。三、 表示方式或手段的介词1. by 意为凭借“工具或手段”(多用于交通工具),不用冠词如:by bike/ bus / train/ plane/ ship / subway/ taxi By + 不涉及交通工具的名词(不用冠词)如:by sea/ air 乘船/飞机2. with 意为“用工具”如:He broke the window with a stone. He stopped the ball with his right foot.3. on 意为“以方式”,用于交通工具、

17、手段、通讯方式等。多用于固定词组。如:They talked on the telephone. 他们通过电话进行交谈He goes to school on his bike every day. (on his bike=by bike)四、 常用介词的其他方法1. about作“关于”解时,表示内容如:a story about Lei Feng 一个关于雷锋的故事2. on 作“关于”解时,表示论题如:a book on radio 一本关于无线电的书3. like作“像”解时,表示相似如:He looks like his mother.4. in表示“穿着;戴着”或“某种语言,材料

18、”等如:The girl in red is Jane.Can you say it in English?He likes to write it in black ink.5. as作“作为”解时,表示身份如:As a student, we must wear the school uniforms.6. with有“和一起”和“用某种工具”的意思如:I always go to school with Jane.I have no money with me. 我身上没带钱We see with our eyes.7. without可表示“没有,无”8. expect作“除了之外,都

19、”解,表示排除如:9. about和around “大约”,over(=more than),below(=less than)等介词表示数量,是约数如:Ive been there about ten years. There are around 800 girls in the school.五、 含介词的固定搭配1. 动词+介词look up查看,查(字典);play with 玩某物(玩耍) Dont play with fire.别玩火。think of想起,想到; hear from sb.收到某人的信;talk about谈论某事; talk to/with sb.和某人谈论;

20、look at注视; listen to倾听; call on sb.拜访某人;arrive at/in 到达;take care of照顾;wait for等待;look for寻找。Addto 加到上 agree with 同意(某人)arrive at(in) 到达 ask for 询问beginwith 从开始 believe in 相信2. Be动词+形容词+介词be kind to对(某人)亲切;be good at在做得好;擅长于be late for迟到; be afraid of害怕;be sorry for sth.为抱歉;be absent from缺席; be prou

21、d of以为自豪;be found of 喜欢 be full of 充满be interested in 对有兴趣 be keen on 热衷于be confident in 对有信心 be short of 缺乏be sick of 厌恶 be proud of 对感到骄傲be loyal to 对忠诚 be ashamed of 为感到羞耻3. 介词+名词1)英语中有大量成语由介词构成,单是一些常用介词就可构成大量成语:at:at a stretch 一连,连续地 at a time 一次,每次at ease 稍息,安心 at first sight 一见(钟情)at first 最初,

22、开始时 at heart 在内心at home 在家,随便 at last 最后at least 至少 at length 最后,详细地at most 至多 at once 立即,同时at peace(war) 处于和平(战争)状态at play(work) 在玩耍(工作)at present 现在,目前 at random 随意地,胡乱地at the risk of 冒的风险 at the same time (与此)同时at the start 一开头 at the time 此刻,这时at times 有时候 at will 任意地by:by accident 偶然 by air 航空b

23、y all means 想一切办法 by chance 偶然 by cheque 用支票by choice 出于自愿 by daylight 在大白天by day(night) 白天(夜间) by force 靠武力by mistake 错误地,误把 by turns 轮流by surprise 突然,出其不意 by the way 顺便说一句in:in a sense 从某种意义上说 in addition(to) 此外(除之外)in advance 事前 in all 总共in any case (event) 不管怎样,反正 in brief 简而言之in case 要是,如果 in c

24、ase of 在情况下in comparison 比较起来 in danger 处于危险中in debt 负债 in demand 有需求in detail 详细地 in fact 实际上in general 一般说来 in ones opinion 在(某人)看来in order to (that) 以便,为了 in other words 换句话说in part(s) 部分地 in person 亲自in practice 实际上 in public(private) 公开(私下)地in regard to 关于 in short 总之in the end 最后 in the middle

25、 of 在中间in time 及时地,经过一段时间in vain 白白地,没有结果on:on account of 由于 on behalf of 代表(某人)on board 在船(飞机)上 on condition 在条件下on duty 值班 on fire 着火on foot 步行 on guard 有警惕,值班on hand 在身边 on holiday 在休假on purpose 故意地 on sale 在出售on strike 罢工 on the contrary 相反on the way 在路上 on time 准时on the top of 在上面 on the run 正在

26、逃窜out of:out of action 失灵 out of breath 气喘吁吁out of control 失去控制 out of danger 脱离危险out of doors 在户外 out of fashion 不时新out of hand 失去控制 out of order 坏了out of reach 无法得到(拿到) out of sight 看不见out of temper 发脾气 out of question 不可能out of touch(with) 和失去联系out of tune 走调out of use 不再使用 out of work 失业5. 有些介词夹

27、在名词之间构成成语:day after day 日复一日地 year after year 年复一年one after another 一个接一个地 one by one 一个接一个little by little 一点一点地 side by side 并肩step by step 一步步地 face to face 面对面arm in arm 手挽手地 hand in hand 手牵手地day to day 日常的 day by day 一天一天地day before yesterday 前天 day after tomorrow 后天heart to heart 互相交心的6. 还有一些成

28、语包含两个介词:from beginning to end 从头至尾 from bad to worse 越来越糟from time to time 不时地 from head to foot 浑身from morning to night 从早到晚 from start to finish 从头至尾from door to door 挨门挨户地 from place to place 到各地from generation to generation 一代一代地 from cover to cover (书面) 全部地,从头至尾7. 其他搭配句型Its + adj. + of + sb. + to do sth. 和 Its + adj. + for + sb. + to do sth.的区别。前者的形容词侧重于对“人”的品格、精神的评价;后者侧重于对不定式所表示的事情的评说。如:Its careless of you to lose your keys again. 你真是太粗心了,又把钥匙弄丢了。 Its very important for us to learn English well 学好英语对我们很重要。

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