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甘肃省兰州一中届高三上学期第二次月考 英语.docx

1、甘肃省兰州一中届高三上学期第二次月考 英语甘肃省兰州第一中学2018届高三9月月考试卷 英 语说明:本试卷分第I卷 (选择题) 和第II卷 (非选择题) 两部分,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AJessica Westervelt,a Spanish teacher at Bethlehem High School in New Yor,created an activity called

2、“House Hunters”,which was inspired by the popular television show “House Hunters International”,for her Spanish class about four years ago.Similar to the show,students wor in groups,pretending to be real house agents,and loo for three houses in Spanish-speaing countries.She uses the activity to teac

3、h vocabulary related to the home,chores,travel and vacation.She created the eercise because she wanted to incorporate her students interests into the curriculum.At the time,a group of her students were big fans of the show.The students loo for a house for Westervelt to buy to live in,or rent for vac

4、ation.She tells them what she is looing for in a home and gives them a budget.Students wor in groups of three,and each student is responsible for finding one house in a Spanish-speaing country that fits the requirements.The groups usually mae a brochure describing the houses they find.Each group pre

5、sents their findings to the class,while the other students tae notes.The entire activity is done in Spanish,so students get to practice their writing,listening and conversation sills.They also get some cultural education when researching homes in Spanish-speaing countries.Westervelt says that studen

6、ts planning to tae the class loo forward to her project.Westervelt says,“I thin any time that you can find a way to lin into something that they are interested in outside of school,it maes it more realistic for them and it maes that activity much more enjoyable for them.”1.How did Westervelt come up

7、 with the idea of the activity?A.She got it from a TV program. B.She was inspired by her students.C.She learned it from a house agent. D.She was taught that in high school.2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “incorporate” in Paragraph 2?A.change B.absorb C.force D.persuade3.What

8、 are the students supposed to do with the houses they find?A.Rent the houses for their vacation. B.Live in the houses for a while.C.Write an introduction to the houses. D.Choose and buy one for their teacher.4.What do Westervelts words in the last paragraph mean?A.Most school activities are not enjo

9、yable. B.Students should be realistic about study.C.Out-of-school activities are very important. D.Learning should be combined with interest.BIn a shocing upset,70-year-old Republican candidate Donald Trump rode a wave to victory as voters elected him the 45th President of the United States in Novem

10、ber,2016.Actually,a lot of eperts had predicted that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would come out on top.Throughout the campaign,one of Trumps main challenges was to persuade voters that he has the attitude,nowledge and judgment to be president.In the end,he was able to attract more than enou

11、gh voters to his side.Hillary Clinton admitted the election to Trump in a phone call at around 230 am.“Hillary has wored very long and very hard over a long period of time,”Trump told his supporters during his victory speech.“We owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.”Hilla

12、ry Clinton delivered her speech later in the day.“We must accept this result and then loo to the future,” she told her disappointed supporters.“Donald Trump is going to be our president.We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”Trumps rise to the presidency comes after a long career as a real

13、estate developer.He built syscrapers, resorts and golf courses.He also rised other businesses,introducing Trump Steas,Trump Natural Spring Water,and an airline called Trump Shuttle.In 2004,he became a TV star with the reality show The Apprentice.Now Trump and his team will have to face many difficul

14、t things.Theyll have to wor to bring the country together after a divisive campaign that upset millions of Americans. Throughout the country,millions of Americans are out of wor and struggling to mae ends meet.The new president must also address international issues.They include the war on terrorism

15、 and the refugee crisis.Still,Trump says he sees a bright future ahead.“Every single American will have the opportunity to realie his or her fullest potential,” he told his supporters.5.What should many eperts thin of Trumps victory?A.It is epected. B.It is satisfying. C.It is annoying. D.It is surp

16、rising.6.How old was Donald Trump when he became a TV star?A.50 years old. B.54 years old. C.58 years old. D.62 years old.7.What can be learned about Donald Trump from the passage?A.He was a businessman. B.He has been serving in government.C.He thought badly of Hillary Clinton. D.He is worried about

17、 America.8.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.The problems with America. B.The challenges Trump will face.C.Trumps ideas about his future wor. D.The decisions Trump will have to mae.CHalf off usually unaffordable products?Only $49.99 for that $100.00 dinner?Thats the magic of Groupon,but for

18、some small business owners the “great business” offered by Groupon can be equal to the iss of death.How could that occur?The math of Groupon seems simple at a glance,but upon further inspection the numbers dont add up when it comes to smaller businesses.A Groupon typically offers a 50% discount on a

19、 product or service;then the remaining profit is divided between Groupon and the small business.While Groupon has already received the profit in advance,the merchant is left waiting for their cut.Those worrying numbers are assuming the price cut is 50/50,which,in some cases,is being generous.When yo

20、u brea it down to numbers,a Groupon deal seems disastrous,but its not only the numbers small business owners have to worry about.The point of Groupon deals is to attract new and hopefully long term customers.Yet,does this actually happen?The majority of consumers buying the Groupon are there for the

21、 bargain and dont return after using their Groupon.CFHS Junior Angelita Pope stated,“I love the deals offered by Groupon!They can really save you so much money.”However,she went on to say that she hadnt returned once to any of the businesses after using her Groupon.For some small businesses,the pres

22、sure lies with the responses of their loyal customers,who watch as new faces get the same product or service for half the price that they have been paying for years.When you brea it down,Groupon indicates that the business offering the deal is not only willing to be fleible with their price,but also

23、 that their product or service isnt worth the price theyre charging for.When combining these factors,its no wonder loyal customers are put off by the idea of their favorite shop offering Groupons.Now I by no means say Groupons have bad effects on all businesses;however the storm of Groupon is actual

24、ly a disaster for a small business.9.What is good about Groupon?A.It can offer a large discount. B.It helps add up the numbers.C.It can improve the quality of the product.D.It brings small business owners more profit.10.CFHS Junior Angelita Popes statement suggests that . A.small business owners nee

25、dnt worry about dealsB.people lie using Groupon in the same businessC.the purpose of Groupon is to promote businessD.Groupon may not bring customers bac11.What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.New faces. B.Loyal customers. C.Groupon dealers. D.Small businesses.12.What could

26、be the best title for the tet?A.A new business trendGroupon dealing B.The development of a Groupon companyC.The effects of Groupon on small businesses D.A fantastic shopping eperienceGrouponDThey may be teenagers,but 17-year-old Brittany Bull and 16-year-old Sesam Mngqengqiswa have grand ambitionsto

27、 launch Africas first private satellite into space.They are part of a team of high school girls from Cape Town,South Africa,who have designed and built equipment for a satellite that will orbit over the earths poles scanning Africas surface.Once in space,the satellite will collect information on agr

28、iculture,and food security within the continent.Using the data,“we can try to determine and predict the problems Africa will be facing in the future”,eplains Bull,a student at Pelican Par High School.“Where our food is growing,where we can plant more trees and vegetation and also how we can monitor

29、remote areas,”she says.“We have a lot of forest fires and floods but we dont always get out there in time.”Information received twice a day will go towards disaster prevention.Its part of a project by South Africas Meta Economic Development Organiation(MEDO) woring with Morehead State University in

30、the US.The girls (14 in total) are being trained by satellite engineers from Cape Peninsula University of Technology,in an effort to encourage more African women into STEM(science,technology,engineering,mathematics).Scheduled to launch in May 2017,if successful,it will mae MEDO the first private com

31、pany in Africa to build a satellite and send it into orbit.Mngqengqiswa comes from a single parent household.Her mother is a domestic worer.By becoming a space engineer or astronaut,the teenager hopes to mae her mother proud.“Discovering space and seeing the Earths atmosphere,its not something many

32、blac Africans have been able to do,or get the opportunity to loo at.I want to see and eperience these things for myself,”says Mngqengqiswa.Her team mate Bull agrees,“I want to show to fellow girls that we dont need to sit around or limit ourselves.Any career is possibleeven aerospace.”13.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tal about?A.Information provided by the satellite. B.The benefits brought by the satellite.C.Problems African agriculture faces. D.The way the satellite collects information.

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