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1、人教版初三英语重点词组1人教版初三英语重点短语(unit1-18)Unit 11have gothas got 有2at the moment=now 此刻,现在3borrowfrom 从借(借人)4lendto 把借给(借出)5used to过去常常6leavefor 离开去7be worried(about)=worry(about) (为担心)8the next day 第二天9come up with 想出10think of 认为,想起11get/take back 取回/拿回12. go/be abroad 出国/在国外13. make sb +v./adj 使某人14. come

2、 up with 想出,提出15. books on artsports 有关艺术体育的书16. on the shelfshelves 在书架上17. Why dont you=Why not 为什么不呢?18. There he is! 他在那儿119. the lost books 丢失的书20. many different subjects 有关许多不同的科目21. make me happy使我开心22. in the school yard 在学校的院子里23. several days later 几天之后20. some more 更多的一些21. not yet 还没有22

3、. sooner or later 迟早23. What was worse 更糟糕的是24. pay for 付钱,偿还25. encourage sbto do sth 鼓励某人做某事Unit 21have/has been to 曾经去过某地2have/has gone to 已经去了某地3have a try试一试4none of 没有5. one of + 最高级+复数名词 最之一6all over the world 遍及世界各地7be famous for 因而闻名8a(1arge)number of/large numbers of 许多的,大量的9the number of

4、的数目/数量10bothand 两者都11neithernor 两者都不12eitheror 两者中有个13all the year round 全年14. no matter无论,不管15three times a day 天次10. if possible 如果可能的话11give up 放弃12ever since 自从以来19have a nighttwo days off 休息晚上两天20win first prize 获得第一21the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会22so far 到目前为止23come true 成为现实24set off 出发25step int

5、o 迈步走进26slow down 减速27go on doing sth 继续做某事28be proud of 以为骄傲29speak/think highly of 高度赞扬30not onlybut also 不仅而且Unit 31a paper factory 一家造纸厂 2. find out 找到,发现3. pourinto 把倒入4. a lot of=lots of 许多5. Thats terrible! 那太可怕了!7be afraid of 害怕8. how long 多久,多常,多少时间9. a member of 中的一员10. for a year (for+时间段

6、) 一年11. since last year (since+过去时间点) 自去年以来12half a year 半年13a year and a half 一年半14more than=over 多于15play concert 演奏音乐会36harm/improve/protect the environment 损害改善/保护环境17make our world more beautiful 使我们的世界更美丽18As soon as 一就19a pleasant way 令人愉快的方法20Take care of=look after 照顾。照看21Its our duty to do

7、 sth 做什么事是我们的责任。22neararound the neighbourhood 在你的邻区周围23something useful 一些有用的东西24make a contribution to 为做贡献25Dont you think so? 难道你不这样认为吗? 26The more the better 越多越好27begin/start with 以开始28all his/her life 他她的生29keep plants 种植花草30do well in=be good at 在做得好311itter sthabout 到处乱扔32step on the grass

8、践踏花草33cut down 砍倒34make sure 确信,确保35take a way 带走Unit 41. right now/at once 立刻,马上2. as soon as possible/sb can 尽快3. offer sb sth 向/给某人提供某物31eave a message 留言5interesting places/places of interest 名胜7sleeping car 卧铺年厢9keep doing sth 一直干11talk with sb 与某人谈话13fall(fast)asleep 睡着了15take photos 照相4train

9、ride 火车旅行6. a rushed trip 匆匆忙忙的旅行8. walk around 四处走动10play cards 打扑克12each other 彼此16hurry up 赶快Unit 51. talk about 谈论2. Scuba diving 潜水运功3. decide to do sth 决定作某事4. search the Internet 上网查询5. double left click 双击左键6. walk along 沿着走7. no matter 不管/论8. book tickets 定票9. one-way 单程的、单行的10round trip (车

10、票等)来回的、往返的11. out of 离开12go straight along 沿着直走13. come this way 这边走14think about 考虑Unit 61. under the sea 在海底2. be interested in 对感兴趣3. be amazed at/by 对感到惊讶4keep clean 保持干净5clean up 把收拾干净6take part in 参加7as long as two hours两小时那么长8Thats a deal就这样定了9on(the) earth 在地球上10thousands of 数以千计的11feed on 以

11、为食12a number of 许多的13get out of 从出去Unit 71. come up with 产生,发现2. keep doing 继续做3. give up 放弃4. the second most useful 第二最有用的5try out new ideas 试验新的想法6No matter how +adj/adv+从句 无沦怎样7have nothing to do with !-j无关8teach sbto do 教某人做某事9become interested in 对感兴趣10. at the age of 在岁时11。see sbdoing 看见某人正在做

12、某事12rush out 冲出去13by telegraph 通过电报14open up 建立15graduate from 毕业于16. hope to do 希望做某事17turn sthdown 关小18make a strange noise 发出奇怪的声音19work on sth 从事,工作20Its not a very good line 电话线路不是很好Unit 81Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐2come true 变成现实3put up 挂起4at the top of the tree 在树的顶端5circlearound 缠绕6Christmas Eve 平

13、安夜7as well 也8on top of 在顶9. fillwith 用装满10be based on 根据,基于11It is said that 从句 据说12even thoughif 即使也13cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做14。spend(in)doing 花费做15no longer 不再17. once upon a time 很久以前18. tell sb of/about 告诉某人某事Unit 91be made of 用做的2be used for doing 被用来做3keep warm 保暖4the largest number of 的最大数

14、量5be used as 被当作使用6in the modern world 在现代世界7around the world 全世界8,all over the world 全世界9made in China 中国制造10buy something from 从买11sell something to把卖给12none of (三个以上)没有一个13make a telephone call to 给打电话14Thats why 那就是的原因Unit 101in town 在城里2on show 陈列展出3hundreds of 成百上千的4the way to 到的路5on display 展

15、出,陈列6a visit to 一次去的参观7be interested in对感兴趣8a group of 一群,一组,一队9in the 1920s 在二十世纪二十年代10long long ago 很久以前11long before 远在以前12Thats a pity 很遗憾!13on the earth 在地球上14be covered with 用遮盖15the feathered dinosaurs 长有羽毛的恐龙16in the future 在将来17be founded (被)成立18where else 别的什么地方19look up查阅(单词)20No smoking禁

16、止吸烟21No parking禁止停车。22This side up此面朝上。23. business hours 营业时间24. No photos 禁止拍照Unit 111Tree Planting Day 植树节2Neithernor 既不,也不3Its best to do sth 最好做4knockinto 把敲进里5make sure确保,查明6so that 以便,以致7several times 多次8tieto 把捆到9keepstraight 使直立10the Greet Green Wall 绿色长城11hear of 听说12keepfrom doing 阻止,防止13

17、run away 逃走,流失14raindrops 雨点,雨滴15wash away 冲走16the dead leaves 枯叶17stay in one place 留在一处18in this way 用这种方法19millions of 几百万的 20blow away 吹走,刮走21move towards 向移动22the rich farm land 富饶的农田23all over the world 世界各地,遍及全世界24ask sbAbout sth, 询问关于某事的情况25the more,the better, 越多越好。26,this year alone 只就今年一年

18、27in a few years time 几年的时间之后28be covered with 用覆盖29。point to 指向30。thanks to 由于;幸亏31faraway 遥远32。at the right time 适时33,out of class 在课堂以外34、hand in交上来35more or less 有点36fillwith 用填满37,notice to the audience 听众须知30children under l.2 m in height 身高不足12米的孩子:39keep off 避开;防止Unit 121put sthtogether 组合;装

19、配2a computer fan 电脑迷3. connectto 连接和4point at 指;指向5 talk about 谈论6far away 遥远7in space 在太空8so far 到目前为止9space ships without people 无人驾驶宇宙飞船10send up 发射1l manmade satellite 人造卫星12Send and receive messages 发送和接收信息13. with ones help 在某人的帮助F14make telephone calls to sb 给某人打电话15all the time 总是,直16shut do

20、wn 关闭17. set ones mind to do stb 心想,下定决心做18. put off 推迟;延期19spend time alone 独立度过时光20How far is it fromto? 从到有多远?21There is something wrong with 出了毛病坏了:22travel round 绕着转231earn more about 更多地了解Unit 131. standing room 立足之地2. prefer to rather than 宁愿也不愿3. start with 以开始 end with 以结束4Whats the populat

21、ion of? 人口是多少?5. go on 继续6hour after hour 一小时接一小时地7faster and faster 越来越快8at the beginning of 起初,开始9by the end of 到末为止,不迟于10. more developed countries 较发达国家11. less developed countries 不太发达国家12. be busy with sth 忙于某事13. be busy doing sth 忙着做某事14becomebe interesting in 对感兴趣Unit 141worn out 穿坏了,穿旧了2a

22、bit 有点儿3think about 思考,考虑4a pair of 双,对,副5try on 试穿6decide to do sth/that从句, 决定7buy sthon line 在线购物,网上购物8at the best price 以合理的价格9. come up 出现10drop off 放下,送到11be close to 靠近在附近12in a hurry 匆忙地13fill in 填充14in different shapes 以不同的形状15take photos/pictures 照相16in the right order 以正确的顺序17go over 复习18m

23、ake mistakes 犯错误19. again and again 一而再、再而三,不断20How much does it/do they cost? 它它们多少钱?2Can l try itthem on,please? 我可以试穿它它们吗?22What size do you want? 你想要多大尺寸?23. Have you got anything cheaper? 你有便宜些的吗?24. Thats a bit expensive. 那有点儿贵25. 1ll think about it 我考虑下26. Ill takehave itthem我买了。27. so+adj./a

24、dv. +that从句 如此以致Unit 15l. all kinds of 各种各样的2. feel lonely 觉得孤独3. make up ones mind 下决心4. before long 不久以后5. regard as 把当作,视为6. no matter 无论7. grow up 长大8. laugh at 嘲笑9get an injection 打针10take medicine 吃药11as if 似乎,好像12at sea 在海上13mobile phone 移动电话14at least 至少15,graduate from 从毕业16. on the edge of

25、 在的边缘17make a mistake犯错误18play with 与玩19begin with 以开始20It is(not)十adjfor sbto do sth对某人而言做某事Unit 161. see a football 看足球比赛2. scoregoals 进球3. used to do sth 过去常做共事4. deserve to do sth 应该/值得5. feel a bit nervous 感到有点紧张6. make the score 得分7. in the second half of the match 在下半场8. carry on doing sth 坚持

26、下去,继续下去9. be pleased with 对感到满意10. be angry with 与生气11. keep a diary 记日记12. spill over 把泼撒在13. expect to do sth 期望做某事14. from now on 从现在起15. keep doing sth. 一直不断作某事16. make us feel more confident 使我们感到更加自信17. What did Jim think of it? 吉姆觉得它怎样?18. Whats the score 比分是多少?19. It is the happiest day of m

27、y life. 这是我生中最快乐的一天。Unit 171steal sthfrom sb 从某人那儿偷走某物2hands up 举手3shoot sthsb 射死4feed sbsth 喂养5work at 从事6. notice sb do sth. 注意某人做某事7come back 回来8rob sbsw of sth 抢某人(地)某物9far away 遥远10takeout of 从拿出11. There is no need to thank me 没必要谢我。Unit 181. before long 不久很快2. be beginning to do sth 渐渐地开始做某事3

28、. read a novel 看小说4. bang sb 撞某人5. the top/summit of the mountain 山顶6. a team of British climbers 队英国爬山者7. make up ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事8. become trapped 陷入困境9. continue to do sth 继续做某事10. stay close together 紧紧地待在起1l. keep on doing sth 不断地做某事12. Its known that 众所周知15. It is/was that(who) (强调句型)就是

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