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1、外贸函电考点一、 词组+课后习题词组互译1. Chamber of commerce 商会2. Commercial counselors Offices 商务参赞处3. as requested 按照要求4. refer to 谈到,涉及,有关5. in duplicate 一式两份6. the line of business 业务范围7. in line with 相一致8. specialize in 专营9. make delivery 交货10. credit limit 信用额度11. terms of payment 付款方式,支付方式12. quotation sheet 报

2、价单13. competitive price 竞争价14. regular supply 定期供应15. special discount 优惠折扣16. by return 即复17. draft at sight 即期汇票18. confirmed irrevocable L/C (letter of credit)保兑的不可撤销信用证19. firm offer 实盘20. by separate post 另邮寄21. in our favor 以我方为受益人22. as per 按照23. at ones option 由选择24. a trial order 试订25. for

3、your reference 供你方参考26. take sth. into consideration 考虑27. in succession 连续28. comply with ones request 按照某人的要求29. out of stock 缺货,无货30. offer subject to immediate reply 以立即答复为准的发盘31. elegant in style 款式高雅32. to take the liberty of doing 冒昧的做某事33. repeat order 追加订货34. to meet ones demand 满足需求35. per

4、formance bond 履约保证金36. proforma invoice 形式发票37. repair free of charge 免费修理38. Negotiation Bank 议付行39. original invoice 原发票40. the copy invoice 发票副本41. escape your attention 你方的疏忽42. for ones account 由某方付费,由负责43. on ones own account 自己承担风险44. Documentary Credit 跟单信用证45. intangible assets 无形资产46. Docu

5、ments Against Acceptance or D/A 承兑交单47. Documents Against Payment or D/P 付款交单48. bill of exchange 汇票49. as an exception case 破例50. account current 往来账户51. Transport packing 运输包装52. Inner packing 小包装或内包装53. in bulk 散装54. Customary packing 习惯包装方式55. seaworthy export packing 适合海运的出口包装56. withstanding r

6、ough handing 经受的住粗鲁的搬运57. watertight and airtight 防水的和不漏气的58. avail oneself of sth. 利用59. packing charges 包装费用60. insurance policy 大保单61. invoice value 发票金额62. insurance claim 保险索赔63. All Risks 一切险64. Free from particular Average, FPA 平安险65. With Particular Average, WPA 水渍险66. debit note 索款通知单67. th

7、e special rate of insurance 特惠保率68. warehouse to warehouse clause, w/w clause 仓至仓条款69. shipping documents 装运单据70. shipping advice 装船通知71. shipping space 舱位72. partial shipment 分批装运booking note 托运单二、句子的英汉互译复习题1、 我们利用这次机会致函贵方以了解可否与贵方建立业务关系。We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see

8、 if you can establish business relations with you.2、 我们冒昧的向你方介绍,我们经营丝绸商品,并出口欧洲。We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe.3、 经我方驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处的介绍,特致函贵方。We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselors Office of

9、 the Embassy in your country.4、 如能告知该公司的财务状况,将不胜感激。We shall be grateful/ be obliged/appreciate it if you will let us know their financial position.5、 我们完全可以推荐您所打听的公司。We can thoroughly recommend the firm you inquired about.6、 请注意,我们对所提供的材料不负任何责任, 并请对该材料严格保密。Please note that this information is furnis

10、hed without any responsibility on our part and should be held strictly confidential.7、 如果你方寄上一份产品目录,以及价格单和可给予的最大折扣,我们将不胜感激。We shall appreciate it very much (be obliged/be grateful) if you send us a catalogue of your products together with price lists and the largest discount you can allow/give/grant

11、 us.8、 感谢你方8月12日对标题项下货物的询盘。Thank you (Many thanks/ We thank you) for your enquiry of August 12 for the captioned/subject goods.9、 如果你方价格优惠,我们将下试单。If your price is favorable, we shall place a trial order with you.10、 我们相信如贵方价格有竞争力,我们能向你方经常订购。We are confident that we could place regular orders with yo

12、u provided your prices are competitive.11、 感谢您的询价以及对我方产品的兴趣。Thank you for your enquiry and for your interest in our products.12、 请报上海船上交货最低价。Please quote the lowest (rock bottom) price, F.O.B Shanghai.13、 价目表中所有价格以我方确认为准。All prices in the price lists are subject to our (final) confirmation.14、 我们的发盘

13、的有效期为三天。Our offer is open/firm/valid/effective for 3 days.15、 请电报5吨核桃仁的价格。(cable offer)Please make/send/give us a cable offer for 5 metric tons of walnuts.16、 我们的报价只有五天有效期,但为了公平起见,外地顾客应给予更多的时间研究。Our offer to you was open only for 5 days, but, on thinking it over, it appears to us to be only fair tha

14、t buyers in distant cities should be allowed extra time.17、 除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受发盘。Wecantacceptyourofferunlessthepriceisreducedby5%.18、 我们的还盘符合国际市场的行情。Our counter-offer is in line with the international market.19、 你方的价格似乎偏高。Your price appears/seems to be on the high side.20、 很遗憾的同志你方,我方不能接受贵方报价,因为贵方所要求

15、的价格高于本地同等质量产品的市场价格水平。We are sorry to tell you that we cannot take you up on the offer as the price you are asking is above the market level here for the quality in question.21、 我们在价格上达成了协议。We have come to / reached / arrived at an agreement on price.22、 如蒙贵方能将报价大幅度削减,我们可以重新考虑贵公司修改后的报盘。If a substanti

16、al reduction can be expected, we could reconsider your revised quotation.23、 由于价格公道,工艺精湛,设计独特,我方产品很受年轻人欢迎。Being moderate in price, excellent in craftsmanship and unique in design, our products are very popular with the young.24、 我方产品在质量和价格方面都优于您现在所用的产品。The quality and prices of our products compare

17、favorably with those you are now using.25、 我们已收到你方2008年9月20日来函以及一千台缝纫机订单。兹附寄第346号销售确认书一式二份,请签回一份以便存档。We have received your letter of September 20, 2008 together (along) with an order for 1,000 Sewing Machines. We enclose our Sales Confirmation No.346 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for

18、 our file.26、 鉴于我方已收到大量订单,我方无法承接新订单。In view of our heavy bookings, we are not in a position to commit ourselves to new (fresh) orders.27、 如果首次订货能够令人满意,我们将继续大量向你方订货。If the initial/first order is satisfactory, we will place further and large/substantial/considerable orders with you.(place further orde

19、rs for large numbers/quantities with you)28、 我们正在按照贵方订单进行运作,并将进展过程随时通知贵方。We are working on your order and will keep you informed in course of the progress.29、 请尽力加快有关信用证的开立。Please try your best (do your utmost) to expedite the establishment of the relative L/C.30、 请尽快修改信用证,以便我们安排装运。Please make amend

20、ments of the L/C as soon as possible so that we may arrange shipment.31、 我方提醒贵方注意,订货时双方约定,一接到我方确认书,贵方就开立信用证。We wish to remind you that it was agreed when placing the order, that you would establish the required L/C upon receipt of our confirmation.32、 请注意信用证的条款要与合同的条款完全一致。Please see to it that the s

21、tipulations in the L/C should be in strict accordance with those of the contract.33、 请开立一个20公吨苹果的信用证,金额为2万美元。Please open an L/C covering twenty metric tons of apples for the amount of USD 20,000.34、 今早,我们经由中国银行开立了一个以你方为受益人的信用证。We opened an L/C in your favor through the Bank of China this morning.35、

22、 装船单据正本已提交这里的议付行支付货款。The original shipping documents have been presented to the negotiating bank here for payment.36、 根据你方要求,我们破例同意以即期付款交单的方式进行支付。In compliance/conformity/accordance with your request, we will accept payment by D/P at sight (on D/P at sight basis/under D/P at sight terms) as an excep

23、tion case/exceptionally.37、 我们于今日向贵公司开出见票后3个月付款的面额为500,000美元的汇票一张。We have drawn today on you for USD 500,000, at 3 months after sight (m/s).38、 鉴于我们的友好关系,我们才给予你方此照顾。It is in view of our friendly relationship that we extend you this accommodation.39、 货物用木箱包装,每箱装30打。The goods are to be packed in woode

24、n cases, each containing 30 dozen (of 30 dozen each/ containing 30 dozen each).40、 包装必须适合海运,足够牢固,经得住野蛮搬运。The packing must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand (withstand) rough handling.41、 跟以前一样,箱子上要刷制一个菱形标志,内写我公司的首字母。The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.42、 实际上,这种包

25、装既防震又防潮。尽管如此,我们仍在箱子上刷上了像“易碎”“小心轻放”“切勿用钩”的标志。Actually, this packing is both shockproof and moisture proof. Nevertheless, we have still marked the cartons with warnings like “FRAGILE”, “HANDLE WITH CARE” and“USE NO HOOK”.43、 我们已为货物投保了一切险和偷窃、提货不着险。We have covered the goods against All Risks and TPND.44

26、、 我们可以为你方代办保险。We can arrange/cover/effect/take out insurance on your behalf/ for your account.45、 在我方客户没有具体要求时,我们通常投保水渍险和战争险。In the absence of definite instruction from our clients, we generally cover/effect/arrange/take out insurance against WPA and War Risks.46、 我们的装船条件是收到信用证后的3个月内装运。Our shipment

27、terms are shipment within 3 months after receipt of L/C.47、 设备到本月底将备好待运,请早日通知我方租船船名和抵达我港日期。The equipment will be ready for shipment by the end of this month, please notify/inform us at an early date of the name of the chartered steamer and its date of arrival at our port.48、 我方不得已要求你方同意在巴黎转船。We are

28、under the necessity of requesting you to allow transshipment in Paris.49、 我方将尽力在下个月装运这批货物。We shall do our best to make delivery of the goods next month.50、 如果你们5月份尚不能交货,我们只好向贵方提出损失索赔并保留取消合同的权利。In case you should fail to effect delivery in May, we will have to lodge a claim against you for the loss a

29、nd reserve the right to cancel the contract.三、信件的中英文互译1、建立业务关系信函。敬启者:我方从北京日报上得知贵公司是家用电器的主要进口商,目前贵方想购买电风扇。因此,我方非常高兴地告诉贵方,我厂生产各种电风扇,产品质量和性能都很好。特别是近期生产的“凌空”风扇有许多改进之处,深信它会畅销贵方市场。我想通过与贵公司建立业务关系,共同努力,扩大我们的业务范围。期盼贵方早日回复!Dear Sirs,We learn/understand/hear from Beijing Daily that you are the main/major impor

30、ter of household/home electrical appliance, and that you want to purchase fanners/fans at present.Therefore, we are glad/ pleased to inform you that we produce/manufacture all kinds of fanners, which are of good quality and function. It is worth introducing LingKong Brand fanner which has been impro

31、ved a lot recently. We feel sure/trust/believe that it will sell well in your market. We want to establish business relations with your firm and make joint efforts to expand our business.We are looking forward to your prompt/early reply. (或者:We wait for/await your early reply.)Yours faithfully,2、资信调查信函敬启者: 我方目前收到ABC公司的一个大订单。若你方能为我们提供上述公司的财务状况和商业信誉,我们将不胜感激。 目前我们得知的证明人为罗马银行。恳请你方收集我们需要的信息。 我们将对贵方提供的信息严格保密。 谨先向您表示感谢。 谨上,Dear Sirs, We have received a large order from ABC Company. We would therefore appreciate it if you would provide us information about the financial condition and bu

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