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1、口语大全【口语】见面时最常用的英语口语用语初次见面可以说:Glad to meet you here. 很高兴见到你。我们常常会听到对方说How do you do?这时唯一正确的反应也是How do you do?不要以为对方要问你什么,其实这只是一个问句式的问候语。如果你告诉对方哪儿痛哪儿不舒服就错了,我们不少人喜欢说 Im fine, thank you.这是不符合习惯的。另外提一句,我们初次见面分手时喜欢说 Good-bye.你如果仔细注意的话,会发现Native speakers说Nice meeting you 或Nice to have met you。在学校和公司早晨见面大家打

2、招呼时说:Good Morning! 早晨好!Morning ! 早晨好!如果你们以前曾经见过面,再次相见可以说:Good to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。跟老朋友好久不见了,在路上偶遇可以说:What a surprise! 真巧!Small world, isnt it? 世界真小,是吧。Anything new? 有什么新消息?过了一段时间见面,可以说:How are you doing? 最近怎么样?How is everything ? 一切还好吧?What is going on? 最近怎么样?Whats up? 有什么新消息吗?Whats new? 有什么新

3、消息吗?Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。Pretty good. 非常好。Very well. 非常好。Not bad. 不错。Quite well. 非常好。Same as ever. 一如既往。【口语】句型学口语:初级口语必会句型1. I am fed up! 受够了。I am fed up with 脑白金s commercial. It is on TV all the time. 我真是有点厌恶脑白金的广告了,电视节目里老是它的广告。“受够了某人”也可以说:I have had enough of Shi, he made a fortune by selling sn

4、ake oil. 这个史真是让我烦,他靠卖狗皮膏药发了大财, or I have had enough of his bad behavior. 2. I have been there. Or I have been around.这事我经历过。I have been there, so I know how you feel. 这些事我都经历过,所以我能明白你的感受。I have been around long enough to know this kind of guys. I can rip him to pieces in a second. 这种场合我经历多了,对这类人我太了解

5、,我可以瞬间就把他给打得落花流水。(直译:把他撕得粉碎)My brother has always been there for me. 我(有困难时)哥哥是我随时的帮助。3. We are at bingo. 成功了,干完了。如果你赢了,就大喊一声:Bingo。 4. If you make a mistake, just fess up to it. Take your licks and well press on. 如果你犯了错,承认就好了,忍住伤痛,然后我们继续进行下去。Lick通常的意义是“舔”,这里作“打击”。5. I am swamped. 我太忙了。6. I am tired

6、. My legs are giving out, my brain is going to neutral, I need to take a shower and go to bed. 我累了,脚也走不动,头脑也昏沉,我要洗个澡然后睡觉。7. 口语中说没有考好可以用 flunk, “fail” 相对来说比较正规了点。He flunked all of his courses. 如果门门课都不及格的话,就会被学校开除,因此可以说“flunk out”:It is kind of sad, after Jason flunked out of high school, it is hard f

7、or him to find a job. 8. 说一个学生全面发展:“He is fully dimensional.”dimension的基本意思是“面”,例如“三维”:three dimensions。说一个人优秀,比平常人多了点才华,可以说:He is excellent, and has the extra dimension.9. Cookie 本意是“饼干”,口语中指你特别喜欢的人。That is my girl, that is my cookie。她就是我的,正是合我口味的姑娘。A clever cookie, 一个聪明的伙计,a lawyer who was a tough

8、 cookie 一个难对付的律师10. 说一个人很紧张我们一般会说“nervous”,口语里可说“edgy”you are so edgy. Relax, man. 你太紧张了,放松一点,老兄。The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin. 演出开始前,演员们紧张得要命【口语】流行新语:你认识吗?词语的更新换代总是很频繁,一不小心就容易out,下面这些新词你知道吗?pen you inA play on the phrase pencil you in but adds additional emphasis on

9、the intention of the commitment.pencil you in这个短语最初表示“临时、随手记录一下”,因为非正式的记录是用铅笔的,可以事后擦掉。而pen you in就表示是很认真地把你的要求记录下来。-Hey wanna join the party tomorrow?明天来参加派对吗?-I will pen you into my schedule.行,我安排在我行程里面了。understandmentThe combination of understanding and agreement. Used when talking about informal

10、commitment.understanding和agreement的组合,在谈论非正式的协定时可以用到。we arent dating but we have an understandment not to fool around with other people.我们没有在约会,但我们说好了不会和别的什么人乱来。Stealth-callWhen you have to call someone back but dont want to talk to them, so you wait until you know they cant talk and leave a voice m

11、ail.当你不得不给谁打电话,但是又真的不想和那个人讲话时,你就瞅准时间,在一个他不可能接电话的点打过去,这样直接在语音信箱留言就行。I dont want to tell Karen I cant make it tonight, so Ill Stealth-call her when shes on her flight and has her phone shut off.“我不想亲口跟Karen说我今晚不能去了,所以我找了她还在飞机上的时候打电话过去。”your other leftSarcastic phrase; used with the directionally chall

12、enged to make them aware of their error.对左右不分的人说的话,让他们知道,方向又错了。- Raise your left hand.抬起左手-Drectionally Challenged Guy: (raises right hand)左右不分的人把右手抬起来了-No, your other left.不是这只,是另一只“左手”。Virgin EarsA person who has been vaguely exposed to sex, drugs, profanities and doesnt have a tight grasp on real

13、ity.用来形容一个很少接触到性、毒品、亵渎,并且不谙世事,单纯天真的人。Susie has a pair of virgin ears.苏茜还是个很纯真的孩子。beer thirtyTime of day (usually late afternoon to early evening) at which drinking a beer becomes necessary.一天中(通常是下午到傍晚的时候)某个需要喝啤酒的时段Hey, looks like its beer thirty, better grab me a cold one呀,啤酒时间到了,赶紧给我来听冰的。可以发散出去,什么

14、coffee thirty、tea thirty、milk thirty都可以。recrapTo sum up a discussion composed largely of useless bullshit.用来总结一个全是废话的讨论。crap意为废话,那么recrap自然表示把废话再讲一遍。-Tell me how the staff meeting went.职工会议开得怎么样?- Allow me to recrap.无聊,就跟你再扯一遍吧口语】人际交往篇提出邀请与回答 1. Were going to have a few friends over at my house. 我们几

15、个朋友准备在我家聚一聚。 A: Were going to have a few friends over at my house. Would you like to come? 我们几个朋友准备在我家聚一聚,你能来吗? B: Absolutely yes. 当然要去。 2. We have a party tonight. Would you like to come? 我们晚上有个派对,你来吗? A: We have a party tonight. Would you like to come? 我们晚上有个派对,你来吗? B: Id love to. 我很愿意来。 3. I want

16、 to buy you a drink. 我想请你喝杯酒。 A: I want to buy you a drink. 我想请你喝杯酒。 B: Thats great. 那太好了。 4. Could you come to my house for beer? 到我家来一起喝几杯怎么样? A: Could you come to my house for beer? 到我家来一起喝几杯怎么样? B: Id love to very much. 很高兴有这么一个机会。 5. Id like to have you dance with me tonight. 我想约你今晚和我跳舞去。 A: Id

17、 like to have you dance with me tonight. Are you free? 我想约你今晚和我跳舞去,你有时间吗? B: Yes. 有时间。 6. What are you doing over the weekend? 这个周末你打算干什么? A: What are you doing over the weekend? 这个周末你打算干什么? B: Im thinking about it. 我正在考虑呢。 7. Do you have anything to do next Sunday? 你下个星期天有什么打算吗? A: Do you have anyt

18、hing to do next Sunday? 你下个星期天有什么打算吗? B: Up till now, I have no plan. 到面前为止我还没想好。 8. I can wait at your leisure. 我会等到你有空的时候。 A: Im very busy. Dont call me any more today. 我很忙。今天别再给我打电话了。 B: I can wait at your leisure. 我会等到你有空的时候。 9. Ill call you when you have time. 等你有时间我再打电话给你。 A: Now I have someth

19、ing urgent to deal with. 我现在有急事需要处理。 B: Then Ill call you when you have time. 那等你有时间我再打电话给你。 10. Whatre you going to do on Tuesday night? 你星期二晚上准备做什么? A: Whatre you going to do on Tuesday night? 你星期二晚上准备做什么? B: What for? 有什么事情吗? 11. Are you free this Sunday? 这个星期天你有时间吗? A: Are you free this Sunday?

20、I want to invite you to a fashion show. 这个星期天你有时间吗?我想邀请你去看时装表演。 B: Thats great. 太好了。 12. Are you busy on the twelfth? 12号你忙吗? A: Are you busy on the twelfth? 12号你忙吗? B: I will have a conference on that day. 那天我要开会。 13. When can we expect you for a picnic? 你什么时间能来参加我们的野餐呀? A: When can we expect you f

21、or a picnic? 你什么时间能来参加我们的野餐呀? B: Is this Sunday all right? 这个星期六可以吗? 14. Would you like to see a movie with me? 你想不想和我一起去看电影? A: Would you like to see a movie with me? 你想不想和我一起去看电影? B: Yes. Its a pleasure. 很荣幸。 15. How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样? A: How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样?

22、B: Great! 太好了! 16. Do you have plans for this morning? 今天上午你有安排吗? A: Do you have plans for this morning? 今天上午你有安排吗? B: Yes, I have an interview for a job. 有安排,我得去参加工作面试。 17. Are you free later today? 今天晚些时候有空吗? A: Are you free later today? 今天晚些时候有空吗? B: Im afraid not. 恐怕没有。 18. How about having dinn

23、er together? 一起吃晚饭好吗? A: How about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭好吗? B: Im sorry. I already have another appointment tonight. 对不起,我晚上有约会。 19. Can you come then? 那你能来吗? A: Jane, I just got your invitation. Thank you for it. 简,我刚收到你们的请柬。谢谢。 B: Can you come then? 那你能来吗?【口语】“确定以及肯定”的口语表达表达对一件事情很确定,十拿九稳了,

24、除了sure之外还能说些什么呢?来看看吧。1. Absolutely!/ Definitely!那当然!2. Its certain.那是一定的。3. Its for sure! / Sure thing!那是一定的!4. You bet! / You betcha! / You bet your life!我可以打包票!5. No doubt! / Theres no doubt about it!毫无疑问!7. Its in the bag.已经是囊中之物了。(十拿九稳、跑不掉的。)8. Its settled. / Its set in stone.已经定案了。9. Its a done

25、 deal. / Its a dead cert!已经定案了。10. Sorted!【口语】伤风感冒常用语(1)一般病情: 1. He is under the weather。(他不舒服,生病了。)2. He began to feel unusually tired。(他感到反常的疲倦。)3. He feels light-headed。(他觉得头晕。)4. She has been shut-in for a few days。(她生病在家几天了。) 5. His symptoms include loss of appetite,weight loss,excessive fatigu

26、e,feverand chills。(他的症状包括没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。)6. He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time。(他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。)7. He has been lacking in energy for some time。(他感到虚弱有段时间了。)8. He feels drowsy,dizzy and nauseated。(他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。)9. He feels as though everything around him is spinning。(他感到周围的东西都在打转

27、。)10. He has noticed some loss of hearing。(他发觉听力差些。)11. She has some pains and itching around her eyes。(她眼睛四周又痛又痒。) (2)伤风感冒:1. He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm。(他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。)2. His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing。(他眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。)3. He has a fever,aching muscles and ha

28、cking cough。(他有发烧,筋骨酸痛和常常咳嗽。)(hacking=constant)4. He coughed with sputum and feeling of malaise。(他咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱。)(malaise=debility)5. He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough。(他伤风咳嗽。)6. He has a headache,aching bones and joints。(他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。)7. He has a persistent cough。(他不停地在咳。)或8. He has bouts of

29、uncontrollable coughing。(他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。)9. He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes。(他声音嘶哑,有时失声。)10. He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose。(他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。)11. His breathing is harsh and wheezy。(他呼吸时,有气喘似的呼哧呼哧作响。)12. He has a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples。(有时突然间太阳穴刺痛

30、。)13. He has a runny nose,sneezing or a scratchy throat。(他流鼻水,打喷嚏和喉咙沙哑。)【口语】生日party常用语每到过生日的时候都是激动又感慨吧?生日派对上有哪些与众不同的英语句子呢? 1. Its a surprise party. 这是一个惊喜派对 由于大家的保密工夫到家,所以过生日的人事先并不知道有这么一个 party,而是到了那儿, 灯一开发现居然有那么多人在等她,感动得只差没当场哭出来。像这种的 party 就称为 surprise party(注意可不是 surprising party)。 2. Thats a real eye-opening experience. 那真是一个令人大开眼界的经历。 Eye-opening 指的就是令人大开眼界,像这样一个别出心裁的宴会,就

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