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本文(Amfori BSCI验厂零容忍项目清单及Amfori BSCI19个关键项审核指引及对应的文件资料.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

Amfori BSCI验厂零容忍项目清单及Amfori BSCI19个关键项审核指引及对应的文件资料.docx

1、Amfori BSCI验厂零容忍项目清单及Amfori BSCI19个关键项审核指引及对应的文件资料Amfori BSCI验厂零容忍项目清单及Amfori BSCI19个关键项审核指引及对应的文件资料Amfori BSCI验厂零容忍项目清单1.童工年龄未满15周岁的工人(或者若该国规定的最低法定年龄,则是年龄 未满14周岁的工人)未满18周岁的工人遭受最恶劣形式的童工劳动(强迫劳动、卖淫、 色情和非法活动)2.强迫劳动和非人道待遇不允许工人按自身意愿离开工作场所(车间),包括不按其意愿强迫 他们加班工作使用暴力或暴力威胁恐吓工人,并迫使他们工作非人道或有辱人格的待遇、体罚(包括性暴力)、精神或

2、身体胁迫 和/或言语虐待3.职业健康与安全对工人健康、安全和/或生命构成迫切和主要威胁的职业健康与安全 违规行为4.不道德的商业行为尝试贿赂审核员故意在供应链中做出虚假陈述(如隐瞒生产车间) 所5.保密意见:若审核员严重怀疑发生零容忍问题,但在审核时这并非明目张胆, 核报告的“保密意见实施纲要”一栏记录该可疑问题。所有问题必须符合下列条件方可被视为零容忍问题:审核时公然出现的问题事实且已经证明出现上述零容忍项目是会在72小时内,所有BSCI相关方会被召开电话会议(Amfori BSCI 19 key operation guidelines)Amfori BSCI 19个关键项审核指引及对应的

3、文件资料NCrucial 关键QUESTION 问题GUIDELINES 指引Performance Area 2: Workers Involvement and Protection执行领域2:工人参与和保护2.3Crucial 关键The auditee takes specific steps to make workers aware of their rights and responsibilities 被审核方(生产商)采取特定程序使工人了解其权利和责任Workers rights and obligations are defined by: 工人权利和义务规定如以下文件所述

4、:o The law o 法律o The specific work contracts and job descriptions o 特定工作合同和工作描述o The auditees rules of the workplace (as long as these rules abide by the law) o 被审核方(生产商)的工作场所(车间)规则(只要这些规则符合法律规定)The auditee raises workers awareness on their rights and responsibilities. 被审核方(生产商)提高工人对其权利和责任的意识。These

5、are some specific steps: 以下是部分特定步骤:o Organise information sessions: Information sessions are a good starting point but they have no impact if they are done in an isolated manner o 组织宣讲会:宣讲会是一个好的开始,但是如果以孤立的方式组织则不起作用。o Develop work contracts, working rules and job descriptions: They must abide by the

6、law and the auditee must clearly communicate them to workers o 开发工作合同,工作规则和工作描述:他们必须遵守法律,被审核方(生产商)必须与工人清楚地进行沟通 o Create proper communication channels with workers o 建立合适的工人沟通渠道o Ensure that workers: o 确保工人: * Receive a copy of their contracts. In some cases (e.g. illiteracy of workers) other means w

7、ould be used to ensure workers are informed of their rights and obligations (e.g. posters with icons) 收到合同副本。在某些情况下(如未受教育的工人) 可通过其他方式确保工人获悉其权利和义务(如带图标的公告) * Are trained by a qualified person at least on: 至少由合资格人士培训: - The use of personal protective equipment 使用个人防护装备 - Health and safety issues to fo

8、cus on the work environment 关注工作关键的健康和安全问题 - The use of a grievance mechanism 运用申诉机制o Maintain documentation of the workers trainings, which should at least include a list of names and job titles of the participants, dates, content of the material and qualification of the trainers o 保存培训文件,这至少应包括参与者

9、的名单和工作职务、日期、资料内容和培训人资质o Put the BSCI Code of Conduct in a visible place in the workplace BSCI行为守则必须展示在工作场所(车间)的可见位置IMPORTANT: Trainings are mandatory for any new worker (even if he or she has been engaged via a recruitment agency). Migrant workers need to be trained and must receive a version of the

10、 work contract in a language they understand. 重要提示:任何新聘工人都必须接受培训(即使他/她已通过招聘代理参加培训)。外来工需接受培训,并收到以他们理解的语言制定的工作合同。 Documents related to this Performance Area有关本执行领域的文件o Documentary evidence of the workers representative election o 工人代表选举文档证明o Documentary evidence of regularly scheduled workers meetings

11、 o 定期召开的工人会议的文档证明o Records of agreements with workers representatives o 与工人代表订立的协议记录o Employment contracts including those related to security personnel, cleaning and other services o 雇佣合同,包括有关安保人员、清洁和其他服务的合同o Job descriptions in which the implementation of BSCI is included o BSCI执行包括的工作描述o Document

12、ed working rules o 记录的工作记录o Evidence of a training calendar for workers and management o 工人和管理层培训日程的证据o Documentary evidence of training given to workers, management and human resources (e.g. list of attendees with signature) o 工人、管理层和人力资源培训的文档证明(如签署的出席人员名单)o Documentary evidence of trainer competen

13、ce o 培训方能力的文档证明o Documentary evidence of grievances lodged/investigated (e.g. BSCI Template 8: Grievance Mechanism filled in) o 提出/调查申诉的文档证明(如BSCI 模板8:填制的申诉机制)Performance Area 3: The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 执行领域3:结社自由和集体谈判权3.2Crucial 关键The auditee respects workers

14、right to bargain collectively 被审核方(生产商)尊重工人的集体谈判权Collective bargaining is the process used by workers representatives (e.g. trade unions) and employers to negotiate the provisions that: 集体谈判是工人代表(如工会)和雇主用于协商下列条款的过程:o Reflect the terms and conditions of employment for workers o 反映工人雇佣条款和条件o Confer ri

15、ghts, privileges and responsibilities to the parties o 赋予各方权利、特权和责任The auditee encourages collective negotiations on the terms of employment. 被审核方(生产商)鼓励对雇佣条件进行集体谈判。The auditee ensures that the stipulations contained in the collective bargaining agreement: 被审核方(生产商)确保集体谈判协议包含的该项规定:o Apply to workers

16、 in the same category o 适合同类工人 o Are available to workers o 适合工人o Are integrated in the employment contracts o 结合到雇佣合同Documents related to this Performance Area 有关本执行领域的文件o Documentary evidence of the workers representative election o 工人代表选举的文档证明o Collective Bargaining Agreement (if applicable) o 集体

17、谈判协议o Minutes or documents of meetings that led to the collective bargaining agreement (if applicable) o 有关集体谈判协议的会议记录和文件(如适用)o Recruitment and dismissal procedures and records o 招聘和解雇程序和记录Performance Area 4: No Discrimination 执行领域4:不歧视4.1Crucial 关键The auditee takes the necessary measures to avoid o

18、r eradicate discrimination in the workplace 被审核方(生产商)采取合适的措施以避免或消除工作场所(车间)中的歧视情况 Broad interpretation: In some cultures, discrimination may be very subtle, therefore, it is important to broaden the interpretation to include a range of individual characteristics, including race, language, religion an

19、d other characteristics as means of discrimination. 完整解释:在一些文化中,歧视的含义非常微妙。因此,完整解释歧视包含一系列个人特点非常重要,这包括种族、语言、宗教和其他被歧视的特点。Most pervasive forms: The most pervasive forms of discrimination can be found with regard to exploitation of migrant workers: 最普遍形式:欺凌外来工是最常见的歧视:o Confiscation of passports o 没收护照o F

20、ailure to provide employment contracts o 未能提供雇佣合同 o Non-payment or under-payment of wages o 未支付或未支付全部工资o Illegal deductions from wages o 不合法扣减工资o Long working hours o 长工时o Substandard living conditions and denial of water and food o 低于标准的生活条件和无水、无食物o Use or threats of violence o 使用暴力或暴力威胁These kinds

21、 of behaviour are unacceptable. 上述行为都不被接受。Directly and indirectly: Potential discrimination shall be avoided both during employment and recruitment processes. 直接和间接:在雇用和招聘过程中应避免出现潜在歧视。The auditee puts into practice: 被审核方(生产商)实施:o Internal assessments to identify: o 内部评估以识别出: * Most likely grounds us

22、ed for discrimination (e.g. race) 最可能的歧视依据(如种族) * Most common activities through which discrimination may occur (e.g. hiring process) 最经常发生歧视的活动(如雇佣过程) o Root cause analysis of discriminatory behaviours o 歧视行为的根本原因分析 o A policy to discourage discrimination particularly when workers are hired, promot

23、ed, fired or assigned benefits o 防止歧视的政策,尤其在雇佣、晋升、解雇工人或分配福利时The auditee needs to be cautious to avoid that: 被审核方(生产商)需注意以避免:o The use of labour brokers or recruitment agencies does not bring additional social risks o 聘用劳工中介或招聘代理不会带来额外的社会风险o Medical testing results are not used for discrimination aga

24、inst tested workers o 医疗检查结果不得被当作对受检工人的歧视IMPORTANT: Virginity tests, use of contraception or equivalent are forbidden as workers requirements or preconditions. 重要提示:处女检查、 避孕或同等措施禁止作为对工人提出的要求或前提条件。Documents related to this Performance Areao Documentary evidence on disciplinary procedures o 惩戒程序的文档证明o

25、 Documentary evidence on disciplinary cases and the measures taken o 惩戒案例和所采取措施的文档证明o Documentary evidence of workers performance assessments and procedures o 工人绩效评估和程序的文档证明o Worker contracts or agreements, including with recruitment agencies (if relevant) o 工作合同或协议,包括与招聘代理签订的合同或协议(若有关) o Documentar

26、y evidence of grievances lodged/ investigated (BSCI Template 8: Grievance Mechanism filled in) o 提出/调查申诉的文档证明(BSCI 模板8:填制的申诉机制)Performance Area 5: Fair Remuneration 执行领域5:公平报酬5.1Crucial 关键The auditee complies with the governments minimum wage legislation or the industry standard approved through col

27、lective bargaining (if applicable) 被审核方(生产商) 遵循政府的最低工资法案或者经集体谈判批准的行业标准(如适用)The auditee: 被审核方(生产商):o Knows the minimum wage or industry standard that applies to its sector of activity o 了解适合该行业活动的最低工资或行业标准o Does not hire any worker for a lower remuneration than this threshold o 不以低于本阈值的报酬聘请任何工人o Keep

28、s pay slips for at least the 12 month period before the date of the BSCI Audit o 在BSCI审核日之前的至少12个月内保留工资条At least the minimum wage or relevant standard applies to: 最低工资或相关标准至少适用于:o Part-time workers: On a pro-rata basis o 兼职工人: 按比例o Piece-rate workers: The number of pieces produced in 8 hours amounts

29、 to no less than the minimum daily wage defined by law o 计件工人: 8小时内的生产件数金额不低于法律规定的每日最低工资 o Workers in the probationary period are paid according to the law o 按法律规定向试用期工人支付o Workers hired through agencies: The auditee is aware of and keeps records on how, when and how much the agency pays these worke

30、rs 适合代理雇佣工人:被审核方(生产商)了解并保留有关代理如何并何时支付工人以及付款金额的记录o In a cooperative: If the auditee is a cooperative, the by-laws or internal regulations clearly specify how workers and the cooperatives members are remunerated and when. Specifications on loans and possible advance payments are respected and document

31、ed. All these specifications are approved in a General Assembly by the majority as defined by the cooperatives by-laws o 在合作社中:若被审核方(生产商)是合作社,细则或内部法规则应清楚阐明了在何时和如何向工人和合作社成员支付报酬。遵循并记录关于贷款或可能出现的提前支付规范。所有规范均符合合作社细则规定,并由大多数人在全体会议中批准5.6Crucial 关键The auditee ensures that deductions from wages are only take

32、n under the conditions and to the extent prescribed by the law 被审核方(生产商)确保仅根据法律条件和规定扣除工资Deductions cannot result in: 不因下列情况而扣减:o Workers earning less than the legal minimum wage o 工人所得低于法定最低工资o An economic benefit for the auditee o 被审核方(生产商)经济利益 o A form of discrimination o 歧视形式Training sessions: Workers cannot have deductions in wages or working hours because of the time the

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