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1、15个较难的雅思作文题目15个较难的雅思作文题目雅思作文考试近年涌现大量的难题。难题的难,体现在很难找到恰当和合理的观点,也体现在相关词汇的缺乏。以下被认为是较难的15 道题,准备考试的朋友们,不妨看看这些题目,想想观点,试着写写,衡量一下自己的作文能力。1.Some people think that universities should provide knowledge and skills related tofuture career. Others think the true function of the university is to give access toknow

2、ledge for its own sake. What is your opinion?2.The unpaid community service should be a necessary part in high college programs(such as helping your neighbor or teaching the children sports or working for thecharity).To what extent do you agree or disagree?3.Nowadays, some people claim that public m

3、useums and art galleries will not beneeded because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. Do youagree or disagree?4.Some experts say that childrens studying English at primary school is better thantheir studying English at secondary school. Do you think its advantages outweig

4、h itsdisadvantages?5.At present, science is developing at a high speed, but people still have a highopinion of artists. Whats your opinion?6.More and more measures to improve the security in the urban area have beenintroduced because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of the measures outweigh t

5、hedrawbacks?7.Some people believe that history is little or nothing to people. Others think thatpeople must study history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give youropinion.8.Earlier technological development brought more benefits changes to the life ofordinary people than the recent

6、 technological development does. To what extent do youagree or disagree?9.In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well asthe cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?10.Some people think that increasing business a

7、nd cultural contacts have positiveinfluences on development; others think that they have negative effects on nationalidentities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.11.Leisure is a growing industry. Nowadays, more modern technology is used inentertainment, which may lead people to be less creat

8、ive. Do you agree or disagree?12.Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than in quality. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?13.The government thinks that education system should be up to date. Following area list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are th

9、e most importantsubjects and which one is the least important to the young people? literature, sports,mathematics, economics, physics, music, psychology, history, geography and foreignlanguages.14.An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Somepeople think individuals an

10、d society should pay more attention to the future than to thepresent. Do you agree?15.Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life,Page 3 of 3thinking and behavior. Most people argue that it is not helpful for the young generations toprepare for modern life in the fut

11、ure. What is your opinion?22个雅思命题写作思路1. SmokingFor:(means agree or advantages)1. it is pleasurable and relaxing2. it is ones right3. it is difficult to stop smoking6. it makes socializing easier7. it is an important source of tax revenueAgainst: (means disagree or disadvantages)1. it is harmful to o

12、nes health (e.g., heart disease, bronchial trouble, lung cancer )2. it is harmful to those nearby4. it is addictive (i.e., nicotine)2. School Uniforms1. they eliminate class differences2. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies3. they are popular with parents and administrators4.

13、they are inexpensive5. they are attractive and neat6. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day7. many countries have them1. they are disliked by students (students like to primp)2. they create a military mentality3. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for diffe

14、rent folks)4. they are ugly and childish3. Legalized Gambling1. it is a source of government revenue2. it is an old practice dating back thousands of years3. it is pleasurable (e.g., horse racing, casinos)4. many people play poker and mahjong1. it can become addictive2. it can destroy happy families

15、3. it can lead to suicide4. it is easily controlled by the Mafia (e.g., bookmakers )4. City Life1. it is excitingPage 2 of 62. it offers the best schools, hospitals, and stores3. it offers many entertainments (e.g., swimming pools, bowling alleys, and sports stadiums )4. it offers many chances of em

16、ployment5. cities have an efficient public transportation system1. it is unhealthy (e.g., water and air pollution in industry )2. it is not a good environment for children3. it is noisy and dangerous4. it makes people nervous5. cities are overcrowded and expensive5. Informing Patients Of Cancer1. pa

17、tients right to know2. it is wrong to hide the truth3. it gives the patient a chance to plan his last days4. doctors must do it (in some country like the U. S.)1. it is heartless and cruel2. it may make the patient give up3. it causes depression4. it can lead to suicide6. Social Security1. the state

18、 should help the poor, aged, unemployed, and sick2. the state should provide good health care for its citizens3. there will always be social misfits that need help4. all religions focus on charity5. all advanced countries have some form of social security1. it costs too much2. it encourages laziness

19、 and destroys the work ethic3. people should look after themselves4. it results in heavy taxes7.Coeducation1. it is natural (i.e., adult society is not segregated )2. it gives men and women a chance to better understand one another3. it gives men and women a chance to compete with one another4. it h

20、as many practical advantages (e.g., school plays, music groups)1. women do better academically in their own colleges2. women are in college to get an education, not a husband3. it is still rare in some countries4. it robs women of their self-confidencePage 3 of 68. Corporal Punishment1. children are

21、 not adults2. children respect discipline3. it is a form of training4. it builds real character5. it works to control juvenile delinquency1. it is not a civilized way2. love is better than physical punishment3. it can cause psychological problems4. there is the saying : Violence begets violence9.Org

22、an Transplants1. they prolong life2. they are supported by the medical profession3. critically ill people want transplants in order to live1. they are too expensive2. they are unnatural as seen by the body s rejection3. they are often unsuccessful10.Civil Disobedience(文明抵制)1. no one is above the law

23、2. it can quickly destroy law and order3. it leads to chaos of society4. it leads to contempt for all laws11.Abortion1. it is murder (infanticide)2. it is an unnatural practice3. a fetus is a human being - unborn but viable4. the rights of a fetus must be protected5. it causes many women to have gui

24、lt feelings12. Equality Of the Sexes1. both men and women have equal human rights2. most companies have adopted equal pay for equal work3. there are no skills women cannot master4. women are superior to men in some fieldsPage 4 of 613.ForeignAid1. it is humanism2. the rich should help the poor3. all

25、 religions teach promotes national security14.Divorce1. it is the logical solution to a bad marriage2. it allows both persons to seek happiness in a second marriage3. remarriage is a right4. children are better off living with one parent than with both in an unhappy environment15.Compuls

26、oryMilitary Service1. it aims to strengthen national defense2. it teaches young men discipline3. it builds character and physical fitness4. it teaches valuable skills5. it nurtures a spirit of comradeship an equality6. it offers opportunities for overseas travel7. it exists in many countries (e.g.,

27、Switzerland, Singapore)8. it reduces unemployment9. it instills a sense of patriotism1. it is unnecessary in view of today s professional armies2. it is a step away from peace3. it is useless in todays peace world4. today s armies do not need unskilled manpower16.Voluntary Euthanasia1. it is a basic

28、 right-the right to die2. it allows one to die with dignity3. it allows one to choose the time and place of death4. it is painless5. it is the solution to a terminal illness with suffering1. it is murder or suicide2. it is illegal in most countries3. most doctors oppose it17.Capital Punishment(死刑)1.

29、 it frightens would-be criminals (acts as a deterrent )Page 5 of 62. it serves as a just reward for killers3. it lowers crime rates4. it is more economical than a life sentence (saves the statemoney)18.Trade Protectionism1. it invites retaliation2. it invites reciprocity based on a quid pro quo basi

30、s3. it hurts poor, underdeveloped countries4. it leads to trade wars5. it costs taxpayers large sums of money19.Nuclear Power1. it provides huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel2. the world s supply of oil will be exhausted in 90 years3. it could supply all the world s electricity for mi

31、llions ofyears if fully developed4. nuclear power plants create less air pollution than fossil-fuelpower plants20. Library: Computer V.S. BooksComputer:1) Efficiency2) Large storage capacity3) Multimedia attraction5) Sharing information6) Network or Internet7) Rapid updatingBooks:1) Traditional medium2) Easy to carry3) Conveniently read4) index of academic environment1) Not durable2) Low rate of updating3) Cant be shared by any people22 University: library V.S. Physical training facilitiesLibrary:1) Major goal to impart kno

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