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1、五年级英语上册期末单项复习试题译林版五年级英语上册期末单项复习试题(2014译林版) 期末单项练习句型转换 1I have se t ars (改为否定句)I t ars2 e have three lessns this afternn? (对画线部分提问) d u have this afternn?3 There are se art rs in ur shl (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) arts rs in ur shl? , 4 There are tent-fur puters in the puter r? (对画线部分提问) in the puter r? The libr

2、ar is n the grund flr (对画线部分提问) the librar?6 There is ne dress n the bed (对画线部分提问) _ _ n the bed?7 There is se ater in the bl (改为否定句)There ater in the bl8 D u have an anial friend? (用she 改写,并作肯定回答) she an anial friend? es, she 9 It lies ur fingers! (改为否定句)It ur fingers!10 I have se anial friends (改为

3、否定句)I anial friends11 It has a hard bd (改为一般疑问句) it a hard bd? 12 The rabbit has t lng ears (对画线部分提问)hat the rabbit ?13 Dgs an si ell (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) dgs ell? N, _ _14 Give it a ae (改为同义句) a ae it 1 Its tie fr dinner (改为同义句) Its tie 16 There is a librar in the shl (改为复数)There in the shl17 hat a bea

4、utiful huse it is! (写出同义句) the huse is!18 Su Hais hbb is daning (改为同义句) Su Hai 19 thers hbbs athing TV (对划线部分提问) hbbs athing TV? 20 ie lies plaing basetball and ftball (对划线部分提问) ie ?21 aunt lies singing English sngs (改为一般疑问句) ur aunt English sngs?22 The lie plaing the pian (对划线部分提问) the lie ?23I hav

5、e a puter (用T替换I) T a 24 hat des ur ther d? (用a nurse 回答)She a 2 Is he a riter? (作否定回答) N, 26 I eat a lt f seets (同义句) I eat seets27 Give Bbb a ae (改为同义句) Give a Bbb28 ther is a nurse (对划线部分提问)hat ur ther ?29 There are three art rs in ur shl (对划线部分提问) art rs there in shl?30 His sister rs in a ar fat

6、r (改为否定句) His sister in a ar fatr31 Lil has a rabbit (改为一般疑问句) Lil a rabbit? 32 ther lies singing sister lies singing, t (合并为一句) ther and sister singing33 sister is 12 ears ld (对划线部分提问) is sister?34 Liu Ta is gd friend (对划线部分提问) is gd friend?3 ie lies English and aths (对划线部分提问) ie ?36 The b in the t

7、ree is David (对划线部分提问) 37 He an spea English (改为一般疑问句) English?38 He lives in anada (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) - he in anada? - N, he 39 It has ars and legs(改为否定句) It has _ ars _ legs40 ie studies hinese at shl (改为否定句) ie hinese at shl41 The pla ftball after shl (改一般疑问句并作肯定回答) - the ftball after shl? - es, the

8、 42 Nan has daning lessns ever Saturda (改为否定句)Nan daning lessns ever Saturda 43 uld u lie t fl ites in the par at eeends? (改为同义句) u ites in the par n and Sundas?44 我总是在周末去拜访我的爷爷奶奶。 (翻译) I grandpa and granda _ _4 I ften g libing n Saturda rning (对划线部分提问) u ften n Saturda rning?46 The usuall d their h

9、er n Frida evening (用she改写句子) usuall her n Frida evening47 David lies plaing ftball ver uh (改为否定句子) David ftball ver uh48 Su Hai flies ites ith her sister in the par (对划线部分提问) Su Hai ites ith her sister?49 hat d u usuall d at eeends? (改为第三人称的问句) he usuall at eeends?0 -迈克放学后通常做些什么? - 他通常做回家作业。 (翻译) -

10、 hat ie usuall after shl? - He usuall her1 - 你奶奶有些什么爱好吗? -是的,她喜欢每天晚上在广场跳舞。(翻译) - ur granda an ? - es, she lies in the square in the evening1 Fld a ard first (改为否定句) a ard first2 hats rng ith u? (写出同义句) 3 Bbb and Sa have a gd tie (写出同义句) Bbb and Sa 4 e als eat a ture and hristas pudding (改为同义句) e eat

11、 a ture and hristas pudding, Finall, the have a big lunh ith their fail (用she 改写句子) Finall, she a big lunh ith fail6 首先我们买礼物,接着我们把礼物放在圣诞树上,然后圣诞夜临,最后是圣诞日。(翻译) , e presents , e put the presents n the hristas tree , hristas Eve , it is hristas Da7 The ture n the hair ls nie (对划线部分提问) ls nie?8 These are

12、 sisters presents (对划线部分提问) these?9 I lie drining il (对划线部分提问) hat u lie ?60 There are an tigers in the z (对划线部分提问) in the z? 61 Nan is fr the U (对划线部分提问) is Nan ?62 T lives in Lndn (改为一般疑问句) T in Lndn?63 Its tie t have breafast (同义句) Its tie 64 There is ne butterfl near the flers (对划线部分提问) there ne

13、ar the flers?6 I have a del plane (用she改写) She a del plane76 The an ften des se huser after r 否定句: The an _ften huser after r? 一般疑问句:_ the an ften _ _ huser after r? 提问:_ _ the an ften _ after r?78 ie ften athes fils n Sundas(提问)_ des ie ften _fils? 词型转换1I(宾格)_2hard(反义词)_3she(宾格)_4ld(反义词)_behind(反义词

14、)_6sup(复数)_7uie(复数)_8is(复数) _9peah(复数)_10are(否定形式)_11n(反义词)_12hungr(对应词)_13happ(反义词) _14tae ff(反义词)_1untr(反义词)_16hina(形容词) _17an nt(缩写形式) _18real(副词) _19ne(序数词) _20t(序数词)_21e(物主代词) _22three(序数词) _23librar(复数) _24hite(反义词) _2bd(复数) _26ft(复数) _27have(三单) _28d(三单) _29big(反义词) _30shrt(反义词) _31arr(三单) _3

15、2there(同音词) _33gd(副词) _34t(同义词) _3a lt f(同义词) _36si(动名词) _37hat(动名词)_38dane(动名词) _39sate(动名词)_40run(动名词) _41dress(复数) _42teah(名词) _43their(主格) _44drive(名词) _4rite(名词) _46r(名词)_47u(物主代词)_48far(名词) _49pliean(复数) _0peple(复数) _1teah(三单)_2fl(三单) _3stud(三单) _4b(同音词) _g(三单)_6fail(复数) _7ath(三单) _8prett(同义词)

16、 _9(反身代词) _ 60e(宾格) _61peah(复数) _62fish(复数)_63the(宾格) _64des(否定形式) _6it(宾格) _66(名词) _根据中完成句子1这幢大楼里有一些电脑室吗? 是的,有。_ there _puter rs in the building? _, there _2我的动物朋友是白色的。他有四条腿和一条短尾巴。 _ _ is hite It_ fur legs and a _ tail3你们会游泳吗? 不,我们不会。但是我们会踢足球。_ u _? N, e _ But e an _ ftball4在周日,我们喜欢和朋友们一起打乒乓球。_ Sun

17、das, e lie _ table tennis _ ur friends他的铅笔盒里没有钢笔。他没法抄写生词。There _ a pen in his _ He _ _ the ne _6你放学后做什么? 我通常在图书馆里看书。_ d u _ after shl? I usuall _ bs in the _7你的哥哥在星期天喜欢做什么? 他喜欢在家看电视。_ _ ur brther _ _ n Sunda? He _ _ TV _ he8刘涛喜欢什么科目? 他喜欢英语和体育。 hat _ _ Liu Ta _? He _ _ and PE9他每天跑步。 He _ ever _10王兵会讲

18、英语吗? 是的,他会。_ ang Bing _ _? es, _ _11他的爸爸是做什么? 他是一名教室。他教数学。hat _ _ father d ? Hes a _ He _ aths12海伦一家人星期六做什么? 他们去钓鱼。hat _ _ fail d _ Saturdas? The _ _13王兵和他的家人都很开心。ang Bing _ his fail all _ a_ _14南希把长筒袜放在床上等待礼物。Nan _ a sting _ her bed and _ _ presents1刘涛在星期天总是吃丰盛的午餐。 Liu Ta _ _ a _ lunh n Sundas16我也买

19、了一个圣诞礼物。 I _ _ a _ present17让我们在圣诞树上放些漂亮的物品。Lets _ se prett _ _ the _tree18你的妹妹有一条小狗吗? 是的,她有。_ ur sister _ a _ _? es, she _19我的动物朋友有一张小嘴。它能说话。 _ friend _ a _ _ It an _20他们有两个红色的盒子和一个白色的包。The _ _ red _ and a _ bag21金鱼既没有腿也没有手臂,但是它有一条大尾巴。The gldfish _ _ legs r _, but it has a big _22 我的表妹九岁,她住在美国。23 u

20、sin is nine _ _ She _ in the _南希的爸爸是位医生。他帮助病人。 Nans father is a _ He _ si peple24每年圣诞节,苏海通常都要和她的妈妈买一棵大圣诞树。Su Hai usuall _ a big hristas tree _ her ther ever hristas2 苏海喜欢做什么? 她喜欢跳舞。_ des Su Hai _ ding? She _ daning26客厅里有什么? 有一些漂亮的礼物。hats in the _ _? _ _ se _ _27你经常去看电影吗? 是_ u _ _ t the inea? es, _ _

21、28迈克周末干什么? 他去农场。_ des ie _ _ eeends? He _ t the _29我不会放风筝。I _ _ a ite30我有时候和爸爸妈妈在公园吃野餐。I seties _ a pini _ parents in the par31你的卧室里有电视时机吗? 没有。_ _ a TV in _ _? _, there _32你喜欢你的新教室吗? 是的,我喜欢。_ u lie ur _ _? es, _ _33冰箱里没有鸡蛋了。_ arent _ _ in the _34王兵在哪里? 他在图书馆里。_ ang Bing? _ in the _3王先生是什么职业的? 他是一名司机

22、。_ _ R ang _? He_ a _36我的奶奶住在北京。 她喜欢读书。 grandther _ in Beiing She lies _37他的姐姐是一名作家。她写故事。His sister is a _ She _ stries38你喜欢溜冰吗? 不,我不喜欢。 我弟弟喜欢游泳。_ u lie _? N, I _ brther _ _39他们有爱好吗? 是的他们有。 他们喜欢听音乐。_ the _ an _? es, the _ The lie t 用所给词的适当形式填空1 There arent _ (se)ftballs in the bx 2 H an _ (bus)are t

23、here near the building? 3 There _(be) se ffee in the up 4 There are fur _(bedr) in the building Lets g and _ (lean)the lassr6I an see the shl beteen _(the) 7 uld u lie _(se) bananas? 8 This is _ (Helen) fruit9 Let _ (e) g and pla basetball 10 ur lassr is n the _ (three) flr11 There arent _ (se) ania

24、ls in the par12 _ ( be) there an tea in the up?13 The piture is _ (real) nie14 There is _ (a) English b n the des1 H an _ ( r) are there?16 There are flers beteen the _ (tree)17 She_(have) a siing lessn18 I _a gd father and a gd ther19 father _a strb20 She _se dresses21 hat d u _? I _ a nie ball22 hat des ie ? He_a del plane23 father_se nie pitures24 ur teaher_ an English b2 Their parents _se bxes26 Davids friends_ se ser27 David _a basetball 28Davids friend _ five t ars29 The girl_ il and bread fr breafast, but i_ se ffee fr it30 h _a vlleball? David _

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