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1、完形填空练习题带答案完形填空练习题带答案一、高中英语完形填空1完形填空 Its a Friday morning in Boston, which 1 Dr. Jim OConnell is making his rounds. He might be more 2 inside an exam room, but thats not where his patients are. Dr. Jim OConnell is one of a handful of physicians making house calls to the 3 in the city. More than 550,

2、000 Americans are homeless, and many have health problems but no 4 to cure. OConnell and his team are doing something about it. On a daily routine, they 5 about 700 regular patients. I feel like Im a country doctor in the middle of the city. he said. OConnell began to do this 33 years 6 , when he wa

3、s at Harvard Medical School and was 7 to be a one-year position as the founding physician of a new health-care program for Bostons homeless. That turned into a 33-year 8 at the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, one of the countrys largest of its kind. OConnell 9 about everything, from sti

4、tches (缝补)for an arm to surgery for the soul. If patients cant be treated on the street, he finds them a treatment bed at the respite facility(休息治疗区), a place for patients 10 are too sick to be on the streets 11 not ill enough for a hospital stay. 12 I had been taught to dogo fast, be efficientwas 1

5、3 when you take care of homeless people. When you see somebody outside, you get them a cup of coffee and sit with them. Sometimes it 14 six months or a year of offering a sandwich or a cup of coffee before someone would start to talk to me. But 15 they engage(参与), theyll come to you any time because

6、 of 16 you. When asked about how his life might have 17 , if he had become a highly paid physician, OConnell said, I 18 think about it anymore. Some things are far more valuable than money. Just ask Dr. Jim OConnell who 19 everything from patients who have nothing 20 to give.1. A. prefersB. meansC.

7、saysD. explains2. A. comfortableB. imaginativeC. cooperativeD. difficult3. A. richB. homelessC. intelligentD. disabled4. A. timeB. systemC. lifeD. money5. A. inviteB. countC. guessD. treat6. A. earlyB. laterC. agoD. after7. A. appointedB. fascinatedC. followedD. accepted8. A. careerB. taskC. choiceD

8、. hobby9. A. confusesB. doubtsC. concernsD. dreams10. A. whichB. whoseC. whoD. when11. A. butB. andC. soD. for12. A. SomebodyB. EverythingC. SomewhereD. Nobody13. A. possibleB. impossibleC. smallD. big14. A. tookB. spentC. costD. paid15. A. stillB. justC. evenD. once16. A. promotingB. refusingC. tru

9、stingD. seeing17. A. carried outB. come upC. turned outD. taken up18. A. alwaysB. seldomC. oftenD. never19. A. putsB. setsC. believesD. gets20. A. mentalB. materialC. physicalD. positive【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)B;(4)D;(5)D;(6)C;(7)A;(8)A;(9)C;(10)C;(11)A;(12)B;(13)B;(14)A;(15)D;(16)C;(17)C;(18)D;(19)D;(20)B

10、; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Jim OConnell 医生本来可以成为肿瘤科医生,但是他放弃了这一高收入的职业,多年如一日地为城市中无家可归的人出诊。(1)考查动词。A.prefers“宁愿,更喜欢”;B.means“意味着”;C.says“说”;D.explains“解释”。这是波士顿一个星期五早上,这意味着吉姆奥康奈尔正在巡视。故选B。(2)考查形容词。句意:在检查室里,他可能更舒服,但是他的病人不在那里。A. comfortable “舒服的”;B. imaginative “富于想象力的”; C. cooperative “合作的”;D. difficult “困难的”。故选

11、A。(3)考查形容词。A. rich “富有的”;B. homeless “无家可归的”;C. intelligent“智能的”;D. disabled “残疾的”。下文提到超过55万美国人是无家可归者,而且很多人有健康问题。故选B。(4)考查名词。A. time “时间”;B. system“体系”;C. life“生命”;D. money“金钱”。根据上文很多无家可归的美国人都有健康问题但是没有.去治疗。结合生活常识此处应该是没有金钱去看病。故选D。(5)考查动词。A. invite“邀请”;B. count“ 把.算入,重要”;C. guess “猜测”;D. treat “对待,治疗”

12、。they代指吉姆奥康奈尔的医疗团队,以及后面的patients,故句子应该翻译为他们治疗了大约700名常规病人。故选D。(6)考查副词。A. early “早的”;B. late“迟的”;C. ago“以前”;D. after“之后”。根据句意吉姆奥康奈尔在33年前就开始这样做。故选C。(7)考查动词。A. appoint “任命”;B. fascinate“入迷”;C. follow“跟随”;D. accept“接受”。根据下文新的医疗保健项目的创始医师,是一个职位,根据句意应该为被任命为新的医疗保健项目的创始医师。故选A。(8)考查名词。A. career“职业”;B. task“任务”

13、;C. choice“选择”;D. hobby“爱好”。这个项目后来成了他33年来一直从事的职业,故选A。(9)考查动词。A.confuses“迷惑”;B.doubts“怀疑”;C.concerns“关心”; D.dreams“梦想”。根据下文“从胳膊的缝合到心脏的外科手术”,可知吉姆奥康奈尔关心所有的事情。故选C。(10)考查定语从句。该句为定语从句,patients作先行词,在从句中作主语,故答案选关系代词who.故选C。(11)考查连词。A. but“但是”,表转折;B. and“和”,表并列;C. so“所以”,表因果 D. for“因为”,表原因。上文提到“这些病人生病住在大街上。”

14、以及下文“生病的程度不足以住院。”两者之间是转折关系。故选A。(12)考查代词。A. somebody“某人”;B. everything“每件事”; C. somewhere“在某处”;D. nobody“没有人”。根据下文“go fast, be efficient”为主人公被教的具体的事情。故选B。(13)考查形容词。A. possible“可能的”;B. impossible“不可能的”;C. small“小的”; D. big“大的”。上文提到“做事情要快速,有效”和下文“照顾无家可归的病人时”相冲突。故该句应该翻译为:“当你照顾无家可归的病人时,做事要更快更高效是不可能的。”故选B

15、。(14)考查动词短语。A.took常用于句型:“It takes do sth”;B.spent主语是人;常用句型:“sb doing/on sth”;C. cost主语是物;常用句型:sth cost sb sth; D.paid主语是人,常和介词for搭配。故选A。(15)考查副词。句意:但是一旦他们参与进来,他们就会随时来找你。A. still “仍然”;B. just “仅仅,只是”; C. even “甚至”;D. once“ 一旦”。这是once引导的条件状语从句。故选D。(16)考查动词。A.promoting“促进,推进”; B.refusing

16、“拒绝”;C.trusting“信任”;D.seeing“看”。根据上文“他们随时都会来找你”,结合选项,可知是因为他们信任你。故选C。(17)考查动词短语。句意:当被问到如果他成为一名高薪的医生,他的生活最后会是什么样子。A.carried out“实施,贯彻”;B.come up“上来”;C.turned out“关掉,结果是”; D.taken up“占用,开始从事”。故选C。(18)考查副词。A. always “常常,总是”;B. seldom“很少”;C. often“经常”;D. never“绝不”。根据下文“有些事情要比金钱更有价值。”可知以吉姆奥康奈尔的精神境界,他绝不会去考

17、虑一旦变成高薪的的医生,生活会变成什么样子这件事。故选D。(19)考查动词。句意:吉姆奥康奈尔医生从病人那里得到了一切。A.puts“放”; B.sets“设置”; C.believes“相信”;D.gets“得到”。故选D。(20)考查形容词。A. mental“精神的”;B. material“物质的”;C. physical“身体的,物理的”;D. positive“积极的”。根据上文“有些事情要比金钱更有价值”可知,吉姆奥康奈尔医生没有从病人哪里得到任何物质方面的东西。故选B。【点评】本题考点涉及副词,动词,名词,形容词,副词,代词,连词,定语从句,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故

18、事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Valerie was very worried about her dad. For some time now she had noticed he was 1 his hair. One day, she asked him, Daddy, every day you have less hair. 2 is that? Her father smiled and said, Its the

19、hair thief. He visits my 3 during the night when Im asleep. One by one he pulls out my hair, and theres no way to 4 him. This worried Valerie, but she was 5 to help her dad. That night she stayed 6 as long as she could. When she was 7 her dad and mom had fallen asleep, she took a hammer and went to

20、their bedroom slowly and 8 . She didnt want the hair thief to 9 her. When she arrived at her fathers side, she carefully inspected her fathers head in order to catch the hair thief as soon as he 10 . Before long, she saw a shadow on her fathers head and she 11 it with the hammer. Her father 12 a lou

21、d cry and got out of bed at once. He turned the 13 on, and trembling with 14 , he saw Valerie waving her hammer in the air. Daddy, I 15 got him. But it looks like he 16 ! said Valerie. Meanwhile, the mother 17 . She burst into 18 when she knew what had happened. So Valeries father had to explain tha

22、t the hair thief didnt exist, and that losing hair is something that just happens naturally to most fathers. Valerie still 19 about her daddy, but she no longer waited for the hair thief. 20 she bought her father a very nice sleeping hat.1. A. checkingB. losingC. touchingD. protecting2. A. WhenB. Wh

23、ereC. WhyD. What3. A. neckB. faceC. earsD. head4. A. catchB. throwC. holdD. keep5. A. excitedB. determinedC. expectedD. allowed6. A. awakeB. asleepC. afraidD. alone7. A. gladB. sorryC. upsetD. sure8. A. sadlyB. nervouslyC. loudlyD. quietly9. A. disappointB. knowC. hearD. catch10. A. appearedB. leftC

24、. returnedD. followed11. A. caughtB. feltC. hitD. covered12. A. came outB. let outC. sent outD. set out13. A. radioB. televisionC. computerD. light14. A. shockB. delightC. careD. hope15. A. stillB. hardlyC. nearlyD. never16. A. stayedB. escapedC. failedD. moved17. A. woke upB. showed upC. looked out

25、D. turned around18. A. shoutsB. tearsC. laughterD. cheers19. A. knewB. thoughtC. wonderedD. worried20. A. ThoughB. InsteadC. OtherwiseD. Besides【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)A;(7)D;(8)D;(9)C;(10)A;(11)C;(12)B;(13)D;(14)A;(15)C;(16)B;(17)A;(18)C;(19)D;(20)B; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,父亲的头发少了,女儿问为什么,他告诉女儿说头发

26、让贼偷走了,于是女儿晚上进入父亲的房间帮助抓盗发贼,闹出笑话。后来女儿知道了真相。(1)考查动词。A. checking “核对”; B. losing “失去”; C. touching “接触”; D. protecting“保护”。根据上文的“worried about“和下文“Daddy, every day you have less hair.可知,他发现父亲在掉头发。故选B。(2)考查疑问词。句意:父亲每天都有掉的头发,所以问那是为什么。故选C。 (3)考查名词。A. neck “脖子”; B. face “ 脸”; C. ears“ 耳朵”; D. head“头”。父亲微笑着说

27、,“那是头发贼,在晚上期间它拜访了我的头。”故选D。(4)考查动词。A. catch “抓住”; B. throw“投,扔”; C. hold“拥有”; D. keep“保持”。他一根接一根地把我的头发拔了出来,我没办法抓住他。故选A。(5)考查动词。A. excited “使兴奋”; B. determined “决定”; C. expected“期盼”; D. allowed“允许”。这使Valerie,很担忧,但是她决定帮助她的父亲。故选B。(6)考查形容词。A. awake“醒着”; B. asleep “睡着的”; C. afraid “害怕”; D. alone“单独的”。根据上文

28、可知,为了帮助她的父亲抓住那个贼,晚上她尽量醒着。故选A。(7) 考查形容词。A. glad “ 高兴的”; B. sorry “难过的”; C. upset “心烦的”; D. sure“确信的”。当她确定父母都已经睡着了,她拿着锤子悄悄地来到他们的卧室。故选D。(8)考查副词。A. sadly“伤心地”; B. nervously “紧张不安地”; C. loudly “大声地”; D. quietly“安静地”。当她确定父母都已经睡着了,她拿着锤子悄悄地来到他们的卧室。故选D。(9)考查动词。A. disappoint “使失望”; B. know“ 知道”; C. hear “听见”;

29、 D. catch“抓住”。她不想让头发贼听见她。故选C。(10)考查动词。A. appeared“ 出现”; B. left“ 离开”; C. returned “归还”; D. followed“跟随”。为了一出现就抓住偷头发贼,当她到了父亲那一边时,她细心地检查她父亲的头。可知选A。(11)考查动词。A. caught “抓住”; B. felt “感觉”; C. hit“击打”; D. covered“覆盖”。不久她看到她父亲头上有阴影,她用锤子击打。故选C。(12)考查动词短语。A. came out “出现,出版”; B. let out “放出,泄露”; C. sent out“

30、发送,派遣”; D. set out“出发,开始”。她父亲发出大声的哭喊,立刻下了床。故选B。(13)考查名词。A. radio“收音机”; B. television“电视”; C. computer “电脑”; D. light“灯”。父亲下床后,当然是要开灯。故选D。(14)考查名词。A. shock “使震惊”; B. delight“使 高兴”; C. care “关心”; D. hope“希望”。父亲震惊地颤抖着,他看见Valerie在空中挥动着锤子。故选A。(15)考查副词。A. still “仍然”; B. hardly“ 几乎不”; C. nearly“几乎”; D. nev

31、er“从来没有”。父亲,我几乎抓住它了。故选C。(16)考查动词。A. stayed“停留”; B. escaped“ 逃脱”; C. failed “失败”; D. moved“移动”。但是它看起来好像逃走了。故选B。(17)考查动词短语。A. woke up“醒来”; B. showed up“露面”; C. looked out “当心”; D. turned around“转过身”。这时候,母亲醒来。故选A。(18)考查名词。A. shouts“喊声”; B. tears“ 眼泪”; C. laughter “ 笑声”; D. cheers“喝彩”。当她知道发生什么时放声大笑。burst into laughter固定短语,“放声大笑”,故选C。

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